Lego The Hobbit: Level 16 Inside Information – FREE PLAY (All Minikits, Treasures & Design) – HTG
Lego The Hobbit FREE PLAY has finally arrived and (HTG) Brian is here to guide you through Level 16 Inside Information Free Play to all of the minikits, Blacksmith Design schematics and treasure trove items. Follow along in our Lego The Hobbit FREE PLAY series continuing with Level 16 Inside Information FREE PLAY Walkthrough where we showcase all of the minikits, schematics and treasure trove items. Lego The Hobbit takes us on a journey across Middle Earth to stop Smaug The Dragon. As always we will cover both STORY and FREE PLAY modes and cover all minikits and collectibles that are along the way. If you are looking for Minikits, Blacksmith Designs or Treasure Items be sure to check out our other Lego The Hobbit FREE PLAY videos. We of course will be doing a Red Brick Stud Multiplier video and possibly some Mithril Brick locations depending on if they are labeled on the map or not.
Quick links:
Treasure 1: 00:45
Minikit 1: 01:29
Minikit 2: 01:43
Minikit 3: 02:50
Minikit 4: 03:13
Minikit 5: 05:09
Minikit 6: 05:41
Minikit 7: 07:28
Treasure 2: 08:43
Treasure 3: 09:05
Minikit 8: 09:51
Schematic: 11:22
Treasure 4: 11:50
Minikit 9: 12:20
Minikit 10: 13:55
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Link to our “Lego The Hobbit” Trophy/Achievement Guide:
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