LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga Achievement Guide
Thumby’s Essential Information
100% Difficulty 2/5
Estimated time to 100%: 50+ Hours
Step 1: Complete the STORY
During this step you will want to focus on completing all 36 STORY levels.
Step 2: Complete FREE PLAY
After completing the story you will have everything you need to collect everything in the FREE PLAY. Each level tells you what collectibles you are missing. For the full FREE PLAY guide, please refer to the collectibles text guide at the bottom of the page. There are a couple of characters I prefer to use that you can buy from the main cantina store, 4-Lom (he can hack pretty much any scanner that robots and bounty hunters can open) and also Ghost Obi-Wan or Ghost Anakin (they can get passed enemies without being spotted, very good for challenges since there is a time limit on those). You will also need to buy a TIE Fighter (any of them will do) to open some doors in the flying sections of the game, you can buy one from the store in the main cantina. Also I would recommend buying the x2 red brick from the main cantina for 1,250,000 studs, you can find the x2 red brick in Level 24 – Rebel Attack – A New Hope, it is available to find in the story mode, guide below for location in level. A good level to farm for studs that I found was very easy was Level 4 – Mos Espa Pod Race – The Phantom Menace.
Step 3: Challenges
In every level there will be an option do to challenges, in challenges there will be a total of 10 blue minikits, after collecting all 10, you will get a blue minikit, do this for all 36 levels.
Step 4: Super Stories
In every hub world of every episode, there will be 7 doors, on the far right there will be a door with a ?, go through the ? door and play the super story, in super story you will have to beat every level of that specific episode with more than 100,000 studs and under an hour.
Step 5: Bounty Hunting
To unlock the Jabba the Hutt Bounty Hunter door outside of the main cantina, you will have to beat the game and buy all of the bounty hunters (Boba Fett, Greedo, Dengar, IG-88, 4-Lom and Bossk) after unlocking all the bounty hunters, talk to Jabba the Hutt and do all of the bounties.
Game Glitches
This glitch was in Level 19 – Secret Plans – A New Hope, Minikit 8 is glitched, its possible to get but be careful and do it step by step, scroll down to collectibles guide.
The Phantom Menace – Finish Episode 1 in story mode
Story related, cannot be missed
Attack of the Clones – Finish Episode 2 in story mode
Story related, cannot be missed
Revenge of the Sith – Finish Episode 3 in story mode
Story related, cannot be missed
A New Hope – Finish Episode 4 in story mode
Story related, cannot be missed
The Empire Strikes Back – Finish Episode 5 in story mode
Story related, cannot be missed
Return of the Jedi – Finish Episode 6 in story mode
Story related, cannot be missed
Collector – Unlock all characters
There are a total of 126 characters that you can unlock, some of them are unlocked during the progression of the game and some of them are unlocked in the main cantina that you have to buy after you have progressed through the story but there is 1 tricky character that you cannot unlock until you go into the ? door on the far right side of the main cantina, as soon as you enter the room, it will be the first door you see, go inside and watch the trailer for Lego Indiana Jones then go back to the main cantina store to unlock this character.
Secret Master – Collect all available red bricks
There are a total of 36 red bricks or power bricks, scroll down to guide for locations.
Going for gold – Collect all available Gold Bricks
There are a total of 160 gold bricks, you can get 4 gold bricks for each level by completing the level, by getting true jedi on the level, by getting all of the minikits and by getting all of the blue minikits, you can also get 2 gold bricks from the ? doors except the door in the back of the main cantina area, you can get 6 from that ? door and doing the challenges in there, you can also buy 14 gold bricks in the main cantina store and you can get 20 gold bricks by doing the bounties on each of the characters that you get from Jabba the Hutt.
Mini Mayhem – Collect all minikits
There are a total of 360 minikits, 10 in each level and 60 in each movie
100% – Complete the game to 100%
In order to get 100% in the game, you will need to
– Complete the main story
– Complete all of the super stories
– Collect all 160 gold bricks
– Collect all Minikits
– Get True Jedi on all levels
– Collect all Red Bricks
– Purchase and unlock all characters
– Purchase and unlock all vehicles
– Complete all challenges in ? doors
– Finish all Bounties from Jabba the Hutt
– Collect all Blue Minikits
– Purchase all hints from the store
Lightsaber Master – Perform 20 unblockable combo attacks
This achievement is a little tricky to pull off, you don’t have to have any enemies around you to do it, switch to a jedi or a sith to do this, press X and as soon as 1 attack lands press X immediately after it lands and do this 3 times in a row, always as the attack lands, as soon as the 3 attacks finish, immediately do another 3 attacks the exact same way and do this 20 times to unlock the achievement.
Lightsaber Defender – Perform 200 perfect lightsaber deflections
This one can easily be achieved by just playing the game but a good place to do it is on the beach on the level Defense on Kashyyyk as the enemies never stop coming and as soon as the laser bolts get close enough, press the X button before it hits you to do the perfect lightsaber deflection, do this 200 times and you should get the achievement.
Dodger – Perform 200 blaster character dodges
An easy area to get this achievement is on the level Jabba’s Palace, as soon as you start the level, switch to a character with a blaster (I used Han Solo (Endor), create the brick platform just in front of you and jump on top for a turret to appear, DO NOT destroy the turret, back up just a little bit but not too far to where you can hit the turret, let the the turret fire at you, as soon as the laser bolts get close to you, press X before it hits you to do a blaster dodge, do this 200 times to get this achievement.
Stormtrooper slayer – Destroy 300 stormtroopers
This achievement can easily be gotten through story progression but a good place to farm it is on is on the level Cloud City Trap as you get to the point where you are fighting Darth Vader for the second time and you have to use vents for him to come down, there will be 4 stormtroopers that keep spawning, keep destroying them, keep doing this to get your 300 stormtrooper achievement.
Droid Slayer – Destroy 300 droids
This achievement can easily be gotten through story progression but a good place to do this is on Defense on Kashyyyk, the area after the beach, there are 2 commanders that are on top of rocks and they spawn an endless supply of droids until you kill the 2 commanders, keep destroying the droids and not the commanders to easily get this achievement.
Fighter Ace – Destroy 50 TIE Fighters
An easy way to get this achievement is to play episode 4 level 6 (Trench Run) You can easily get this anywhere in the level but in the second area in the first section there is a TIE Fighter spawner that spawns TIE Fighters endlessly until you destroy the 2 satellites, dont destroy those and just destroy the TIE Fighters until you get the 50 TIE Fighters destroyed.
Yee Haw – Ride all mount types and ride ons
In the main cantina if you go all the way to the right, you will see a ? door, go into the door and go to your right, you will see an area where you will need 50 gold bricks to create a passage way, if you have the amount, create the door and go inside, there you will find almost every type of mount you need to ride on top of, some of them are in pieces but they are there, there are only a couple of story mounts that aren’t in that room, there is 1 on the Negotiations, in the hanger on the far right side closest to the force field, you have to put it together, there is 1 in the hanger in Darth Maul, its the yellow mount just in front of the starship and there is 1 in Jabbas palace that looks like a spider, jump on all of those including all of the ones in the ? room to get this achievement.
Cash In – Sell your landspeeder to the Jawas
To get this achievement, you will need to go to the level Mos Eisley Spaceport and as you continue the level, you will come to a gate that is blocked by orange bars on the right side in the second section of the level, switch to a character and destroy the gate and go back for your speeder, go into the bonus area and drive to the billboard and you will see a Jawa go to the Jawa and get out of the speeder to get this achievement.
Crowd Pleaser – Break Jar Jar 20 times
To get this achievement, go into any free play level of your choosing and choose Jar Jar are your main character, after starting up the level, choose the second character and switch to a character with a weapon and attack Jar Jar until he explodes, do this 20 times to get this achievement.
Slam Dunk – Destroy 5 people with one attack (Jedi Super Slam)
An easy way to get this is in the achievement is to play episode 1 level 6 (Darth Maul), As you continue the story you will come to a section where there are 2 commander droids (Yellow), If you do not destroy either commander droid, they will endlessly spawn droids, do a double jump and then attack to do a jedi super slam around all the droids to get this achievement.
Harmless – Disable 5 Droidikas with R2-D2
An easy way to get this achievement is to go to the level Negotations and choose R2-D2 as your main character, go all the way to the end of the level into the hanger and 2 droidikas (destroyers) will appear, go up next to the droidikas and press X to disable them both, do this 5 times to get this achievement.
Fire in the hole! – Destroy 10 characters with one thermal detonator
An easy way to get this achievement is on the level Defense on Kashyyyk, when you get to the point where you are on the beach, have the invincibility red brick on to make this easier, gang up as much of the clone troopers and droids as much as possible before they run off screen and throw a thermal detonator to get this achievement.
Let the Wookie Win – Pull 25 arms off other characters
An easy way to get this achievement is to start up Defense on Kashyyyk and choose Chewbacca as your main character, as soon as you start up the level, the clone troopers will start attacking you, run up to them as close as possible and press X to rip their arms off, do this 25 times to get this achievement.
Disco King – Set off all 3 Discos
There are 3 disco balls that you need to create in order to get this achievement, the first disco ball that you need to create is in the episode 2 cantina, its sitting on the table between level 2 and 3, use the force to create it, the second disco ball is in level Discovery on Kamino, it is in the room on the left as you are chasing after Jango Fett after leaving his room, step on all of the lights on the ground to set off the disco, the final disco ball is impossible to miss, it is on the level The Great Pit of Carkoon, you have to create this disco ball to continue the story.
Use the Force Luke – Death Star Trench Run without Firing
In the fourth area on the level Rebel Attack you will come to the trench run, all you have to do is let the controller do all the work, you dont even have to touch the controller to get this achievement.
Bar Room Brawl – Start a cantina fight with 50 casualties
When you get to the main cantina area, switch to a character that has a weapon and start attacking all of the other people, destroy 50 people and you will get this achievement.
LEGO build-master – Make 100 Build-its throughout the game
This achievement can easily be gotten through normal story progression, if you don’t get this achievement by the time you beat the game, there is a good place just outside of the main cantina that has a few things you can put together, put them together and go into Jabba’s Palace and right when you start the level, there will be a few things to put together there as well and save and exit and go back outside of the main cantina and put those pieces together again, just keep doing this until you get the achievement.
Gopher – Max out the stud counter
The maximum that the stud counter can go to is 4,000,000,000 studs, collect all of the red brick multipliers to quickly get this achievement, a quick and easy level to farm for studs is by playing the Mos Espa Pod Racing level or after getting all 160 gold bricks, go outside of the main cantina and put the gold pieces together for studs to fall out endlessly.
Cloud Cover – Finish Cloud City still wearing a helmet
An easy way to get this achievement is to actually replay the story mode, as soon as you start the level, turn on either disarm troopers or deflect bolts red brick or both if you want and as you continue the level, you will come to a point where there will be a storm trooper helmet dispenser, before putting a helmet on, continue the story as normal, after beating Darth Vader the second time in the level, backtrack all the way back to the storm trooper helmet dispenser and continue back through the level, that way you will only need to fight Darth Vader 2 more times before the end, try not to get hit by Darth Vader once by using the super jedi slam until you beat him and you will get this achievement.
Follower of Fashion – Wear every hat
There are 6 different types of hats that you need to put onto a characters head, Stormtrooper helmet, Leia’s hair, Red Hat, Top Hat, an Indiana Jones hat and a Boush helmet, there is a hat dispenser in the episode 4 cantina that will give you the red hat, Leia’s hair, Top Hat and Indiana Jones hat from it, you can get a storm trooper helmet in Cloud City Trap and you can get the boush helmet on the level Jabba’s Palace, after putting on all 6 hats, you will get the achievement.
Undecided – Crossover: Destroy Anakin with Vader
To get this achievement, you will either need a lot of luck or have a second controller, easier way is if you have a second controller, go into any level of your choice and have 1 character as Anakin and 1 character as Vader and play as Vader and destroy Anakin until he explodes to get this achievement.
Love is… – Crossover: Destroy Jango Fett with Boba Fett
To get this achievement, start up the level Discovery on Kamino and choose to play as Boba Fett as your main character and when you get to the end of the level, you will be fighting Jango Fett, never change your character as you are fighting Jango Fett and when you beat him, you will get the achievement or an easier way is if you have a second controller, make your characters Jango Fett and Boba Fett and play as Boba Fett and destroy Jango Fett until he explodes.
Unfaithful – Crossover: Destroy The Emperor with Darth Maul
To get this achievement, you will either need a lot of luck or have a second controller, easier way is if you have a second controller, go into any level of your choice and have 1 character as The Emperor and 1 character as Darth Maul and play as Darth Maul and destroy The Emperor until he explodes to get this achievement.
Did I break your concentration? – Revenge: Destroy The Emperor with Mace Windu
To get this achievement, you will either need a lot of luck or have a second controller, easier way is if you have a second controller, go into any level of your choice and have 1 character as The Emperor and 1 character as Mace Windu and play as Mace Windu and destroy The Emperor until he explodes to get this achievement.
Nobody Expects…- Revenge: Destroy The Emperor with Kit Fisto
To get this achievement, you will either need a lot of luck or have a second controller, easier way is if you have a second controller, go into any level of your choice and have 1 character as The Emperor and 1 character as Kit Fisto and play as Kit Fisto and destroy The Emperor until he explodes to get this achievement.
Hands Off! – Revenge: Destroy Anakin with Dooku
To get this achievement, you will either need a lot of luck or have a second controller, easier way is if you have a second controller, go into any level of your choice and have 1 character as Anakin and 1 character as Dooku and play as Dooku and destroy Anakin until he explodes to get this achievement.
Who needs Obi-Wan? – Revenge: Destroy Darth Maul as Qui-Gon
To get this achievement, you will either need a lot of luck or have a second controller, easier way is if you have a second controller, go into any level of your choice and have 1 character as Darth Maul and 1 character as Qui-Gon and play as Qui-Gon and destroy Darth Maul until he explodes to get this achievement.
Strike me down – Revenge: Destroy Darth Vade with Obi-Wan
To get this achievement, you will either need a lot of luck or have a second controller, easier way is if you have a second controller, go into any level of your choice and have 1 character as Darth Vader and 1 character as Obi-Wan and play as Obi-Wan and destroy Darth Vader until he explodes to get this achievement.
Arcade Master – Get 100 points in Arcade Mode
To get this achievement, you will need to have 2 players and the arcade room is the room just left of episode 1, it has 2 lightsabers crossing each other, after going inside, set the limit to free and destroy the other person 100 times to get this achievement.
Online Player – Play through an entire level online
To get this achievement, you will have to invite a friend to join you through xbox live and play through a level, I recommend playing through General Grievous since its the smallest level and the shortest level as well.
Shoot First – Shoot First
This achievement is identical to the other character destroys this character achievements, all you need to do is have 2 controllers or a lot of luck and go into any level of your choice and make 1 character as Han Solo and 1 character as Greedo and play as Han Solo and shoot Greedo to get this achievement.
Collectibles Guide
Level 1 – “Negotiations” – The Phantom Menace
True Jedi stud requirement 31,000 studs
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level and go into the hallway, there will be a door on your left that 4-Lom can open (you can buy 4-Lom in the store after beating all 6 movies), go through the door and step onto the 2 red buttons, the force field will open for you to get this minikit.
Minikit 2 – Just as you leave the room after getting minikit 1, you will see 3 switches on the left wall and 3 switches on the right wall, flip all 6 switches for a minikit to appear.
Minikit 3 – After getting minikit 2 there will be a door to your left, open the door using 4-Lom and go inside, as you enter, go to the back left of the room to the crawlspace and switch to a smallcharacter such as Anakin (Boy), follow the path and you will run into the minikit and a button, step on the button.
Minikit 4 – This minikit is in the same room as minikit 3, in the room you will see 4 boxes all over the place, use the force to stack them all up, after stacking them all up, jump on top of the boxes using someone with a high jump ability, such as Jar Jar Binks, after jumping up there, jump to the right onto the ledge and follow the path up there to come to a minikit.
Minikit 5 – As you leave the room from minikit 4, there will be another set of 3 switches on the left wall and 3 switches on the right wall, flip all 6 of the switches and a minikit will appear in front of you.
Minikit 6 – As you are flipping the second set of switches there will be a door on your left you can open with 4-Lom, as you enter the room, you will see a yellow and black cart that you can jump on, jump on top of it with a high jumper such as Jar Jar Binks, the A.I. should turn into someone with the ability to move it, when the cart stops, jump up and you will get the next minikit.
Minikit 7 – In the same room as minikit 6, there will be a ship you need to put together by using the force, after putting the ship together it will fly away and there will be a ledge where the droids were having dinner, jump on top of that ledge and use the force to pull the vent open, use a high jumper to go into the vent and come out the other side, switch to someone who can glide over gaps, such as R2-D2 and turn off the force field with R2-D2, jump on top of the ship you previously created and use someone with the high jump ability to get this minikit.
Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, you will come to a point where you have to use the force to open up a vent to go into the hanger, before going into the hanger jump on top of the platform you created by opening the vent and switch to a high jumper to reach this minikit.
Minikit 9 – Immediately after entering the hanger, before jumping down, use someone with a good jumping ability, such as Jar Jar Binks and use the double jump to reach the ledge to the left and you will get the minikit, if you miss the jump, don’t worry, there will be a big box with 2 little boxes below you that you can use the force to move, after moving all 3 boxes, you should be able to use a good jumper to reach the ledge.
Super Gonk Red Brick 100,000 studs – There will be a room to the left of where you got minikit 9, jump onto the ground and just below the ledge of where the door is, use the force to move the giant cylinder and then use a double jumper to get to the top and then switch to someone with the ability to open droid doors, such as 4-Lom, as you enter the room, switch to a high jumper and jump over the left wall and jump over the right wall to reveal 2 buttons, step on both buttons to get this red brick.
Minikit 10 – In the area where you fight the 2 Droidikas (Destroyers), there will be 4 boxes you need to stack on the left side of the force field, stack all 4 of them up with the force, after stacking all 4 of the boxes up, go to the left wall and use the force on the switch, after using the force, jump up the boxes you previously stacked and onto the moving platform, you can either jump to get this minikit or let the platform take you to it.
Blue Minikit 1 – The first blue minikit is in the same room as you start in, the blue minikit is by the windows.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, go into the first door on the right and use the force on the gears on the left elevator to raise it, jump on top of the elevator and use someone with the double jump ability to reach this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – Continue the level, just before you go right, further down into the hallway, go into the room on the left by using 4-Lom, the blue minikit is just inside behind a blue vent on the left side of the room.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you continue the level, go down the hallway and go into the door on the left side, as you continue into the room, you will see the blue minikit inside of the middle shower.
Blue Minikit 5 – In the same area as blue minikit 4, jump onto the ledge near where the droids were having dinner, use the force to pull the vent open and jump inside with a high jumper, as you exit the vent, switch to someone who can glide over gaps, the blue minikit is just on the platform.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you continue the level, you will come to an area where you have to pull a vent open to go into a hanger, before you go into the hanger, jump on top of the platform you created with the vent and switch to a high jumper to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you enter the hanger, drop down and go to your left, use the force on the giant cylinder and jump on top of it and onto the ledge above you, open the door using 4-Lom, as you enter this room, switch to a character with the high jump ability, jump over the wall on the right to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – After leaving the room with blue minikit 7 in it, go all the way to the left side of the hanger and as close as you can to the force field, the blue minikit will be just there.
Blue Minikit 9 – As you continue the level, go all the way to the right where you see the conveyor belt with the orange bricks, just on the ledge above the orange bricks will be the next blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – Just after you defeat the droidikas (destroyers) use the force to create a platform to jump over the force field, before exiting the level, the blue minikit is behind the troop transport.
Level 2 – “Invasion of Naboo” – The Phantom Menace
True Jedi stud requirement 44,000 studs
Minikit 1 – As you start up the level there will be a path to your right, go down the path and use the force to put all 3 of the rocks on top of each other, jump on top of the rocks and shoot the target, the minikit will appear above you.
Minikit 2 – A little further on, you will come to a tree that has fallen over, use the force to put it back together, after putting it back together, destroy the tree, the minikit will appear.
Minikit 3 – When you get to the wrecked troop transport, use the force to heat up the gas tank on the side until it blows up, jump on top of the left side of the vehicle and use a double jump character to reach this minikit.
Minikit 4 – This minikit is in the exact same area as minikit 3, do a jedi super slam by doing a double jump and attack while on top of the troop transports remains, after destroying the vehicle, jump into the hole, the minikit will be inside.
Minikit 5 – Just before going up the stairs, use the force on the flowers on the left side, after destroying the flowers, use the force to make a platform on the wall in front of you, switch to a character with the high jump ability such as Jar Jar Binks and jump onto the platform and jump to the minikit.
Poo Money Red Brick 100,000 studs – As you continue the story, you will come to an area where you land on platforms that lower as you jump on top of them, after landing on top of the third platform that lowers a bounty hunter scanner will appear, use 4-Lom or any bounty hunter to open the wall just a little further that holds the red brick.
Minikit 6 – Just after getting the red brick there will be a ledge where you have to use the force to make a platform to advance the story, switch to a character with the high jump ability and jump up to the ledge, the minikit is just up there.
Minikit 7 – As you enter the next area, you will have to use the force to make a platform just in front of you, before going up the tree log, go down the cliff to find this minikit.
Minikit 8 – After going up the tree log, you will come to an area where you can use a small character such as Anakin (Boy), crawl into the crawl space and you will crawl right into this minikit.
Minikit 9 – As you continue the story, you will come to 3 droids in the swamp guarding a cave, after destroying the droids, use the force to move the bricks to get to this minikit.
Minikit 10 – After continuing the story, you will come to a section where you will see 3 giant pieces of a statue, put all 3 of the pieces together correctly to have this minikit appear.
Blue Minikit 1 – When you first start up the level, there is a path to the right, go down the path to find the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – You will find this blue minikit just before you reach the wrecked troop transport, the blue minikit will be on the right.
Blue Minikit 3 – This blue minikit will be to the right of the stairs, just before going up them.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you enter the next area, you will have to use the force to create a bridge, the hole in the wall contains this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – As you continue the same area, you will come to platforms that drop when you jump on them, after landing on the fourth platform and it lowers, the blue minikit is inside along with a droid.
Blue Minikit 6 – Just a little ahead of blue minikit 5, you will have to make a bridge to advance the level, after using the force on the pieces to create the bridge, jump onto the ledge where the pieces were to obtain the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you continue the story, you will come to another troop transport that is stuck in the mountain, there will be pieces of a platform in front of the vehicle, use the force to create a platform and switch to a high jumper to jump to the platform, the blue minikit is just up top.
Blue Minikit 8 – The same area as blue minikit 7, use a bounty hunter such as 4-Lom to throw a bomb onto the front left turret of the troop transport, after destroying the vehicle, go into the mountain, after going inside, the blue minikit is just behind the fallen over statue in the swamp.
Blue Minikit 9 – As you continue the level, you will come to 3 droids guarding a hole in the wall, after destroying the droids, use the force to move the bricks, the blue minikit is inside the cave.
Blue Minikit 10 – As you enter the next area, you will see 3 pieces of a statue to your left, just behind the pieces of the statue is the blue minikit.
Level 3 – “Escape from Naboo – The Phantom Menace
True Jedi stud requirement 48,000 studs
Minikit 1 – As you start up the level, you will see 4 brown doors just ahead of you, after destroying all the doors, use the force to create 3 platforms, after creating all of the platforms, use the force again to move the platforms up against the wall, switch to a character with a high jump such as Jar Jar Binks to reach the platform and the minikit.
Walkie Talkie Disable Red Brick 5,000 studs – As you continue the level, you will come to an area where you have to push blocks to make a picture of Queen Amidala, destroy the canisters in the back left of this area to find some pieces and then put them together, in the back right, you will find some silver canisters to destroy, use bounty hunter like 4-Lom to destroy them and pieces will appear, put the pieces together, in the front right side, there will be a potted plant that only the sith can use, use the force on it twice and then destroy the potted plant and pieces will appear, after putting the pieces together push the blocks in the correct order, after doing the puzzle, use the force to put the picture together and the red brick will appear.
Minikit 2 – This minikit is in the same area and the red brick, on the back wall you will see platforms you can pull out by using the force, use the force to pull both of the platforms out and use someone with a high jump ability, after getting to the top of the platforms, switch to someone who can glide over gaps, such as R2-D2 to reach the minikit.
Minikit 3 – As you enter the next area, instead of going down the stairs, go the opposite way and you will walk right into this minikit.
Minikit 4 – Just a little further down the steps, you will come to an area where there are 4 potted plants that you can use the force to lift up into the air but cant destroy, before crossing the bridge and into the gate, go to the far left potted plant, you should see a grapple point, jump down until you reach the very bottom, take the path on the right and you will eventually run into a minikit.
Minikit 5 – In the same area as minikit 4 but you’re going to go left this time, you will see a big gap in front of you, use someone with the ability to glide over gaps and use the grapples until you get to the top, you will see 2 potted plants that only the sith can use, use the force twice on both of the potted plants and then destroy the potted plants for this minikit to appear.
Minikit 6 – As you continue the level you will come to an area where you have to drop down onto an elevator, use the stairs in the back, next to the elevator, as you follow the path, you will come to a grapple point, take the grapple and you will see a crawl space, switch to a small character such as Anakin (Boy) and go into the crawl space, go to the front left area to find the minikit.
Minikit 7 – After getting minikit 6 and leave the crawlspace, go down the steps to the left and use the grapple to swing over to the droids, use the force to open all of the small gates and a minikit will appear behind you.
Minikit 8 – In the same area where you first entered the crawlspace, instead of going down the stairs on the left, you will see a ledge on the right side, use someone with the ability to double jump to jump over to the ledge, switch to a character with the ability to throw bombs such as 4-Lom and blow up the silver windows behind you, go into the room and use the force on the picture, after you fix the picture the minikit will appear.
Minikit 9 – As you continue the story, you will get to an area where there are 3 red buttons in the middle of the roof, there will be 4 pots that look like trees are coming out of them, destroy the trees and use the force on each one of them, after moving all 4 of them, switch to someone who can do a high jump such as Jar Jar Binks, jump on top of the stack you make with the pots and then jump again to reach this minikit.
Minikit 10 – In the same area as minikit 9, press the button on the far right roof to open a window, after opening it use someone with the ability to throw bombs to destroy the grate to get the minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As you start up the level, you will see 4 brown doors immediately in front of you, go over to them and destroy the door third from the left, the blue minikit is behind it.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, you will come across your second grapple point, take it and destroy the window in front of you, the blue minikit is just behind it.
Blue Minikit 3 – When you get to the area where you see Queen Amidala’s floor puzzle, there are silver canisters in the back right of the area, the blue minikit is just behind them.
Blue Minikit 4 – When you get to the area with the 4 potted plants, go to the further left potted plant and jump down until you cant go down any further, take the path to the right and you will walk right into the next blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – In the same area and blue minikit 4 except you are going left instead of right, switch to a character that can clear gaps such as R2-D2, after clearing the gap use a character with the ability to grapple and grapple up to where the 2 droidikas (destroys) are, the blue minikit is just behind them.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you continue the level, right after you drop down the elevator shaft, the blue minikit is just behind you.
Blue Minikit 7 – After getting blue minikit 6 there will be stairs just to the other side of the elevator in the back, take the path until you get to a grapple point, take the grapple and just behind you, you will see a ledge, use someone with double jump and jump over to it, switch over to someone who throws bombs and destroy the silver windows, the blue minikit is just inside.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you continue further, there will be to 2 elevators on both sides of a giant gate, destroy the canister on the left elevator for it to raise and lower, switch to a character that can do a high jump, as the elevator gets to its peak, do a jump onto the ledge where the blue minikit is.
Blue Minikit 9 – As you enter the next section, go to the back left area where you will see 2 canisters, the blue minikit is just behind them.
Blue Minikit 10 – In the same area as blue minikit 9 go to the far right point in the area by the ledge to find the blue minikit.
Level 4 – Mos Espa Pod Race – The Phantom Menace
True Jedi stud requirement 45,000 studs
Power Brick Detector Red Brick 125,000 studs – As you start the level, you will come to a point in the race where you drop down, there will be holes all over the place, stay far left as possible to find this red brick.
Minikit 1 – In order to get this minikit, you will have to buy a Tie fighter in the store, as you are coming around the bend after getting the red brick there will be a red door on the far right that only Tie fighters can open, take that path to find the minikit.
Minikit 2 – As you enter the cave, try and stay dead center and you will drive right into the minikit.
Minikit 3 – When you get to the point where the sand people are shooting at you, try and stay as far left as possible and you will see the minikit, just after hitting the speed booster.
Minikit 4 – As you are coming around the bend after getting shot at by the sand people, try and follow the antennas in the ground to drive into this minikit.
Minikit 5 – Right after getting minikit 4 try and stay as far right as possible, there will be a minikit just in front of you under a rock archway.
Minikit 6 – This minikit will be directly in front of you as you continue the race.
Minikit 7 – As you continue the race, you will come to an open wide area, try and stay as far right as possible, you will see the minikit just in front of you.
Minikit 8 – Just a little further into the race after getting minikit 7, stay as far right as possible still and you will see the next minikit, just before you cross into the next lap or final lap.
Minikit 9 – You cannot get this minikit until lap 2, the minikit will be just in front of you as the rocks are starting to crumble.
Minikit 10 – You cannot get this minikit until lap 3, the minikit will be just in front of you before you drop down into the pit area.
Blue Minikit 1 – The first blue minikit is just around the first bend as you start the race on the left side.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you continue the race when you drop down from the ledge, stay to the left of the pit holes in the ground and you will see the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you round the bend after getting blue minikit 3, you will see a door that can only be opened by a Tie fighter, take that path and you will come to the next blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you enter the cave, stay to the right of the cave and you will see the next blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – When you get to the area with the sand people shooting at you, stay as far right as possible and you will see the next blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you get passed the sand people, you will see a rock archway on the right side of the track, go under the archway and you will come to the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you continue the race, stay to the left side just before turning into the final stretch, you should come to the next blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you are on the final stretch to either the next lap or the final lap, stay to your left, next to the second set of speed boosters will be the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – This blue minikit is just as you are crossing into the next lap or crossing the finish line, stay to the right and you should see the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – You cannot get this blue minikit until lap 3, the blue minikit will be just in front of you before dropping down into the area with the pits.
Level 5 – Retake Theed Palace – The Phantom Menace
True Jedi stud requirement 60,000 studs
Minikit 1 – As you start up the level, you will come to a big open area with 2 droid vehicles, there are 3 grapple points, take the grapple that is on the far right, after grappling up follow the path on the left, after getting to the top, follow the path to the right to find the minikit.
Minikit 2 – On the same floor as minikit 1, except you are going to be following the path on the left, you will come to a circular window, destroy the window and switch to someone with a double jump ability, jump inside to get this minikit.
Minikit 3 – As you continue the story, you will come to an open area with 2 buttons on the right and 1 button underneath a statue, destroy the statue and step on the button, a hidden door will open up with the minikit inside.
Minikit 4 – Continue the story and you will come to an area where you have to open a door with a droid, before going through that door, there will be a hallway to the left that only the sith can use the force on, continue down that hallway and move the black ball shaped item, jump on top of it and then onto the ledge, just up there you will have to destroy an item just in front of you, after destroying it, the minikit is just inside.
Minikit 5 – When you get to the part with the water fountain, run all the way to the back of the area, you will see a crawlspace, switch to a character such as Anakin (Boy) and go into the crawlspace, take the path on the right and you will come to the next minikit.
Minikit 6 – In the same area as minikit 5 just a little further on after crossing the bridge you put together, you will see a ledge just on the left, after jumping onto the ledge, jump up onto the next ledge and use the force to create a platform, jump onto the platform and onto the next ledge, follow the path and you will come to the next minikit.
Minikit 7 – As you enter the next section, run straight ahead until you come to a ledge, jump down the ledge onto some boxes, after destroying the boxes put together the silver canister, switch to a character who throws bombs and destroy the canister, the minikit will appear.
Minikit 8 – When you get to the dining room, go further left into the room and go to the back right of the room just left of the stairs, use the force to move the tables to make steps to get to a ledge, jump up the ledge and use the grapple point, after going up the grapple take the path on the left, continue the path and you will come to the minikit.
Super Slap Red Brick 5,000 studs – In the same area as minikit 8, you will see a bunch of tables and chairs on the left side of the room, use the force on the tables and chairs until you cant anymore, there will be a statue on the other side of the tables and chairs with a button underneath it, destroy the statue and step on the button to open hidden rooms, use the force on the cups and then use the force on the plates to put them on the tables, after setting everything on the tables, destroy the cups, plates, tables and chairs to reveal the red brick.
Minikit 9 – When you get to the hanger hug the left wall, continue hugging the left wall until you come to the second set of 3 boxes that are just below a pilot that needs to be saved, use the force to move the boxes on top of each other, after saving the pilot, switch to someone that can throw bombs and destroy the silver canisters, after destroying the canisters put the pieces together to make a platform, jump onto the platform and then onto the ledge, the minikit will be there.
Minikit 10 – Immediately right after getting minikit 9 there will be a ledge just below you and continue the path, dont fall, if you do, there will be that first set of 3 boxes you can stack to get back up, use the force on the tan colored brick pieces in the wall to make a platform, after making the platform jump all the way up until you reach the ledge, take the path and switch to a character who can glide over gaps, continue the path that you are on until you get to the hanger wall, switch to a character with a double jump or high jump and continue hugging the hanger wall and you will come to the minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, on the far left side of the area, next to the speeder there will be a grapple point, take the grapple and the blue minikit will be up there.
Blue Minikit 2 – Just a little further down, there will be a grapple point on the right side of where the droid vehicles are, take the grapple and take the small path, as you get to the bigger path, go to the right and follow the path for the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – As soon as you get into the palace, take the first left, the blue minikit will be just in front of you.
Blue Minikit 4 – After going just a little further into the level, take the second hallway on the left with all of the sith force powered lights, go all the way down the hallway until you come to a black ball shaped item, use the force to move it and jump onto the ledge, use sith force powers to destroy the wall in the back for the next blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – As you are going up the stairs into the next area, you will see a vine window on the right, destroy the vine windows and jump inside for the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – Just after crossing the bridge you created, there will be a ledge to the left, jump to it and then jump to the next ledge and use the force to create a platform, jump onto the platform and onto the next ledge and follow the path, the blue minikit will be just up there.
Blue Minikit 7 – Just on the other side of the bridge in the background is the next blue minikit, use R2-D2 to get to it.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you enter the next area, run straight ahead until you come to a ledge, jump down off of the ledge and keep running straight, you will walk right to the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – After you get passed the dining room and into the room with the 3 statues with buttons under them, destroy the statue on the right and press the button, the blue minikit is just at the top of the stairs.
Blue Minikit 10 – This blue minikit is just in the hanger, run to the right, there will be the blue minikit just behind some canisters just left of the third space ship.
Level 6 – Darth Maul – The Phantom Menace
True Jedi stud requirement 31,000 studs
Minikit 1 – Just after beating Darth Maul for the first time, create the bridge and go to the space ship on the right side, jump on top of it and jump to the minikit.
Minikit 2 – In the same area as minikit 1 instead of going to the right space ship, go to the left space ship and switch to a character with a high jump, such as Jar Jar Binks, jump on top of the crashed ship and jump to the minikit, dont fix the plane until after getting the minikit or the ship with fly away.
Minikit 3 – In the same area as the 2 space ships, there is an elevator on both sides of the doorway, use the force to lift the elevator and the A.I. will help you move yours, after getting to the top, switch to a storm trooper to pass the storm trooper scanner and then go inside, after going inside there will be 3 red lights on the left wall and 3 red lights on the right wall that only the sith can move, use the force powers on all 6 of them for a minikit to appear.
Force Grapple Leap Red Brick 15,000 studs – In the same room as minikit 3 there will be 10 black lights in the middle of the room, step on all 10 of them for this red brick to appear.
Minikit 4 – As you come into the next room, you will be chasing Darth Maul, stay on the lower path you can go and follow it all around, you will eventually come to a silver wall that can be blown up, switch to a character with a bomb and blow it up, the minikit is just inside.
Minikit 5 – In the same area as minikit 4 instead you are going to be taking the higher path, you will eventually come to a grapple point, take the grapple and follow the path up top, as you get to the other side, you will see a platform that can be raised by using the force, raise the platform and switch to a high jumper, jump onto the platform and jump, the minikit will be just above you.
Minikit 6 – When you get to the next area, immediatly turn to your left and switch to a storm trooper, use the storm trooper scanner and jump on the circular pad next to it, it will take you straight to the minikit.
Minikit 7 – When you get to the center platform, jump into the back right beam and take it all the way to the very top of the beam to get this minikit.
Minikit 8 – When you get to the final battle with Darth Maul there will be a platform in the back, jump onto the platform and jump up, the minikit will be just there.
Minikit 9 – After fight Darth Maul for a little bit, he will eventually start throwing things at you from a platform, jump onto the platform with him and jump to the minikit just above you.
Minikit 10 – After throwing stuff back at Darth Maul, he will jump to another platform, jump onto that platform with him as well and then jump to the minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – The first blue minikit is as soon as you start the level, go left and the blue minikit will be just there.
Blue Minikit 2 – After beating Darth Maul for the first time, put the space ship on the left back together and pull the levers on the left and right of that space ship, the hanger door will open for it to fly away, go through the hanger door and the blue minikit will be just there.
Blue Minikit 3 – Before chasing after Darth Maul, there will be 2 yellow platforms that you can raise using the force, jump on top of one and the A.I. will jump on top of the other one, use the force to raise the other one and the A.I. will raise you as well, use a storm trooper to use the storm trooper scanner to open the door (Found out that Darth Vader works as well), go inside and the blue minikit will be in the center of the room.
Blue Minikit 4 – While you are chasing after Darth Maul in the next room, take the lower path until you come to a silver wall, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy the wall, the blue minikit is just inside.
Blue Minikit 5 – In the same room as blue minikit 4 except take the higher path, continue until you get to the grapple point, take the grapple and the blue minikit will be just at the top.
Blue Minikit 6 – In the next area, when you get to the center of the room, take the path on the left, you will come to the next blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – In the same area as blue minikit 6, jump into the front left beam and let it raise you up all the way to the top to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – In the same area as blue minikit 6 and blue minikit 7, jump into the beam that is in the back right of the area until you get to the higher platform, the blue minikit is just up there.
Blue Minikit 9 – As you are chasing Darth Maul through the red force fields, after going through the third red force field, you will come to the blue minikit on the right.
Blue Minikit 10 – As you are fighting Darth Maul in the final battle, go to the back platform and jump on top of it, the blue minikit is just up top.
Level 7 – Bounty Hunter Pursuit – Attack of the Clones
True Jedi stud requirement 35,000 studs
Minikit 1 – In this section there are 10 giant floating lamps you need to destroy, the first one is just as you start the level, stay to the left and you will run into it, the second one is after destroying the second turret, stay to the left and you will come to it, the third one is as you continue the level stay to the right and you will come to it, the fourth one is just in the front of the building with the antennas on the left, the fifth one is as you continue the story it will be on the left side, the sixth one is on the right just before going into the next section, the final 4 are in the second section, the seventh one is just after getting out of the first force field area take the right path and it will be on the left, the eight one is just as you leave the force field it will be just in front of you on the left, the ninth one is just after destroying the eight one on the right side as you continue the story, the final lamp is just left of the building just before you go into the third section, after destroying the last lamp, fly over to where it is to get the minikit.
Minikit 2 – This minikit is behind a locked door that can only be opened with a Tie fighter, you can buy one in the store, after destroying the first lamp, keep going straight and stay to the left, the door will open and it will have the minikit inside.
Minikit 3 – In the first section there will be 5 turrets firing at you that you have to destroy, the first turret is on the right building after getting minikit 2, the second turret is just in front of the first turret, the third turret is just a little further in front of you on the building in the middle after destroying the third lamp, the fourth turret is as you continue the story it will be just under a bridge, the last turret is on the wall on the left just before you go into the next section, after destroying all 5 of them, you should get the minikit.
Minikit 4 – On the same building as the third turret there are 5 antennas on the roof that you need to destroy with pink missles, find a missle dispenser, the first antenna is just on the roof to the right of the turret, the second one and third one are on the roof on the left side of the building, the fourth one is in front of the building and the fifth one is on the right side of the building, after destroying all 5 of them, you will get the minikit.
Minikit 5 – Just before going into the tunnel going into the second section there will be a street light that you have to make all 4, yes I said 4, lights turn green the 4th one is a little tricky that you have to go passed it and then back and shoot it, after shooting all 4 of the lights and they are all green, you will get the minikit.
Minikit 6 – In the area where you are stuck behind the first set of force fields there are red and gray vents in the floor, 3 on the left, 2 in the middle and 3 on the right, destroy all 8 of them a minikit will appear in the same area youre stuck in.
Minikit 7 – As soon as you escape the first force field, take the right path and there will be a door that only a Tie fighter can open, the minikit is just on the other side.
Stud Magnet Red Brick 100,000 studs (Available in Story Mode) After getting free of the first force field, go to your right and you will see 9 white lamps on the left building, shoot all 9 white lamps on top of the building before the lights go out and a red balloon will appear, shoot the balloon and you will get your red brick.
Minikit 8 – After leaving the first force field, continue the story, you will see 3 triangle signs that are flashing red, shoot all 3 of them until they are all flashing green, after all 3 of them are greem they will blow up and a minikit will appear.
Minikit 9 – In the second section there will be another set of 5 turrets to destroy, the first turret is as soon you as get out of the first force field area, take the path on the right and its just in front of you, the second turret is as you continue the story stay to the left, it will be on a big circular building, the third turret is on the wall just before you go into the next section, the fourth turret is as you are flying through the tunnel it will be just in front of you on the right wall, the final turret is just in front of you as you are leaving the tunnel, after destroying all 5, you should get the minikit.
Minikit 10 – As you get stuck in the second force field area, there will be 13 red and gray vents, 3 on the left, 4 in the middle, 3 on the right, 2 in the very back where the force field you need to destroy is and 1 where you first entered the force field area, destroy all 13 of them for the minikit to appear in the same area youre stuck in.
Blue Minikit 1 – In front of you there will be 4 sets of red lights, destroy all of them and you will see the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – If you stay to the left after getting blue minikit 1 you will come to a door that only a Tie fighter can open, go inside for the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you continue the level stay to the right, you will come to a bridge that you fly over, the blue minikit is just on the bridge.
Blue Minikit 4 – Continue the level and you will come to a street light, the blue minikit is just in front of the street light.
Blue Minikit 5 – When you are stuck in the force field area, the blue minikit is on the right side of where you first entered the area.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you leave the force field area, take the path on the right and you will see a door that only the Tie fighter can open, the blue minikit is inside.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you leave the force field area, the blue minikit will be just in front of you.
Blue Minikit 8 – Just before going into the big tunnel, the blue minikit will be on the left side of the entrance.
Blue Minikit 9 – This blue minikit will be just next to the turret inside of the big tunnel.
Blue Minikit 10 – As you get stuck in the second force field area, the blue minikit is on the left side from where you first entered the area.
Level 8 – Discovery on Kamino – Attack of the Clones
True Jedi stud requirement 50,000 studs
Minikit 1 – As you start up the level, on the same platform as the jedi starship, take the path behind the vehicle and fix the platform, switch to a character that can use the force to raise the platform, switch to a character that can do a high jump and jump onto the platform and then jump again to reach this minikit.
Minikit 2 – In the same area as minikit 1 but instead of behind, go in front of the vehicle and switch to a character who can clear gaps, after clearing the gap the force field will lower and the minikit will be inside.
Minikit 3 – As you continue the story, you will come to a room with 12 blue buttons you have to walk on, after walking on all of the buttons take the path on the right and use a bounty hunter to open the door, as you get into the next room, jump onto the platform until you get to the second set of platforms and shoot the target on the back wall, switch to a small character and crawl into the far right crawlspace to get this minikit.
Minikit 4 – In the same area as minikit 3, continue making platforms by pressing on the buttons until you get to a big white platform, use the force to open the doors on the floor and a platform will raise up, jump on the platform for the minikit.
Minikit 5 – Instead of going right, go left and continue the story, in the hallway there will be 3 lights on the left and 3 lights on the right, turn on all 6 lights for the minikit.
Minikit 6 – As you continue the story, you will enter Jango Fett bedroom, in the back right of the room, there will be a switch that you have to use the force 4 times for pieces of a picture of Jango Fett, after putting all the pieces together, youll be able to get the minikit inside.
Disarm Troopers Red Brick 100,000 studs – As you are chasing after Jango Fett, there will be a door on the left that can be opened by a storm trooper, go inside and step on all of the lights, after stepping on all of the lights, the red brick will appear.
Minikit 7 – As you are still chasing after Jango Fett, you will go into a room and he will jump into a circle hole in the wall, before going after him, go further into the room and you will see 2 sets of 3 lights on the floor and lights on the wall, step on the light on the floor that matches the white light on the wall 3 times and youll be able to get the minikit.
Minikit 8 – When you get outside, instead of chasing after Jango Fett, go to the left and use someone who can clear gaps, the minikit will be just on the platform.
Minikit 9 – As you continue chasing Jango Fett, he will run into the backround, before chasing after him, keep running to the right and you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and use C-3P0 on the console in the wall, switch to a character with a blaster and jump onto the platform and as it raises shoot all 3 of the targets and youll be able to get the minikit.
Minikit 10 – When you get back inside there will be a sith force door on the left side, use the force and then enter the room, when you get inside use the sith force powers to turn the valves on the other side of the room to get the minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – Behind the jedi starfighter on the left, there is a ledge, jump to the ledge to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – When you go inside, go towards the camera and you will come to a R2-D2 console, open the gate to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – When you first enter the room with the 12 buttons on the floor, go to the right to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – After doing the floor puzzle in the same room as blue minikit 3 take the path on the right and use a bounty hunter to open the door and enter the room, when you get to the second set of platforms, shoot the target in the background and jump over, switch to a small character and enter the crawlspace on the far left side to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – This blue minikit is in the same area as blue minikit 4, continue making the platforms with the buttons on them until you get to a big white platform, when you get to the white platform, the blue minikit will be just there.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you continue the level, you will need to follow the alien into Jango Fetts room, before following the alien, go towards the camera and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you are chasing after Jango Fett, there will be a door on the left that can be opened by a storm trooper, after entering the room go to the R2-D2 console and turn off the force field, the blue minikit is inside.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you get outside while chasing after Jango Fett, he will run into the background, instead of following him keep running to the right and you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and take the path on the left and you will come to the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – This blue minikit is in the same area as blue minikit 8, just go a little further as you chase Jango Fett, after clearing the gap, use the force to make a platform and switch to a character that can do a high jump and jump onto the ledge to the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – When you get back inside and continue chasing after Jango Fett, there will be a door blocked by rubble that only the sith can destroy, destroy the rubble and into the room, the blue minikit will be on the back wall.
Level 9 – Droid Factory – Attack of the Clones
True Jedi stud requirement 40,000 studs
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, turn around and go backwards, you will run right into the minikit.
Minikit 2 – From minikit 1 count 3 lights on the right, on the third light, the minikit is just in the little hole next to it.
Minikit 3 – As you come to the conveyor belt instead of dropping down immediately, turn to the left and jump over to the small ledge, switch to a small character and go into the crawlspace, you will crawl right into the minikit.
Minikit 4 – As you get off of the conveyor belt, you will have to build 3 fans to blow you upward, after putting the middle fan back together, turn around and walk the opposite way, you will come to an area where you can turn the platform, after turning the platform you will see a grapple point, use the grapple and switch to a storm trooper to get scanned by the storm trooper scanner and go inside, you will need to use the 3 colors to make the single color shown on the 4th container 3 times on the right, the first color is orange, use red and yellow to make orange, the second color is green, use blue and yellow to make green, the third color is purple, use red and blue to make purple and the container holding the minikit will open.
Minikit 5 – As you continue the story, you will have to lift yourself up using a big smelting pot, after going up, you will see a droidika (destroyer) and there is a door behind it, open the door using 4-Lom and go inside, go onto the moving platforms until you get to the other side, the minikit is just on the other side.
Minikit 6 – As you leave the room from minikit 5 go immediately to the left and you will walk right into the minikit.
Minikit 7 – As you continue the story, in the next room you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and onto the ledge, the minikit will be just above you on the ledge.
Minikit 8 – When you get outside, you will come to tan bricks that you need to destroy, destroy the bricks and create the platforms, jump onto the platform on the left and switch to a character with the high jump and jump into the hole in the wall for the minikit.
Character Studs Red Brick 100,000 studs – The same area as minikit 8 after destroying the tan bricks, go inside the hole in the wall where the tan bricks were, as you enter the room, there will be a droid console you have to use, use the console and make your way around the red force fields until you find another droid console and use it, make your way around the force fields again until you find another droid console, use the droid console and make your way around one more time and find the last droid console to get this red brick.
Minikit 9 – There will be 2 droidikas (destroyers) blocking a door, before going inside, follow the path around on the right to find this minikit.
Minikit 10 – When you get back inside you will see 2 conveyor belts, use both of them, when the bricks come out on the conveyor belt on the left, use the force to put together the platform and switch, jump onto the platform and the A.I. will turn into someone that can use the force, switch to a character with a high jump and at the peak of the platform, do a high jump to reach the minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start up the level, the second set of lights on the left, the blue minikit will be just in the hole on the left side of the light.
Blue Minikit 2 – When you get to the conveyor belt, you will come to a red wall with platforms that come out, jump to the very top to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you get passed the conveyor belt there will be a giant open cylinder lying on the ground, the blue minikit is just inside.
Blue Minikit 4 – When you are creating the 3 fans to blow you upwards, where you create the middle fan, turn around and use the force to turn the platform, you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and shoot the target and switch to a character that can get passed storm trooper scanners, go inside and the blue minikit is just inside on the far wall.
Blue Minikit 5 – As you continue the level, you will run into a droidika (destroyer) blocking a door, open the door using R2-D2 and go inside, on the other end of the room with the moving platforms, you will find the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you leave the room with blue minikit 6, go to the right and you will walk straight into the next blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – When you get to the next section, you will see a grapple point, take the first grapple and drop down to find the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – When you get outside, you will come to tan bricks in the wall, before destroying the tan bricks, turn around facing the lava, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and do a glide over the lava and onto a platform to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – In the same area as blue minikit 8, except you are destroying the tan bricks, after destroying the tan bricks, go inside the hole that was once blocked and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – In the same area as blue minikit 8 just a little further on in the level, you will come to a little ramp going straight into the lava, go down the ramp to find this blue minikit.
Level 10 – Jedi Battle – Attack of the Clones
True Jedi stud requirement 8,000 studs
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start up the level switch to a character with a high jump ability such as Jar Jar Binks, next to Padme, there will be platforms you can jump to, jump to the middle platform to find this minikit.
Minikit 2 – In the same area as minikit 1 keep jumping up to the higher platform after the middle platform to find this minikit.
Minikit 3 – After getting minikit 2, run to the right, switch to a character that can use the force and pull down the switches to open the gate, the minikit is just inside.
Minikit 4 – Continue running to the right, you will come to where Anakin is chained up, next to him is a grapple point, take the grapple to the middle platform to find the minikit.
Minikit 5 – In the same area as minikit 4, on the same platform there will be another grapple point, take the grapple to the third ledge to find this minikit.
Perfect Deflection Red Brick 20,000 studs – As you continue running to the right, you will come to a silver brick, switch to a character that can throw bombs, after destroying the silver brick, put together the pieces and a red brick will appear.
Minikit 6 – Continue running to the right until you see Obi-Wan chained up, use the force to fix the elevator to the right of him, after fixing the elevator, use the grapple point on the left side of him and switch to a storm trooper to raise the elevator, after jumping on the elevator and onto the ledge, the minikit will be just there.
Minikit 7 – In the same area as minikit 6 except instead of the middle platform, jump onto the elevator you previously put together and jump up to the next platform above you to find this minikit.
Minikit 8 – As you continue running to the right, you will find bricks to put together, put the bricks together and switch to a small character and crawl into the crawlspace, you will crawl right into this minikit.
Minikit 9 – Keep running around the circle to the right and you will come to an area with pieces you need to put together to make another piece of a tower, after putting the pieces together, put all 4 of the tower pieces together in the correct order, the far right first, the very front one next, the far left one next and then the one in the back on the right last to make the minikit appear, switch to a sith character and use the force to make the elevator into platforms, jump up the platforms and the minikit will be at the top.
Minikit 10 – As you continue running to the right, this minikit will be hiding behind a big pillar just passed the huge metal gate.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, switch to a character that can do a high jump such as Jar Jar Binks, jump to the ledges until you get to the middle platform and then jump on top of the tower that Padme is stuck to, to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you are running to the right of the level, just after getting blue minikit 1, the first pillar you come to, the blue minikit is behind it.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you continue running to the right, just after passing the first small metal gate that you need to use the force on, run towards the center of the level to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – This blue minikit is just behind the pillar that Anakin is stuck to.
Blue Minikit 5 – As you keep running to the right, you will see a silver item, just next to the silver item there is a pillar on the right, the blue minikit is behind it.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you keep running to the right, you will come to where Obi-Wan is, just to the left of Obi-Wan is the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – In the same area as Obi-Wan there is an elevator you have to use the force to fix on the right, go to the left of Obi-Wan and you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and use a storm trooper to activate the elevator, jump onto the elevator and onto the ledge, jump onto the next elevator you fixed previously and onto the next ledge to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you keep running to the right, you will find the blue minikit just in front of the crawlspace.
Blue Minikit 9 – As you keep running to the right, where the 4 giant pieces to create a giant tower are, the blue minikit is in the back.
Blue Minikit 10 – Keep running to the right until you get to the giant metal gate, the blue minikit is just left of the giant metal gate.
Level 11 – Gunship Cavalry – Attack of the Clones
True Jedi stud requirement 30,000 studs
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, the minikit will be on the left just behind a rock wall.
Minikit 2 – As you continue the story, the minikit will be in the line of fire of the third and fourth laser shooting turret.
Minikit 3 – When you get to the point where you see the bomb dispenser, there is a path on the left, take the path and there will be a door that can only be opened by a Tie fighter, go through the door and the minikit will be in the center of the area.
Minikit 4 – After getting passed the first force field, stay to the right and you will come to this minikit.
Exploding Blaster Bolts Red Brick 20,000 studs – Just after getting minikit 4 stay to the right and you will see a huge rock wall just in front of you, go all the way around it to find this red brick.
Minikit 5 – After getting the red brick get to the far left side of the same area and you will see a yellow wall, drag a bomb all the way over to the yellow wall to destroy it and the minikit is just behind the wall.
Minikit 6 – When you get to the section with the giant ball in the center of the area start going to the right, this minikit will be just in front of a bomb dispenser.
Minikit 7 – As you keep going to the right the minikit will be just on the other side of a laser shooting turret, close to the ball in the center of the area.
Minikit 8 – Back away from the giant ball keep going to the right, you will run into this minikit.
Minikit 9 – This minikit will be is just a little further right after getting minikit 8.
Minikit 10 – This minikit is just a little further down between 2 laser shooting turrets.
Blue Minikit 1 – As you start the level this blue minikit is just next to the first laser shooting turret.
Blue Minikit 2 – Just a little further on, the blue minikit is just in front of the second laser shooting turret on the right.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you come to the area with the bomb dispenser, the blue minikit is just in front of it by the large gap in the ground.
Blue Minikit 4 – After getting blue minikit 3 take the path on the far left and you will come to a door that only the Tie fighter can open, go through the door and the blue minikit will be in the back left of the area.
Blue Minikit 5 – After getting passed the first force field stay to the left, you will see another bomb dispenser, stay to the left where the 3 laser turrets are and you will come to the next blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – After getting blue minikit 5 remain as far left as possible, you will eventually come to a yellow wall, use a bomb from the bomb dispenser to blow up the wall to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you continue the level stay to the right, as you get to the last set of laser turrets, the blue minikit will be on the right side.
Blue Minikit 8 – As soon as you start this section with the giant ball, go to the right and get as close to the ball as possible to find this blue minikit, it is by a bomb dispenser.
Blue Minikit 9 – As you continue right, go a little further away from where the giant ball is and you will come to the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – Keep going to the right and hug the wall furthest away from the giant ball and you will run into this blue minikit.
Level 12 – Count Dooku – Attack of the Clones
True Jedi stud requirement 10,000 studs
Minikit 1 – When you start up the level, instead of chasing after Count Dooku, go to the left, switch to someone who can glide over gaps and you will get the minikit.
Minikit 2 – As you are chasing after Count Dooku, before going inside there will be a grapple point, take the grapple and you will land right on top of the next minikit.
Minikit 3 – As you are continuing to chase after Count Dooku, you will come to 2 canisters in front of you, use someone with the force to move the canisters and blow them up, after blowing them up a hole in the wall will appear as well as this minikit.
Minikit 4 – As you continue to chase Count Dooku, run to the back wall and step on the button for platforms to appear, when you get to the last button platform, switch to a character with the high jump ability to reach the ledge on the right, the minikit will be just up top.
Minikit 5 – In the same area as minikit 4 except instead of going towards the back wall, go towards the closest wall, step on the button and the platforms will appear, the minikit will be just on the third ledge.
Minikit 6 – As you are continuing jumping up the platforms from minikit 5, switch to a character with the high jump ability to reach the 2 remaining platforms to get the minikit.
Minikit 7 – As you are fighting Count Dooku, run to the far right of the room and you will see a canister with 2 targets, shoot both targets to open the canister with the minikit inside.
Force Pull Red Brick 12,000 studs – Go a little to the left and you will come to some silver boxes, switch to a character that can throw bombs and blow them up, use the force on the wall to create a crawlspace, switch to a small character to crawl into the crawlspace, continue on the ledge until you come to a grapple point, take the grapple to land right onto the red brick.
Minikit 8 – As you continue going to the left, you will come to 3 pieces of a giant tower, use the force to put all of them up and climb to the top, switch to a character with a high jump, jump to the the top and onto the ledge to reach the minikit.
Minikit 9 – On the same ledge as minikit 8, shoot the yellow canisters to the right and switch to a character that can glide over gaps, glide over to it to get this minikit.
Minikit 10 – Keep running to the left and jump onto Count Dooku’s ship, switch to a high jumper and jump to the ledge just above the ship to find the minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As you are chasing Count Dooku, before going into the building, you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and you will land right on top of the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you are chasing Count Dooku into the building you will see 2 canisters in front of you that you can use the force on, next to the canisters is this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you enter the next room, hug the right wall and you will see a blue speeder, jump on top of the speeder to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – After getting blue minikit 3 go towards the closest wall on the left side of the room and the blue minikit will be just to the left of the button.
Blue Minikit 5 – In the same area as blue minikit 4, step onto the button and jump onto the platforms, switch to a high jumper and jump to the 2 remaining platforms above you, the blue minikit will be just up top.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you are fighting Count Dooku go to the right and you will see 2 silver canisters, switch to a character that can use bombs and blow them up, use the force to create a crawlspace and switch to a small character, crawl into the crawlspace and follow the path on the left to reach the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – Keep running to the left, in the very back of the room in the center is the next blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – Continue running to the left and you will come to a small crane you can move with the force, the blue minikit is just to the right of it.
Blue Minikit 9 – Keep running to the left and when you get to the fallen over tower, the blue minikit will be just to the left of it.
Blue Minikit 10 – As you continue running to the left you will come to Count Dooku’s ship, jump on top of the ship to get the blue minikit.
Level 13 – Battle Over Coruscant – Revenge of the Sith
True Jedi stud requirement 75,000
Minikit 1 – As you start up the level as you are doing a nose dive towards the second starship, the minikit will be just in front of you on the right.
Minikit 2 – As you continue to fly over the third starship, the minikit will be just in front of you on the left.
Minikit 3 – As you continue, you will have to smash 5 red panels on the side of a starship, after destroying all 5 of them and flying through the rubble, the minikit will be just in front of you next to another starship.
Minikit 4 – As you fly under the next starship, the minikit will be just in front of you on the left.
Minikit 5 – A little bit after flying under the starship, you will be flying next to different types starships, the minikit will be just in front of you.
Minikit 6 – As you fly sideways over another regular starship, the minikit will be to the left after clearing the tower.
Minikit 7 – After destroying the 2 red panels on one of the different type of starship, the minikit will be just in front of you.
Minikit 8 – After destroying 2 red panels on the side of a starship, a door will open for you to fly into, the minikit is inside on the left.
Vehicle Smart Bomb Red Brick 15,000 studs – After leaving the starship hanger and flying over another regular starship, the red brick will be to the left after clearing the tower.
Minikit 9 – As you are flying over a different looking starship, the minikit will be just in front of you on the left.
Minikit 10 – The minikit will be just in front of you as you are about to go under the starship and onto the final stretch of the level.
Blue Minikit 1 – The second you start the level, you will get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you are flying over the third starship, the blue minikit will be just in front of you on the left.
Blue Minikit 3 – After smashing through all 5 of the red panels on the side of a starship, after flying through the rubble the blue minikit will be just next to the starship tower on the left.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you are flying under the next starship the blue minikit will be just in front of you on the left.
Blue Minikit 5 – As you are flying next to very different looking starships, the blue minikit will be just in front of you on the right.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you are doing a sideways fly over on a normal looking starship, after clearing the tower, the blue minikit will be on the left.
Blue Minikit 7 – After destroying the 2 red panels on the tower of a starship, the blue minikit will be just in front of you.
Blue Minikit 8 – After destroying 2 red panels on the sides of the door, the door will open and the blue minikit will be just inside on the right.
Blue Minikit 9 – As you are continuing flying over starships, you will fly over a different looking starship again, as you are flying over it, the blue minikit will be just in front of you on the left.
Blue Minikit 10 – Just as you are about to fly under the last different looking starship onto the final stretch of the level, the blue minikit will be just in front of you on the left.
Level 14 – Chancellor in Peril – Revenge of the Sith
True Jedi stud requirement 60,000
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, go to the right and you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and you will land on the ledge, take the path to the left to find the minikit.
Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, you will come to a drop down, before dropping down there will be a grapple point on the right, take the grapple and you will be pulled right to the minikit.
Minikit 3 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room with 4 elevators, there will be a droid console on the far left, open the door and the minikit will be inside.
Minikit 4 – In the same area as minikit 3, open the third elevator door for this minikit.
Minikit 5 – As you go into the next section, go all the way to the left side to find this minikit.
Minikit 6 – In the same section as minikit 5 except you are going to the far right, there will be a crawlspace, switch to a small character and crawl into the crawlspace to find this minikit.
Minikit 7 – After the fight with Count Dooku, you will come to a room with 2 elevators on both sides of the room, go to the 2 elevators on the right side and into the elevator that doesnt need to be hacked open to find this minikit.
Super Astromech Red Brick 10,000 studs – As you are running away from the elevator, switch to a character that can throw bombs, stay to the right as you are running away from the elevator and after running passed the fourth vent in the floor, you will come to a vent that blows open and will have silver bricks inside, blow open the bricks and walk very slowly into the vent so it doesnt blow you upwards to get this red brick.
Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, you will come to valves that you need to use the force on to progress the level, when you get to the last yellow valve, use the force to turn it until the orange balloon pops, the minikit is just behind it.
Minikit 9 – As you get to the bridge of the starship, make a left as soon as you enter the room to find this minikit.
Minikit 10 – In the same area as minikit 9 but instead of going left into the bridge, go to the right to find this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, go to the right, the blue minikit will be just next to the yellow Jedi Starfighter.
Blue Minikit 2 – In the same area as blue minikit 1, there will be a grapple point, take the grapple and take the path to the left and you will come to the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you continue the level, you will come to a drop down and a droid console to hack, hack the console and go up the elevator, you will see a droidika (destroyer) blocking the room just in front of you, you will have to go into that room and just behind the yellow box is the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – When you get to the room with the 4 elevators, hack the droid console to open the third from the left elevator to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – When you get to the next section, go to the far left of the area to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – In the same area as blue minikit 5 instead of going left, go all the way to the right to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you are fighting Count Dooku, go up the stairs on the right and go into the room on the right to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you are still fighting Count Dooku, get as close to the force field as you can and go to the far left of the room and jump up to the ledge to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – As you continue the level, you will come to an area where you have to turn valves using the force, just after turning the first 2 valves, the blue minikit will be just there.
Blue Minikit 10 – When you get to the bridge of the starship, go all the way to the left and follow the path to the windows and you will find this blue minikit.
Level 15 – General Grievous – Revenge of the Sith
True Jedi stud requirement 3,300
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, switch to a character that can glide over gaps, go to the left side of the platform you start on and glide to the ledge, switch to a character who can throw bombs and blow up the silver wall in front of you, the minikit will be just on the other side.
Minikit 2 – When you are on the center platform switch to a character that can glide over gaps, go to the back of the platform and you will see a minikit next to a power up orb, glide over to the ledge to get the minikit.
Minikit 3 – Still on the center platform except go to the right side of the platform, switch to a character that can glide over gaps, you will see a minikit near a grapple point, glide over the gap to get this minikit.
Minikit 4 – As you are chasing after General Grievous, you will have to use the force to make a bridge to clear the gap, as you are walking over the bridge, you can use the force again to make platforms above you, DO NOT take the grapple point, jump up to the ledge on the left and jump on top of the platforms you previously made and the minikit will be just above the third platform.
Minikit 5 – As you are still continuing to chase after General Grievous, he will jump to a ledge and you will have to shoot the explosive next to him, after doing that, use the force to make the platform to reach him, after he runs away, switch to a high jumper to reach the minikit just above you.
Minikit 6 – After getting minikit 5, jump down the ledge just in front of you and go to the left a little, you will see tan bricks on the side of the mountain wall, destroy the wall and a hole will appear, jump into the hole to find the minikit.
Minikit 7 – After getting minikit 6 you will see a grapple point just where you dropped down from getting minikit 5, use the grapple to go back up and switch to a character that can clear gaps and on the far right ledge you will see a minikit in front of you, glide over to it to get the minikit.
Minikit 8 – Still on the same ledge as minikit 7 hug the wall on the right until you can go any further, switch to a character who can glide over gaps and you will see the minikit on the ledge in front of you, glide over to the minikit to get it.
Minikit 9 – Just after getting minikit 8 turn around and take the bridge that leads inside of a building, after getting inside, blow up all of the bombs on the floor to get this minikit to appear.
Super Jedi Slam Red Brick 11,000 studs – In the same area as minikit 9, there will be a circular machine in the center of the room, use the force to pull all 4 levers to open the center of it, the red brick is just inside.
Minikit 10 – After getting General Grievous down to 3 hearts, he will run away again, after chasing after him again, you will see a tan brick wall you need to destroy from where you got minikit 4 destroy the wall and you will see a bomb inside, use the force to move the bomb towards General Grievous and the minikit will appear in the hole where the bomb once was.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, go to the far right edge of the center platform to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – On the same center platform, except go to the far left edge, switch to a character who can glide over gaps and glide over to the ledge on the left, switch to a character who can throw bombs and blow up the silver wall, the blue minikit is just on the other side.
Blue Minikit 3 – From the center platform go all the way to the back of it and you will see a blue minikit on the ledge in front of you, glide over to the blue minikit to get it.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you are chasing General Grievous, you will have to use the force to make a bridge to cross a gap, cross the gap and the blue minikit will be on the little ledge to the right.
Blue Minikit 5 – As you are continuing to chase General Grievous, you will come to a part where you have to shoot an explosive next to him for him to run away to the center platform, after doing so use the force to make platforms to reach the ledge, the blue minikit will be just up on the ledge.
Blue Minikit 6 – Just after getting blue minikit 5, go a little further and drop down the ledge to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – After getting blue minikit 6 you will see a grapple point, take the grapple back up to the ledge and switch to a character who can glide over gaps, glide over the gap on the right, after getting to the ledge, hug the wall until you cant go any further, glide over to the ledge in front of you to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – After getting blue minikit 7 turn around and cross the bridge, as you are crossing the bridge, you will come to the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – As you continue to cross the bridge from blue minikit 8 you will enter a building, run around the circle and you will come to the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – In the same area as blue minikit 9 there will be a circular console in the center of the room, use the force to pull down all 4 of the levers to open the center, the blue minikit will be inside.
Level 16 – Defense on Kashyyyk – Revenge of the Sith
True Jedi stud requirement 65,000
Super Thermal Detonator Red Brick 25,000 studs – Continue the story as usual, when you come to the first right, take the path, switch to a sith character and use the force on the generator, then switch to a character that can throw bombs and throw a bomb onto the generator and the red brick will appear in the middle.
Minikit 1 – As you continue the level, you will come to a point where you have to save 3 wookies, when you get to this part, there will be a grapple point directly in front of you, use the grapple and jump over to the next grapple point, use that grapple and use the next grapple after that to reach the first wookie you need to save, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and glide to the ledge on the left side, then glide over to the next ledge that has 2 grapple points and use the left one, switch to a character that can do a high jump to reach the last ledge on the left to get this minikit.
Minikit 2 – As you come to the cross in the road just a little further down, go to the left and you will see 2 grapple points, take the grapple closest to the camera to find this minikit.
Minikit 3 – As you enter the beach area, as soon as you come off of the giant log, there will be plants you can use the force to rip out of the ground, rip all of them out of the ground to have a carrot appear, switch to a character that can do a high jump and jump onto the carrot and onto the giant boulder just next to you to find this minikit.
Minikit 4 – In the same area as minikit 3 there are 3 carrots that you need to rip out of the ground, the first carrot is just as soon as you get off of the giant log next to the boulder you need to jump on to get to minikit 3, the second carrot is after getting minikit 5, the second carrot is just left of the giant tree where you jumped onto the platforms to get to minikit 5, the third carrot is on the far left wall after passing the giant wooden gate, its in between 2 rocks, after ripping all of the carrots out, use the force on the wood that is just in front of the giant wooden gate to create the bridge, on the left of the giant wooden gate, there are more plants, rip the plants out to show a grapple point, take the grapple and cross the bridge you previously created to get this minikit.
Minikit 5 – As you get to the giant tree in the middle, there will be a platforms to jump to, switch to a character that has a high jump and jump on top of the 2 platforms and switch to a character that can glide over gaps and glide to the right to see the platform with the minikit on top.
Minikit 6 – When you get to the next area, you will come to a swamp, there will be 2 commander droids spawning droids endlessly until you take them out, go to the ledge in the far back on the right side on the area and jump up onto the ledge to find this minikit.
Minikit 7 – In the same area as minikit 6 there will be a X-Wing that you need to use the force to pull out of the swamp, use the force to pull it out completely and switch to a high jumper, jump onto the X-Wing before it sinks again and jump again to find this minikit.
Minikit 8 – In the next section, as you continue the area, you will come to a point where 2 clone troopers jump down off of a platform in front of you, after taking care of them, you will see a black blush in front of you that only the sith can use the force on, use the force on it to have a grapple point appear, use the grapple up and switch to a character that can glide over gaps, glide to the right to find this minikit.
Minikit 9 – In the same area as minikit 8 as you are climbing up the wall with the boulders sliding down, you will come to a grapple point, take the grapple to find this minikit.
Minikit 10 – After getting passed the metal gate, there will be a path on the left, take the path on the left and use the force to turn all 4 of the lights and then destroy the 4 lights, after destroying all 4 of them, DO NOT use the force on the door yet or the level will end, switch to a high jumper and jump on top of the pod, after getting up on top of the pod, jump again to get this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – Continue the level as normal and when you come to the first right, take the path and you will find the blue minikit on the other side of the generator.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, you will come to the point where the clone troopers start to attack you, where the commander was standing and the holligram was, the blue minikit is there on the left.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you continue the story, you will come to an area where you have to save 3 wookies, continue forward and you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and jump to the ledge onto the grapple point and take that grapple and onto the next ledge you will see the third grapple point and take that grapple then switch to a character that can glide over gaps, you will see a ledge on the left, glide over to the platform to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you continue, you will come to a cross roads, take the left path and you will see 2 grapple points, take the grapple point further back and you will come to the next blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – As you enter the beach area, stay as close to the water as possible and there will be a blue minikit behind some wreckage.
Blue Minikit 6 – In the same area as blue minikit 5, run all the way to the left and you will find the blue minikit hidden behind some rocks.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you get into the next section where there are 2 commander droids spawning an endless supply of droids, go to the commander droid on the left ledge to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you enter the next section, stay as far right as possible and you will find this blue minikit on the other side of a tree.
Blue Minikit 9 – In the same area as blue minikit 8, as you are climbing up the wall, there will be a ledge on the left, jump to the ledge to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – After getting passed the metal gate, before taking the path on the left, continue to go forward and you will see a blue minikit just behind the rock on the left.
Level 17 – Ruin of the Jedi – Revenge of the Sith
True Jedi stud requirement 35,000
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, go to the left and you will see a giant pillar, the minikit is just behind the pillar.
Minikit 2 – When you get to the first set of enemies, go to the ledge on the right and use the force on the pieces hanging from the ledge, you will make 2 platforms on top of each other, switch to a character that can do a high jump and jump onto the platforms, jump again to reach this minikit.
Minikit 3 – Before using the force on the broken door up the stairs, keep running to the right and you will see canisters, destroy the canisters to have a grapple point appear, take the grapple and follow the path on the left, jump up the ledge and switch to a sith character to destroy the window and switch to a character that can throw bombs, destroy the silver pieces in the middle with a bomb and put the pieces together to create a minikit.
Minikit 4 – After getting inside of temple, run to the other side of the bridge, on the left side of the bridge, you will see a red pillar, use the force to make the pillar into steps, go up the steps and switch to a clone trooper to get passed the clone trooper scanner and go inside, after going inside, directly in front of you will be a holigram console, jump onto the console and the minikit will be just up top.
Minikit 5 – As you continue the level, you will come to a giant orb that is in two pieces, go down the steps behind you and follow the path, take the path on the left to find this minikit.
Minikit 6 – In the same area as minikit 5, there will be a room that you can enter just before going left to go get minikit 5, go inside the room and you’ll see its the jedi counsel room, stack all of the chairs on top of each other, switch to a high jumper and jump on top of all of the chairs to reach this minikit.
Minikit 7 – When you get to the next area with the archives, go forward until you get to the big area and make a right, go down the first right and switch to someone with the force and pull out the platforms and jump up onto them until you get to the switch then switch to a high jumper and jump up to the platform with the minikit.
Minikit 8 – After getting minikit 7 keep going go to the left until you get to the third part of the archives and use the force on the platforms again and keep jumping up until you get to the platform, switch to a character that can do a high jump to get to this minikit.
Minikit 9 – After turning on all of the lights in the ground on the right side of the room, 2 platforms will raise up in the center of the room, jump on the platform on the right and onto the ledge, walk all the way to the left and switch to a high jumper to jump over the force field to get this minikit.
Deflect Bolts Red Brick 150,000 studs – Still in the same area as minikit 9 after getting the minikit jump up on top of the platform and use the force to flip the last 3 switches, you should have flipped 6 switches by now and in the center of the room one of the platforms raised all the way to the top, go to the far right area and jump back on top of the lower platform and onto the ledge and follow the path on the left until you get to the raised platform, jump on top of the platform and jump again to reach this red brick.
Minikit 10 – As you enter the next area, DO NOT use the force to turn the wheel on the holigram on the right side of the room, instead go down the ramp on the left and switch to someone that can throw bombs and blow up the silver wall to reveal a button then switch to a sith character and blow up the black wall on the other side to reveal another button, stand on the buttons to turn off a force field, switch back to a character that can throw bombs and blow up the silver boxes that were behind the force field and put the pieces together to create a switch, use the force to pull the switch down and turn off another force field to get the minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, this blue minikit is just behind the canister in front of you.
Blue Minikit 2 – Just on the other side of the giant doors on the other side of the giant pillars is this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – Right after getting blue minikit 2 there will be a canister just next to it, destroy the canister and a grapple point will appear, use the grapple and take the path all the way around until you get to the top of a ledge where this blue minikit is.
Blue Minikit 4 – After going inside, cross the bridge and go to the left to find a giant orb, just behind the orb is this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – In the same area as blue minikit 4 you will see a red pillar, use the force to make the pillar into steps and switch to a clone trooper and use the clone trooper scanner and go inside, just left of the holigram is this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – When you get to the part where there are 2 pieces of a giant orb, go down the stairs behind you and into the jedi counsel room and the blue minikit will be on the left behind a chair.
Blue Minikit 7 – When you get to the archives room, take the second left and you will see a grapple point, take the grapple to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – After flipping the 3 switches on the right to open the door to continue the level a platform will appear in the center of the room, switch to a high jumper and jump onto the platform and follow the path on the left to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – After getting blue minikit 8 stay up on the ledge and keep running to the left, switch to a high jumper and jump over the force field and turn the force field off, run to the third room that had a force field blocking it and use the force to create platforms, jump up the platforms to the ledge to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – In the next room, DO NOT turn the holigram on, instead go down the ramp on the left and you will see this blue minikit on the left side of the wall.
Level 18 – Darth Vader – Revenge of the Sith
True Jedi stud requirement 25,000
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, you will be running away from an explosion, as you are continuing to run away and jumping over 5 gaps in the floor if you stay in the middle of the platforms, the minikit will be on the left.
Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room with a countdown timer, as soon as you enter the room, go to the left and turn the yellow valves on the second console on the left, the monitor will blow up with the minikit inside.
Dark Side Red Brick 25,000 studs – As you continue on the left, you will see a droid console, switch to a droid character to open the door and go inside to find this red brick.
Minikit 3 – As soon as you leave the room with the red brick, you will see a console on the left, turn the yellow valves on the console to blow open the gate to find this minikit.
Minikit 4 – After getting minikit 3, you will see a tan brick wall just left of you, go to the back wall on the left and break it open to find this minikit.
Minikit 5 – Just after getting minikit 4, run straight forward and you will run into this minikit in the very back of the room from where you start.
Minikit 6 – As soon as you enter the next section, this minikit will appear right behind you.
Minikit 7 – As you continue the level, you will need to make a platform by standing on top of 2 buttons, as the platform lowers, you will see the minikit.
Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, you will come to a point where you are trying not to sink into the lava, when you get to the point where you have to jump onto little platforms, as soon as you jump onto the first one, jump to the right until you get to the far right platform to find this minikit.
Minikit 9 – In the same area as minikit 8 but instead of going right as soon as you get to the little platforms go to the left to find this minikit.
Minikit 10 – As you continue the level as normal and you get to the tower where it starts falling over sideways, quickly switch to a character that can glide over gaps and glide over to the small platform on the right side, after landing on the platform make sure to switch to a character who can jump to get up on the rock to get this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level the blue minikit will be directly behind you.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you continue the level and you come to a room with a countdown timer, go to the left side of the room until you come to a droid console, hack the console and go inside the room to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – As soon as you leave the room with the blue minikit 2, continue going to the left and you will see a tan brick wall, destroy the brick wall and the blue minikit will be inside.
Blue Minikit 4 – Right after getting blue minikit 3 go directly in front of you and you will see this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – As soon as you enter the next area, the blue minikit will be directly next to you.
Blue Minikit 6 – Just after getting blue minikit 5, you will have to step on 2 buttons to lower a platform, as the platform lowers the blue minikit will appear.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you are trying not to sink into the lava, you will see this blue minikit on the right of the tower that you start on.
Blue Minikit 8 – Just as you start jumping onto the little platforms, stay to the right and keep jumping onto the platforms to reach this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – In the same area as blue minikit 8 but instead of going right, you want to be going left to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – As you continue the level and you jump on top of the tower that starts sinking and starts to fall onto its side, quickly switch to a character that can glide over gaps and glide to the right and you will see a platform, land onto the platform and switch to a character who can jump to jump onto the rock platform to find this blue minikit.
Level 19 – Secret Plans – A New Hope
True Jedi stud requirement 28,000
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, continue the level as normal, when you get to the hallway where you see the rebels run from right to left, go to the right and you will see a sith force door, switch to a sith character and use the force on the door, the minikit is behind the door.
Minikit 2 – As you enter the next section, you will see a silver item, switch to a character that can throw bombs and throw a bomb on it and explode it, it will leave a hole in the ground, go into the ground to find this minikit.
Minikit 3 – In the same area as minikit 2, climb to the very top of the room and you will see 2 force items on the right wall, use the force on both items to make 2 platforms, jump on top of the platforms to reach this minikit.
Minikit 4 – To get this minikit you will have to find 3 boxes with a grape on top of it with sunglasses, the first one is while you are chasing after Darth Vader, there will be a door on the right that only a bounty hunter can open, just left of the scanner are 2 boxes, destroy both boxes to find the first one, the second one is after going through the bounty hunter scanner door, follow the corrider until you come to the first left, go down the corrider until you find 2 more boxes, destroy both boxes to find this one, continue down the same corrider and you will come to a force field that you need to turn off, after turning it off, you will see a box on the left, destroy the box to find the last one and a minikit will appear, back track a little to where you first took that first left and instead of going left, keep going straight and you will see the minikit.
Minikit 5 – This minikit is in the exact same location as minikit 4, you will see 1 white platform on both sides of the corrider, walk on both of the platforms and pieces will come out, put the pieces together to create a door and the minikit will be behind the door.
Super Blasters Red Brick 15,000 studs – As you continue back down the corrider from where you got the third grape box, there will be a door in front of you and there will be 8 showers you can use the force on, use the force on all 8 of them until you cant use the showers anymore, destroy the plants in the pots in the very back of the room and pieces will appear, put the pieces together for a vehicle, if there are no pieces for a vehicle go back into the corrider and back track until you see a silver item, throw a bomb at it and put the pieces together to make a vehicle and drive the vehicle around the rest of the level if you want after getting this red brick, this is important for a minikit later, go back to where you first entered the room and destroy the plants on the right side of the room to find the red brick.
Minikit 6 – As you continue the level, you will come to a section where you have to push 2 batteries into holes to open up the door to advance the level, in the same room as the batteries, go up onto the raised floor and you will see 2 boxes, use the force to stack the 2 boxes and jump on top of them and then onto the ledge to find this minikit.
Minikit 7 – As you continue in the same area, you will come to a force field, turn off the force field and use the force on the first set of orange lights on the left, use the force on the top one to make this minikit appear behind the wall.
Minikit 8 – This minikit is glitched but there is a way around the glitch, after getting minikit 7, hack the door open but DO NOT go through unless you have either the white van or the orange car, if you havent been driving around in it, back track and get either vehicle and then go inside the room with the crane, DO NOT do anything in this room except for driving the vehicle on the platform that is just behind the crane controls, if you do anything else in this room before driving a vehicle onto that platform, you will glitch out the minikit and you will have to restart the level over.
Minikit 9 – To get this minikit you will need to find 3 flowers, when you get to the next section where you have to save 2 rebels from storm troopers, there will be breakable walls on the left, destroy the third set of walls to reveal a blue flower, the second flower is as you continue down the corrider, you will come to a door on the left that only a storm trooper can open, open the door and go inside, break the 2 boxes in the room to reveal this blue flower, the third flower is when you are continuing the story, you will see 2 large silver containers, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy it, after finding all 3 blue flowers, the minikit will appear by the escape pods.
Minikit 10 – Just before you escape into the escape pod on the right, open the door just behind where you found minikit 9 and you will get a surprise, after dealing with whats inside, switch to a sith character and use the force to destroy the item inside to find this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, the blue minikit will be just next to you on the left.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, you will come to a point where you see 2 rebels running from right to left, go down the corrider on the right and you will see this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you continue the same corrider except instead of going right go left, there will be a door on the left and you will see the blue minikit next to the door.
Blue Minikit 4 – When you enter the next section, you will see a silver item in front of you on the left, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy the silver item, jump into the hole that the bomb left and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – In the next section as you are chasing after Darth Vader, where you have to destroy 2 bombs to get him to start running again, the blue minikit will be just above the door.
Blue Minikit 6 – Just after going through the door after getting blue minikit 5, there will be breakable walls just in front of you, destroy the walls on the far left to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – After getting blue minikit 6 go to the right and you will see a bounty hunter scanner, switch to a bounty hunter and go into the door, continue down the corrider until you come to a force field, turn off the force field and the blue minikit will be just in front of you.
Blue Minikit 8 – When you get to the room where you have to push 2 batteries into holes to open the door to advance the level, go to the far right area, as close to the hole as possible to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – When you get to the crane room, go to the other side of the room to the door to advance the level and destroy the box on the left side of the door to reveal a grapple point, take the grapple and switch to a character that can glide over gaps, fly over to the ledge to find the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – As you continue the level, when you are on your way to the escape pods, you will walk right into this blue minikit, it is impossible to miss.
Level 20 – Through the Jundland Wastes – A New Hope
True Jedi stud requirement 60,000
Fast Force Red Brick 40,000 studs – As soon as you start the level, continue the level until you get to the point where you have to destroy orange bricks to lower the rocks to jump on top of, before destroying those orange bricks go to the right, you will see a silver wall on the other side of a gap that you cant reach with just a bomb, switch to someone who can clear over gaps to get to where the silver wall is, dont worry there is enough room, switch to a character that can throw bombs and throw a bomb to destroy the silver wall, as you continue in this new open area, you will see 3 boxes you can move with the force, stack all 3 of them on top of each other and jump up to the ledge, then switch back to someone who can clear over gaps and glide over to where the cart is, push the cart off the ledge and it will destroy wooden planks to where the red brick is, just further down the hill.
Minikit 1 – After getting the red brick, you will see orange bricks in the ground that you can use the force on, use the force on them to make a platform, jump up onto the ledge and go to the left, you will see a minikit on the other side, switch to a character that can glide over gaps to get this minikit.
Minikit 2 – After getting minikit 1, drop down off of the ledge and backtrack a little until you find a sith force wall, switch to a sith character and use the force to destroy the wall, when you go inside, on the left you will see something else to use the force on, create the bomb to blow up the wall and go inside the hole in the wall, destroy the wooden planks inside and use the force again to create another bomb and then jump into that hole, then jump to the ledge on the right to reach this minikit.
Minikit 3 – After getting minikit 2 back track just a little to find pieces to put together a grapple point, put the pieces together and take the grapple after getting to the top, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and glide over to the ledge on the left, its a little tough but you can do it, switch to a small character and go into the crawlspace to reach this minikit.
Minikit 4 – As you continue the level, you will come to the Jawa’s giant vehicle, as you make your way to the top of the vehicle, before pulling down the 2 levers, there will be silver items on the left side of the top of the vehicle, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy all 9 pieces and 2 buttons will appear, step on both buttons to reveal a crawlspace, switch to a small character and go into the crawlspace to get this minikit.
Minikit 5 – As you continue in the Jawa vehicle, you will come to a room with square bombs dispenser, pull the lever in the top right of the room to spawn a bomb, push the bomb until you get to the area just in front of the lever and push it down the other path and push it towards the gate to blow it up, go inside to get this minikit.
Minikit 6 – When you get in the next section of the vechile right after minikit 5, go to the far left wall and you will see a sith force wall, switch to a sith and break off the wall to reveal a crawlspace, switch to a small character and go into the crawlspace, step on both buttons and use the force on the valve and then use the force on the wall just above the lava to stop the lava flow and switch to a character that can glide over gaps to reach this minikit.
Minikit 7 – As you leave the Jawa’s vehicle, you will come to a quicksand swamp, as you continue, go to the left and you will see a sith force item, switch to a sith and use the force on it to destroy it and to lower a platform, jump up to the edge and in front of you, you will see 2 buttons, 1 small and 1 big, jump on top of one of the big creatures and ride him over to the big button and the A.I. will stand on the small button, the container with the minikit will open in the center of the water.
Minikit 8 – After dropping down from getting minikit 7 in the same area with the quicksand swamp, you will come to a point where you have to put together a grapple point, after putting the grapple point back together, use the grapple to reach this minikit.
Minikit 9 – As you continue the level, you will come to an area where there is a large gap that you cant glide over, use the force to create a bridge across and after you cross the bridge on the left you will see a giant rock pillar in the hole, jump on top of the pillar to lower it, you will see the minikit.
Minikit 10 – As you continue the level, you will come to the point where you can take Luke’s landspeeder, put the pieces back together for the landspeeder to start working again and ride in it, go upward towards where you see another landspeeder but dont stop there, keep going up until you reach the last piece of land that is safe to stand on, on the left side and put together the grapple point and take the grapple to reach this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start this level, go left instead of right to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – After getting blue minikit 1, continue the level and you will come to orange bricks that you have to destroy, before destroying them go to the right and you will see a gap, switch to someone who can glide over gaps and then switch to someone who can throw bombs and destroy the wall, as you continue in this area, the blue minikit will be on the right, behind some boxes you can use the force on.
Blue Minikit 3 – In the same area as blue minikit 2 except a little further in the area, go down the hill and use the force on the orange bricks on the left to raise a platform, jump up to the ledge and use the force on the hut on the left to open the door, go inside to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you continue the level, you will come to a point where there are pieces of a box that you have to put together to jump over a swamp gap while 3 sandpeople are shooting at you, after you cross the gap, you will see pieces of a grapple point, put the grapple point back together and use the grapple to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – When you get to the Jawa’s giant vehicle, jump on top of the creature and go all the way to the right side of the vehicle and you will see a hole in the wall with a blue minikit, jump off of the creature with a double jump to reach this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – As soon as you enter the Jawa’s vehicle, there will be a door directly in front of you, put the pieces together to create a droid console, hack the console and go inside, the blue minikit will be in the back of the room behind the table.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you come to the section with the 4 buttons on the floor on both sides of the room, go to the far left wall to find a sith force wall, switch to a sith character and destroy the wall to find the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, you will come to a quicksand swamp and as you continue, go left and you will see a sith force item, switch to a sith and destroy the item to lower the rock to jump up to the ledge, in the very back of this area, up on the ledges, you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – As you continue the level, you will get to a point where you only have to press one button to get rid of the 1 big pile of quicksand, after clearing out all of the quicksand, on the left there will be 2 small orange poles coming out of the ground, jump on the further to the left one and jump up to the ledge and switch to a character that can glide over gaps and glide over to the other ledge to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – When you get to the point where you can put together Luke’s landspeeder, put it together and cross the quicksand swamp over to the house and switch to a character that can jump high and jump on top of the house and you will see the blue minikit.
Level 21 – Mos Eisley Spaceport – A New Hope
True Jedi stud requirement 60,000
Minikit 1 – To get this minikit you are going to have to destroy 3 barrels to find 3 giant carrots, the first barrel is just to the right before going up the stairs, the second barrel is in the same area as the first barrel, as you continue the area, stay to the left and just before turning the corner you will see a lone barrel, destroy the barrel for the second carrot, the final carrot is after getting minikit 3, stay to the right and continue, you will see another lone barrel, destroy the barrel and the minikit will appear behind you, now backtrack to where you first got the first carrot and go up those stairs and to the left, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and switch to a bounty hunter to open the door, pieces of lego will pour out onto the ground floor, put the pieces together to make a fan and float all the way to the top to get this minikit.
Minikit 2 – As soon as you start the level, go to the right and you will see a storm trooper scanner, switch to a storm trooper and go into the door, on the left side of the room, there are 2 showers, use the force to turn both of them on and the minikit will appear in the pool.
Minikit 3 – On the other side of the second barrel with the carrot on the right side of the level, you will see a set of stairs, take the stairs and switch to a sith character, use the force to destroy the floor and jump inside for this minikit.
Super Lightsabers Red Brick 40,000 studs – After getting the second carrot on the left side, there will be a bunch of little barrels and 1 big barrel, use the force on all of the barrels and destroy the 1 big barrel for pieces to come out, after getting all of the pieces, put them together to create a door and a droid hacking console, hack the door to open and go inside for this red brick.
Minikit 4 – As you continue the same area, you will come to a point where you can use the force on stairs to create a ramp, use the force to turn the stairs into the ramp and go up the ramp and switch to a storm trooper, open the door and go inside, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and put the pieces together to create 2 turrets, after creating the turrets, hop in 1 and destroy 10 creatures for a minikit to appear.
Minikit 5 – As you continue the second section, you will come to a silver canister in the middle of the road, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy it, put the pieces together and push the item until you cant anymore, pieces of a grapple point will pour out just to the right of you, put the pieces together and take the grapple, up on the ledge will be this minikit.
Minikit 6 – Just after getting minikit 5, you will see 3 boxes on the right of you, use the force on all 3 of them to stack them on top of each other, jump on them and jump to the ledge to the right to find this minikit.
Minikit 7 – When you first get into the cantina, go to the right and into the first stall, there will be a crawlspace, switch to a small character and enter the crawlspace to get this minikit.
Minikit 8 – To get this minikit, you are going to have to destroy another 3 barrels but this time, you are looking for 3 giant peaches, the first peach is as soon as you leave the cantina, the barrel will be immediately to the left, the second barrel is in the same area as where you get minikit 9, on the right side as you jump down the ledge, you will see 2 barrels, destroy both barrels to find this peach, the final peach is when you get to the next section, you will see a movie theater in front of you, there will be a lone barrel just left of the movie theater, destroy the barrel and then backtrack into the previous section that wasnt the sith walls that you destroyed, switch to a character that can do a high jump and jump onto the light gray and the dark gray platform and then jump onto the ledge, follow the ledge to get this minikit.
Minikit 9 – After getting the first barrel with the peach in it, you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and you will see pieces of a grapple point, put the pieces together and take the grapple, in the next area you will see a bounty hunter scanner, switch to a bounty hunter and go into the area, in the very back of this area, you will see 2 small gates with wheels above them, use the force on either of the 2 to open the small gate, go inside to get the minikit.
Minikit 10 – After getting minikit 9, go back to where you saw the movie theater and you will see a droid console, hack the door and go inside, destroy the 4 lights just under the curtains to reveal the pieces of a puzzle, use the force on the puzzle and then destroy the screen, the minikit will be behind the screen.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, go to the right and the blue minikit will be just left of the storm trooper scanner.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, stay to the left, as you are about to round the corner, you will see a lone barrel, just next to the barrel is this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – In the same area, you will come to stairs that you can use the force on to turn into a ramp, turn the stairs into the ramp and go up the ramp and use the storm trooper console and then go inside, after going inside the blue minikit will be just there.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you continue the level, just before going inside to go into the cantina area, where the AT-STs are at, just to the right of the door is the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – When you get to the main cantina area, go to the right and in the final stall just before leaving the cantina, the blue minikit will be there.
Blue Minikit 6 – After getting outside of the cantina, you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and you will see pieces of another grapple point, put the grapple point together and take the grapple and go into the next area, in the next area you will see a bounty hunter scanner, switch to a bounty hunter and go through the door, after dropping down the ledge, stay to the right wall and you will see a hole in the wall, the blue minikit will be inside.
Blue Minikit 7 – After getting blue minikit 6, you will have to backtrack just a little, just behind you will be a droid console that you can hack open, go through the door and backtrack all the way back until you see a grapple point on the ground, the blue minikit will be just next to the grapple point.
Blue Minikit 8 – In the area with the movie theater, just left of the movie theater, there will be an archway in the back, go through the archway to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – In the same area as blue minikit 8, except go to the movie theater and hack the droid console and go inside, you will see the blue minikit on the left side of the area.
Blue Minikit 10 – As you continue the level, you will come to the point where you see the Millennium Falcon, switch to a character that can do a high jump, on the left side of the area you will see 2 brown pipes coming out of the ground, jump on top of the 2 pipes and onto the ledge, follow the ledge all the way around until you get to the right side to find this blue minikit.
Level 22 – Rescue the Princess – A New Hope
True Jedi stud requirement 60,000
Minikit 1 (Available in Story Mode) – After starting up the level, continue the level and when you get to the area where you have to open the door using a stormtrooper helmet, before going through the storm trooper door, go right and use the crane to pick up and drop 10 stormtroopers into the pit, after dropping them the minikit will appear, use the crane to grab the minikit.
Minikit 2 (Available in Story Mode) – When you get to the control room, where you have to put the console back together, select C-3P0 and turn around, you will see a door that only C-3P0 can open, the minikit is inside.
Minikit 3 – As you continue the level, keep going straight and you will come to a gap in the ground, switch to a character that can glide and glide over the gap, as you continue forward, just before you get to the storm troopers, there will be a small room on the left side with a single storm trooper, go into the room to find this minikit.
Minikit 4 – Just after getting minikit 3, go to the far right of the hallway and switch to a character that can glide over gaps, glide over the gap to get to a platform with a grapple point, take the grapple, switch to a small character and enter the crawlspace to find this minikit.
Minikit 5 – As you continue in the same area, just a little further down the hallway into the next section, you will come to the generator, use the force to take the panels off and pull down all 3 switches and a grapple point will appear, take the grapple to reach this minikit.
Minikit 6 – As you continue in the same area, you will come to a sith force wall, switch to a sith and use the force on the wall and you will create platforms, switch to a character that can do a high jump and jump up onto the 2 platforms to reach this minikit.
Tractor Beam Red Brick 15,000 studs – After getting minikit 6, you are going to have to backtrack all the way back to where you first had to glide over the first gap you came to and glide back over, after you glide over the gap, you will see a hallway on the left, take the hallway and continue down the path, you will see a door on the left that can be hacked open by a droid, open the door and go inside, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and go to the far left ledge where the grapple point is, take the grapple to reach this red brick.
Minikit 7 – As you continue the level, you will come to a big circular room where you have to move the bridge to advance, as you turn the platform and cross the bridge, you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and then you will see another grapple point, take that grapple point and switch to a character that can glide over gaps, before dropping down to advance the level, glide all the way to the right of the door onto a platform to find this minikit.
Minikit 8 (Available in Story Mode) – As you continue the level you will come to a room filled with stormtroopers and 8 computers, destroy all 8 computer monitors and the minikit will appear.
Minikit 9 – As you continue the level, you will come to 2 elevators, on the other end you will see 3 boxes that you can stack on top of each other, stack them up and jump up and then onto the ledge, you will see a bomb that you can push, push it all the way to the right and it will slide down and blow something up, jump down to where it blew up to find this minikit.
Minikit 10 – As you continue the level and get to the prison block, go all the way back into the hallway and on the last door on the left, hack the door to open it with a droid and the minikit will be inside.
Blue Minikit 1 – When you first start off the level, you will come to a hallway where you can either go straight or to the right, take the path on the right and you will see crane controls, on the other side of the crane is the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, you will come to an area where you have to put 2 pieces of a console together in order to hack the door, just behind you is another droid console that you have to hack, hack the door open and go inside to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you continue the level, you will see a path on the left and a path in front of you, keep going straight and switch to a character that can glide over gaps and then continue on with the level, as you get to the giant generator, the blue minikit will be on the left.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you continue the same area after getting blue minikit 3, just as you enter the next section, the blue minikit will be just in front of you.
Blue Minikit 5 – After getting blue minikit 4, you are going to have to backtrack all the way back to where you first saw the first gap and glide over it and take that path on the left, continue down that hallway and you will come to a set of elevators, switch to a character that can do a high jump and just in front of the second elevator, jump up and you will reach this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – Those same elevators where you get blue minikit 5, go inside either elevator and switch to a droid to hack the elevator and ride it up into a secret room, in the center of the room will be the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you continue the level, when you get to the far left part of the area, just before going down into the door on the right, you will see blue minikit directly in front of you.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room with a lot of storm troopers and 8 computers, in the center of the room you will see this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – As you continue the level, you will come to another set of 2 elevators, before going into either one, go to the far left wall and you will see 3 boxes, stack the boxes on top of each other and jump on the boxes and up onto the ledge to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – When you get to the prison block, open the door to get into the long hallway, before going too far, open the first door on the left by pulling down both levers and go inside to find this blue minikit.
Level 23 – Death Star Escape – A New Hope
True Jedi stud requirement 45,000
Invincibility Red Brick 1,000,000 studs – This red brick can be found almost immediately after leaving the trash compacter, after leaving the trash compacter there will be a door on the left that only C-3P0 can open, open the door and go inside, you should be in another trash compacter, put the pieces together on the left side of the room to make a fridge, open the fridge using the force and the red brick will appear.
Minikit 1 – As you continue the level, just after getting the red brick you will see a silver item in the wall on the left, switch to a character that can throw bombs and blow up the silver item and the minikit will be inside.
Minikit 2 – As you continue the level as normal, you will come to a small hanger, there will be a lever on the back wall as soon as you enter the room, pull the lever 3 times and jump down off of the ledge and go to the far left of the room, you will see a tall blue platform that you can push, push it towards the smaller platform that has green and red on it until it fits perfectly and push the green side of it until you cant push it anymore, go to the far right and you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and you will see another grapple point, take the grapple and jump up onto the ledge, pull the lever for a box to come out and keep pushing it until it falls down and opens a path, drop down after and you will see a yellow cart down there and a crawlspace, switch to a small character and enter the crawlspace to get this minikit.
Minikit 3 (Available in Story Mode) – As you continue the level, you will come to a crane control, hop into the crane control and you will see 2 stormtroopers window washing, move them around for awhile until they stop cleaning and then jump out of the crane controls for the window to shatter and you will see your minikit.
Minikit 4 – As you continue down the hallway, you will eventually come to a point where there is a sith force wall on the right, switch to sith and use the force on the wall to reveal this minikit.
Minikit 5 – As you continue the level, you will come to an area with a grapple point, take the grapple and pull the lever and then drop down to the bottom floor to put the pieces together to help the elevator go higher, ride the elevator all the way to the top to where you’ll see a stormtrooper scanner, just next to the scanner you can use the force on bricks above you, use the force to make a platform and jump on the platform and jump again to get this minikit.
Minikit 6 (Available in Story Mode) – After using the grapple over 3 big ledges, you will come to a room where you will see a stormtrooper running away from you, instead of chasing after him, go the opposite way, you will come to a ledge with a small platform to the left (you can make this jump) jump over there to find the minikit. If you’ve reached the room filled with stormtroopers, you’ve gone too far.
Minikit 7 (Available in Story Mode) – In the same area as minikit 6, except you are chasing after the stormtrooper, where you have to shoot 3 gray and orange circular things coming out of the wall (they are all one after another) after destroying all 3, you will find your minikit.
Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room with tons of stormtroopers coming from both sides of the room, in the back right side of the room, you will see 2 boxes, stack the boxes on top of each other and jump up onto the ledge above you, take the path to the left and you will find this minikit.
Minikit 9 – As soon as you get to the hanger there will be a lever just to the right of you, pull the lever and a gust of wind will show up just to the right of you from that yellow vent that was once there, ride the wind and follow the path to the right and you will come to a bounty hunter scanner, switch to a bounty hunter and go inside to find this minikit.
Minikit 10 (Available in Story Mode) – In the same area as minikit 9, run to the other side, you will see pieces laying on the floor next to a door, put the pieces together and push the door open to find C-3P0 and R2-D2 in the room, in the room with them is this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, run towards the camera and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – After getting out of the trash compacter, there will be a door on the left in the hallway, hack the door open and go inside to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – When you get to the small hanger, there will be a lever on the back wall, put the lever 2 times to get a grapple point to appear, take the grapple and you will get the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room with window washers, just as you enter the room, the blue minikit will be just to the left.
Blue Minikit 5 – As you continue the level, you will come to a open area, as soon as you enter the area, you will see the blue minikit just on the ledge in front of you.
Blue Minikit 6 – After using the storm trooper scanner at the top of the elevator, go into the room, the blue minikit will be just around the corner on the right.
Blue Minikit 7 – After getting to the big wide open area where you have to use grapple points to get across the gaps, after using the first grapple, go into the small room next to you to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, when you get to the room with the never ending storm troopers coming from both sides of the room, go to the room where they keep coming from on the right to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – In the same room as blue minikit 8, except instead of going into the room on the right, go into the room on the left from where the storm troopers keep coming out of to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – As you continue the level, you will eventually get to the big hanger, run all the way around to the right side of the area and to the back wall, you will see the blue minikit just in front of you.
Level 24 – Rebel Attack – A New Hope
True Jedi stud requirement 30,000
Minikit 1 (Available in Story Mode) – After getting passed the first force field, go to your left and you will see a cross shape in the floor, get close to it and a turnstile will pop up, shoot the turnstile until it cant move anymore and a minikit case will pop up next to it, shoot the case and you will get your minikit.
Minikit 2 (Available in Story Mode) – When you get to the area where you have to destroy 4 pink squares in the ground with missles, you will see blue tiles on the wall on the right side of those pink squares, there is a turret next to the blue tiles, destroy all of the blue tiles and you will get your minikit.
Minikit 3 – In the same area as minikit 2, on the far left side, you will see a Tie fighter door, switch to a Tie fighter and go through the door, shoot the pink target in the floor for a minikit case to pop up, shoot the case for the minikit.
Minikit 4 (Available in Story Mode) – In the second section of this level, you will see 2 paths to go up, go up the first path and there will be another turnstile, shoot the turnstile again and another minikit case will pop up, shoot the case and you will get your minikit.
Minikit 5 – Just next to minikit 4, you will see a Tie fighter door, switch to a Tie fighter to open the door and go inside, there will be 8 green lights on the floor, fly over all 8 of them for a minikit case to appear on the far right of this area, destroy the case and you will get this minikit.
Minikit 6 (Available in Story Mode) – In the same section as minikit 4, except a little further in the story, you will come to an open area, as soon as you get there, turn right and you will see a lone turret and more blue tiles, shoot the tiles to get the next minikit.
Minikit 7 – Just next to where you get minikit 6, there will be a Tie fighter door, switch to a Tie fighter to open the door, before going inside, you will have to backtrack a little, when you first enter the section of this level, instead of taking the first path, take the second path, there will be a Tie fighter door, switch to a Tie fighter to open the door to reveal a bomb dispenser, switch to a vehicle that can tow cable bombs, such as the Republic Gunship, now tow the bomb all the way back to where you used the Tie fighter to open up the door further on in the level and destroy the blue and orange panels on both sides of the door to lower the force field and destroy the minikit case to get this minikit.
Minikit 8 (Available in Story Mode) – In the third section of the level, as soon as you get here, you will see another cross shape in the ground, get close to it, shoot the turnstile until you cant anymore and a minikit case will pop up, shoot the case and you will get your minikit.
Minikit 9 (Availabe in Story Mode) – After destroying all of the pink targets to lower the last force field in the third section, destroy the wall to continue to the Trench Run, DO NOT, go to the trench run yet, stay to the far left and go as slow as possible so the trench run doesnt start up, you will see blue panels on the left wall, destroy the blue panels and a minikit case will be inside, destroy the case to get this minikit.
Minikit 10 (Available in Story Mode) – After you finish the trench run area, DO NOT shoot the pink target, you will see another cross in the back left side of the area, get close to it and a turnstile will pop up, shoot the turnstile and a minikit case will pop up, shoot the case and you will get your minikit.
x2 Red Brick 1,250,000 studs (Available in Story Mode) – This red brick is in the same area as minikit 10, instead of going to the back left, go to the back right and it is hiding behind a wall.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start up the level, the blue minikit will be immediately to your right.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you get passed the first force field, stay to the right and you will see this blue minikit just next to a turret.
Blue Minikit 3 – Continue the level just a little bit more and continue to stay to the right, you will eventually come to this blue minikit next to another turret.
Blue Minikit 4 – On the opposite end of blue minikit 3, you will see a Tie fighter door, switch to a Tie fighter and go through to door to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – As you enter the second section, take the first path you see on the left and this blue minikit will be just next to 3 turrets on the right wall.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you continue the same path, stay to the left and you will see another Tie fighter door, go through the door and stay on the right wall and behind the pillar in the back, you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – Before continuing with the level, backtrack a little and instead of taking the first path, take the second path and you will see another Tie fighter door, open the door for this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As soon as you enter the third section, stay to the far left wall and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – As soon as you get to the trench run part of the level, immediately turn around and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – As soon as you get out of the trench where you have to destroy the death star, DO NOT shoot the pink target, go to the very back wall to find this blue minikit.
Level 25 – Hoth Battle – Empire Strikes Back
True Jedi stud requirement 25,000
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start up the level go to the far left area, there you will find a Tie fighter door, switch to a Tie fighter to open the door and go inside, stay to the far right and you will see a brick rock, destroy the brick rock to find this minikit.
Minikit 2 – In the same area as minikit 1, just before going through the Tie fighter door, there was a bomb dispenser, switch to a vehicle with a tow cable such as the Republic Gunship and drag the bomb all the way to where you got minikit 1 and you will see a wall just in front of you, blow up the wall with the bomb and go inside, after going inside, destroy all of the enemies for the minikit to appear.
Minikit 3 (Available in Story Mode) – As you continue the level, still in the same section you will come to a set of white walls on the right side of the level just before you go into the cave to the next section, behind the white wall is a case you have to destroy, destroy it for your minikit.
Minikit 4 (Available in Story Mode) – Still in the same section, there are AT-ST (2 legged machines) all around the area, use the cable to grapple (B) on 10 different AT-STs and pull them down, after doing this 10 times, the minikit will appear just before going into the second section.
Minikit 5 (Available in Story Mode) – As you enter into the second section, you will have to pull down another 10 of the AT-STs, after doing this 10 times, you will automatically get this minikit.
Minikit 6 – As you continue into the second section, stay to the left and you will come to a Tie fighter door, switch to a Tie fighter and go into the secret area, go into the cave and stay to the left and you will come to a little hole in the wall, there will be a minikit case, destroy the case to get the minikit.
Minikit 7 – Still in the secret area, continue until you get out of the cave, as you exit the cave, go to the left and you will see brick rocks, destroy the brick rocks to get this minikit.
Self Destruct Red Brick 25,000 studs – Still in the same secret area, but in the area where you first entered the secret area, there will be a bomb dispenser, switch to a tow cable vehicle such as the Republic Gunship and grab a bomb and go into the cave, go all the way till you get outside of the cave on the other side and drag the bomb all the way to the right where you will see a big white wall, destroy the wall and the red brick will be behind it.
Minikit 8 (Available in Story Mode) – As you continue the level, just after destroying the first giant gray wall, there will be 2 holes in the ground just before reaching the second giant gray wall, go into the hole on the right and keep going right to find this minikit.
Minikit 9 (Available in Story Mode) – When you get to the area where you have to destroy 11 Probe Droids (Black Droids) there are a bunch of rubble on the left side of the area behind a bomb dispenser, destroy the rubble and you will get the minikit.
Minikit 10 (Available in Story Mode) – In the same area as minikit 9, except its on the right side of the area, there will be stormtroopers marching/fighting next to another set of rubble, destroy the rubble to get this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, go to your immediate left and there will be a Tie fighter door, open the door and the blue minikit will be on the left over a giant hole.
Blue Minikit 2 – Still in the same secret area, go into the cave and stay on the left side of the cave to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you continue the level as normal, just before going into the second section, go to the left of the wall that you have to blow up and you will see this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you continue into the second section, stay to the left and you will see a Tie fighter door, switch to a Tie fighter and go into the door, the blue minikit will be immediately to your right as you enter the secret area.
Blue Minikit 5 – Still in the secret area, continue into the cave and you will see the blue minikit on the right side.
Blue Minikit 6 – In the same secret area, go back to where you first entered the secret area and switch to a vehicle with a tow cable and grab a bomb from the bomb dispenser and go back into the cave and come out the other side, go to the far right of the area and you will see a white wall, destroy the white wall to find the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – After leaving the secret area and continuing the level, where you have to destroy the second AT-AT (4 legged vehicles), there will be rocks to the right of it, the blue minikit is just there.
Blue Minikit 8 – After blowing up the first giant gray wall to continue the level, you will come to a second giant gray wall, just to the right of it is a hole in the ground, go into the hole and continue going right to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – When you get to the section where you have to destroy 11 probe droids (black robots) as soon as you get to this area, you will see brick rocks just in front of you, destroy the brick rocks to find this blue minikit behind it.
Blue Minikit 10 – In the same area as blue minikit 9, keep going around in a circle and there will be more brick rocks scattered around just behind a bomb dispenser, destroy the brick rocks to find this blue minikit.
Level 26 – Escape from Echo Base – Empire Strikes Back
True Jedi stud requirement 40,000
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, you will see 4 computers, use the force on all 4 of the computers for this minikit to appear.
Minikit 2 (Available in Story Mode) – When you get to the area where there is a turret, destroy the turret and go to the right after destroying it, you will come to boxes, destroy the boxes then go inside the room, after going into the room, put the yellow cart back together but DO NOT turn the turnstile yet, instead jump on top of the cart and ride it until you come to the ledge with the minikit, jump off the cart and you will get your minikit.
Minikit 3 – After getting minikit 2, turn the turnstile in the same room and the cart will switch tracks and blow up rubble, go down the hallway and continue to follow the tracks until you come to a room with 4 buttons, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy both of the silver items in this room, put the pieces together to make a heater and destroy the heaters to melt the ice, put the pieces of the skeletons together and then step on the buttons, all 3 of the A.I. will step on the remaining buttons and the minikit will appear.
Minikit 4 – As you continue into the next area, stay to the right and you will see a door that only droids can open, open the door and go inside, there you will see 2 holes in the ice, go to the left hole and use the force to take pieces of the minikit out, put the minikit together to get this minikit.
Minikit 5 – After getting minikit 4, go back into the main area and go to the center of the room and switch to a character that can jump high, jump up where you see the 2 boxes in the center of the room to get this minikit.
Minikit 6 – In the same area, on the far left side of the room, you will see a bunch of rubble that you can use the force on, use the force on the rubble, before going in, push one of the batteries into the room that you just cleared the way of and put it into the hole on the right to activate the fan, jump onto the fan and let it ride you all the way to the top to get this minikit.
Minikit 7 (Available in Story Mode) – In the same area but on the right side of the room, you will see a blue and gray box on the right side of the room, after clearing out all of the enemies, jump into the turret on the right side of the room and shoot the blue and gray box to reveal the next minikit or if youre doing it in free play, throw a bomb at it to blow it up to reveal the minikit.
Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room where there are 4 buttons and 2 batteries where you have to push onto 2 of the buttons to continue the level, before stepping on all of the buttons, there will be a door on the left side of the room that only a droid can open, hack the door and go inside to find a double score zone, on the far left wall you will see a bunch of rubble, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy the rubble and continue into the next room, there you will see a bunch of pieces just laying on the ground, put the pieces together and the container just left of the console will open to reveal the minikit.
Minikit 9 – As you continue the level, you will come to a path where you can go left but there is a hill keeping you from going up, switch to a sith and use the force to create platforms until you get to the very top of the hill, when you get to the very top of the hill, go into the room on the left and you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and switch to a small character and go into the crawlspace to get to this minikit.
Minikit 10 – In the same area as minikit 9, except instead of at the top of the hill go to the right and you will find a door that only droids can open, hack the door open and there will be a lever on the left side and the right side, pull the lever on the right side of the room until it stops on yellow and green symbols (this is completely random, but I used snow trooper and got it done in 2 pulls), see below for location of red brick before continue reading the rest of this, go back down the hill and continue the level until you get to the hanger, go to the far left of the area and you will see this minikit.
Fast Build Red Brick 30,000 studs – In the same room as the lever with the yellow and green symbols, go to the left side of the room and pull down the lever until you get red and white symbols, (this is also random but I used snow troopers and got this in one), go back down the hill and continue the level until you get to the hanger, go to the far left of the area, close to the Millennium Falcon and you will see the red brick.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, you will see a door on the left, go through the door and you will see this blue minikit on the left side of this room.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, you will come to a turret, take the path on the right and jump on top of the cart and then onto the ledge to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – In the same room with the cart, put the cart together and then push the turnstile to switch tracks, after the cart blows up the rubble, follow the tracks until you come to a room with 4 buttons, the blue minikit will be on the right side of this room.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you enter the next section with the 2 turrets, stay to the right and you will see a droid door on the right, hack the door open and the blue minikit will be on the right of this room.
Blue Minikit 5 – Still in the same big area with the 2 turrets, instead of hugging the right wall, go to the left side of the room to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room where you have to slide down an ice hill and press 5 buttons, the blue minikit will be just in the middle as you are sliding down the hill.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room with 4 buttons and you have to use 2 batteries to press 2 of the buttons, on the far left of the room, you will see a droid door, hack the door open and go inside, switch to a character that can throw bombs and blow up the rubble on the far left side of the room and go inside, just left of you as you enter the room is this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you continue into the next room, you will see two paths to take, take the path on the left and you will see sith force items, switch to a sith and make the platforms till you get to the very top, at the top of the hill in this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – Just after getting blue minikit 8, go to the right and you will see a droid door, hack the door open and the blue minikit will be just in front of you.
Blue Minikit 10 – When you get to the hanger, stay to the right of the area and you will come to 2 levers that you have to pull down, pull both of them down and the blue minikit will be inside just between the 2 batteries.
Level 27 – Falcon Flight – Empire Strikes Back
True Jedi stud requirement 30,000
Minikit 1 (Available in Story Mode) – When you first start the mission off, you will see 4 star destroyers in front of you, go to the further to the right star destroyer and the minikit is on the other side of it.
x4 Red Brick 2,500,000 studs (Available in Story Mode) – Continuing to the next star destroyer after getting minikit 1, you will see the red brick behind the star destroyer.
Minikit 2 – As soon as you get to the second section, stay to the left of the level and you will come across a huge asteroid that has a Tie fighter door, switch to a Tie fighter and go inside, there will be a red target on left side of the area and there will also be a bomb dispenser, switch to a tow cable vehicle and tow a bomb towards that red target in the ground and a minikit case will appear, destroy the case to get this minikit.
Minikit 3 – In the exact same area as minikit 2, except instead of on the left side of the secret area, go to the right side and drag a bomb to the red target in the ground, a minikit case will appear, destroy the case to get this minikit.
Minikit 4 (Available in Story Mode) – As you continue this level, you will be destroying blue asteroids, continue through the asteroids and just before you go inside the big asteroid, on your left will be the minikit.
Minikit 5 (Available in Story Mode) – After going through the first big asteroid, in the third section of the level, stay to the right of the next area and continue the story as normal, you will see the next minikit.
Minikit 6 (Available in Story Mode) – In the big asteroid area in the third section near the end of the section, there will be 2 pink targets in the ground, shoot either one of them with a pink missile to get a minikit.
Minikit 7 (Available in Story Mode) – This minikit is in the same area as minikit 6, shoot the other pink target in the ground with a pink missile to get this minikit.
Minikit 8 – Still in the same section as minikit 7, go to the far left area and you will see a Tie fighter door, go inside and you will see another pink target in the ground, destroy the pink target with a pink missile to get this minikit.
Minikit 9 (Available in Story Mode) – Still in the same area, you will see a giant hole in the ground on the right side of this asteroid, fly to it and go inside the hole, keep flying into the hole and you will eventually come to a path that leads to the right, go right and you will find this minikit.
Minikit 10 (Available in Story Mode) – Just as you leave the third section into the fourth section, there will be a big asteroid to the right, in the cave is this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, go to the far back star destroyer on the left side, the blue minikit will be on the other side of it.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, after getting to the second section, stay to the far right of the asteroids and you will eventually come to it, the blue minikit is just on the other side of where the Tie fighter door is.
Blue Minikit 3 – After getting blue minikit 2, go to the far left of the asteroids and continue the level as normal and you will eventually come to it, the blue minikit is just before going into the huge asteroid cave.
Blue Minikit 4 – Just after getting blue minikit 3, go to the right side of the asteroid cave but do not go into the cave to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – Just after destroying the pink targets in the huge asteroid cave, the blue minikit will be directly in front of you.
Blue Minikit 6 – After getting to the next section, stay to the far left of the asteroids and you will eventually come to this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – After getting blue minikit 6, go to the far right of the asteroids and continue the level, just before getting to the second huge asteroid will be this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you continue the same area, you will eventually come to a huge open area with 2 pink targets in the ground, go to the far right of the area just next to the huge hole to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – After continuing into the next section, stay to the right of the asteroids and continue the level as normal, you will eventually run into this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – This blue minikit is directly across from blue minikit 9, so instead of going right of the asteroids, go to the left and you will find this blue minikit.
Level 28 – Dagobah – Empire Strikes Back
True Jedi stud requirement 52,000
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, you will see 3 boxes next to you, stack the 3 boxes on top of each other and jump onto the branch and switch to a character who can glide and glide over to the right onto the branch to find this minikit.
Regenerate Hearts Red Brick 150,000 studs – Just after getting minikit 1, continue the level but before getting to the next swamp, there will be a path on the right where you have to use the sith force, switch to a sith and use the force to destroy the wall and weeds and switch to a character that can glide over gaps and glide over, follow the tracks until you find a box and destroy the box and put the pieces together, get into the vehicle and go around the track, there will be 10 red buttons on the track that you have to drive over, you only have a limited time until they start turning off, after running over all 10, the red brick will appear.
Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, still in the same section, you will come to a swamp with a box in the center of the swamp, switch to a character that can glide and glide over to the rock, destroy the box to get this minikit.
Minikit 3 – As you continue the level, you will eventually get to Yoda’s house, before going any further, take the path on the right of Yoda’s house and you will find a red box, switch to a sith and destroy the box, put the pieces together and jump onto the raft and jump off when you get to land, switch to a character that can throw bombs and go to the back left of the area and throw the bomb onto the silver items to blow the entrance to the cave up and the minikit will be behind it.
Minikit 4 – Just after getting minikit 3, go back to Yoda’s house and switch to a small character, go inside Yoda’s house and go into his living room, switch to a sith and blow up his tv using the force and the minikit will appear.
Minikit 5 (Available in Story Mode) – When you first get control of Luke weilding the lightsaber, you will have to open 3 pods with bats inside, the first one in on the small island you start on, the next pod is on the next island as you continue the story and the last pod is on the last island as you continue the story, open all 3 and the minikit will show up.
Minikit 6 – As you continue the level, you will come to a point where you have to pull a tractor out of the swamp to continue, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and hack the droid console, just left of the console is a grapple point, take the grapple and you will be pulled right into this minikit.
Minikit 7 – Just as you enter the next section, in front of you is a large ledge, switch to a sith character and use the force to create half of a bridge, take the bridge and you will come to another point where you can use the force to create the rest of the bridge, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy the 2 silver boxes, put the pieces together to create a grapple point, take the grapple and it will take you to the ledge with the minikit on it.
Minikit 8 – As you continue the same area, you will come to an area with a crawlspace, no need to go into the crawlspace, stay to the far left and you will see ledges to jump up to, jump up to the very top, DO NOT cross the hole in the ground yet, when you get to the top, you will see a droid console, hack the door open and go through, take the path on the left and shoot the cage to get this minikit.
Minikit 9 – As you continue over the large hole in the ground, you will see silver items blocking a path on the right side, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy the silver items and go through, you will come to an area with tons of platforms, cross the platforms to the other side as quickly as possible to get to this minikit.
Minikit 10 – When you get to the area after fighting Darth Vader, you will have to push a turnstile to raise a bridge, after crossing the bridge, there will be a crawlspace on the right side, switch to a small character and go through the crawlspace, switch to a character that can at least do a double jump and jump from ledge to ledge on the left side and you will come to a lever, pull the lever and jump down, there you will see pieces of a grapple point, put the grapple together and take the grapple up to the ledge where you will find this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As you continue the level, just before getting to the first swamp, there will be a path on the right, switch to a sith and destroy the wall, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and glide over the gap, this blue minikit will be on the track.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you get to the first swamp with the box in the center of the swamp, there is a small rock on the left side of the huge rock in the center of the swamp, switch to a character that can glide over gaps, glide over to the huge rock in the center of the swamp and then glide over to the small rock just left of the huge rock to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you continue the level, you will eventually get to Yoda’s house, take the path just right of Yoda’s house and you will come to a red box, switch to a sith and destroy the box and create the raft, take the raft until you get to land and this blue minikit will be on the right side.
Blue Minikit 4 – After getting blue minikit 3, go back to Yoda’s house and take the path on the left, there is a passage there, you will enter this area and continue the area as normal, when you get to the very end of the area, you will see 1 circle pod on the left side, the blue minikit is just behind it.
Blue Minikit 5 – After leaving the section with blue minikit 4, backtrack just a little bit to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – Continue the level as normal, you will come to a point where you have to use a sith character to use the force in a hole in the ground, use the force to create a bridge and as you are crossing the bridge, use the force again to create the rest of the bridge, the blue minikit is just after crossing the bridge.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you continue the same section, you will come to a crawlspace, no need to go into the crawlspace, there will be a path on the ledge to jump up, DO NOT cross the hole in the ground yet, instead jump all the way to the top of the ledge and you will see a droid console, hack the door and go through to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you are fighting Darth Vader, the blue minikit will be on the far left of the area.
Blue Minikit 9 – After fighting Darth Vader and as soon as you enter into the next section, go immediately to the right to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – In the same section, after crossing the bridge, go to the far left and you will find this blue minikit.
Level 29 – Cloud City Trap – Empire Strikes Back
True Jedi stud requirement 14,000
x6 Red Brick 5,000,000 studs – As you start up the level, you will be getting shot at by 2 storm troopers, after beating them, switch to a character that can clear gaps, after getting to the ledge, switch to a character that can use bombs, throw the bomb on the silver wall, the red brick is just behind it.
Minikit 1 (Available in Story Mode) – At the beginning of the level, create the bridge to continue the story, just before you unlock the door on the right, use R2-D2 to fly around the corner to get this minikit.
Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, just after destroying the locks on the door, you will enter a hallway, on the left side, you will see a door that can only be opened by a bounty hunter, open the door and go through to find this minikit.
Minikit 3 – Just after fighting Darth Vader for the first time, there will be a small console on the left that only a sith can use the force on, switch to a sith character and use the force on it, hop in the crane and grab one of the storm troopers and drop him into the hole and pieces will come out, put the pieces together to get this minikit.
Minikit 4 (Available in Story Mode) – After fighting Darth Vader for the first time and you start to chase him outside, use the force to put together the fan and float up top, you will see a minikit right above you, use Luke’s double jump (A) and jedi super slam (X), you should be able to reach the minikit.
Minikit 5 (Available in Story Mode) – In the same area as minikit 4 except a little further down, you will have to put together another fan, after floating to the top and landing on the platform, double jump (A) over to it to get the minikit.
Minikit 6 – When you get to the point where you have to fight Darth Vader a second time, in the very back of the room, you will see a crawlspace, switch to a small character and go into the crawlspace to get this minikit.
Minikit 7 – After you fight Darth Vader the third time, before continuing the level, on the platform you stayed on pretty much throughout the whole fight, there is a blue and white piece of floor, switch to a character that can throw a bomb and throw a bomb at it and you will get the minikit.
Minikit 8 (Available in Story Mode) – After fighting Darth Vader for the third time, you will start chasing him again, after going into the next section, you will see the minikit behind you.
Minikit 9 (Available in Story Mode) – In the same area as minikit 8, just a little further, after going up the first ramp, turn towards the camera and jump over to the platform, you will get the next minikit.
Minikit 10 – As you are continuing chasing after Darth Vader, you will see a door just to the left of you that can only be opened by a storm trooper, switch to a storm trooper to open the door and go inside to find this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, the blue minikit will be right on top of the X-Wing.
Blue Minikit 2 – When you first enter the building in the same room as the turret that you have to put together, go all the way to the right of the room by the window to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – After fighting Darth Vader for the first time, there will be a lever that only a sith can use the force on, just behind the lever is this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you are chasing after Darth Vader, after fighting him the first time, this blue minikit will be in your direct path, next to the first fan that you have to create.
Blue Minikit 5 – In the same area as blue minikit 4, just a little further and before going into the next section, you will see the blue minikit just right of the door to the next section.
Blue Minikit 6 – As soon as you get into the next section, where you have to fight Darth Vader a second time, go immediately towards the ledge to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you are fighting Darth Vader for the third time, before gliding over to the ledge where Darth Vader is, stay on the path that youre on and go all the way to the right to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – In the same area as blue minikit 7, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and just on the left side of the ledge where the storm troopers keep spawning at is this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – As you are chasing/fighting Darth Vader, after going up the first ramp that you have to create to continue the area, you will come to an elevator that you have to use a droid to hack, just next to the droid console is this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – Just after getting blue minikit 9, go up the elevator and continue the level, just next to the storm trooper scanner is this blue minikit.
Level 30 – Betrayal Over Bespin – Empire Strikes Back
True Jedi stud requirement 34,000
Minikit 1 (Available in Story Mode) – Continue the level as usual, after you get control of C-3P0, go all the way back to the beginning of the level and you will see a droid console, open up the door and the minikit is inside or if youre doing this in free play, you will see a door immediately as you start the level in front of you, switch to a character that can hack a droid console and open the door to get this minikit.
Minikit 2 (Available in Story Mode) – There are 3 triangle shaped statues, you will have to put together, the first statue is in the hallway right when you start the level, the second statue is while you are chasing Boba Fett just before you go outside to get R2-D2, the third statue isnt for awhile, you will have R2-D2 and C-3P0 in your party before you find this statue, you will eventually come to an outside area, as you continue the level, you will eventually go back inside, go inside and the last statue will be right in front of you in the hallway, after putting all 3 of the statues up, the minikit will appear.
Minikit 3 – As you are chasing after Boba Fett, he will run into a waiting room where you have to fight him for the first time, use the force on the mini-statue in the center of the room and then jump into the hole to get this minikit.
Minikit 4 – Just after fighting Boba Fett in the waiting room, he will run away from you, just before going through the door he runs through, there will be a door on the left with a droid console, hack the door and go through, there will be 2 platforms, the A.I. will use the force on the first platform so just jump to both platforms to get this minikit.
Minikit Detector Red Brick 250,000 studs – As you continue the level, you will have to chase Boba Fett into a waiting room, after beating him in the waiting room, he will start running away again, chase after him again and he will eventually run outside, follow him outside and you will find the red brick inside of his ship.
Minikit 5 – As you continue the level, after getting R2-D2 and C-3P0, you will come to 2 elevators, before going onto the elevators, there will be storm troopers sitting at 3 tables, use the force on all 3 tables and a minikit will appear.
Minikit 6 – Just after getting minikit 5, go into the far left elevator, you will see a bounty hunter scanner, switch to a bounty hunter and go up the elevator, destroy the tree in the back and destroy the tree on the right, use the force on one of the pots to reveal this minikit.
Minikit 7 – After getting minikit 6, use the elevator on the right, after going up the elevator, immediately turn around to get this minikit.
Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, you will eventually come outside, just before going back inside of a different building, you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and switch to a character that can glide over gaps, as you are still on the same ledge, turn around and glide over to this minikit.
Minikit 9 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room with poison gas, on the right side there will be a sith force item, switch to a sith and use the force on the item and go inside the door to find this minikit.
Minikit 10 – Just before finishing the level, you will come to the Millennium Falcon, switch to a character that can jump high and get on top of it, to find the minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, there will be a door right in front of you with a droid console, hack the door open to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you continue chasing after Boba Fett, he will run into a waiting room where you have to fight him for the first time, go into the waiting room and the blue minikit will be on the left side of the room.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you continue chasing after Boba Fett again, he will go through a bounty hunter scanner door, go through the door and go down the path on the right to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – After getting blue minikit 3, continue chasing after Boba Fett and you will see this blue minikit directly in front of you.
Blue Minikit 5 – After getting blue minikit 4, keep following Boba Fett until you get outside, you will see his ship, the blue minikit is just on the other side of it.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you continue the level, you will eventually get outside, after getting to the crane controls, you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and you will see an elevator right in front of you, jump on top of the elevator to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you continue outside, you will eventually come to another grapple point, take the grapple and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, you will eventually go back inside of a building, keep going down the hallway and you will come to a grapple point, take the grapple and switch to a character that can glide over gaps, glide over to the right side of the hallway and then glide around the corner, while still staying on the right side of the hallway to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – Just after getting blue minikit 8, go into the room with the poison gas and go through the gas, use either a ghost or a machine to get through and continue down into the hallway to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – As you get to the end of the level, you will see the Millennium Falcon, just on the other side of the ship is this blue minikit.
Level 31 – Jabba’s Palace – Return of the Jedi
True Jedi stud requirement 43,000
Minikit 1 (Available in Story Mode) – You have to have the bounty hunter helmet on for this. As you continue the story you will get to a point where you have to put a bounty hunter helmet on, after putting the helmet on back track to the beginning of the level, destroy the silver blocks on the left side of the beginning area by pressing B and a grapple point will appear, grapple up and you can jump over to the minikit (Little difficult but you can get it), if youre doing it in free play, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy the silver items on the left and take the grapple.
Minikit 2 – As soon as you start the level, go immediately to the left and you will see sith force items, switch to a sith and use the force on the item, a grapple point will appear, take the grapple up and continue the path on the left, you will come to another grapple point, take the grapple to the next ledge and continue to the left, when you get to the ledge, jump down and you will land on another ledge where the minikit is.
Minikit 3 – As you continue the level, when you get to the first bounty hunter door, before going through the door, go through the path on the right and you will see pieces on the ground, put the pieces together to create a droid console, switch to a droid and hack the console to open the door, the minikit is inside.
Super Zapper Red Brick 14,000 studs (Available in Story Mode) – When you get to the area where you first see Luke, there will be a white box you have to put together and then you can push on the right side of the room, push the box onto the red button and use the grapple to get up the ledge, the red brick is up there.
Minikit 4 (Available in Story Mode) – After saving R2-D2 and C-3P0, back track all the way back to where you got the red brick, there will be a door on the left side of the room that R2-D2 can open, the minikit is inside, if you are doing this is free play, just switch to a droid character and hack the door open to find this minikit.
Minikit 5 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room with 4 prison cells, in the back left prison cell you will see a crawlspace, switch to a small character and crawl inside, destroy the blue bed and on the other side will be another crawlspace, go inside that crawlspace, after entering the next prison cell, destroy the bed and there will be a vent just below you, destroy the vent below you and jump in, continue down the vent and you will come to silver items, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy the silver items, the minikit is on the other side.
Minikit 6 (Available in Story Mode) – As you continue the story, you will get to a room where you have to shoot weights on either side of the gate, on the left side of the room there will be a bomb to put together, after putting it together shoot it 4 times to explode it, the minikit is just inside the room.
Minikit 7 (Available in Story Mode) – When you first get to the room where you save R2-D2 and C-3P0, there are orange grates that you can destroy in the ground, after destroying them, jump into the pit and follow the path, the minikit is inside.
Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room with 3 boxes that you need to push in order to make a path to the top of the ledge, as you continue the same area, you will come to a gap that you need to glide over, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and switch to a character that can hack droid consoles, after hacking the console, it will create a bridge, switch to a sith character and destroy the grate in the wall while standing on the bridge you just created to get to this minikit.
Minikit 9 (Available in Story Mode) – When you get to the room where you find Han Solo incased in carbonite, there is a stormtrooper helmet dispenser to the right of him, put the helmet on and on the left side of the room is a stormtrooper scanner, use the scanner and the minikit is inside. DO NOT save Han Solo first.
Minikit 10 – As you are fighting the Rancor (Boss Battle Creature), go to the back right side and you will see pieces of a grapple point, put the grapple point back together and take the grapple up, switch to a character that can do a high jump and jump up to the next ledge to find this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, run to the right and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – In the same area as blue minikit 1, except instead of running right, run left and you will see sith force items, switch to a sith and use the force on the items and take the grapple, you will come to another grapple point and take that grapple, when you get to the top, jump off to the left onto a ledge below to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you get inside the building just before using the bounty hunter scanner, there will be 2 paths, take the one on the left and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room with a sith grate in the floor, go to the back right side of the room and you will see a pod on the back right that you can use the force on, use the force on the pod and the blue minikit will be behind it.
Blue Minikit 5 – When you get to the room with the 4 prison cells, go to the back left prison cell and you will see a crawlspace, switch to a small character and take the crawlspace, destroy the blue bed inside and you will see another crawlspace, go into the crawlspace into a different prison cell and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room where you have to destroy weights on both sides of a gate to open the gate, after going through, you will see the blue minikit directly in front of you.
Blue Minikit 7 – As you continue a little bit further from blue minikit 6, you will see orange grates in the floor, destroy these grates and jump into the hole to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, you will come to a room where you have to push 3 boxes to make a ramp to continue the level, as you are making the first bridge over the first gap, drop down right where you made the bridge to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – When you first get to the room with Han Solo incased in carbonite, as soon as you enter the room, immediately go to the left side of the room to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – As you are fighting the Rancor, go to the back left of the area to find this blue minikit.
Level 32 – The Great Pit of Carkoon – Return of the Jedi
True Jedi stud requirement 50,000
Minikit 1 (Available in Story Mode) – To get this minikit, you will have to put 4 turrets back together, when you first start up the level, you will see 2 boxes in front of you, destroy the 2 boxes and put the first 2 turrets together, the second set of turrets are on the second ship you have to jump to, as you get to the ship, there will be a force item on the left side of the ship, put that together, after putting that together, pull the lever in the middle of the ship, a box will appear, push the box to the other side of the ship, pull the lever again for another box to appear, push the box to the other side of the ship for the 2 remaining turrets, put them together and then climb the tower you previously created with the force, the minikit is up top.
Minikit 2 (Available in Story Mode) – On the same ship as minikit 1 where you see the lever in the middle, turn around and you will see a plank, walk the plank and jump off to get this minikit.
Minikit 3 – When you get to the fourth little ship, you will have to use the force on the left side to make a platform, on the right side of the ship, you will see a sith force item, switch to a sith and create the platform, jump over to the right of the ship and continue down the path, you will come to a grapple point, take the grapple, after getting up on the ledge, destroy the red item in the middle between the 2 levers and pieces will fall out, put the pieces together to get this minikit.
Minikit 4 – After getting minikit 3, jump down to the right and you will see a bunch of little doors that you need to use the force on, use the force on the doors to reveal droid consoles, switch to a droid and hack all 3 of the consoles to raise gates above you, after hacking all 3 consoles, go to the left and you will see a grapple point, take the grapple and follow the path on the left, switch to a character that can throw bombs and when you get to the last gate, throw a bomb to explode it and behind the gate is this minikit.
Minikit 5 – Before going inside of the big ship, you will see a box on the left side of the door, destroy the box and pieces of a grapple point will fall out, put the pieces together to make a grapple point and take the grapple to the top, there you will see 2 regular levers and 1 sith lever, switch to a sith and pull down the middle lever and have the A.I. pull down the far right lever, as soon as youre done pulling down the middle lever, use your sith character to pull down the far left lever, you only have a short window to do this in, if done quick enough, the minikit will appear.
Minikit 6 – After continuing the level and going inside of the ship, go to the very back of the area, before going up the small elevator and you will see 2 crawlspaces 1 on each side of the area, switch to a small character and go into either crawlspace, on the other side, you will see 2 levers, pull down the levers and the minikit will appear.
Minikit 7 (Available in Story Mode) – The room after creating the disco room to distract the 2 guards, there are breakable bars on the windows on the left, destroy all of the bars to get pieces for a minikit, put the minikit together to get this minikit.
Minikit 8 – As you continue the level, you will come to the top of the ship, behind you there is a box, use the force to destroy the box and pieces of a grapple point will come out, put the pieces together and take the grapple, after getting to the ledge, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and glide over to the right and there will be another grapple point, take the grapple and you will get your minikit.
Minikit 9 – Just after getting minikit 8, in the middle of the ship there will be 2 generators spinning in a circle, use a droid to hack the top one to open the shield, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy the one that you just opened, DO NOT destroy both of them, after destroying the generator, jump into the hole and take the path inside to get this minikit.
Bounty Hunter Rockets Red Brick 20,000 studs – After getting to the top right of the top of the ship, you will see a box, destroy the box and pieces of a grapple point will come out, put the pieces together and take the grapple, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and glide over to the left ledge to find this red brick.
Minikit 10 – In the same area as the red brick, drop down and a little further to the right, you will see a crawlspace, switch to a small character and go into the crawlspace to get this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – When you get to the third little ship where you fight Boba Fett, the blue minikit is just on the far right of the ship.
Blue Minikit 2 – As you get to the fourth little ship, use the force to create a platform to the left and continue down the path, use the force on the 7th door to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – Backtrack a little bit onto the fourth little ship and you will see a sith force item on the right, switch to a sith and make the platform and jump over to the right side of the big ship, take the path and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you continue after getting blue minikit 3, you will have to make platforms to get to where the door is to go inside of the big ship, after creating both platforms, jump over and you will get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – As you continue into the big ship, when you get to the back room where you have to activate the elevator to go up, in the room with the elevator, on the right side of the room is this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – Right after going up the elevator, switch to a character that can throw bombs and go to your left, there will be a silver wall, throw a bomb and destroy the wall and go inside the door, there you will see the blue minikit in the center of the room.
Blue Minikit 7 – When you get to the room with the disco ball, after putting some pieces of the disco together a grapple point will appear, use the grapple and the blue minikit will be up there.
Blue Minikit 8 – After getting outside, on to the top of the big ship, on the far left of the ship, as soon as you get out will be this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – Still on top of the ship but in the middle area, next to the generators will be this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – On the far right of the ship, still on top of the ship, next to the box that you have to destroy to make a grapple point will be this blue minikit.
Level 33 – Speeder Showdown – Return of the Jedi
True Jedi stud requirement 55,000
Minikit 1 (Available in Story Mode) – There are 6 minikits on the speeder section DO NOT destroy the enemy speeders, this section is 1 big circle so dont worry if you miss some of them, if you drive up and stay to the left as soon as you get onto the speeder, the first minikit, you will have to drive over the white platform to raise the ramp, jump the ramp to get the first minikit in a cage.
Minikit 2 (Available in Story Mode) – The second minikit in this area is a little further on, you will see a set of 3 white platforms, drive over them and your next minikit will drop right in front of you in a cage.
Minikit 3 (Available in Story Mode) – The third minikit in this area is a little further on, you will see a set of 2 white platforms to drive over, it will raise a ramp, drive up the ramp and the minikit will be just in front of you in a cage.
Minikit 4 (Available in Story Mode) – The fouth minikit in this area is almost immediately after minikit 3, you will see a set of 4 white platforms to drive over, after driving over all 4 the next minikit will appear in front of you in a cage.
Minikit 5 (Available in Story Mode) – The fifth minikit in this area is a little further on, you will see 1 white platform, after driving over it, you will go up a ramp and then see 3 other white platforms, drive over all 3 and another ramp will show up, jump the ramp to get your next minikit in this area.
Minikit 6 (Available in Story Mode) – The sixth minikit in this area is immediately after getting minikit 5, after dropping down from the hill after getting minikit 5, the minikit is just in front of you in a cage.
Minikit 7 – After destroying the first 2 enemy speeders, you will get off of your speeders in an open area, take the storm trooper out of the AT-ST and jump in, go to the far right of the area and jump out of the AT-ST and onto the ledge, in this area, there will be a lot of black bushes, switch to a sith and destroy all of the bushes, a crawlspace will appear, switch to a small character and go inside, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and glide over to the ledge on the left and pull the lever, jump down off of the ledge and you will see a minikit cage, destroy the cage to get this minikit.
Minikit 8 – After destroying the next set of enemy speeders, you will stop in another area, go to the far right of the area and create the platform and jump up on the ledge, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy the 2 silver boxes and then use the force to stack all 3 platforms on top of each other, pull the lever on the ledge and then jump down, destroy the minikit cage to get this minikit.
Minikit 9 – After destroying the third set of enemy speeders you will stop again, when you get to the area, hop into the AT-ST and go to the ledge on the right side of this area, jump out to reach the ledge and use the force on the bridge just above you, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy the silver box just in front of you, pieces of a grapple point will fall out, put the grapple point together and use the grapple, just to the left of you will be a lever, pull the lever and jump down, destroy the minikit case to get this minikit.
x8 Multiplier Red Brick 10,000,000 studs – After continuing the level and destroying the big force field, you will come to a base, go to the far left part of the base and push the box until you get to the tower, switch to a small character and enter the crawlspace to get to this red brick.
Minikit 10 – In the same area as the red brick, except instead of going left, go right, you will see 2 levers, pull the levers and go inside and take the elevator, in front of you, you will see a storm trooper scanner, switch to a storm trooper and go back the way you came, back down the elevator, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy the silver minikit case to get this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, go immediately to your left to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – After getting to the point where the enemy speeders show up for you to steal them, go immediately down to find this blue minikit by the small bridge.
Blue Minikit 3 – This blue minikit is just below a cage, just after the first white platform, DO NOT ride over the white platform to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you continue on the speeder, you will come to an area with 3 white platforms, as you turn the corner, this blue minikit is on the far right side.
Blue Minikit 5 – Just after getting blue minikit 4, stay on the far left side of the area and you will eventually come to this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you continue, you will come to 2 white platforms, DO NOT drive over the platforms, instead go to the far left of the area to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – As soon as you get off of the speeder for the first time, hop into the AT-ST and go to the ledge on the far right of this area to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As soon as you get to the second area where you hop out of the speeder, go to the far left of the area to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – When you get off of the speeder for the third time, go to the back area, where you first entered with the speeder to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – As you continue the level, you will get to a point where there is a base, stay on the right side and you will see pieces for a grapple point, put the grapple point back together and take the grapple to get to this blue minikit.
Level 34 – The Battle of Endor – Return of the Jedi
True Jedi stud requirement 90,000
Minikit 1 (Available in Story Mode) – As the begin the level, go to the left side of the area, you will see 2 purple and white boxes, destroy the 2 boxes and put the pieces together, push the contraction to make a platform in front of you, use R2-D2 to fly over to the platform and it will raise you up to this minikit.
Minikit 2 – As you continue the level, you will come to a crawlspace, after going through the crawlspace switch to a small character and go inside, go a little further and you will see an elevator on the left side just behind a purple and white box, jump on top of the elevator and ride it to the top, pull the lever when you get to the top and switch to a character that can glide over gaps, glide over to the ledge on the left and use the force on the weight to lower the platform, jump on top of the platform and wait for it to raise back up, pull the lever up top and jump down to get the minikit behind the once previously locked gate.
Minikit 3 – As you continue just a little bit, in the hut on the left just to the right of the elevator you previously took, break open the door and you will see a droid console, hack the console and a box will fall down, put the pieces of the grapple point back together and take the grapple, use the force on the orange bridge just above you to lower it then jump on top of it and jump to the higher of the 2 ledges on the other side, use the force again on the orange platform to raise it back up and cross it one more time to the ledge on the other side to get this minikit.
Minikit 4 – As you continue the level, you will come to a big elevator where you have to press buttons in order to continue the level, when you get to the grass area, go immediately down and you will see 2 purple and white boxes, destroy the 2 boxes and put the pieces together to make a grapple point, take the grapple up to the ledge and break the wood blocking the door to get this minikit.
Minikit 5 (Available in Story Mode) – As you continue the story, you will come to a point where there is a river, cross the river and you will see 3 purple and white boxes again, destroy the boxes and put the pieces together to make a tractor, hop in the tractor and go up the river, the minikit is just at the top.
Minikit 6 – As you continue the level, you will come to 2 large gates, take the gates on the left, when you come out the other side, you will see a bunch of weeds coming out of the ground, destroy the weeds and you will see a crawlspace. switch to a small character and go into the crawlspace, when you get to the ledge, go to the far right of the platform as you can without falling off and switch to a character that can glide over gaps, glide over to the platform on the right to get this minikit.
Minikit 7 – When you get to the next section of the level, you will come to a wide open area, stay to the left of the area and run all the way to the back, you will see weeds coming out of the ground, destroy the weeds and a grapple point will appear, just to the right of the grapple point will be 3 purple and white boxes, destroy the 3 boxes and put the pieces together to create a turnstile, push the turnstile until you cant anymore and then take the grapple you once previously revealed, use the force on the weight on the right to raise the elevator and jump over onto the platform on the left, jump onto the elevator on this platform and use the force to raise the elevator and switch to a character that can glide over gaps, glide over to the platform just in front of you and a little to the left and the minikit will be up there.
Minikit 8 – In the same area as minikit 7, but on the right side of the area, you will see 2 silver boxes that you can destroy with bombs, switch to a bounty hunter character and destroy the 2 boxes and put the pieces together to create an elevator, jump onto the elevator and use the force on the weight on the right and switch to a small character and enter the crawlspace, use the force on the platform just above you on the left and cross the platform to the other side, use the force one more time and then cross the platform to get to this minikit.
Minikit 9 – As you continue inside of the building, you will come to 2 paths, one on the left and one on the right, take the path on the right first, as you enter the room, in front of you on the right, you will see 4 breakable white walls, destroy all 4 of them and then use the force on all of the white vents and pieces of a minikit will fall out, put the pieces of the minikit to get this minikit.
Minikit 10 – In the same room, you will find a droid console on the left side where there are another set of 4 white walls, destroy the walls to reveal this droid console, hack the console and take the elevator up, as you get to the top, take the path on the left and switch to a character that can glide over gaps, glide to the left and you will come to another platform with a droid console, hack the droid console and jump down and put the pieces together to reveal a crawlspace, switch to a small character and go into the crawlspace, after going inside, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and just in front of you on the right, you will see a hole in the ground, glide over the gap to get this minikit.
Super Ewok Catapult Red Brick 25,000 studs – As you continue the level, when you get into the room on the left side of the main building, as soon as you enter this room, immediately go to the right and you will see a white vent next to a storm trooper scanner, destroy the white vent and then use the storm trooper scanner, just a little to the left, you will see a red vent in the floor, switch to a sith and use the force on it to reveal a battery, push the battery all the way to the area where you destroyed the white vent, as you continue the room like normal, you will come to a lever, DO NOT pull the lever yet if you’ve pulled all 3 of the previous levers, instead, switch to a character that can glide over gaps and glide to the right of that lever to come to a droid console, hack the droid console and drop down to reveal a crawlspace, switch to a small character and enter the crawlspace, push the battery that you were once previously pushing into the wall in the far back of the room to turn off the force field with the red brick inside.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level you will see a contraption just to the left of you, jump on top of it and let the A.I. use the force to take you to a ledge with this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – In the same area as blue minikit 1, go to the right just a little, before going through the crawlspace, go behind the big hut on the left side to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 3 – This blue minikit is just by the ledge in front of the first elevator you come across thats next to a droid console.
Blue Minikit 4 – As you continue the level, into the next section, you will come to an area where it looks like the ewoks were playing mini-chess, just to the right of the crawlspace, you will see this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – As soon as you get off of the big elevator, go immediately down towards the camera and you will come to 2 purple and white boxes, destroy the boxes to reveal pieces of a grapple point, put the grapple point together and take the grapple to get to this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – As you continue the level, where you have to pull the lever to get to where the river is, the blue minikit will be just in front of you.
Blue Minikit 7 – As soon as you get to the next section with the AT-STs but before you get to the AT-STs, immediately go to the right and you will find this blue minikit behind a fallen over tree.
Blue Minikit 8 – Just after destroying the first wall with the catapult, there will be a tree on the left next to a big rock, just behind the tree is the blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – When you get to the big open area, just before going inside of the building, on the right side will be this blue minikit behind some weeds.
Blue Minikit 10 – When you get inside of the main building, there will be 2 paths to take, take the path on the left and go inside the room, on the right side of the room will be this blue minikit.
Level 35 – Jedi Destiny – Return of the Jedi
True Jedi stud requirement 35,000
x10 Red Brick 20,000,000 (Available in Story Mode) – As you start the level and fight the emperor there will be 4 lights on the left and right side of the emperor’s chair, flip all 4 of them on the left side and all 4 of them on the right side before all the lights go out, after turning them all on, the red brick will appear.
Minikit 1 (Available in Story Mode) – As soon as you get the red brick, go to the far left of the emperor’s chair and you will see a floor board that you can use the force on, use the force to make a platform and jump onto the platform and then onto the ledge to get this minikit.
Minikit 2 – As soon as youre done fighting the emperor the first time, go down the stairs and go to the right, you will see silver canisters, switch to a bounty hunter and destroy the silver canisters and pieces of a grapple point will come out, put the pieces together and take the grapple to get to this minikit.
Minikit 3 – Before continuing to fight the emperor, go to the area that is a giant circle and just before reaching the lights that you can turn on using the force, there will be a silver wall, switch to a bounty hunter and throw a bomb at the silver wall to blow it up and go inside to get this minikit.
Minikit 4 – After getting minikit 3, there will be a path just to the right, take the path and go to the far right wall and destroy the panels on the wall to reveal a crawlspace, switch to a small character and enter the crawlspace, push the box off of the ledge to reveal bombs, destroy the bombs to open the door and then go through the door, as soon as you go through the door, go immediatley to where the first 2 red chairs are that you can use the force on, there will be silver canisters next to them, switch to a bounty hunter and throw a bomb to reveal a grapple point to help for minikit 5, just behind the chairs on the small ledge, there will be a panel on the left, destroy the panel for pieces of a droid console to come out, put the droid console together, destroy the sith force grate behind the 2 red chairs and then hack the console to turn off a force field, go through to get this minikit.
Minikit 5 – Still on the same side of the room as minikit 4, you will see a third red chair, use the force to stack all 3 of the red chairs together and switch to a character that can do a high jump, just on top of the ledge will be pieces of a crawlspace, put the pieces together and then jump down and go back to where that grapple point was, use the grapple and switch to a character that can throw bombs, destroy all 3 of the silver panels on the ground and use the force on the piece on the ground to finish the crawlspace, pull the lever while youre up there to help get minikit 6, drop back down and switch back to a character that can do a high jump and jump up the chairs and back to the ledge and switch to a small character and enter the crawlspace, after exiting the crawlspace, switch to a character that can throw bombs and destroy the silver fan and behind the silver fan is this minikit.
Minikit 6 – Go back to the door you entered to get into this room but do not go out, on the left side of the door, you will see white canisters, destroy the canisters to reveal a droid console, hack the console to lower a platform for later, in the middle of the room there will be 2 chairs, destroy the 2 chairs and put the pieces together to reveal a turnstile, if you pulled the lever on the ledge where you had to use the force on one of the pieces for a crawlspace, there should be pieces in the middle of the room that create a box, push the box on to the green circle on the ground and push the turnstile until the green arrow on top of the box is facing to the right, now push the box all the way to the right of the room to activate an elevator, jump up the elevator and pull the lever on the left, drop down and just left of the elevator will be this minikit.
Minikit 7 – After exiting the red room and back into the main area, go to the middle of the room with the circle area and run to the right, you will come to a bounty hunter scanner, switch to a bounty hunter and pieces of a droid console will come out, put the pieces together and hack the console to extend a bridge, go across the bridge and you will see pieces of a minikit, put the pieces together to get this minikit.
Minikit 8 – After getting minikit 7, run all the way around the circle until you come to the opposite end of the area, on the right side of the wall, there will be small canisters and panels on the wall, destroy all of the canisters and panels on the ground to reveal pieces of a small platform and a bounty hunter scanner, put the pieces together and then switch to a bounty hunter and use the console to lower another platform, jump onto the small platform and then onto the bigger platform and switch to a character that can glide over gaps, glide over to the left to get this minikit.
Minikit 9 – Just after getting minikit 8, go into the room just below you, there will be 4 panels in this room, destroy the 2 on the right and switch to a bounty hunter to destroy the 2 on the left, step on all 12 red buttons before they start going out to get this minikit.
Minikit 10 – After fighting the emperor for the second time, there will be 10 red lights where you have to use sith force powers to turn them on, turn on all 10 of them to reveal pieces of a bounty hunter scanner, while still up top, take the path that you took to get to where the emperor was to find the pieces, put the pieces together and switch to a bounty hunter character and use the scanner, then drop down, just before chasing the emperor, stay on the left side in the circle area and you will see another silver wall, destroy the wall and go inside and you will see a storm trooper scanner, switch to a storm trooper and use the scanner, continue chasing after the emperor to the right side of the room, after fighting the emperor, he will jump up onto a ledge and on the left side of the area is an elevator, put the pieces together and take the elevator up, destroy the 2 small canisters and put the pieces together, jump over to the right side and destroy the 1 small canisters for more pieces to come out, there should be 2 sets of pieces on both sides of the platform, after putting the pieces together on the far right you will have to destroy the piece with a jedi super slam and on the far left you will have to have to use the sith force to destroy the panel in order to turn on the lights, destroy the pieces and use the force on all 4 lights to turn off the force field to get this minikit.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, go to the far right and use the force on the panels on the ground to create a platform, jump onto the platform and onto the ledge to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 2 – This blue minikit is just under the platform where you start the level, go down the stairs and blue minikit will be just under the stairs.
Blue Minikit 3 – After fighting the emperor for the first time, go to the circle area in the level and you will see a storm trooper scanner, switch to a storm trooper and open the door to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 4 – After getting blue minikit 3, take the path on the right and go down the first path you see, go to the right wall and destroy the panels on the wall, there will be a crawlspace, switch to a small character and go through the crawlspace, push the box off the ledge and jump down, destroy the purple items to open the door in front of you and go in, immediately after going in, go down and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – Immediately after going inside of the red room where blue minikit 4 is, instead of going down, go up and you will find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – After getting blue minikit 5, there will be silver canisters, switch to a bounty hunter and destroy the silver canisters for a grapple point to appear, take the grapple up to the ledge and pull the lever, drop down and go into the middle of the room and put the pieces together to create a box, push the box onto the green circle and then destroy the 2 red chairs just next to the green circle, put the pieces together to create a turnstile and push the turnstile until the green arrow is facing right, push the box all the way to the right side of the room to activate an elevator, take the elevator up and jump off when it gets to the top on the right side to get this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – After exiting the red room and getting back into the main area, go back to the circle area and continue down the path on the right, you will come to a bounty hunter scanner, switch to a bounty hunter and open the door and the blue minikit will be inside.
Blue Minikit 8 – After getting to where you are just under the emperor, immediately go to the left side of this area, to find this blue minikit, its just in a giant circular window.
Blue Minikit 9 – After getting blue minikit 8, continue the level as normal by fighting the emperor for the second time, you will have to create a fan to get to where he is at, take the fan and the blue minikit will be just above you.
Blue Minikit 10 – After fighting the emperor for the second time, he will run away to the opposite side of the area, fight him until he jumps up to the ledge, pieces of the elevator will drop down, put the pieces together and use the force to raise the elevator, the blue minikit will be just up top.
Level 36 – Into the Death Star – Return of the Jedi
True Jedi stud requirement 35,000
Minikit 1 (Available in Story Mode) – As soon as you start up the level, the minikit is just next to the first star destroyer you see.
Minikit 2 (Available in Story Mode) – This minikit can be found next to a star destroyer on the right side, this star destroyer is just behind and on the right of the star destroyer where you found minikit 1.
Minikit 3 (Available in Story Mode) – When you get inside the death star, you will come to a point where you have to use pink missiles to advance the story, after destroying all 3 of them, the minikit will be just in front of you. If you get to the force field where you have to destroy 4 pink targets you’ve gone too far.
Minikit 4 – Just after getting minikit 3, before going through the force field still, there will be a Tie fighter door on the right side, switch to a Tie fighter and go inside to find this minikit.
Minikit 5 – This minikit is a little tricky to find, just after going through the first force field continue going straight passed the pink missile dispenser, DO NOT continue the level like normal, just on the other side of the pink missile dispenser is a hidden path on the left, go down that path to find this minikit.
Minikit 6 – Just after getting minikit 5, stay to the left of the path and you will come to another Tie fighter door, go inside to find this minikit.
Minikit 7 (Available in Story Mode) – As the reach the generator go around the whole circle and you will eventually come to the minikit.
Infinite torpedos Red Brick 25,000 studs (Available in Story Mode) – In the same area as minikit 7, there is an area that has 2 pink targets, destroy both of the targets to open the door, the red brick is inside.
Minikit 8 (Available in Story Mode) – There are 3 minikits as the death star is exploding, just keep firing and you shouldnt miss any of them. As you are flying away from the death star blowing up, this minikit is on the right side, keep firing and you shouldnt miss it.
Minikit 9 (Available in Story Mode) – A litte further down when youre flying away from the death star exploding, the minikit will be on the right, keep firing and you shouldnt miss it.
Minikit 10 (Available in Story Mode) – A little further down when you are still flying away from the death star exploding, the minikit will be on the right, keep firing and you shouldnt miss it.
Blue Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level, this blue minikit will be just in front of you, in front of the tower of the first star destroyer.
Blue Minikit 2 – After getting blue minikit 1, go to the far left star destroyer to find this blue minikit, just in front of the tower of the star destroyer.
Blue Minikit 3 – As you continue the level and you go into the death star, stay to the left and you will find this blue minikit behind the first set of turrets.
Blue Minikit 4 – After destroying the 3 pink targets but before going through the first force field, go to the left side of the area to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 5 – After going through the first force field, continue the level as usual and stay to the right, you will eventually come to this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 6 – Just before going through the second force field, go to the left side of this area to find this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 7 – When you get to the generator area, go around the circle to the left and you will eventually come to this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 8 – As the death star is exploding, stay to the right and you will see this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 9 – In the second section of the death star blowing up, stay to the left side and you will come to this blue minikit.
Blue Minikit 10 – In the third section of the death star blowing up, stay to the left side and you will come to this blue minikit.