June 2012 Gamebreak – HTG
(HTG) Brian talks about past and present HTG as well as full details on contest for that $25 Gamestop gift card. Before the contest is explained we touch on 500k HTG views, http://UrgentFury.com e3 coverage, Socom US Navy SEALs shutting its servers down and wishing a good friend a Happy Birthday all in June’s Gamebreak for HTG. Games to expect this month:
Lollipop Chainsaw
Spec Ops: The Line
Lego Batman 2 ???
The Walking Dead Ep.2
Contest Info will be posted on our facebook and twitter by the end of the week.
(HTG) HTG htg HappyThumbsGaming Happy Thumbs Gaming GameBreak Gamebreak gamebreak game break Socom US Navy Seals Spec Ops The Line Lollipop Chainsaw Lego Batman 2 The Walking Dead Donald scca_ziptie UrgentFury.com Urgent Fury UF e3