LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Preview – HTG
As some of you may know, we here at HappyThumbsGaming like and eagerly await every new installment of the Lego series that comes out. The joy of stud whoring through a level is unlike anything else in gaming, the excitement you get when finding a purple stud is just magical and fulfilling. Okay so maybe I am exaggerating a little bit, but for a game that has you playing as tiny Lego characters based on an assortment of movies, comics, and more, are quite enjoyable and are a nice break from the monotony of shooters over the past few years. With the upcoming release of Lego Marvel Super Heroes sometime over the next few months, we thought it would be nice to play a classic Lego game to help the next few months go by a little faster, while having a ton of fun messing around.
Some of you may have grabbed one or more of the recent titles that were on sale in the Plasystation store last week. I personally picked up Lego Batman 2, it was just so cheap!!! So now i get to go ahead and use our own videos to help me platinum a game, wouldn’t be the first time, and everyone else out there should as well. Since they were so cheap HTG Brian decided to pick up Lego Pirates and he ever so graciously decided to take time out of his very busy day to help get us all pumped for Lego Marvel Super Heroes, by showing you how to make it through LEGO PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN!!! Plus you also get to hear his totally awesome commentary and what not, just sayin’. In all seriousness though, fun is what these games are all about, and we always have a ton of fun making our way through Lego games and it has been way too long since we have played one. We had a blast playing Lego Lord of the Rings and Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes and I’m 100% sure we will have fun playing Lego Pirates of the Caribbean and Lego Marvel Super Heroes, but just to be sure we are going to prove it to you. So just to be sure everyone is super excited for Lego Marvel Super Heroes we will be rolling out Lego Pirate videos sometime over the next few weeks and maybe quite possibly a guide if that is something you guys would be interested in/use.
Now there isn’t too much known about LEGO Marvel Super Heroes since it is a few months away but there are a few key details that make me/us very excited to play this game. First of all there over 100 characters that players can unlock. If that doesn’t make you excited to play this game I don’t know what does. So obviously most of the characters have not been announced yet, there are a few that have been including: Wolverine, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Deadpool, Loki, Galactus, Thor, Spider Man, Black Widow, Abomination, and Hawkeye. In addition to that amazing list of characters, after watching a few trailers and demos i’ve also seen at least two Fantastic Four characters, I would assume all four, Magneto, and what looks to be Venom as well as a handful more. Now I won’t go through and list all the characters that will most likely be in the game, cause I probably could and would be pretty close to 100% correct but we can safely assume that there will be a handful or X-Men, Avengers, and Villains from all over Marvel’s universe to fight and play as.
The second thing I am really excited for is, in keeping with the tradition of Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes, every character will have a voice. The one drawback is that they are not the same voices from the movies, the ones that have movies anyway, but the voice acting from what I’ve heard sounds pretty amazing and on par with what each character should sound like. The third thing I am really excited for is the levels you will get to play on, so far they have confirmed, Professor Xavier’s mansion, Asgard, Stark Tower, a Hydra Base and many more. Now I know this isn’t the same as being able to walk around them in real life like you were in Disney World or something but honestly who hasn’t wanted to run around Marvel worlds made of Legos and be able to destroy most of it to become a first class stud whore? I know I have. It also seems to be confirmed that the open world formula similar to Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes will return to Lego Marvel Super Heroes as well as Story Mode and Free Play Mode. While I have not seen anything to confirm the return of minikits, I would be very surprised if they didn’t include them seeing as the past Lego games have had them. I would also assume that they would bring back both the gold bricks and red bricks, following a very similar format to Lego Lord of the Rings, Lego Pirates, Lego Batman 2 games. Basically this is going to be similar to every other game but bigger, better and even more awesomer, that’s right awesomer.
Now if you haven’t been able to tell, I am in fact a Marvel fanboy, not that I have any problem with DC, I like DC as well, but I find the characters and stories much more interesting throughout the Marvel world than DC’s world. I’m particularly excited to see which villains are included in Marvel Super Heroes, personally I’m seriously hoping for a Rhino Man/Hulk fight or even a Juggernaut/Hulk fight, or both, but I think that may be just a dream, but I would also really like to see Mysterio from Spider Man, and Doctor Doom from Fantastic Four. While I believe Doctor Doom will be included in the game, Mysterio probably not so much, but done right, it could be a very cool boss battle. That’s the villain I would really like to see in game, what about you guys? Which Marvel Super Hero or Villain would you like to see included or hope is included?
Now while searching through some LEGO things we happened to run across something so awesome that we just couldn’t possibly resist trying out, so here it is. Booyakashouw!!!
Now everyone can’t look as awesome as we do as LEGOs but you can sure as hell try, and you should. The man that did this amazing job goes by pcbisly and you can find him here on fiverr: pcbisly’s Fiverr Profile . If you’re interested in becoming a LEGO character yourself check out this link and join the fun: Click Here . So go check out his pages and his other gigs and help out this very talented artist, he was very pleasant to work with and was done super quick, like Barry Allen quick, oh wait thats DC, sorry, so Marvel’s equivalent of the Flash quick. This guy was really awesome though and deserves a lot of credit and recognition for doing an amazing job, so go check him out. Go now, and make sure to tell him HTG sent you!!!
Well if you haven’t already figured this out we will be covering Lego Marvel Super Heroes up until the day it is launched and probably for weeks, or even months, or years?, after its released and we promise, ok kinda promise, to keep you up to date with information as we receive it. So let us know if you’re excited for our upcoming Lego Pirates of the Caribbean videos, let us know if you’re having a hard time waiting for Lego Marvel Super Heroes like us, and of course tell us anything else that your little, or big, heart desires to tell us. As always you can message us on Facebook, Twitter, leave us a like on YouTube, subscribe to our channel on YouTube etc. etc. etc. with any comments or suggestion of future or past games and we’ll be sure to get back to you. When looking for HappyThumbsGaming videos always be sure to add “- HTG” at the end of your search to help find our videos faster. So example would be “Lego Batman 2 DC Super Heroes Level 1 – HTG.”