Hey guys, its HTG Mark (x_Ironcross_x) and I have a couple things I would like to talk about and find out about your playing styles. Do you play with your controllers modded or just run with it the way it comes out on the box? When we ask about mods, we don’t mean do you have a turbo button or not, we mean do you roll with any additions.. KontrolFreeks, SquidGrips, custom builds, third party controller, etc? Or maybe you just have a favorite or lucky color you roll with.
Both HTG Brian (inadub) and HTG Jeremy (Snowslydder) use Kontrol Freeks to extend the analog sticks. They claim it helps with aiming and adds a small amount of comfort to the overall gaming experience.
Me? I have two pairs myself, but I just cannot play with them as they make the thumb sticks just way to tall for my liking. But then again some of you may like that style and now they offer the CQC model which Brian calls “halfies” because they are more or less half the extra length as the original models.
As for SquidGrips.. we have no experience among any of us with these. They totally make sense, however we just found out about them so if you have any or know someone who does we would love to hear from you.. otherwise expect an update from one of us at some point soon.
I also play with a controller that I built myself and I love it! I have moded a few different ones starting with any standard Dual Shock 3 and taking it apart and mixing and matching buttons and even controller shells too. I have an HTG black and yellow one (shown below) that I play with almost everyday and I also have a carbon fiber with clear buttons that I play with if my HTG one needs to be recharged.
The only thing that is different with the carbon fiber one is it has LED’s in it so it lit up as a red buttons. These controller aesthetic changes are super easy to do it just takes a little bit of time and money to make controllers your own. You can find the buttons on www.ebay.com Watch out for the R2 and L2 buttons that they send. They typically are for inteded the first gen controllers and not made for the newer ones. How did I get the carbon fiber one to be carbon fiber? It was once a red Dual Shock 3 and I used what’s called hydro dip. It’s a kit that you can order from a lot of places nowadays, but I got mine from www.Mydipkit.com. There are a lot of youtube videos of people doing this now being that controllers are not the only thing that can be done.
I would like to see what your controller look like if you have changed yours. Send us pics of your re-created controllers … all consoles welcome. So if you have a cool sleeve over your Wii controller, we want to see that too! Post them on our Twitter or our Facebook pages!
Alright that’s it for now..