LEGO the Hobbit Trophy/Achievement Guide – HTG
This guide is still a work in progress, videos and formatting will be added/completed in the coming days.
I would like to give a special thanks to my friend, ModernWarbear_2, who helped me co-write our LEGO the Hobbit Trophy/Achievement Guide. She provided a great deal of information, tested some trophies, formatted and did a lot of other things to make this guide amazingly awesome. Thanks again for everything you did.
Essential Information:
Total Number of Trophies: 40 (1 Platinum, 4 Gold, 8 Silver, 27 Bronzes)
Time to Platinum: 25- 30+ hours
Difficulty: 2/10
The prequel to the legendary The Lord of The Rings trilogy is here, in LEGO style! The Hobbit takes place sixty years before the events of Frodo and The Fellowship. This story begins the telling of the life and adventures of Bilbo Baggins as seen in The Hobbit films, when he went on an adventure with the dwarfs to reclaim their legendary Lonely Mountain from Dragon Smaug. Enjoy the first two stories from The Hobbit trilogy with actual scenes from the first two films, with the LEGO twist.
In terms of trophies, you’re looking at another typical LEGO trophy list full of collectibles. You’ll need to purchase all characters and gather Red Bricks, just like every other LEGO game. Everything that you need to collect from previous LEGO games, will be in this title. Your main focus is to purchase Red Bricks whenever you can, to activate their abilities from the “Extras” menu. Activating Red Bricks does NOT disable trophies.
The platinum run is about as long as previous titles, however There and Back Again is NOT in this title. It will however, be available for a future download sometime in December which will not affect earning this platinum.
A LEGO game wouldn’t be a LEGO game without its known bugs and freezes. There are certain areas in the game that can cause your game to crash. The most common bug is when you clear a section and advance onto the next one during a story level. Skipping a cutscene will cause the screen to turn black, and eventually crash. Watching the cutscene will also cause the game to lag in the next section until it eventually crashes. The best work around for this, is to choose the specific section from the story level rather than playing from the start. When you finish gathering all collectibles from the specific section, exit to middle earth to save your progress.
It’s is also recommended to back up your save files regularly. Do not risk getting your save file corrupted by a game freeze, it is not worth losing your progress.
Step 1: Complete the story without worrying about collectibles
In this step, you will complete the 16 story levels that this games has to offer. It’s impossible to collect every collectible since most of the collectibles will require a specific character to do a certain task. Completing the story will take you a little over 10 hours to complete. Every level has a story related trophy to earn.
In this step, you will also want to break just about everything in your path to gather as many studs as you can. This will prepare you for those necessary purchases in Step 2.
Step 2: Collect all collectibles from the story levels in Free Play
Once you’ve completed the story, you’ll be able to play in “Free Play” mode. Free Play is just like normal mode, except that you can choose any character that you’ve unlocked throughout the game. This grants you the ability to get those collectibles that you weren’t able to collect during the first step. In this step, also be sure to play the bonus level that earns you the Stone Giant Stomp trophy, as you’ll earn an easy 1,000,000 studs in the process. This will help you purchase the x2 Red Brick just before you start the story levels in Free Play.
To get all collectibles in all 16 story levels in Free Play, you will need:
Can be purchased for 70,000 studs. He is just South of Dolguldur.
You will need him to break the black LEGOs. You will need him to break the black LEGOS.
Can be purchased for 50,000 studs. He is located in Rivendell. You will need him to break the mithril LEGOS.
Red Brick x2
To unlock the Red Brick x2, you will need the Schematic from the “Over Hill and Under Hill” level. The Schematic is located right behind you as you start the level. Once you forge it into a Mithril Frail, deliver it to the man just North of Hobbiton. It will be the red question mark on the map. He will only be available during the day, so be sure the change the day from a campfire. You will also need 500,000 studs to purchase the brick. Activating this will guarantee a Master Burglar title in every level.
Once you gather these things, you’ll be able to collect everything from the 16 story levels.
In this step, you will want to replay every story level once again, but in Free Play. You will focus on collecting all of those collectibles that you couldn’t reach in your first run. This includes; Blacksmith Design Schematics, Attaining Master Burglar, Minikits, and Treasure items. Also bear in mind, that you do NOT need to complete the level from start to finish if you’ve collected everything from the prior level. You may save and quit and your progress will be saved.
Step 3: Clean up in Middle-earth
In this step, you will collect everything that’s left in Middle-earth. This includes, Red Bricks, schematics, Mithril Bricks, and every quest left in Middle-Earth. Some of these quests can only be accepted during a certain time of the day, so be sure to use a camp to change the time of day. Middle-Earth is the “Free roam” outside of the story levels. Your first focus should be to collect all of the “x” Red Bricks e.i Red Brick x2, x4, and x6. These will multiply your stud earnings by 48! Not only will you earn The Unassessably Wealthy in the process, but it will also give you more than enough studs to purchase every character and any loot items that you need to forge. The next task should be both Blacksmith Design Schematics and Mithril Bricks. You will need Mithril Bricks to “forge” all 30 schematics at the Blacksmith in Bree. Not only will forging all 30 schematics earn you Objects of great beauty and Unequalled skill of the Dwarves, but it will also grant you the turn-ins for some of the quests in Middle-Earth that will eventually lead to Ever ”The People’s Champion”. This will save you 2 to 5 hours.
Also bear in mind, that you can purchase any kind of loot that is required for forging weapons from the “Dwarven Loot Dispenser”, just North of Erebor (where you always spawn at, when you load up a save).
Step 4: Clean up
In this final step, you will earn anything that’s left for your platinum trophy. Most of these will be miscellaneous trophies and will take a bit of farming to earn, especially Wealth lies in the Earth. Most of the combat trophies can be easily earned in the “Azog The Defiler” story level during Free Play.
The Road Goes Ever On – Collect every trophy (Platinum)
Once you have unlocked every other trophy you will have your shiny new Platinum Trophy.
A City Turned to Ash – Complete “Greatest Kingdom in the Middle-Earth” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
In A Hole in the Ground… – Complete “An Unexpected Party” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
Slunk Back From Whence He Came – Complete “Azog the Defiler” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
…And Be Stone to You! – Complete “Roast Mutton” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
More of a Letter-Opener, Really! – Complete “The Troll Hoard” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
More Than A Thunderstorm! – Complete “Over Hill and Under Hill” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
That’ll Do It… – Complete “Goblin Town” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
I Believe the Worst is Behind Us – Complete “Out of the Frying Pan…” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
What Do You Need? – Complete “Queer Lodgings” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
Attercop! Attercop! – Complete “Flies and Spiders” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
Escaped the Dungeons of the King – Complete “Barrels out of the Bond” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
The Mountain-king’s Return – Complete “A Warm Welcome” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
He is Summoning His Servants – Complete “Looking for Proof” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
It’s Undoubtedly A Trap – Complete “The Necromancer” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
Time to Earn Your Reward – Complete “On the Doorstep” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
Think Furnace, with Wings – Complete “Inside Information” (Bronze) (25G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
Ever “The People’s Champion” – Complete all the quests in Middle-Earth. (Single Player Only) (Gold) (50G)
There are a ton of quests scattered around Middle-earth. Quests are the grey/red “?” on your map. These do not include the Mithril Bricks icons, only the question marks. Wait until you finish all of the story levels before you focus on completing most of the side quests, as you’ll need certain characters or objects to meet the requirements for a lot of them. You’ll need both Mithril bricks and schematics to forge all 30 weapons from the Blacksmith located in Bree. All of these weapons are needed for certain turn-ins to some of the quests in the game.
Note that some of the characters have more than one quest, so after you complete a quest, chances are that another quest will appear in the map. Bear in mind that some of these quests can only be completed during a certain time of day, so you’ll have to camp to change the time of day to complete some of these quests.
Glitch Note: One of the quests is possibly glitched, but not in a bad way necessarily. In Lake Town, there will be a quest titled “Hide and Seek Once More”. You will have to complete the “Hide and Seek” quest located in Bree beforehand, to unlock this quest. When you accept the quest, the Mithril Brick can glitch and spawn in front of you without having to even play the quest. If this happens, just play the quest and it will count towards the completion.
The Greed of Dwarves – Collect all Mithril Bricks. (Single Player Only) (Gold) (50G)
To earn this trophy, you will need to collect every Mithril Brick in the game. Mithril Bricks and the silver looking LEGOs that can be earned by completing story levels and objectives in Middle-earth.
There are a total of 250 Mithril Bricks in the game, the breakdown is as follows:
Story/Free Play Levels
[*]1 for beating each Story level (16 bricks in total)
[*]1 for collecting all minikits in every level (16 bricks in total)
[*]1 for collecting all treasures in every level (16 bricks in total)
[*]1 for finding the Blacksmith Design Schematic in every level (16 bricks in total)
[*]1 for achieving Master Burglar in every level (16 bricks in total)
There are a total of 16 story levels in the game, and 80 Mithril Bricks to be earned in the story levels during Free Play.
There are 170 Mithril Bricks scattered around Middle-earth, collected by either completing Fetch Quests, challenges or puzzles.
In order to view which Mithril Bricks you’re missing, you can view the map from the pause menu. The map will show you every location. To collect these easier, be sure to always set a marker before attempting to collect a brick. Also bear in mind that some of the Mithril bricks won’t appear on the map, as you’ll earn them as a reward by completing some of the fetch quests.
Labouring in the Villages on Men – Collect all Schematics. (Single Player Only) (Silver) (30G)
There are a total of 32 Blacksmith Design Schematics scattered throughout the game. 16 of the blacksmith design schematics are located in the story/free play levels, while the other 16 are scattered around Middle-earth. You will not be able to obtain all of the schematics until you begin Free Play, due to not having the right abilities, or items yet. Schematics are depicted by a white envelope with a red seal, and are needed to get forged into an item by the Blacksmith in Bree. You do not need to actually forge the items, however, to earn this trophy. This trophy will unlock upon collecting the 32nd blacksmith design schematic.
The list of every location are as follows:
[*]Mithril Mirror Armour – Located in the “Greatest Kingdom” level.
[*]Mithril Tornado Axe – Located in the “Unexpected Party” level.
[*]Mithril Warhammer – Located in the “Azog the Defiler” level.
[*]Mithril Fishing Pole – Located in the “Roast Mutton” level.
[*]Mithril Skeleton Crank – Located in “The Troll Hard” level.
[*]Mithril Flail – Located in the “Over Hill And Under Hill” level.
[*]Mithril Claws – Located in the “Goblin Town” level.
[*]Mithril Music Kit – Located in the “Out of The Frying Pan” level.
[*]Mithril Multi-bow – Located in the “Queer Lodgings” level.
[*]Mithril Bomb Blade – Located in the “Flies And Spiders” level
[*]Mithril Pickaxe – Located in the “Barrels Out of Bond” level.
[*]Mithril Booty Blade – Located in the “Warm Welcome” level.
[*]Mithril Giddy-up Staff – Located in the “Looking For Proof” level.
[*]Mithril Wraith Armour – Located in “The Necromancer” level.
[*]Mithril Hammerhands – in “On The Doorstep” level.
[*]Mithril Firework Bow – “Located in the “Inside Information” level.
[*]Mithril Stud Spade – Located in Hobbiton
[*]Mithril Megapult – Located just Northwest of Bree.
[*]Mithril Mushroom Crown – Located just North of Bree.
[*]Mithril Shadow Blade – Located in Weatherdrop.
[*]Mithril Skull Cap – Located in Trollshaws.
[*]Mithril Rhythm Stick – Located in Rivendell.
[*]Mithril Cathphrase Mallet – Located in The High Pass.
[*]Mithril Horse Shoes – Located in Rivendell.
[*]Mithril Construction Hat – Located just East of Boern’s Homestead.
[*]Mithril Candle Staff – Located in Dol Guldur.
[*]Mithril Bandit Gloves – Located in Lake-town.
[*]Mithril Snowapult – Located in Dale.
[*]Mithril Beanstalk – Located in The Pass of Caradhras.
[*]Mithril Slippers – Located in the Elven Forest.
[*]Mithril Dance Boots – Located in Rivendell.
[*]Mithril Falcon – Located Northswest of Dale.
Please note that you can view every location of the 16 schematics scattered around Middle-earth on your map in the pause menu.
For all of the Story/Free Play level Blacksmith Design Schematics, please refer to the LEGO the Hobbit Collectible Guide.
Doilies and Your Mother’s Dishes – Collect all Treasure Items in Levels. (Single Player Only) (Silver) (30G)
There are a total of 64 treasure items in the game. Treasures are items that you can equip onto your character. They are usually a piece of armor or a weapon. There are 4 per level, but most will not be obtainable until Free Play due to not having the right abilities while playing through the levels in Story Mode. For a complete list of all item locations, see the collectibles guide at the bottom of the page.
Objects of Great Beauty – Forge all the Mithril Treasure Items. (Single Player Only) (Silver) (30G)
Please refer to Unequalled skill of the Dwarves for more details.
Unequalled Skill of the Dwarves – Forge all the Perfect Mithril Treasure Items. (Single Player Only) (Gold) (50G)
There are 32 Mithril Treasure Items that you must forge “perfectly” to unlock this trophy. To forge a Mithril Treasure Item, you must first locate the corresponding Schematic. For the story/free play schematics, please refer to the LEGO the Hobbit Collectible Guide at the bottom of the page. The schematics in Middle-earth are depicted by a white envelope with a red seal. Once you have acquired a Blacksmith Design Schematic, you can get it forged at the Blacksmith shop located in Bree. You must complete the quest given by the Blacksmith’s Wife outside of the shop before the Blacksmith will become available. The ability to forge items will be available after the quest is completed. To forge an item, walk up to the anvil and interact with it. Choose the Treasure Item you want to forge and press the corresponding buttons to forge it.
To forge an item perfectly, you must hit the correct button inside the inner circle, not the outer one. You will know when to hit any of the button prompts when any of the four buttons (X, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, SQUARE) are highlighted yellow. When they are highlighted yellow, press the correct prompt. If for some reason you mess up a “perfect forge”, you can redo the forge for free. You will also know when you’ve done a perfect forge as it will say “Perfectly Forged” or “Forged”, whenever you forge an item. To make this easier, you can turn on the Perfect Forging Red Brick, which will give you only one ring instead of two, and make this substantially easier.
The Unassessably Wealthy – Collect 10,000,000,000 studs. (Single Player Only) (Silver) (30G)
This is not as hard as it sounds, after completing the game to 100% you should have between 6-8 Billion studs. A quick and easy way to farm studs is to travel to Bree, in Bree there will be two purple studs in the left/center of town, that will give you about 100 million studs each time you grab them. After you get them head into the Blacksmith shop and then head back out and grab them again and repeat. It should take you under 10 minutes to get 2 billion studs.
That’s Why We Need A Burglar! – Obtain all Master Burglar Titles. (Single Player Only) (Silver) (30G)
The Master Burglar titles are the same as LEGO Marvel’s True Believer, LEGO Lord of the Rings True Adventurer, or LEGO Star Wars’ True Jedi. Each level has a stud requirement that you must achieve to reach Master Burglar for the level. You will most likely achieve Master Burglar in a number of levels, without the help of the red multiplier bricks but if you’re having trouble with any of them, turn on a few of the multipliers, and you will meet the requirements within seconds of starting the level.
The stud requirements for each level are as follows:
[*]The Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth – 130,000 studs
[*]An Unexpected Party – 70,000 studs
[*]Azog the Defiler – 25,000 studs
[*]Roast Mutton – 50,000 studs
[*]The Troll Hoard – 65,000 studs
[*]Over Hill and Under Hill – 80,000 studs
[*]Goblin Town – 135,000 studs
[*]Out of the Frying Pan… – 40,000 studs
[*]Queer Lodgings – 30,000 studs
[*]Flies and Spiders – 85,000 studs
[*]Barrels out of Bond – 80,000 studs
[*]A Warm Welcome – 60,000 studs
[*]Looking for Proof – 85,000 studs
[*]The Necromancer – 30,000 studs
[*]On the Doorstep – 80,000 studs
[*]Inside Information – 100,000 studs
Please note that this trophy won’t unlock when you meet the final requirement on the last Master Burglar that to earn. You must save & exit, or complete the level. The trophy will unlock at the scoreboard.
Stone Giant Stomp – Complete the Bonus Level (Silver) (30G)
The bonus level is located just South of Erebor. When looking at the map, it’s right below the R of “Erebor”. The icon is one of the stone giants from the “Over Hill and Under Hill” level.
The fastest route to reach the bonus level, is by traveling to Erebor from the eagle statue. When you travel to the area, follow the stair path onto the temple. You will then have to climb it. There will be snowmen LEGOs covering a ladder, so break them to climb the first ladder. In the second area, you will need to use Ori and his slingshot ability to build a bridge around the temple. You will also need to use Bilbo and his Ring ability to build the second ladder. Once you climb the temple, climb the zipline to get across to the bonus level.
This level is quite easy and should take you no less than 3 minutes to complete. You will take control of a stone giant and will have to earn 1,000,000 in studs. You will have 5 minutes to break anything in your path. Use :square: to smash LEGOs with your hands, or stomp on LEGOs by moving around. Once you reach a score of 1,000,000, you will complete the level and the trophy will unlock. You will also get to keep the 1,000,000 studs that you’ve earned in the process.
To Be Continued… – Achieve 100% Completion (Gold) (100G)
To achieve 100% completion you must complete the following:
Complete all 16 levels in Story Mode
There are a total of 16 levels in the game. Just complete them to meet these requirements. You do not need to collect everything during your first playthrough, as it’s impossible.
Achieve Master Burglar in all 16 levels
Master Burglar is reaching a certain amount of studs per level. You may activate any of the multiplier red bricks to make this easier. It does not disable trophies.
Collect all 160 Minikits
All 160 minikits can be found throughout every level of the game and are required to reach 100% completion. Each level has 10 minikits to be earned. You will need certain abilities you collect some of them, so attempt to earn them all during Free Play.
For a complete list of every location, refer to the collectibles guide.
Collect all 32 Blacksmith Design Schematics
There are a total of 32 blacksmith design schematics found in the game that you must collect in order to reach 100% completion. 16 are in story levels, 1 per level. You will need certain abilities you collect some of them, so attempt to earn them all during Free Play.
The other 16 are scattered around Middle-earth. You can view every location of the Middle-earth blacksmith design schematics from your map in the pause menu.
For a complete list of every location, refer to the collectibles guide.
Collect all 64 Treasures
There are a total of 64 treasures found in the game that you must collect in order to reach 100% completion. All 64 treasures can be found throughout the story levels, 4 per level. Treasures are items that you can equip. You will need certain abilities you collect some of them, so attempt to earn them all during Free Play.
For a complete list of every location, refer to the collectibles guide.
Collect all 250 Mithril Bricks
There are a total of 250 Mithril Bricks that you will need to collect in order to reach 100% completion.
You will need to complete every Story level to earn 1 mithril brick per level. (16 bricks in total)
You will to collect all minikits in every level to earn 1 mithril brick per level. (16 bricks in total)
You will need to collect every treasure in every story level to earn 1 mithril brick per level. (16 bricks in total)
You will need to collect the schematic in every story level to earn 1 mithril brick per level. (16 bricks in total)
You will need to achieve “Master Burglar” in every level to earn 1 mithril brick per level. (16 bricks in total)
You will need to complete every fetch quest in Middle-earth to earn the remaining 30 Mithril Bricks.
Forge all Mithril Items
You will need to forge every schematic into a Mithril Item. The Blacksmith is located in Bree. You will need certain loot materials in order to forge them. You can purchase every type of loot in the game from the “Dwarven Loot Dispenser”, just North of Erebor (where you always spawn at, when you load up a save).
Purchase all 32 Red Bricks
There are a total of 32 Red Bricks that you must collect in order to reach 100% completion. There are characters scattered around Middle-earth that will give you various tasks (fetch quests). Some of these will reward you with a Red Brick that you must purchase after unlocking.
For a complete list of every location, refer to the collectibles guide.
Complete every fetch quest in Middle-earth
Fetch quests are the red/white “?” on your map. You will need to complete them to reach 100% completion. There are characters scattered around Middle-earth that will give you various tasks, such as turning in a certain weapon, helping them with a small errand, etc. There are 50 quests in the game. Also, note that some of these can only be accepted/completed during certain times of the day. In order to change the time of day, go to a camp.
Hardly Burglar Material – Collect 99 of any loot (Bronze) (10G)
This trophy will come through natural play. You will have very little to spend your loot on as you play through the story, so you will end up with several hundred loot for several items. To collect loot, you will have to break objects throughout the game and collect them as you’re progressing. This includes; vases, tables, lights, boulders, statues, etc. The earliest time that you can unlock this trophy is in the first or second level, just as long as you break everything in your path.
To earn this trophy, you will need to collect 99 of the same item. This includes:
Once you collect 99 of the same loot, the trophy will unlock. This trophy is cumulative, meaning that you do not have to have 99 of the same loot all at once.
To view your loot, hold TRIANGLE, followed by going to your loot from the wheel.
What Lies in the Earth – Complete the Mining Game Perfectly 50 times (Bronze) (20G)
You will be introduced to the mining mini game in the very first level “The Greatest Kingdom in Middle-Earth”. In the mining game, you will have to stop an arrow in the designated spot, top center. If you stop it in the center on the first try, it will be considered a “perfect” mine. If you happen to miss, then the game gives you a wider target to hit. To complete the mining game, you must hit the middle target on the first try. Do this 50 times and the trophy will unlock.
One of the best areas in the game with mineral posts is in Weatherdrop. There area over 15 mineral posts around the area. Fast travel to Weatherdrop from the Eagle Statue and farm this 50 times. You can respawn the mineral posts by entering a new location.
Bro’s before Gold – Use 50 Buddy-Up Attacks (Bronze) (20G)
A buddy-up attack is when two characters join together to do a “super” attack. To do a Buddy-Up attack, you will need to hold onto another fellow character by pressing :circle: when you’re near your buddy. The description is slightly misleading, as you will need to kill an enemy with the “buddy-up” attack for it to count.
A great area to farm this trophy, would be during the “Battle of Azanulbizar” section in the “Azog the Defiler” story level in Free Play. Enemies will respawn, which makes it perfect to farm as many attacks until the trophy unlocks. Be sure to button mash CIRCLE while you’re buddied up.
Team Building – Use every Dwarf from Thorin’s Company in a Buddy-Up Attack (Bronze) (10G)
To earn this trophy, you must use a Buddy-Up attack with each of the 13 dwarfs. You do not need to do different kinds of combinations to meet the requirements, just as long as you have done it at least once with each of the 13 dwarfs. For example; using one character with 12 different buddies won’t count. But using every character at least once while having the same buddy, will. Be absolutely sure that you’ve killed an enemy with the specific character as well. When you kill an enemy, they will flash red and hit the screen. Sometimes when they fall and break, they won’t get killed by you, but your partner. This is why it’s important to see them flash red.
The list of the dwarfs that are needed are as follows:
1. Balin
2. Bifur
3. Bofur
4. Bombur
5. Dori
6. Dwalin
7. Fili
8. Gloin
9. Kili
10. Oin
11. Ori
12. Nori
13. Thorin
Conjurer of Cheap Tricks – Use Gandalf’s startle ability to Dazzle 50 enemies (Bronze) (10G)
Gandalf’s startle ability is the attack he does when you hold down :circle:. If you use the attack whenever you get the chance, you will get this naturally before you finish your story playthrough. However, you can farm this in less than a minute if you wish.
From story select, select the “Azog The Defiler” story level. From there, select the “The Battle of Azanulbizar” section. You will have to play this in Free Play in order to advance to the battle instantly, as well as having Gandalf in your group. As soon as you start the level, hold down CIRCLE until your move is fully charged, then release. Keep doing this on all the orcs until the trophy unlocks. You do not need to do this on 50 different enemies, just as long as you wait for them to get undazed again.
Lord of the Prance – Equip yourself with Dazzle Wig, Mithril Rhythm Stick and Mithril Dance Boots (Bronze) (5G)
To earn this trophy, you must wear these three items at the same time.
The Dazzle Wig is found in the “Flies and Spider Level”, in “The Elves of Mirkwood” section. It’s inside the secret passage in the very beginning of the section. You will need the Fire Cracker Bow or Saruman to break the Mithril LEGOs blocking the passageway. Once to enter the secret area, go to the very east of the area. There will be a jacuzzi with two skeletons inside. You will need to use Bilbo’s fishing ability to fish the Dazzle Wig.
For the Mithril Rhythm Stick, you will first need the schematic for it. The schematic can be found in the lake in Rivendell. You will need a boat to reach the area. Follow the studs to find the route that leads to the schematic. Once to reach the pilars, you will need the firecracker bow or Saruman to break the chest. To forge the weapon, you will need to head to the Blacksmith in Bree.
The Dance Boots are also located in Rivendell. You will need to activate three switches to earn this schematic. The first two switches are on top of the ropes that only elves can reach, and the final switch is at the very right of the cave. You will need to shoot arrows to make a swinghook. To forge the weapon, you will need to head to the Blacksmith in Bree.
Also bear in mind, that you can purchase any kind of loot that is required for forging weapons from the “Dwarven Loot Dispenser”, just North of Erebor (where you always spawn at when you load up a save).
Once you have all three items, equip them onto any character from the “Treasure Trove” in your wheel menu, and the trophy will unlock.
Dawn of the Mushroom King – Equip Thorin with the Mithril Mushroom Crown (Bronze) (5G)
The Mithril Mushroom Crown is located in a cave just north of Bree, where the blacksmith is located. Once inside the cave, you will have to go through various small LEGO hatches to reach the Schematic. There are eight hatches inside the cave. The hatch that you want to enter is the one with flowers around the hatch. This hatch will take you to the key. The hatch that leads towards the lock is just Northwest of the cave. LEGO boulders are blocking this hatch, so you will have you break them to enter it. Once you enter the hatch, unlock the lock with your key to collect the schematic.
Once you’ve collected the schematic, travel back to the Blacksmith in Bree. It will cost you 5 Mithril bricks, 10 Square wood pieces, 20 fish, 15 chicken pieces, and 10 pieces of bread to Forge. Once you have forged it, equip it on Thorin’s head and the trophy will unlock. Also note that you will have to use the regular Thorin to meet the requirements. Any other version of Thorin will NOT count, like “Thorin (Young”) for instance.
Master Builder – Obtain 150,000 studs from Instruction Builds bonuses. (Single Player Only) (Bronze) (10G)
This trophy will come naturally through your Free Play run. To unlock this trophy, you will have to gather 150,000 studs in total from the Instruction Builds bonuses. Instruction Builds are when you build stuff like keys and items that will advance you into the game. You will also need several loot items for a build. If complete an instruction build perfectly, you will obtain 20,000 studs, but will most likely finish each build with about 10,000 to 14,000 studs on average. You do NOT need to obtain 150,000 studs all at once.
Someone to Share in an Adventure – Play a level in co-op (Bronze) (10G)
This description is quite misleading, as you have to complete the level for the trophy to count. The level must be completed in Story Mode, and you CANNOT do this in Free Play. “Queer Lodgings” and the “Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth”, are two of the shortest levels that can be completed. Completing the Bonus Level in co-op will also unlock you this trophy and it only takes 1-2 minutes to complete.
Also bear in mind, that you will need two controllers to unlock this trophy. There is no online play or anything of that nature, so because of this, we recommend that you complete any of the shortest levels that the story has to offer. If you’re playing on the PS4, You can also use your Playstation Vita as a second controller using Remote Play to unlock this trophy.
Quite A Merry Gathering – Collect all Characters. (Single Player Only) (Silver) (30G)
There are a total 98 characters that you must collect to unlock this trophy. By completing Story Mode, you will already have 43 characters unlocked, the rest you will have to purchase or unlock. Also bear in mind, that DLC characters do NOT count towards the total, so you will have to unlock the 98 characters from the main game.
The list of every character that you need to collect are as follows:
[*] Thorin (Young)
[*] Thorin
[*] Balin (Young)
[*] Thror
[*] Armoured Dwarf Guard
[*] Frodo
[*] Sam
[*] Bilbo (Hobbiton)
[*] Bilbo
[*] Ganddalf
[*] Balin
[*] Bifur
[*] Bofur
[*] Bombfur
[*] Dori
[*] Dwalin
[*] Fili
[*] kili
[*] Gloin
[*] Nori
[*] Oin
[*] Ori
[*] Thorin
[*] Doric (Young)
[*] Dwalin (Young)
[*] Radagast
[*] Goblin (Confused)
[*] Legolas Greenleaf
[*] Tauriel
[*] Bombur (Barrel)
[*] Tauriel (Lake-town)
[*] Balin (Lake-town)
[*] Bilbo (Lake-town)
[*] Swalin (Lake-town)
[*] Dori (Lake-town)
[*] Gloin (Lake-town)
[*] Nori (Lake-town)
[*] Ori (Lake-town)
[*] Thorin (Lake-town)
[*] Bifur (Lake-town)
[*] Bombur (Lake-twon)
[*] Bard
[*] Bilbo (old)
[*] Tom Bombadil
[*] Bombur (Young)
[*] Thror (Armoured)
[*] Gundabad Orc
[*] Barrow-Wight
[*] Saruman
[*] Elrond (Gown)
[*] Lindir
[*] Yazneg
[*] Goblin (Scribe)
[*] Grinnah
[*] Gollum
[*] Barliman Butterbur
[*] Beorn
[*] Mirkwood Elf (Archer)
[*] Mirkwood Elf (Guard)
[*] Bolg
[*] Mirkwood Elf (Chief Guard)
[*] Elros
[*] Thrandail
[*] Narzag
[*] Elf (Sentry)
[*] Elf (Worker)
[*] Master of Lake-town
[*] Alfrid
[*] Braga
[*] Lake-town Man (Guard)
[*] Lake-town Man (Archer)
[*] Percy
[*] Tilda
[*] Sigrid
[*] Bain
[*] Fimbal
[*] Witch-King
[*] Azog (Claw)
[*] Necromancer
[*] Sauron
[*] Dale Soldier
[*] Elrond (Armoured)
[*] Galadriel
[*] Roise Cotton
[*] Fili (Lake-town)
[*] Kili (Lake-town)
[*] Oin (Lake-town)
[*] Bofur (Lake-town)
[*] Bree Peasant
[*] Jimli The Blacksmith
[*] Orc Berserker
[*] The Great Goblin
[*] Goblin Brute
[*] Bert (Troll)
[*] Tom (Troll)
[*] William (Troll)
[*] Mrs Troll
[*] Troll Bouncer
When you collect the final character, the trophy will unlock.
Our Long Forgotten Gold – Collect all Minikits. (Single Player Only) (Silver) (30G)
There are a total of 160 minikits in the game, 10 per level. A majority will be impossible to collect until your Free Play run, but some are still possible to collect during your first playthrough. The reason that you cannot collect every minikit on your first playthrough, is because you won’t have access to every character. Every character has certain special abilities that you will need to collect certain minikits. Once you unlock Free Play, you’ll be able to play as any character and unlock every minikit in the game. Unlike most collectibles, every minikit can be earned during the 16 story levels in free play mode.
For the locations of all 160 minikits please refer to the LEGO the Hobbit Collectible Guide.
Beorn Again – Transform to Beorn’s bear form. (Bronze) (5G)
Beorn becomes available for purchase outside of his home after you complete the Story Mission, Queer Lodgings, and will cost you 45,000 studs. Travel to Beron’s Homestead, which is located just North of Dolgudur. After you purchase Beorn, choose him from your menu wheel by holding TRIANGLE, and Hold CIRCLE to transform him into his bear form. Once he has transformed, the trophy will unlock.
Please note that you can earn both this trophy and Who is this Horrid creature in a matter of moments.
Who is this Horrid Creature? – Create a Custom Character. (Bronze) (5G)
The character customizer shop is located in Beorn’s Homestead, just North of Dolguldur. You can use an eagle statue to travel to the location. The shop is Beorn’s home. Once inside, step on one of the pads with CIRCLE and randomize a character model, and the trophy will unlock.
Please note that you can earn both this trophy and Beorn Again in a matter of moments.
LEGO the Hobbit Story Mode/Free Play Collectible Guide
Greatest Kingdom in Middle Earth
1) Treasure Item #1: At the very start go behind the throne and use your grapple hook to open the chest. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Minikit #1: At the start there are three nests you can shoot on statue away from your screen. (1/5) (2/5) (3/5) Before Opening the first door, use a bow and arrow to shoot the two nest, one top right, one bottom left. (4/5)(5/5) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Treasure Item #2: After heading through the first door, head down the stairs until you see the stature with the glowing sword, you can destroy it with the Fireworks bow. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Minikit #2: In the room where you have to hang on both sides to open the door, in the back right corner, destroy the chest next to it to be able to build a fire point. Light the fire and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Minikit #3: In the room with the Anvil in the center, on the right side are two archer points, shoot them and then use Sauron to destroy the box. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Minikit #4: In the room with the anvil there are five greenish grey boxes hanging from chains, shoot all 5 with an arrow for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Minikit #5: You will come to a room where a guy Is hammering a weapon on the anvil, on the left side of the room switch to Thrain and use his hammer to knock the box out of the way and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
8) Blacksmith Design Schematic: In the area with all the miners, on the back wall on the right are some holes you can shoot arrows into. Climb up them and at the top is the design. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) Minikit #6: In the area with all the miners, just in front of the train tracks on the right is a platform with a crane and some gears. On the floor next to it you will see a soil spot, dig it up and turn the crank for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Treasure Item #3:In the area with all the miners, in the front right corner is a rope you can climb down. Switch to a character with a light and grab the treasure off of the cart. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #7: When you first see Smaug, with the green pillars, at the end of the path is a silver gate, you can use the Fireworks bow to open it, inside is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Minikit #8: After Smaug breaks the door, there will be a giant blue crystal that Gandalf can destroy, underneath it is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Minikit #9: When you come to the room with all the gold and the narrow path, walk along the ledge on the left and use Thorin Youngs Axe to crack the wall and grab the minikit inside. *Attainable in Story Mode*
14) Treasure Item #4: When Smaug destroys the columns and you have to swing across and carry your teammate don’t. Instead head right and jump across some boxes towards your screen. Shoot the target to get across and then fish off the pier to get the last treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
15) Minikit #10: While running from the dragon its in the middle of the path. *Attainable in Story Mode*
An Unexpected Party
1) Treasure Item #1: After opening the door with the key, head straight and destroy some LEGO’s by the silver lock and build a grapple handle. Pull it and the treasure is yours. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Minikit #1: After opening the door with the key head to the back and destroy the silver lock with the firecracker bow. Head outside and on the left will be a barrel with a gnome hiding inside it. (1/5) The second one is in the middle of the yard. (2/5) To the right of the door, in front of the chimney. (3/5) To the right of the door on the right behind the bench. (4/5) On the lily pad in the bottom right corner. (5/5) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Blacksmith Design Schematic: Outside on the left there is a picnic basket the Bombur can lay on, the guy you feed, bounce up and grab onto the ledge to get the Blacksmith Design Schematic. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Minikit #2: Outside in the center of your screen all the way down at the bottom is a sick goat, heal it for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Treasure Item #2: Outside just to the right of the door is a blue circle, shoot it with Gandalf for the Treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Treasure Item #3: Outside fish off the pier in the bottom right corner for the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Minikit #3: Outside dig up the soil in the center of the yard to find the crank, place it on the well on the left and turn it to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) Minikit #4: Outside head through the door on the right and into the basement. At the bottom of the stairs use the ring to destroy the white LEGOS and rebuild them. (1/3) At the bottom of the stairs on the right is a brown door you can destroy and rebuild. (2/3) On the left side of the table destroy the LEGO’s and rebuild them. (3/3) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) Minikit #5: In the back left corner of the basement hit the targets to correspond to the colors, Green/Red, then pull the grapple handle. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Minikit #6: In the basement on the left wall is a wall you can climb with a Goblin, at the top is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #7: In the basement, underneath the stairs use Sauron to destroy the chest. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Treasure Item #4: In the basement on the right wall is a target, shoot it for the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Minikit #8: In the first room on the left, in the right corner is a chest with the map pieces in them that you can build. (1/3) After a using Dwalin to crack the wall, on the right is a chest with some map pieces in them. (2/3) Right behind the white bottle you have to collect, there is a chest with the map pieces inside. (3/3) *Attainable in Free Play*
14) Minikit #9: In the first room on the left is a fireplace with a silver grate, shoot it with the firecracker bow for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
15) Minikit #10: In the first room on the left is a chandelier with a grapple point, pull it then dig up the soil for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Azog the Defiler
1) Treasure Item #1: At the very start shoot the slingshot target to the left for the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Treasure Item #2: Just to the right of where you start is a soil spot, dig it up for a key, use the key on the chest to the right to obtain a treasure item. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Minikit #1: At the top of the path instead of grabbing the apple, swing along the arrow sticks with an elf for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Minikit #2: At the top of the path instead of grabbing the apple shoot the silver door with the Firecracker Bow. Head inside and to the left is a statue. (1/3) On the left side of the cave is a cracked wall you can destroy, then use the ring to build the LEGO pieces and head across. Climb up the wall with a Goblin and destroy the second statue. (2/3) On the right side of the cave is the third statue. (3/3) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Minikit #3: On the left side of the cave is a cracked wall you can destroy, then use the ring to build the LEGO pieces and head across. Climb up the wall with a Goblin for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Minikit #4: Right above where you entered the cave is a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7)Minikit #5: On the right side of the cave head to the back and use Sauron to destroy the gate and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) Minikit #6: On the right side of the cave shoot arrows into the slots, then swing up and walk along the rope to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) Treasure Item #3: After you have turned the cranks on both sides of the cave, jump on the two chains in the center and grab the treasure item. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Minikit #7: When you get to the battle in the center of the first area is a flag you can burn for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Treasure Item #4: In the second battle area in the back right corner is a silver box, use the Firecracker bow, inside it is the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Minikit #8: In the battle with Azog the Defiler, on the left side is a cracked wall, inside is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
13) Minikit #9: During the battle with Azog the Defiler there is a grey rock in front of him to the right. (1/5) The second one is up the the ledge on the left, that he jumps to. (2/5) The third one is against the right wall. (3/5) The fourth one is just above the ledge on the left. (4/5) The last one is up high in the back center. (5/5) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
14) Blacksmith Design Schematic: During the Battle with Azog, in the back middle use Sauron to enter the small cave and destroy the chest for the blacksmith design schematic. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
15) Minikit #10: On the right side of the area in the battle with Azog there is a soil spot, dig it up for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Roast Mutton
1) Treasure Item #1: At the start of the level switch to Bilbo and use the ring, destroy the LEGO’s around to reveal white LEGO pieces, build them and grab the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Minikit #1: At the start of the level on the high top left is a blue point that you can use Gandalf to destroy, do so and climb up. Right in front of you shoot the chest. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Minikit #2: While up in the tree house shoot the five balloons attached to the railings. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Minikit #3: In the center of the tree house light the fire under the chicken. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Treasure Item #2: On the left side of the tree house, outer, destroy everything and then switch to Bilbo and use the ring. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Minikit #4: In the middle of the treehouse destroy the table on the right side then build the LEGO’s, turn the crank and whack the piñata. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Minikit #5: At the start of the level there is a skeleton with a flag. (1/5) Further along the path on the left after climbing over a log. (2/5) After you release the first horse its inside the pen. (3/5) On the way back head onto the pier on the right and across the water you will see another skeleton. (4/5) After heading through the path that the horse opened up, its on the left after you climb over the log. (5/5) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) Blacksmith Design Schematic: After you jump over the first log, the mini owl cutscene, use Sauron to break the black chest on the right. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) Minikit #6: Head down the right path and on your right you will see a pier. In the background you will see a silver cage that you can shoot with the Firecracker bow, do so. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Minikit #7: After the horse opens the right path for you, as you walk past where the barrier used to be you will see a grapple point appear, pull it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #8: When you are fighting the three big orcs, on the right up in a tree will be a target to shoot, you will have to shoot the branches in front of it first. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Minikit #9: In the same battle as above in the back right corner inside the little cave, you need a character with a light. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Treasure Item #3: In the right corner of the same battle as above, below the little cave, destroy all the LEGO’s and you will be able to build a grapple point, pull the handle and grab the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
14) Minikit #10: After you get captured and have to free your friends, head left and after freeing the guy in the cage grab the bow and shoot the target for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
15) Treasure Item #4: On the right side after shooting the first target, shoot the second target three times with the slingshot and grab the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
The Troll Hoard
1) Treasure Item #1: At the start of the level destroy the large silver gate in the back left with the Firecracker Bow, grab the treasure inside. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Minikit #1: At the start of the level you will see a silver bucket on the bottom right, destroy it then switch to Bilbo and use the ring, build the LEGO pieces and pull the grapple handle. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Minikit #2: At the start of the level destroy some boxes on the left and build the flail handle, jump on it with two characters and destroy the cracked wall to reveal the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
4) Minikit #3: Head up the path a little and on your left will be a dark part of the cave, use a character with a light and head in. On the left will be a Goblin wall you can climb, at the top is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Minikit #4: Head up the path a little and on your left will be a dark part of the cave, use a character with a light and head in. Straight ahead of you you will see a silver crate, destroy it with the Firecracker Bow and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Blacksmith Design Schematic: Just to the left of the Belly Bounce picnic blanket spot is a soil patch, dig it up to find the blacksmith design schematic. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Minikit #5: When you get attacked by the orc pack, on the left hidden behind some tree branches is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
8) Minikit #6: When the orc pack attacks in the area there will be 5 yellow flowers you can shoot, use Gandalf and shoot all 5 for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
9) Treasure Item #2: When the orc pack attacks on the far left will be a target you can shoot, do so and grab the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Treasure Item #3: When the orcs attack in the top left area destroy all the LEGO’s to reveal white ones. Switch over to Bilbo and use the ring, build the pieces then destroy the cracked wall to reveal the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #7: When driving the rabbits there is a minikit in the middle of the path. *Attainable in Story Mode*
12) Minikit #8: When driving the rabbits there are 5 stands, colorful piles of legos to destroy on the path for a minikit. Attainable in Story Mode*
13) Minikit #9: After the rabbit chase sequence destroy the blue shiny Legos with Gandalf and then destroy the cracked wall, inside use Gandalf’s staff to grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
14) Treasure Item #4: In the left corner is a slot you can shoot an arrow into, do so and swing to the top. As you do so the treasure will fall to the ground. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
15) Minikit #10: Head up the path to the right and you will see a silver rock to destroy, do so and then shoot the targets in the order Red/Blue. Then you will have to shoot the 5 targets above the last two, once you do the minikit is yours. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Over Hill and Under Hill
1) Blacksmith Design Schematic: At the very beginning of the level shoot an arrow into the hole above you then swing along and grab the Blacksmith Design Schematic. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Minikit #1: Head down the path a little bit with the starting character until you are under the platform, there is a dark cave with a minikit in it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Treasure Item #1: When you first switch to other characters, behind you will be a silver rock, destroy it with the Firecracker bow and turn the crank for the Treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Minikit #2: At the start of the level switch to the other characters on the other side of the cliff, buddy up and destroy the cracked wall for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
5) Minikit #3: At the start of the level head up the path past the green gem mine spot and destroy the skeleton. (1/5) When you switch to the other party and pull the box and walk across the plank, head down the path and by the green mine point is the skeleton. (2/5) Skeleton number three is after you have unblocked the upper path, head down towards the end of the path and on the left side will be the skeleton. (3/5) After unblocking the bottom path there is another skeleton just past the pillar that you can shatter. (4/5) The last skeleton is just after smacking the mine cart out of the way, in front of you. (5/5) *Attainable in Story Mode*
6) Treasure Item #2: On the bottom path you will come to a ledge that will have a blue and white cube you can jump on top of to get up it, right above that is a wall you can break revealing a blue point. Use Gandalf to shoot the blue point and crawl through the hole to grab the Treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Minikit #4: A little further up the path you will see a silver chest, shoot it and build the pieces. Use the machine to break the three gray rocks on the wall for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) Minikit #5: When you push the mine cart out of the way the front one will flip over to reveal a grapple point, pull it for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) Minikit #6: When you use the flail and have another character jump on to get to the next area, at the top on the left will be a rock you can break with a cracked wall behind it, behind that is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
10) Minikit #7: When you start climbing the stone giant a little ways up the path will be a silver rock, shoot it and head inside the cave. On the ground in the center you will see a Black cover, destroy and rebuild the tables on either side and then step on the switches. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #8: In the same cave, to the right of the giant map are two boxes, destroy them and then rebuild the pieces using Bilbo’s ring. Climb the ladder and turn the crank for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Minikit #9: In the center of the cave is a soil spot, dig it up and crack the wall for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Treasure Item #3: On the far right of the cave there are some boxes you can destroy and rebuild into a pier, fish to gain the treasure item. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
14) Treasure Item #4: On the far right of the cave are three targets to shoot, turn the Green/Red/Blue to obtain the Treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
15) Minikit #10: After the giant joins his arm with his body and the wall that you have to use a buddy to destroy appears head down the left, back where you came, and use Sauron to destroy the tree. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Goblin Town
1) Minikit #1: At the very start of the level there is a green circle on the left for you to destroy. (1/5) After crawling through the hatch, its on your right. (2/5) After climbing the wall with the Goblin its on the wall to the left, up the path. You can climb on the rocks to get it in Story Mode. (3/5) When answering Gollum’s questions, on top of the wall that you climb with the Goblin. (4/5) The last one is after going through the hatch to answer Gollum’s third question, on the wall. (5/5) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Minikit #2: Right after climbing the Goblin Wall pull the grapple handle above you. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Treasure Item #1: Right after the third green circle, where you throw the second skeleton head, there is a wall crack hidden on the right, smash it for the Treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Treasure Item #2: When you first meet Gollum, dig up the soil spot to the left. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Minikit #3: When you first meet Gollum on the right will be a grapple point that you can pull for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Minikit #4: After you use Gandalf’s CIRCLE ability during the Goblin King fight, shoot the area above the throne for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Blacksmith Design Schematic: After defeating the Goblin King for the first time head to the left and shoot the slingshot target to obtain the Blacksmith Design Schematic. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) Treasure Item #3: After defeating the Goblin King, youll switch to the other party. Up the path a little bit and above you will be a shining helmet, shoot it down and its yours. *Attainable in Story Mode*
9) Treasure Item #4: After the Goblins close the bridge and you open it back up there will be a target above you, shoot it and head up. At the end of the path is a barrel with the item in it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Minikit #5: After the Goblins close the bridge and you open it back up there will be a target above you, shoot it and head up. At the end of the path is a chest, use Sauron to open it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #6: After you light the wheel on fire you will jump on a swinging platform. Off in the distance, top right, is a slingshot target. Shoot the target then shoot the 5 that pop up for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Minikit #7: After cracking the wall spot on the bridge, when you fall through use Bilbos ring to grab the minikit to your right. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Minikit #8: After rolling the boulder down the path you will see a Goblin wall to your left, at the top is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
14) Minikit #9: When you start the second battle with the Goblin King on the left will be an elf jump spot, at the top is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
15) Minikit #10: When you start the second battle with the Goblin King, on the right side will be a silver chest that you can shoot for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Out of the Frying Pan…
1) Minikit #1: At the start of the level while running there will be a minikit in the middle of the path. *Attainable in Story Mode*
2) Minikit #2: In the area after running in the top right corner jump on the top of the rock and you will get the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
3) Minikit #3: After the running sequence on the right will be some ledges you can climb across, on the landing in the corner is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
4) Treasure Item #1: On the same landing use Sauron to destroy the chest and grab the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Treasure Item #2: In the area after the running sequence on the left, switch to Bilbo and use the ring, build the LEGO pieces then destroy the cracked wall. *Attainable in Story Mode*
6) Minikit #4: In the same area, in the back middle destroy the LEGO’s in front of the tree, then light them on fire. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Minikit #5: On the right side will be some silver planks, shoot them with the firecracker bow and then use Bilbo’s ring to build the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) Blacksmith Design Schematic: In the back right corner is a cracked wall, break it. In the front left corner dig up the soil to find the chest. Use the key on the chest with any character with a light. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) Treasure Item #3: On the top left ledge destroy the blue crystals for the item. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Minikit #6: On the top right ledge, where you use the hammer to slide the rock over, there is a spider you can shoot on the left tree. (1/3) As soon as you climb over the rocks to the next area its right in front of you. (2/3) The last spider is hanging from a tree in the center of the area. (3/3) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #7: As soon as you climb over the rocks to get to the next area there will be a target in front of you. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Minikit #8: Down towards your screen there is an animal to heal. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Treasure Item #4: On the far right are some silver rocks, destroy them with the Firecracker bow for the item. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
14) Minikit #9: When you are throwing fire bombs down on the orcs, hit the three purple flowers for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
15) Minikit #10: When you are fighting Azog when the forest is on fire, there will be three orc archers in the trees, shoot all three for the last minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Queer Lodgings
1) Minikit #1: As you are running down the path stay on the right for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
2) Minikit #2: After the camera changes direction stay towards the top of your screen for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
3) Minikit #3: When you start sliding and not running stay on the left to grab another minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
4) Minikit #4: When you get to the house, just to the left of it will be a silver lock on a cellar door shoot it and head to the basement. Inside the basement shoot the three orc flags. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Minikit #5: Underneath the stairs is another minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Treasure Item #1: Light the chest on the right on fire for a treasure item. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Minikit #6: Shoot the big giant container with the blue crystals for another minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) Minikit #7: When you get to the house head to the far right front corner and destroy some LEGOS in the corner, build the pieces and bounce up for the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
9) Treasure Item #2: The tree to the left of the house has some slots to shoot arrows into, swing up and grab the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Blacksmith Design Schematic: In the back left corner is a sick squirrel, heal him for the Blacksmith Design Schematic. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #8: On the far right side is a beehive, the right one, destroy it and then use Bilbo’s ring to put the pieces together, then pull the grapple point. Once inside there are three bear statues to destroy, two on the left and one on the right. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Minikit #9: To the right of the giant cracked wall is an outhouse, destroy the LEGO’s around it then build the target. Shoot the slingshot target to open the outhouse door for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Minikit #10: To the left of the giant cracked wall is some flowers, destroy them then dig up the soil spot. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
14) Treasure Item #3: Destroy the giant cracked wall then destroy the stuff inside for the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
15) Treasure Item #4: On the far right you will see a chicken hanging from a tree, use Sauron to destroy the piece next to it to get it down. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Flies and Spiders
1) Minikit #1: As soon as you start on the right is a sick animal, heal it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Minikit #2: Above the statue you have to move is an owl, shoot it. (1/5) Right after you cross over the water in a tree is the second one. (2/5) After burning the plants to clear the path, right in front of you in the tree. (3/5) In the area with the spinning platforms, spin the first one then go right and jump across to the island, bottom right, up in the tree is the owl. (4/5) On the second spinning platform go left and shoot the blue crystals then shoot the owl in the tree. (5/5) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Minikit #3: At the bottom of the path is a crank mechanism, the crank is in the soil patch to the left. Use the boat to grab the minikit upstream. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Treasure Item #1: On the second spinning platform head left, shoot the blue crystals out of the way. On the ground you will see three mushrooms on the ground, jump on them till the colors line up with the sign behind them. (Green/Blue/Red) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Minikit #4: When you enter the spiders area you will see a spider with a red target on the left, shoot it. (1/5) The second spider is just above the first two friends you save. (2/5) The last three are in the area where you rescue your last three friends. One is to the left of the first friend. (3/5) The last two are to the right and left of your friend in the far back. (4/5)(5/5) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Minikit #5: Right above the hatch you exit out of is an arrow slot, shoot one in then swing up to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Treasure Item #2: In the area with your last three friends is a chest that you need Sauron to open up. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) Minikit #6: By your friend in the back, to the left of him is a goblin wall, climb it to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) Minikit #7: When you have to rescue your three friends shoot the silver blocks in the back right and enter the cave. On the left there will be some boxes with a crank inside, grab it and head over to the campfire. Turn the crank and grab your minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Treasure Item #3: In the center is a dwarf stack point, stack them and just up on the branch to grab your treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #8: In the center is and orange and red bouncy house, use Legolas to jump in there and bounce up to grab your minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Treasure Item #4: On the far right is a Jacuzzi, behind it destroy the LEGO’s to build a pier, fish off of it for the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Blacksmith Design Schematic: In the center of the area, where the middle friend is, jump up and defeat the spider (DON’T RESCUE THIS FRIEND LAST OR YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET THE DESIGN) then break the cracked wall behind him. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
14) Minikit #9: When you meet Legolas destroy the LEGO’s in front of the spider web on the right and build them. Pull the spiderweb down use Legolas to jump up and around. Jump across the two vines to grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
15) Minikit #10: In the back left corner there are some blue crystals to destroy, out will pop out two flies, heal them and then get on the back of one. Shoot ten red spiders that come out with the fly and the minikit is yours. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Barrels out of Bond
1) Minikit #1: At the start on the left is a goblin wall, at the top is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Blacksmith Design Schematic: On the left after knocking off the gold spout, shoot the silver barrel behind it with the Firecracker bow to reveal the Blacksmith Design Schematic. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Treasure Item #1: In the back area of the center there is a grapple point on the left, pull it then grab the key and use it to open the chest in the back left corner. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Treasure Item #2: Pull the handle to the left of the barrels to bring down a barrel, don’t place it in the center yet. Pull the handle again to reveal a blue chest. Shoot it with Gandalf and then break it to get the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Minikit #2: After getting out of the river on the top left where you fight the green enemy is a bell to destroy. (1/3) After shooting the barrels and heading up the stairs on the top right is the second. (2/3) The last one is across the river to the right, shoot the silver rock then hop across. (3/3) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Treasure Item #3: To the right of the river is a silver rock, shoot it then hop across. To the right of the grapple point is an elf jump point. Jump all the way up to the top and break the cube for the Treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Minikit #3: In the same area as above use the grapple point then head up the stairs and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) Minikit #4: Back on the other side of the river, on the top left corner there is a soil spot, dig it up for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) Minikit #5: After clearing the staircase you will see the blue legos in front of you, shoot them for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Minikit #6: After turning into Barrelman, in the right corner is a yellow flower. (1/4) The second one is just before crossing over the water. (2/4) The third one is just on the other side of the bridge. (3/4) The last one is further along the path on the left. (4/4) *Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #7: After turning into Barrelman on the right side is a vine wall with a cracked wall behind it, inside is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
12) Treasure Item #4: On the left side of the river is a grapple point, pull it for the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Minikit #8: Clear out all the enemies in the area you are Barrelman and an orc should show up with a minikit on his back. I got him to arrive on the left side of the river. Complete this before destroying the crack on the bridge. *Attainable in Story Mode*
14) Minikit #9: While floating down the river on top of the barrels as the elves, there will be a minikit on the right side. *Attainable in Story Mode*
15) Minikit #10: While floating down the river there are beehives hanging from trees, shoot 5 of them for a minikit. If you miss one its okay because the river is one giant circle, as long as you don’t shoot 20 guys you will continuously go around the same path. *Attainable in Story Mode*
A Warm Welcome
1) Minikit #1: At the very start of the level head right and destroy the silver crane, fish off the pier for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Minikit #2: At the very start on the left will be a target, shoot it and jump across to find the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Minikit #3: Once you get inside the building on the left side are two brown dummies to destroy (1/4)(2/4) The last two are behind the blue gate on the right side of the room. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Minikit #4: In the room where you have to find the weapons, on the right side will be a blue gate, inside is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Treasure Item #1: In the room where you have to find the weapons, on the right side will be a blue gate, in the corner is a silver cage, inside it is the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Blacksmith Design Schematic: Up on the second floor, on the right is an elf jump point, up top in the rafters is the Blacksmith Design Schematic. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Minikit #5: When chasing the pig right behind you when you start is a crab in a box. (1/5) When chasing the pig, at the start on the right will be a crab trap box. (2/5) Right underneath the blue crystals is the third one. (3/5) The fourth one is on the right side of the boat. (4/5) The last one is down on the far right side of the dock. (5/5) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) Treasure Item #2: Right when you start going after the pig, a grapple handle will be right in front of you. Inside the barrel is the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) Minikit #6: Up the path a little in the center of the dock is a blue crystal, shoot it for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Minikit #7: Inside the goat cage is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
11) Treasure Item #3: In between the second and third cages will be a spot that you can light on fire, do so for the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Minikit #8:At the start of the orc boss battle there will be a small hatch to crawl through on the left. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Treasure Item #4: When you start the boss battle with the orc, just above will be an owl to shoot, continue shooting him as you go through the level and after the third time he will give you the treasure. *Attainable in Story Mode*
14) Minikit #9: Continue along the path until you jump off of the roof and back onto the pier, on the left will be a goblin wall with a minikit at the top. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
15) Minikit #10: When you fight the boss for the second time, on the water will be a boat with a slingshot target on it. Shoot the target until the boat sinks and you get you minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Looking For Proof
1) Treasure Item #1: At the start of the level shoot the silver rocks to your left and grab the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Minikit #1: When you get to the giant blue wall to the right of it will be some arrow slots, swing on up and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Treasure Item #2: A little ways up the path, in the same area as the sick crow, in the back left corner is a hatch, go through it. At the top you will see a grapple point, inside is the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Minikit #2: When you get to the next blue wall head to the right and destroy the rocks so you can complete the path. Then smash the coffin to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Blacksmith Design Schematic: When you get inside the cave head down the stairs and in front of you will be a Goblin wall, at the top is the Blacksmith Design Schematic. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Minikit #3: When you get to the gate you will have to jump on some ledges to the left, go all the way left and the minikit will be above you. *Attainable in Story Mode*
7) Minikit #4: When you get to the narrow crumbling path, head up and to the left for a blue point. (1/3) When you get to the narrow path head to the far right to find the second point. (2/3) The last point is after you bust through the wall up the left path. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
8) Minikit #5: When you get to the narrow crumbling path head up and in the back right corner is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
9) Minikit #6: When you get to the narrow path head to the far right to find the torch, light the fire for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
10) Treasure Item #3: When you get to the narrow crumbling path take the second “up” path and then stay right, you will need Sauron to get the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #7: When you get down to where you have to light the two blue crystals, run towards the screen and use Bilbo’s ring to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Minikit #8: After opening the big door by hitting the blue crystals, down the path on the right will be a giant cracked wall, inside is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Minikit #9: When you get to the room with the giant blue crystal hanging from the ceiling before entering the room on the left wall will be a target. Swing along the vines to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
14) Treasure Item #4: Just to the right of where the target was is a spider web, destroy it and rebuild the LEGO’s. Then destroy the dancing skeletons and pick up your treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
15) Minikit #10: When you are walking along the ledges you will have to make a floor collapse and you will fall down, when you land there is a grapple handle behind you. Build the LEGO pieces left behind for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
The Necromancer
1) Blacksmith Design Schematic: At the very start of the level turn around and shoot arrows into the slots and swing up to grab the Blacksmith Design Schematic. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Minikit #1: Before destroying the blue door, to the left of it is a target. (1/5) Through the blue door up the path a little, the second target is up in a tree. (2/5) The third target is to the left of the archway into the next area, shoot it before heading up the stairs or it will lock you out. (3/5) The fourth target is in the next area on the left, by the Goblin Wall. (4/5) The last one is on the right, to the right and above the large cracked wall. (5/5) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Minikit #2: Just through the first blue door you will see a grapple point above you, pull it down for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Minikit #3: On the top left you will see a Goblin Wall, at the top is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Minikit #4: In the top right there is a large cracked wall, inside is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Treasure Item #1: On the top right head all the way down the path to the right and destroy all the LEGO’s. Then rebuild them all using Bilbo’s ring and grab the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Minikit #5: When you have to heal the two birds, on the top right is a big blue door, inside is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
8) Treasure Item #2: After lighting the three blue crystal statues head on into the next area, in the lower right wall will be a small little alcove, use Sauron to break the chest and grab the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) Minikit #6: In the bottom right corner break the cracked wall and put the pieces back together. There will be some white pieces that you can rebuild with Bilbo’s ring. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Minikit #7: On the top right will be a silver gate, break it and head on through. On the fire right will be a point you can set on fire, do so for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #8: In the same room on the left side will be an elf jump point. Follow the path around to grab your minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Treasure Item #3: In the center of the room will be three targets to shoot, shoot them with the slingshot for the treasure. (Red/Green/Blue) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Minikit #9: In the bottom left corner there will be some ledges you can jump and hang onto, at the top is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
14) Minikit #10: When running down the path stay to the left side, away from the screen, for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
15) Treasure Item #4: During the boss battle on the right side will be a soil spot, dig it up to find a rock. Throw the rock at the skeleton in the tree above you to get the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
On the Doorstep
1) Minikit #1: After using the dwarf stack attack head up and then head down the other side, the statue is at the bottom. (1/5) When you get to the first large landing the statue is in the center. (2/5) Right past the last one up the stairs. (3/5) When you come to the three colored targets, just to the right. (4/5) Just after shooting the colored targets, on top of the stairs. (5/5) *Attainable in Story Mode*
2) Minikit #2: In the area with the first statue there is a gate you can go through in the corner. In the next room on the far right is a grapple point, pull it for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Treasure Item #1: In the same room on the right side destroy the three chests then rebuild them and light the fire for the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Minikit #3: In the bottom middle destroy the bookcase and the rebuild the LEGO’s. Walk the plank to grab the next minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Minikit #4: To the left of the doorway, if you’re looking at it, is an elf jump spot, climb up to the top and walk across the rope to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Treasure Item #2: In the back middle of the room is a big gate with a blue lock, break the lock and inside is the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Minikit #5: In that same gate break the skeleton for a key, put the key in the lock to the left for another minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) Minikit #6: After you head through the hatch, head down and you will see a minikit, use Bilbo Baggins’ ring to grab it. *Attainable in Story Mode*
9) Treasure Item #3: When you come to the next big landing head to the back wall to find a soil spot, dig it up and rebuild the Goblin wall. Climb up the wall and walk along the branch, hit the red and white treasure at the end and it will fall to the ground for you to grab. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Minikit #7: When you come to the chain to have to grab onto to open the door, head to the left instead and open the cracked wall for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
11) Minikit #8: After you head through the next hatch you will see three targets, ignore them and go right and destroy the silver LEGO’s, use Sauron to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
12) Minikit #9: After you shoot the 3 slingshot targets head up the path a little bit and you will see 2 arrow slots. Swing up the arrows and you will see a minikit on a rope. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
13) Minikit #10: After you get to the top of the landing and trigger the cutscene, head towards the screen and destroy the LEGO’s so you can build a walkway, the minikit is at the end. *Attainable in Story Mode*
14) Blacksmith Design Schematic: After raising the platform and jumping across the platforms you will see some arrow slots at the end, swing up them to grab the Blacksmith Design Schematic. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
15) Treasure Item #4:Up by the crank after all the platforms its in the back left corner, grab it with Sauron. Be sure to grab it BEFORE turning the crank. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Inside Information
1) Treasure Item #1: At the very start pull the grapple handle for your first treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Minikit #1: Climb up the first ladder and use Sauron to break the first chest down at the end. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) Minikit #2: After you head down to the next level climb the Goblin Wall behind you for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Minikit #3: Down on the next level head to the end of the path and shoot the target on the scale for the next minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Minikit #4: Head back to where you started and dig up the soil spot for a key, crack the wall back up the path and head up the pillar and use the key to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Minikit #5: Head down until you see a big blue catapult, shoot it and then grab your minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Minikit #6: After the dragon lights the furnace grapple the handle above you for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
8) Minikit #7: In the second furnace area under the stairs grab the minikit with Sauron. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) Treasure Item #2: Before pulling the lever at the top of the second area, shoot the target above it and grab the chicken. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Treasure Item #3: In the area with the 3 colored targets shoot the blue grate for the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
11) Minikit #8: After you shoot the targets to match the colors, finish it and do it again for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
12) Blacksmith Design Schematic: After you throw the bombs at the dragon in the next area, there will be a bench in the back center, destroy it and the Blacksmith Design Schematic will float to the ground. Use the ring to pick it up. *Attainable in Story Mode*
13) Treasure Item #4: Right after the blacksmith design in the back right corner is a silver rock, shoot it and grab the treasure. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
14) Minikit #9: In the bottom area on the far left is a rolled up ladder on the wall you can shoot. (1/3) On the far right is the second one on the wall. (2/3) On the fourth level in the center of the tower is the last ladder. (3/3) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
15) Minikit #10: In the fourth level you will see two arrow slots, shoot arrows in them and the swing up and grab your minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
There you have it folks, our LEGO the Hobbit Trophy/Achievement Guide. If you have any questions or comments about this guide, the game in general, or anything in general, feel free to ask them on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, in the comments below and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. While you’re on the above pages be sure to like us, follow us, and subscribe to us to stay up to date on the latest news and information that we have for you guys. We hope you find the guide useful and are enjoying the game!!!