Lego Lord of the Rings: Level 3/Weathertop FREE PLAY – All Collectables – HTG
(HTG) Brian walks you through FREE PLAY for Level 3, Weathertop FREE PLAY, for Lego Lord of the Rings. We grab the 9 remaining Mini kits we missed in our Story Mode Walkthrough, we find the Black Smith Design, all 3 hidden Items for our Treasure Trove and we also reach the stud requirement for True Adventurer status which is 46,000 studs. Below we have also included a text step by step for easy following. Hopefully this helps you for Level 2 FREE PLAY Thanks for tuning in and let us know if you want more walkthrough videos for Lego Lord of the Rings.
Complete Story Mode
Mithril Boxing Gloves , Uruk-Hai or Shagrot
(^We show you where the required stuff is in our Level 1 FREE PLAY video^)
Mini Kit 1: Using Frodo, light up the cave next to Frodo sleeping.
Mini Kit 2: Sam’s elven rope to pull down rocks
Treasure 1: Legolas’ bow proves to come in handy and grab the Rubber Duck item
Mini Kit 3: Shoot target with Legolas bow, then swing over and collect your prize
Blacksmith: After food puzzle, use Frodo to walk into the dark cave and find the Blacksmith Design
Mini Kit 4: Take out all 3 large purple flowered plants (should have all 3 before climbing stairs to top scene)
Mini Kit 5: After you grow a purple flower in the second area, use Legolas to jump up to the high bars and move to the right to find the mini kit
Mini Kit 6: Use the Mithril Boxing Gloves (or Shagrot/Uruk-Hai) to pull the orange handle beneath the ropes you hang from to pull down the way across.
Mini Kit 7: Use Gimli to break the crack on the right
Treasure 2: Use Aragorn or Elendil to smash the Morgul brick and follow the green trail till you find the Quill treasure
Mini Kit 8: At the top of Weathertop, use the Mithril Boxing Gloves (or Shagrot/Uruk-Hai) to pull orange handle
Treasure 3: Destroy the crack on the right side with Gimli and grab the Sun Hat
Mini Kit 9: With Legolas, shoot the 3 targets. 1 left, 1 center and 1 right
Mini Kit10: With Berzerker, destroy the Mithril object in front left in the back left to discover some pieces. Build those pieces to build an object. Switch to Frodo and enter Shadow World (ring mode as we call it) and turn the crank till the Mini Kit squeezes out
Link to our Lego Lord of the Rings playlist:
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LegoLordoftheRings, Lego, Lord, Of, The, RingsLotR, Frodo, Bilbo, Shire, Gandolf, Walkthrough, Playthrough, Tutorial, HappyThumbsGaming, Happy, Thumbs, Gaming, HappyThumbs, happythumbsgaming, (HTG), HTG, Brian, (HTG)Brian, Playstation3, Xbox360, PlayStation, xbox,360, PC,Trophy/Achievement, Trophy, Achievement, Help, Studs, studs, Mithril, Bricks, MithrilBricks, Red, Bricks, RedBricks, Level, Level2, Mini Kits, Treasure Items, True Adventurer, Berserker, Gimli, Legolas, Shagrot, Uruk-Hai, Mithril Fireworks, Mithril Boxing Gloves, Helms Deep, FREE PLAY,