Lego Lord of the Rings: We Cannot Linger/I’m glad to be with you Trophy/Achievement – HTG
(HTG) Brian shows you how to earn “We Cannot Linger” and “Im glad to be with you” for Level 5, The Mines of Moria FREE PLAY, for Lego Lord of the Rings. The goal for we cannot linger trophy/achievement is to beat the Mines of Moria in under 15 minutes. We suggest using a friend to help you play and make your tasks go quicker. Towards the end when Gandolf is battling the giant dragon, you can actually have the second player play ahead which for sure will save you some time. Be quick and efficient and make sure to communicate. So the co-op is not required however we highly recommend using a buddy to play with and if you havent already you will earn the Co-op trophy/achievement called Im glad to be with you, as well as beating this level in under 15 minutes which will earn you the we cannot linger trophy/achievement. Hopefully this helps you beat Level 5 The Mines of Moria in under 15 minutes. Thanks for tuning in and let us know if you want more walkthrough videos for Lego Lord of the Rings.
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LegoLordoftheRings, Lego, Lord, Of, The, RingsLotR, Frodo, Bilbo, Shire, Gandolf, Walkthrough, Playthrough, Tutorial, HappyThumbsGaming, Happy, Thumbs, Gaming, HappyThumbs, happythumbsgaming, (HTG), HTG, Brian, (HTG)Brian, Playstation3, Xbox360, PlayStation, xbox,360, PC,Trophy/Achievement, Trophy, Achievement, Help, Studs, studs, Mithril, Bricks, MithrilBricks, Red, Bricks, RedBricks, Level, Level2, Mini Kits, Treasure Items, True Adventurer, Berserker, Gimli, Legolas, Shagrot, Uruk-Hai, Mithril Fireworks, Mithril Boxing Gloves, The Mine of Moria, FREE PLAY, We Cannot Linger, WeCannotLinger, Im Glad To Be With You, ImGladToBeWithYou, im glad to be with you,