HTG – Bread Challenge Fail
(HTG) Brian films Cory aka vdubnub as he shows us how to fail at the 1 min bread challenge. As most of you know, our clan 503 meets roughly once a month to get together and hang.. talk games and have some good food. We often have it at our clan mates burger joint and eat there. Well Carl, the owner of the Humdinger, has all sorts of food challenges. All of which he will offer to any customer who shows any interest. Prizes range from $20 to free menu items.. so if your ever out and about in Portland Oregon, google up the Humdinger off of Barbur Blvd. It doesnt take long to see that Cory will fail this before the clock even starts.. why did we post this? We thought it was funny and since Cory is often helping out around HTG.. we figured we could show him some love.. lol Thanks for the laugh buddy.. better luck next time
Happythumbsgaming Happy Thumbs Gaming happythumbsgaming HTG (HTG) Brian (HTG)Brian video games 503 Bluntsmokers 503LaNd Humdinger Portland Oregon Burgers Bread Challenge Fail RL Trophy/Achievement trophy achievement Cory Vdubnub