LEGO 2K Drive Trophy/Achievement Guide

Thumby’s Essential Information
100% Difficulty 5+/10 (Skill Dependent)
Estimated time to 100%: 45+ hours (25+ potential hours “Rubber Band Driving”)
Step 1: Complete the STORY
Here you will want to focus on completing the STORY. Doing this will reveal the locations to a lot of events, side quests, on-the-gos, etc and provide you with a fully upgraded vehicle.
Step 2: Complete the Open World
Here you will want to focus on getting all the collectibles as well as completing all of the open world events (Quests, On-The-Gos, etc).
Step 3: Clean up
Here you will want to take on any remaining miscellaneous trophy/achievements you have not yet unlocked.
Tastes Like Platinum – Earn all trophies in the game
Collect all the Trophies to unlock this
A Charismatic Mentor – Receive your first Checkered Flag in STORY mode
STORY related and cannot be missed
Cruising Big Butte County – Drive around in Big Butte County in STORY mode
STORY related and cannot be missed
Cruising Prospecto Valley – Drive around in Prospecto Valley in STORY mode
STORY related and cannot be missed
Cruising Hauntsborough – Drive around in Hauntsborough in STORY mode
STORY related and cannot be missed
New Challengers – Play 10 races or mini-games in Play With Everyone
The Multiplayer can be accessed through the main menu. Select “Play With Everyone” and complete 10 races or mini-games
3K Drive – Drive 3,000 miles (4828 km)
*POSSIBLE GLITCH* There is a possibility that your game might stop tracking distance like ours did. Will update when we find fix.
Refer to “6K Drive” Trophy/Achievement for more info
Hop Upington – Jump 100 times
You will likely earn this naturally as you play, but simply jump (Triangle/Y button) 100 times to unlock
Just the Start – Collect 50 new vehicles
There are more than 50 vehicles in the game but you will need to purchase some vehicles through the in-game store with “Bucks” you have earned in game OR through Microtransactions. There are not enough vehicles you can WIN through the STORY as of the writing of this guide
The Pit Crew – Collect 15 new drivers
There are more than 15 drivers in the game but you will need to purchase some of the drivers through the in-game store with “Bucks” you have earned in game OR through Microtransactions. There are not enough drivers you can WIN through the STORY as of the writing of this guide
Road Hog – Destroy 200 traffic vehicles
You will likely earn this naturally as you play, but you can focus on taking out cars by simply driving around in populated areas
Brick Separator – Destroy 1000 objects
You will likely earn this naturally as you play, but you can focus on taking out any objects by simply driving around and smashing into things (Cactus, traffic cones, gates, fences, etc)
It Used To Work – Wreck 100 times
There are several ways to wreck your vehicle, you will likely earn this naturally as you progress through the other trophy/achievements. To speed this up you can boost your vehicle and it will slowly fall apart, just make sure you don’t smash into anything as this will repair your vehicle. You can also just smash into a wall over and over
Sidewalk Hog – Punt 200 pedestrians into the air
You will likely earn this naturally as you play, but you can focus on taking out any pedestrians by simply driving around and smashing into crowds of people
Prospecto Champion – Beat the Prospecto Valley Grand Brick Arena race in STORY mode
STORY related and cannot be missed
What’s This Button Do – Use every type of power-up at least once
There are a total of 8 power-ups. If you miss any, you can start a race and hover over a random power-up until you get them all. There are a few power-ups scattered through out the FREE ROAM area that you can sit on as well.
- Missles
- Mines
- Ghost
- Fruit Blaster
- Web Crasher
- Teleporting
- Square Wheels
Heat Seaker – Hit opponents with missiles 15 times
You will likely unlock this naturally during races for STORY mode. If not, simply enter a race and focus on grabbing missiles and lock on to the enemy and shoot!
Free Banana Smoothies – Discover all the Garages in the world in STORY mode
There are 14 Garages total. If you follow along with the collectible guides you will come across these naturally.
- 1 in Turbo Acres
- 5 in Big Butte County
- 4 in Prospecto Valley
- 4 in Hauntsborough
Read the Manual – Complete all chapters of the Go-Kart tutorial in the Garage
If you head to ANY Garage in the game, you can select “Tutorial” and then select “Build: Go-Kart” tutorial. After completing the tutorial, the trophy will pop
Honk Means Hello – Talk to 150 folk
As you drive around in the open world, you will find people you can talk to by (get close and look for the L3 icon). You need to talk to 150 DIFFERENT people as talking to the same person 150 times does not work. While there are more than 150 different people in the open world, we recommend doing this during the STORY as it can become tedious later on
Hauntsborough Champion – Beat the Hauntsborough Grand Brick Arena race in STORY mode
STORY related and cannot be missed
Couldn’t Have Drifted Better Myself – Drift 5,000 meters
The game will teach you how to drift at the beginning of the game. You’ll likely earn this early on as you tend to drift a lot
Missile Misser – Avoid 50 missiles by jumping over them in races
This can be tricky to do solo during STORY. The quickest way to earn this is by farming it with either a second controller or boosting it with a friend
All Perked Up – Collect 10 Perks
Perks can be earned in a variety of ways such as winning races. You will earn naturally as you progress through the STORY
Jet-Setter – Find all the jetpacks in Big Butte County in STORY mode
You unlock the jetpack as part of a side quest. After completing the side quests there are 13 jetpacks located in Big Butte County
Rotor Coaster – Find all the jetpacks in Prospecto Valley in STORY mode
Refer to the Image / Video below
Bat-Buds – Find all the jetpacks in Hauntsborough in STORY mode
Refer to the Image / Video below
Roadshow Ready – Find all the collectibles in Big Butte County
Township Treasurer – Find all the collectibles in Prospecto Valley
Refer to the Image / Video below
Paranormal Procurer – Find all the collectibles in Hauntsborough
Refer to the Image / Video below
The Golden Ending – Earn a Gold Medal in every On-The-Go event in the world
This is by far the toughest trophy/achievement in the game and can prove difficult for some, it is completely based on skill and a little bit of luck. There are a total of 78 On-The-Go events in the game. Most of these are relatively easy, however for the tougher ones they can require some practice. If you struggle, we suggest playing around with different vehicles and perks that may entertain to certain events. While the vehicle we love works for us, it might not work as well for you. Be patient and practice. We suggest doing this after the STORY just because you’ll have an array of perks, vehicles and all the upgrades available in Lego 2k Drive
6K Drive – Drive 6,000 miles (9656 km)
*POSSIBLE GLITCH* There is a possibility that your game might stop tracking distance like ours did. Will update when we find fix.
This would be the longest and grindiest trophy/achievement in the game. By the time you finish the game you probably will not even have a quarter of this done. The best way to do this is by heading to the test drive located in the garage and put rubber bands on your controller so your vehicle will drive in circles by itself (Depending on how far you have already driven, this could still take 25+ hours) OR by using the testing area in the garage and drift boost and continuously smash the boost crystals filling your boost meter endlessly while going max speed accumulating distance quickly.
You BREAK Stuff! – Destroy 15,000 objects
You will likely earn this naturally as you play, but you can focus on taking out any objects by simply driving around and smashing into things (Cactus, traffic cones, gates, fences, etc)
Xperienced – Get to Level 30 in STORY mode
Nearly everything you do will earn you XP, Money or both. The quickest way to level up is by racing, however simply doing tasks around town or even grabbing collectibles will help with this. If you are attempting to 100% Lego 2K Drive this will likely happen as you work your way there
NOTE: As of when this guide was written, this trophy/achievement can glitch. A possible solution is if you have a disc version, make a back-up save before hitting level 30. Uninstall and reinstall the game without the updates. While this does not always work, there are reports this is a solution
Sky Cup Champion – Beat the Sky Cup Grand Prix race in STORY mode
STORY related and cannot be missed
Higher Orbit – Spin 1,080 degrees in the air without using a jetpack
There are a couple ways you can go about this one, but we recommend playing through STORY till you reach and complete RUNWAY ROUNDABOUT on “A” Rank which will unlock the JUSTA PLANE TRUCK off-road vehicle. To make things easier drive your car to any offroad area and allow your car to transform into an offroad vehicle, in this case the Justa Plane Truck and then pull up the OPTIONS and toggle AUTO TRANSFORM off. This will allow you to drive on roads with the Justa Plane Truck (off-road) vehicle. Once you have the Justa Plane Truck and toggled off Auto Transform, we found the best location to attempt the 1080 spin was at the Big Butte County Airport as there is a large ramp that will give you enough air time to spin a full 3+ spins totaling 1,080 degrees.
Crystal Clear – Mow down all weed patches in the world in STORY mode
The lawnmower (Chopper 5000) can be acquired by completing a side quest in Big Butte County where you need to mow down a patch of weeds. Refer to the video below to see us unlock the choppa
Folk Hero – Complete all quests in the world in STORY mode
There are a total of 20 side quests in the game. Once you get close enough to a side quest a green “!” icon will appear on the map. If you follow along with the collectible guide, these will all appear along your journey. Odds are that you will find these naturally on your own as you progress through STORY