Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trophy/Achievement Guide – HTG
Thumby’s Essential Information
Platinum/100% Difficulty: 1/5
Estimated Time to Platinum/100%: 25+ hours
Step 1: Complete all 12 The Force Awakens Story Missions, Prologue and Epilogue included
The first thing you should do is complete all 12 Force Awakens missions in Story Mode. Along the way you should try to collect as many minikits and red bricks to save time later. You should make a special note to collect the x2 Red Brick in Chapter 4 and the x4 Red Brick in Chapter 8 so that you can start building your stud total. Along the way you can also try to get the Blaster Battle trophies to save time later, though you will most likely get them without even trying.
Step 2: Complete the Dejarik Battle to farm for studs
*If you’ve already bought the x2 and x4 Red Bricks then you can skip this step as you should have more
than enough studs to purchase anything else you will ever need to buy.*
After completing the 12 Force Awaken Story missions travel to the Millennium Falcon. Just to the left of where you spawn will be a holo-chess board, if you interact with it you will be able to play the Battle of Dejarik. Completing the Battle only takes about 4-6 minutes and will net you around 500,000 – 750,000 studs depending on what red bricks you have activated. Completing this battle once should give you enough studs to buy the x2 and x4 red bricks, just having these two multiplier bricks will give you more than enough studs to buy everything else you’ll need for the rest of the game. For the location of the battle please refer to the video below.
Step 3: Complete the first two New Star Wars Adventure Levels
Once you have the x2 and x4 Red Bricks you should complete the first two New Star Wars Adventure Levels, Poe to the Rescue and Lor San Tekka’s Return. Completing these two missions will give you access to two character abilities that you will need to complete Free Play. In this step you should also buy the Flametrooper as you will need him to melt ice, he is automatically unlocked by playing through the story but you will have to purchase him for 125,000 studs.
Step 4: Complete all 14 of the levels that you’ve played in Story Mode in Free Play collecting all Collectibles
*This step can be completed either before or after the next two steps.*
Once you have completed the first two New Star Wars Adventure Levels you can now go back and play through the levels in Free Play and collect the remaining minikits and Red Bricks. While you’re playing through you should try to get the I Like that Wookie… Trophy out of the way to save time later since you will have to actually finish a level. You can also try to get the other miscellaneous trophies out of the way but it’s not necessary.
Step 5: Collect Gold Bricks from HUBs until you have 60
At this point you should start going through the Hubs and collecting Gold Bricks and Carbonite Bricks, completing missions, and races. Most of the collectibles in the Hubs are self-explanatory and shouldn’t give you any trouble. Once you have collected 60 Gold bricks you can move onto Step 6.
Step 6: Complete the remaining New Star Wars Adventure Levels in Story Mode
After you have 60 gold bricks you will be able to access all of the New Star Wars Adventure Levels. Play through the remaining 4 levels collecting as many minikits and red bricks as you can to save time later.
Step 7: Complete the remaining levels in Free Play collecting the remaining collectibles
Now that you’ve finished all the levels in Story Mode you can go through and play them all in Free Play and collect any remaining collectibles. At the end of this step you should have all minikits and red bricks unlocked.
Step 8: Collect the remaining collectibles in the HUB worlds
Now that you have all the levels completed in Story and Free Play you can move on to finishing the Hubs world collectibles. In this step you will complete all the Resistance, First Order, Translation, Bounty Hunter, General, and Scavenger Missions and complete all Races and Minifigure Battles. You will also collect any gold bricks and Carbonite Bricks laying around. Once you have collected 249 gold bricks you can complete the Starkiller Destruction Bonus mission to get the last gold brick.
Step 9: Unlock any Miscellaneous Trophies you may have missed/Clean Up
In this step you should try to unlock any Miscellaneous Trophies you may have missed and cleanup anything else you might have skipped over. At the end of this step you should have your shiny new Platinum Trophy.
The Phantom Limb
Platinum/100% Difficulty: 1/5
Estimated Time to Complete/100%: 1-2 hours
Step 1: Complete the level in Story Mode
In this step simply complete the level attempting to attain True Jedi status, if it didn’t unlock straight away, and collect all obtainable Minikits to speed things up later.
Step 2: Complete the level in Free Play collecting all Minikits and Miscellaneous Trophies/Achievements
In this step you will want to go back and play the level in Free PLay and collect the rest of the minikits and complete the requirements for the Miscellaneous Trophy/Achievements. At the end of this step you will have all Trophies/Achievements.
Poe’s Quest for Survival
Platinum/100% Difficulty: 1/5
Estimated Time to Complete/100%: 1-2 hours
Step 1: Complete the level in Story Mode
In this step simply complete the level attempting to attain True Jedi status, if it didn’t unlock straight away, and collect all obtainable Minikits to speed things up later.
Step 2: Complete the level in Free Play collecting all Minikits and Miscellaneous Trophies/Achievements
In this step you will want to go back and play the level in Free PLay and collect the rest of the minikits and complete the requirements for the Miscellaneous Trophy/Achievements. At the end of this step you will have all Trophies/Achievements.
First Order Siege of Takodana
Platinum/100% Difficulty: 1/5
Estimated Time to Complete/100%: 1-2 hours
Step 1: Complete the level in Story Mode
In this step simply complete the level attempting to attain True Jedi status, if it didn’t unlock straight away, and collect all obtainable Minikits to speed things up later.
Step 2: Complete the level in Free Play collecting all Minikits and Miscellaneous Trophies/Achievements
In this step you will want to go back and play the level in Free PLay and collect the rest of the minikits and complete the requirements for the Miscellaneous Trophy/Achievements. At the end of this step you will have all Trophies/Achievements.
The Force Awakens – Unlock all Trophies (Platinum)
Once you have unlocked all other Trophies you will have your shiny new Platinum Trophy. Congratulations!!!
I’ll Come Back For You! – Complete TFA Chapter 1 Assault on Jakku (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
Classified? Me Too. – Complete TFA Chapter 2 Escape from the Finalizer (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
The Garbage Will Do – Complete TFA Chapter 3 Niima Outpost (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
…What was the Second Time? – Complete TFA Chapter 4 The Eravana (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
Eyes of a Man Who Wants to Run – Complete TFA Chapter 5 Maz’s Castle (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
Don’t Let These Dogs Scare You – Complete TFA Chapter 6 Battle of Takodana (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
You Wouldn’t Like It – Complete TFA Chapter 7 The Resistance (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
Is There a Garbage Chute? – Complete TFA Chapter 8 Starkiller Sabotage (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
A Bag Full of Explosives – Complete TFA Chapter 9 Destroy Starkiller Base (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
It Belongs to Me! – Complete TFA Chapter 10 The Finale (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
Speechless – Complete Luke’s Island (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
A Long Time Ago… – Complete the Battle of Endor (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
Never Tell Me the Odds – Complete Poe to the Rescue (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
Traveled Too Far. Seen Too Much – Complete Lor San Tekka’s Return (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
Used to Have a Bigger Crew – Complete Rathtar Hunting (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
The Crimson Corsair – Complete the Crimson Corsair (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
Hello! Were You Looking For Me? – Complete Trouble over Taul (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
It’s a Trap! – Complete Ottegan Assault (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy will unlock when you reach the score screen.
There Has Been an Awakening… – Complete the Force Awakens (Gold/40G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. This trophy will unlock upon completion of the Luke’s Island level in Story Mode.
It’s True. All of it… – Complete New Star Wars Adventure Levels (Gold/40G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. This trophy will unlock upon completion of the final New Star Wars Adventure Levels, which ever one you play last.
The Force, It’s Calling to You. – Obtain True Jedi in any level (Bronze/20G)
See the New Jedi Will Rise Trophy for more information.
Just A Scavenger – Collect all Minikits in any level (Bronze/20G)
See the I Can Fly Anything Trophy for more information.
I Can Fly Anything – Collect all Minikits in the game (Silver/40G)
There are a total of 180 minikits in the game spread out over 18 levels. You will be able to collect a good amount of the minikits in Story Mode but most will have to be obtained in Free Play. For the locations of all 180 minikits please refer to the collectible guide found at the bottom of the guide.
Unlearn What you have Learned. – Re-build a Multi-build object (Bronze/20G)
This trophy will come naturally as you are collecting minikits and red bricks. If you are following the collectible guide you will unlock this trophy a few minutes into the Prologue in Story Mode. A new feature in this lego game is the ability to build a set of Lego pieces into different objects. Multi-Build object will light up orange when you find them, simply hold the LEFT STICK in a direction to build an object. Once you have built an object simply destroy it and then rebuild the object in a different direction. Once you have rebuilt the object the trophy will unlock.
They’re Shooting at Both of Us! – Complete a Blaster Battle (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. You will unlock this trophy upon completion of the Blaster Battle in the Prologue.
I’m Getting Pretty Good at This! – Complete a Blaster Battle without dying (Bronze/30G)
Blaster Battles are a new feature in Lego Star wars in which you engage in a cover based firefight, you will be introduced to these in the Prologue. You will most likely unlock this trophy in the Prologue without even trying as it is pretty hard to die in a Blaster Battle, at least early on. Some general tips are to only pop out of cover to shoot at someone, and try to aim towards an enemy before you pop out. If you still don’t have this trophy by the end of the game then you can activate the regenerating hearts red brick to make this incredibly easier.
Bow to the First Order! – Complete all the First Order missions (Bronze/20G)
First Order missions are small missions with varying tasks, from shooting ships to collecting different objects. To start a mission simply switch to any First Order character (Captain Phasma, Kylo Ren) and walk up to the mission and hit Circle/Corresponding Xbox Button to start them. You can find them on the map by heading to the First Order logos. There are a total of 12 First Order missions found throughout the game. The breakdown per Hub is as follows:
Starkiller Base – 7
Jakku – 3
Takodana – 1
D’Qar – 1
Upon completing the last First Order mission the trophy will unlock.
A Big Deal in the Resistance – Complete all Resistance Missions (Bronze/20G)
Resistance missions are small missions with varying tasks, from shooting ships to collecting different objects. To start a mission simply switch to any Resistance character (Chewbacca, Han Solo) and walk up to the mission and hit Circle/Corresponding Xbox Button to start them. You can find them on the map by heading to the Resistance logos. There are a total of 8 First Order missions found throughout the game. The breakdown per Hub is as follows:
D’Qar – 3
Jakku – 2
Takodana – 1
Starkiller Base – 2
Upon completing the last Resistance mission the trophy will unlock.
He’s No Good to me Dead – Complete all Bounty Hunts (Silver/30G)
Resistance missions are small missions with varying tasks. To start a mission simply switch to any Bounty Hunter (Boba Fett, Grummgar) and walk up to the mission and hit Circle/Corresponding Xbox Button to start them. You can find them on the map by heading to the Boba Fett looking logo. There are a total of 4 Bounty Hunter missions found throughout the game. The breakdown per Hub is as follows:
Starkiller Base – 2
D’Qar – 1
Jakku – 1
Upon completing the last Bounty Hunter mission the trophy will unlock.
Less than 12 Parsecs – Complete all Races (Silver/30G)
There are a total of 19 races scattered throughout the HUBs. You can find them on the map by looking for a checkered flag logo. Simply head to the start of the race with the corresponding vehicle or character and hit Circle/Corresponding Xbox Button to begin. Most of the races are incredibly easy and shouldn’t give you any trouble. The races that are part of general missions or that are found during the story levels do NOT count towards this trophy. The breakdown of the races per HUB is as follows:
Millennium Falcon – 1
D’Qar – 2
Jakku – 6
Takodana – 3
Starkiller Base – 7
Upon completing the last race the trophy will unlock.
*Note* – Occasionally a race wouldn’t let me start it even though I had the right character/vehicle. I found that leaving and returning to the area, or completing another mission or race would reset it.
60 Portions! – Complete all Scavenger Missions (Silver/30G)
Scavenger Missions are small missions that require finding a certain item or items from usually a specific area. You can usually find these areas on your map and are noted by a green circle. To find the scavenger missions on your map look for the logo that matches the Scavenger Rey logo from the selection screen. There are a total of 8 Scavenger missions to complete across all HUB’s. The breakdown of their locations are as follows:
Jakku – 4
Starkiller Base – 3
Takodana – 1
Upon completing the last Scavenger mission the trophy will unlock.
Force is Strong With This One – Achieve 100% Completion (Gold/70G)
To achieve 100% completion you will pretty much have to do everything in the game. To achieve 100% completion you must complete the following:
Collect all 250 Gold Bricks
– Complete all 18 levels in Story Mode (18)
– Obtain True Jedi in all 18 Level (18)
– Collect all 180 Minikits (18)
– Collect all 35 Carbonite Bricks (35)
– Complete the Dejarik Battle (1)
– Complete all 19 Races (19)
– Complete all 12 First Order Missions (12)
– Complete all 8 Resistance Missions (8)
– Complete all 4 Bounty Hunter Missions (4)
– Complete all 6 Translation Mission (6)
– Complete all 8 Scavenger Missions (8)
– Complete all 24 General Missions (24)
– Complete all 3 Minifigure Battles (3)
– Complete the Starkiller Destruction Bonus Level
– Collect all Gold Bricks found in HUB’s (75)
Collect and Purchase all 25 Red Bricks
Collect and Purchase all 237 characters
Once you have completed everything listed you will have achieved 100% and the trophy will unlock.
Red Leader – Purchase all Red Bricks (Silver/30G)
There are a total of 25 Red Bricks to purchase and unlock. Seven of the Red Bricks are available to purchase from the beginning with the remaining 18 found in each of the story/free play levels. The breakdown of where each of the Red Bricks are found and their costs are as follows:
Available to Purchase from the Start:
Super Detonators – 200,000 studs
Super Silly Sabers – 200,000 studs
Disco Sabers – 200,000 studs
Squeaky Voices – 100,000 studs
Collectible Detector – 500,000 studs
Silly Torpedoes – 200,000 studs
Super Strength – 500,000 studs
Found in Levels:
Battle of Endor: Stud Magnet – 200,000 Studs
Chapter 1 Assault on Jakku: Fast Build – 300,000 studs
Chapter 2 Escape From the Equalizer: Fast Interact – 200,000 studs
Chapter 3 Niima Outpost – x8 Red Red Brick – 4,000,000 studs
Chapter 4 The Eravana: x2 Red Brick – 1,000,000 studs
Chapter 5 Maz’s Castle: x6 Red Brick – 3,000,000 studs
Chapter 6 Attack on Takodana: Destroy on Contact – 200,000 studs
Chapter 7 The Resistance: Super Slap – 500,000 studs
Chapter 8 Starkiller Sabotage: x4 Red Brick – 2,000,000 studs
Chapter 9 Destroy Starkiller Base: Regenerating Hearts – 500,000 studs
Chapter 10 The Finale: Collect Guide Studs- 200,000 studs
Luke’s Island: The Funk Awakens – 1,000,000 studs
Poe to the Rescue: Infinite Torpedoes – 500,000 studs
Lor San Tekka’s Return: x10 Red Brick – 5,000,000 studs
Rathtar Hunting: Fast Force – 200,000 studs
The Crimson Corsair: Imperial Inaccuracy – 1,000,000 studs
Trouble Over Taul: Regenerating Combat Bar – 1,000,000
Ottegan Assault: Super Disco Blasters – 200,000 studs
Once you have purchased the last Red Brick the trophy will unlock. For the locations of all the Red Bricks please refer to the collectible guide found at the bottom of the page.
Cryptosurgeon – Create a custom character (Bronze/10G)
You can create a custom character in the Hub world of D’Qar. The character customizer is located in the next building over from where you spawn, at the back of the building. Once you have activated the character customizer click on any of the Custom characters and change anything that you’d like then back out. The trophy will unlock once you have changed an item and backed out to the menu.
The New Jedi Will Rise – Collect True Jedi on all levels (Silver/30G)
You can achieve True Jedi by getting a certain amount of studs in a level. Each level has a different requirement and once its achieved you cannot lose it, dying and going below the True Jedi requirement doesn’t void it. There is a very good chance that you will unlock all the True Jedi requirements in Story Mode, if not you will achieve True Jedi within seconds with some Red Brick Multiplier activated. The True Jedi requirements for each level are as follows:
The Battle of Endor – 80,000 studs
Chapter 1: Assault on Jakku – 80,000 studs
Chapter 2: Escape From the Equalizer – 120,000 studs
Chapter 3: Niima Outpost – 120,000 studs
Chapter 4: The Eravana – 65,000 studs
Chapter 5: Maz’s Castle – 100,000 studs
Chapter 6: Attack on Takodana – 120,000 studs
Chapter 7: The Resistance – 35,000 studs
Chapter 8: Starkiller Sabotage – 50,000 studs
Chapter 9: Destroy Starkiller Base – 100,000 studs
Chapter 10: The Finale – 70,000 studs
Luke’s Island – 30,000 studs
Poe to the Rescue – 120,000 studs
Lor San Tekka’s Return – 45,000 studs
Rathtar Hunting – 65,000 studs
The Crimson Corsair – 50,000 studs
Trouble Over Taul – 60,000 studs
Ottegan Assault – 175,000 studs
Upon achieving the final True Jedi requirement the trophy will unlock.
We Need More Troops! – Defeat 50 Stormtroopers (Bronze/10G)
This trophy will come naturally just by playing through the story levels as there are hundreds and hundreds of Stormtroopers in the game. You will likely get this trophy either in the Prologue or Chapter One.
Don’t Get Cocky! – Defeat 100 TIE Fighters (Bronze/10G)
This trophy will come naturally while playing through the levels in Story Mode as there are way more than 100 TIE Fighters in the game. I unlocked this trophy/achievement in Chapter 6: Battle of Takodana.
I Like Tha Wookiee… – Complete a Free Play level playing as Maz Kanata and Chewbacca (Bronze/10G)
Both Maz Kanata and Chewbaca are unlocked for free by playing through the Story levels. Note that you do not have to actually finish the level, you can exit the level and the trophy will unlock. Simply have Maz Kanata and Chewbacca as the two playable characters, when you exit the level and the trophy will unlock. Do not choose the save and quit option, simply exit the level and the trophy will unlock.
Hey! That’s Miiiiiiine! – Play as Unkar Plutt on the Millenium Falcon (Bronze/10G)
Unkar Plutt becomes available to purchase by playing through the story, upon completing Chapter 3: Niima Outpost. Once you have unlocked him you will have to purchase him for 150,000 studs. Once you have purchased Unkar Plutt travel to the Millennium Falcon and switch to Unkar Plutt, the trophy will unlock soon after.
Quick on the Draw – In a Blaster Battle, have Han Solo defeat a character who is preparing an attack (Bronze/10G)
You can tell when a character is prepping an attack when an exclamation point appears above their heads. You can unlock this trophy in either the Battle of Endor or Chapter 4:The Eravana in Story Mode. There will be a Blaster Battle early on in both of the levels and Han Solo is a playable character, switch to him and simply wait until an exclamation point appears, then shoot and destroy the enemy for the trophy to unlock. If you don’t unlock this trophy in story mode then you can get it when you’re going through the levels in Free Play.
Not the Droid You’re Looking For – Use the wrong type of droid on an access panel (Bronze/10G)
The easiest way to unlock this trophy is to either use BB8 on a terminal for C3PO or vice versa. You can wait to do this in Free Play or you can get it in a few Story levels like Poe to the Rescue.
Traitor! – Defeat Finn using FN-2199 (Bronze/10G)
FN 2199 is automatically unlocked upon completing Trouble over Taul in Story Mode and Finn is unlocked by playing through the Force Awakens levels in Story Mode. After you unlock him switch both characters to Finn and FN-2199 and simply defeat Finn. Be sure to disable the regenerating hearts red brick as it makes it kinda hard to defeat Finn when its on.
Family Reunion – Have Kylo Ren and Han Solo in the same party (Bronze/10G)
To unlock this trophy simply have Han Solo and Kylo Ren as your playable characters, any version of either character counts for this trophy. You can wait to unlock Kylo Ren until after you complete Ottegan Assault or you can buy one of the variations for 250,000 studs. Han Solo is unlocked by playing through the Force Awaken levels in Story mode. Once you have both Han Solo and Kylo Ren in your party the trophy will unlock.
Show Me, Grandfather – Defeat Kylo Ren playing as Darth Vader (Bronze/10G)
To unlock this trophy you simply have to have Kylo Ren defeat Darth Vader. Darth Vader is unlocked by playing through the Force Awakens levels in Story Mode. Kylo Ren you can unlock for free by completing Ottegan Assault in Story mode or by buying one of the variations for 250,000 studs. Be sure to disable the regenerating hearts red brick as it makes it kinda hard to defeat Finn when its on.
STOP….Kylo Time – As Kylo Ren, Force Freeze another character (Bronze/10G)
Kylo Ren’s force freeze ability is when his energy is maxed out, his special CIRCLE attack. You can either wait until you build up enough energy to use his special attack or you can use the Regenerating Combat Bar Red Brick to speed up the process. You can do this on any enemy in the game. Once you use his special circle ability on an enemy the trophy will unlock.
Little Short for a Stormtrooper? – Use a hat dispenser to put a Stormtrooper helmet on a small minifigure (Bronze/10G)
A hat dispenser is a machine that puts hats on a character to sneak past a laser field. You can find one in Chapter 8 in the Starkiller Shield Room checkpoint. Switch to a small character like Logray or Wicket and pick the Stormtrooper helmet. Once the machine puts the helmet on the characters head the trophy will unlock.
Anything Else? – Destroy all computer terminals in Starkiller Shield Room as Kylo Ren (Bronze/10G)
There are a total of 7 computer terminals for you to destroy. Two are at the beginning where you spawn, one at the top of the stairs, three more are in the hallway after the laser field and the last one is after the Blaster Battle in the top right corner. As long as you destroy all 7 as Kylo Ren or one of his variations the trophy will unlock when you destroy the last one.
It is a lot easier to unlock this trophy if you use the Destroy on Contact Red Brick as it destroys the terminals instantly, giving the enemies less of a chance to destroy them.
Chewie, We’re Home – Play as Han Solo (Classic) and Chewbacca on the Millenium Falcon (Bronze/10G)
To unlock this trophy you simply have to have any version of Chewbaca and Classic Han Solo in your party on the Millennium Falcon. Chewbacca is already unlocked by completing the story levels but Han Solo Classic is unlocked by collecting his carbonite brick aboard the Millennium Falcon, you must complete the mini game to unlock it.
Stormtrooper Syndrome – Miss your target 10 times in a blaster battle (Bronze/10G)
There is a pretty good chance that you will unlock this accidentally while playing through the story and free play. The easiest way to unlock this trophy however, is to start any Blaster Battle, like the one in the Prologue, and then just simply aiming away from all the enemies. After you have missed ten times the trophy will unlock.
Collectible Guide
The Battle of Endor
Minikit #1 – At the beginning of the level the game will task you with building your first Multi-build. Build the object to the right and jump on the bounce pad, the minikit is just off to the right. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Stud Magnet Red Brick – After you rescue Wicket, head to the top of the tree and push down the object to the left, at the bottom build the MB to the left and jump up and grab the red brick. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit # 2 – After you complete the blaster battle head into the next area and on the tree on the left will be a giant acorn that you can use force powers on, inside is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – After you trip the giant robot you will have to build the MB to the left to rescue R2D2, instead build it up and jump up and grab the minikit. You will need a second character to help get you up there so you will have to rescue R2D2 and build the ramp up first. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – After you complete the MB correctly, charge the lift. At the top will be an aquatic pool, use Admiral Ackbar to go in there and reveal a bunch of pieces. Build the pieces together to reveal a hole in the tree and head on up. At the top head to the right and destroy and rebuild everything that is breakable. After you have rebuilt everything the pieces of the minikit will appear. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – When you are in the giant robot, towards the end of the section a tree log will block off the path behind you and you will be tasked with getting out of the robot. Instead you will see three piles of gold rocks, one on top of the building, one in the back right corner, and one in the front left corner. Destroy all three with the giant robot for the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – In the same section as the previous one, in the bottom middle of the area you will see a group of soldiers that Leia can command, do so. On the right you will see a box with four grapple points, command the soldiers to open the box with you and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #7 – When you begin the battle with the emperor, on the right will be a giant silver lego object, destroy it, rebuild the pieces, then use BB8 to play the game. The game is pretty simple just avoid the red blocks and when you get to the end the minikit is yours. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit # 8 – After the first section with the emperor he will just down and you will be down the stairs. In the back left corner use the force powers to reveal a hatch, head through and go right to find the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – During the flying section you will have to destroy five gun towers, they look like pyramids with turrets on top of them. There are more than 5, approx. 10 so you should have almost no problem getting five. You can also just hold down the shoot button and you will likely get this on accident without even aiming. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #10 – During the section where you have to use the proton torpedoes to destroy the three targets, before you do that shoot the three big blue coils above the targets to find the last minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Chapter 1 – Assault on Jakku
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level head up a little bit and switch to BB8, you will see a bowling alley pop up out of the ground. Roll through the pins as BB8. (1/3) To the left of where you started destroy all of the object and build them into a basketball hoop, then head to the bottom left corner of the area and destroy everything there to build a launch pad. Launch BB8 through the basketball hoop. (2/3) Head to the far right side of the area and you will see a soccer goal. Destroy everything in the fenced in area, towards the bottom and you will build a charge station for BB8. Charge up the machine to reveal a soccer ball, push it in the net for the minikit. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – Right next to the first bowling alley there are some lego objects to break and rebuild into a crate. (1/3) From the door where you began the level head to the right side of the screen and there will be some more objects to break and rebuild. (2/3) The final crate is in front of the right weapon cache building, walk towards the screen to find it. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Fast Build Red Brick – On the far right side of the area there will be a MB, build it to the right and left and the villager will destroy it each time revealing the red brick. Jump along the table and boxes to head up there and get it. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – Inside the hut on the right that you open up to find the weapon cache, in the front right corner of the hut is the minikit in pieces. Destroy the pieces then rebuild them to grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – When you arrive in the next area, in the top right corner there will be a silver tower for you to destroy. (1/3) After you move the transport ship and you see the flametrooper, to the right is the second tower. (2/3) The third tower is to the right of the flametrooper in the corner. (3/3) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – After you finish the Blaster Battle look off in the distance to the right and you will see a Stormtrooper talking inside a hut, shoot him with a ranged attack to get the minikit. I found that not aiming at him and just firing in his general direction was a lot easier. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – After you put out the fire using the water tower, use force powers on the top part of it that falls off to reveal the pieces to a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – After you use the water tower to put out the fire head into the next area, a transport ship should come out from the left side. If it doesn’t then destroy some stuff on the left first and it will appear. Next build the electricity panel on the left side and charge it up, head into the ship and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – In the area with the flametrooper, off to the left side is an aquatic pool, go through it to arrive in a hut. Destroy the chest on the right side and rebuild it into a Resistance Terminal, access it to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – In the area with the flametrooper there will be a gold chest on the right side with a minikit inside of it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – To the left of the flametrooper and the water tank is a strength handle, open it and inside is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Chapter 2: Escape From the Finalizer
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level head to the front left corner and you will see some crates on the left wall that you can use dark force powers on, do so and head into the new area. In the new area head down the hallway and use the force to destroy the red and black bricks, rebuild them to find the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – In the same area use the force on the object at the back of the hallway for another minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – At the start of the level you will have to go down some stairs to the right, at the base is a little droid thing going back and forth, shoot it. (1/4) The second one is further along after you ride the lift up. (2/4) The third one is in the control room. (3/4) The last one is during the blaster battle, shoot the explosive barrels in the back right corner of the first section to destroy it, you can also wait until after the blaster battle is over and run back and destroy it. (4/4) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Fast Interact Red Brick – After you charge up the malfunctioning ship you will have a MB in the next area. The angle is kinda funny but you need to build in the top right ish direction to build a bridge to the red brick. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – After you get on the TIE Fighter and head outside, on the outside of the ship there will be 30 turrets to destroy. Theyre on some on the left and right sides, some up top in the middle and then a whole bunch on the bottom of the ship, make sure to check the tip of the ship as well as there as two there. There are also a few more in the little hallways on either sides of the ship. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #5 – In the same area as all the turrets in the bottom middle of the ship there is a race to complete, you can get to it from the hallways on either side. The race is incredibly easy once you find the second point, and youll have almost 30 seconds when you complete it. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – In the same area outside, after destroying the first 10 turrets you will have to use proton torpedoes to destroy the big cannon. There are tie fighters flying around that are carrying proton torpedoes, you have to destroy 5 of them for the minikit. There are way more than 5 but they can be kinda frustrating to hit, keep dodge rolling and turning and you will eventually get an angle on them. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #7 – After the surfing part, when you land in the area with the giant animal, head to the left side of the area to find a portion of a wall that you can use dark force powers on. Inside that section to the left is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – After you enter the broken down ship with Rey and BB8 head to the far right, nestled in the right corner you will see some poles that you can climb on along the wall, they head to the right. At the end of the path of them is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #9 – After you get up to the upper level with BB8 you are supposed to go through a hatch on the right side of the walkway. Instead go past it and use a character with a lightsaber to open the door and rebuild the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – After you use the MB to get BB8 up the slope rebuild it to the left and shoot BB8 up to the top and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Chapter 3: Niima Outpost
X8 Red Brick – In the area where you have to move the imperial ship, off in the distance behind the fence is a giant silver rocket. Destroy the rocket and then wait for the red brick to appear. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit # 1- After you move the imperial ship you will head down to a new area with some scaffolding, in this area there will be a bird you can shoot at. (1/3) After you go through the hatch with BB8 and get Rey and Finn to join you, the second bird is just to the left of the hatch. (2/3) When you have to get on the turret as Rey and shoot the bridge open, off in the distance you will see two StormTroopers on Beach chairs. Just to the right of them you will see the last bird. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – After you go through the first hatch with BB8, to the right will be a conveyor belt. Use the grapple point to the left of it, once its on jump on it and the minikit will appear. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit # 3- After you use the big animal to break open the cracked walls, keep riding it and head into
the next area and to the right. On the right side you will see another cracked wall to break, inside is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – In the same area on the right side there will be a vehicle, you will have to use the force to put three droids into it. One is to the left of it and the other two are in front of. Once all three are in the vehicle the guy will release the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – In the new area destroy both gold lego objects in the top left corner, the second one will reveal a crate with strength handles on it. Inside the crate is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – At the beginning of the Blaster Battle head to the front right corner and destroy the silver Lego object, next dive into the aquatic pool to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – After you gain access to the Sifter droid head back to the left and the farthest left sand pile will hold the pieces of a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – When you’re flying the millennium Falcon there will be four bridges to shoot down along the path, just keep firing and youll likely hit them all. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #9 – Still in the Millenium Falcon, in the open area there will be three gold giant robot things to shoot, they are scattered around the area so its kinda hard to describe there exact positions. It seems that there was one in the front left corner, one in the middle/left ish area, and one on the right. Just go around and shoot all of them before shooting all of the TIE Fighters. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #10 – Still in the Milennium Falcon, in the back right corner ish of the open area, down low there is a little tunnel area to fly through. One of the rings has the minikit in it. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Chapter 4: The Eravana
Minikit #1 – After you turn off the toxic fumes, just to the left of the valve will be a droid terminal, use it and head inside. In the top left corner of this new room destroy all the object and rebuild them into a first order terminal. Use the terminal to reveal the location of the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – In the same area there will be some pieces to build an electricity charge point. Use the panel to reveal the pieces of a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – In the same area right below the fan is a door on the container that you can use the force on. Next use the newly opened door to jump up and grab the minikit on the right. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
X2 Red Brick – After you complete the Blaster Battle, head into the room on the right and you will see a grapple hook point. Pull the hook and then jump inside and grab the red brick. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – After you go through the hatch, in the top right corner will be a key that you can use force powers on, do so to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – When the Rathar is chasing you, the camera will change from you running at the screen to you running to the right. When it does the minikit will be above you, you will have to jump to get it, a few seconds after the camera change. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – When the Rathtar has a hold of Finn, in the bottom left corner will be a container you have to use dark force powers on, doing so will reveal an aquatic point. Use the aquatic point to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – In the area where the Rathar is coming out of the ground there are three bat creatures to shoot. The first is to the left of the Rathar. (1/3) The second is to the right of the Rathar. (2/3) The last one is high up on the left side, right above the agility wall. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – In the same area as above, to the left of the Rathtar will be a minikit behind a grate, use dark force powers to unlock it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – On the platform that you get to by climbing the agility wall, in the corner will be a fan that you need to cut using a lightsaber, behind the fan is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – After you complete the color puzzle, inside the container on the right will be a hatch, at the top is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Chapter 5: Maz’s Castle
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level head to the left and destroy some of the flowers, you should get attacked by some small creatures, defeat them. (3/9) Head to the right and you should get attacked by three more. (6/9) Head into the area where the big alien is and on the left side are the last three. (9/9) *Attainable in Story Mode*
X6 Red Brick – At the start of the level just in front of you there will be a cracked wall, inside is the red brick. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – At the start of the level head down the path to find an aquatic pool, use it to find the pieces of a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – When you get into the area with the big sleeping alien, immediately look to the right and on the wall will be a red button, shoot it and rebuild the pieces to reveal a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – After you reveal the MB, build to the left first and then charge the machine to remove the tree, climb up to the top with Rey and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #5 – Before jumping down from the previous minikit location, use Athgar Heece to jump across to the next platform and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6- On the same platform as the previous minikit there will be a hatch you can go through, do so to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – After you head into the basement with BB8 and Rey, turn around and head back up the stairs to find the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – Down in the basement just past the MB, towards the screen, in the top right corner is an object to shoot. (1/4) Just on the other side of the gate you slide under, just next to the gate in the top right corner. (2/4) The third spider is directly in front of you on the wall after the statue puzzle. (3/4) The last one is in the hallway just to the left of the last one. (4/4) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #9 – After the statute puzzle, through the door straight in front of you will be a silver barricade to destroy, inside the room is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – In the room with all the gears, on the right will be a door you can use the force to open, behind the door is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Chapter 6: Attack on Takodana
Minikit #1 – At the very start of the level, turn around and use dark force powers to unlock the door. Next use your lightsaber to cut open the door and run inside and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – Head down the path to the left and before making the turn on the left will be another door you can use the force to open. Inside the room destroy all the objects to reveal a MB, build it in the center to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – Before you cut open the door with your lightsaber, on the right will be a statue that you will have to use the force to put back into place. (1/3) The second statue is right next to the cracked wall during the Blaster Battle, after its over head back and get it. (2/3) The last statue is on the left of the area where you fight the shock troopers. (3/3) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – After you cut open the door with your lightsaber, straight in front of you will be an aquatic pool, use it to reveal the minikit pieces. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – In the same area you will have to use your lightsaber to cut open some bars to get to a hatch. Use the hatch to get up top and then head up the stairs to find a reveal point, it will reveal a silver box. Destroy the silver box that appears to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – After the Blaster Battle head back the way you came and on the left you will see a cracked wall, behind the wall is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – After the Blaster Battle on the left you will see the wing of a TIF Fighter, use your force powers to move it and reveal an aquatic pool. At the bottom of the aquatic pool is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – After the Blaster Battle is over in front of you and on the left you will see a double grapple point, pull down the box and build the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #9 – When you’re tasked with shooting down the TIE Fighters, there will be 4 buoys in the water to destroy, you will know where they are because there will be a ring of studs above each one. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Destroy on Contact Red Brick – After you destroy the initial wave of TIE fighters they will shoot down a tower, at the top of the tower is the red brick. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – Around the outside edge of the water there will be three towers that you can destroy using proton torpedoes. During the section where you have to shoot the three special ships some of the TIE fighters will be carrying proton torpedoes. Shoot down three of those ships and grab the torpedoes, shoot all three towers for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Chapter 7: The Resistance
Minikit #1 – In the starting area head to the bottom left corner and you will see a container you can cut open with a lightsaber, do so and rebuild the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – On the far left side of the area, pull the grappling hook on the wall and rebuild the pieces. (1/3) After you open the door to the control room, head down the hallway and you will see a terminal for C3PO to use. Rebuild the pieces that come out of the door for the second droid. (2/3) The last droid is to the left of the next door you have to open, destroy everything in the corner and then rebuild the droid. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – Open the door to the left of the four grapple hooks by accessing the resistance terminal, inside the room the back left box you can use dark force powers on has the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – Use the translation terminal in the bottom right corner of the area to open the door, inside use your lightsaber to cut the pipes to stop the cold. In the bottom right corner of the room use the flametrooper to melt the ice around the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – After you open the door by commanding the generals, in the back right corner of the next room is an electricity panel, charge it and the minikit will appear in the center of the room. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – After the cutscene head to the right and go down the path until you see a terminal for C3PO, use it and in the middle of the room is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #7 – In the same room as the minikit above, destroy all of the LEGO objects and rebuild the pieces into a ship. (1/3) After you get the supply room open destroy all the objects inside and rebuild the ones on the right. (2/3) The last ship is in the same room as the fuel. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – Head all the way down to the last room, at the back is a painting that you can use dark force powers on to get a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – Talk to Nien Nunb on the right side and then you will gain access to the second floor, head all the way down to the right and you will reveal a MB. Build it to the right and then charge the electricity panel to reveal the pieces of a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Super Slap Red Brick – On the same level you will see a cracked wall right near where you came up, break open the wall to reveal a hatch, the red brick is right on the other side of the hatch. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – On the other side of the area you will eventually have to climb up an agility wall to get to the top. Head all the way down to the end of the path and you will see a staff point, use Rey to throw her staff in the slot, then swing across to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Chapter 8: Starkiller Sabotage
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level shoot the two sentry droids. (1/5) (2/5) After you walk along the little ledge, “don’t look down”, before using the grappling hook point, on the right is another droid. (3/5) After crossing the next chasm, in the area with the turret is the next droid. (4/5) The last sentry droid is after you get back the laser door, all the way to the right. (5/5) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – At the start of the level head to the left and destroy the pieces of debris, rebuild them into a machine you can ride. Use the machine to jump on the piles of snow, the pile on the upper right will reveal the pieces of a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
X4 Red Brick – When you arrive in the area with the turret directly in front of you will be some LEGO pieces that you can destroy to reveal a MB. Build the MB to the left to reveal a snowman that you can jump on. Follow the path around and grab the red brick. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – After you slide down the rope and end up on the other side of the laser field, you will see a hatch to your left, head through it. In the new area shoot at the yeti looking monster and defeat him, then use your lightsaber to cut a hole in the ice and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – After you ride the elevator up to the next section, in the left corner is a pole you can destroy, rebuild it into a flag. (1/4) The second flag is in the little area where you turn off the gas, in the bottom right corner is the pieces to the flag, right where the Stormtroopers were standing. (2/4) The third flag is after you swing across with the grappling hook, it will be right in front of you. (3/4) The last flag is in the area where the snowtroopers were sitting around the fire, in the top right corner is the flag. (4/4) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #5 – After riding the elevator up head to the right and destroy the rocks as you go, one of them will be hiding a MB. Build the MB to the left and it will trigger an even that spawns the minikit to the left. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – Continue along the path until you come to a double grappling hook door, before you do that look to the right to see some ice you can melt. Once melted jump into the aquatic pool to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – Once you have entered the base right where you spawn will be a large door like the one you just opened to get into the base. Use your force powers to remove the door and reveal the pieces of the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – Continue along the path and at the top of the stairs you will encounter a MB, build it all the way to the left, then use BB8 to jump up and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – At the end of the Blaster Battle you will see those little toy truck looking things driving around. There will be two to shoot up by the door, (1/4) (2/4), the other two are back in the middle of the Blaster Battle section. Head back to the middle and they will appear for you to shoot. (3/4) (4/4) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #10 – After you finish the Blaster Battle head back to where it started and go right. Use your force powers to open the door and run in and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Chapter 9: Destroy Starkiller Base
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level while flying the ship, stay to the right and down, and there will be a minikit inside a ring of studs. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – After the first flying section you will have to destroy some targets, there is a race on top of the tower for you to complete. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – When you encounter your first MB build it to the far left, in the room behind the laser field is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – Immediately after this use the MB to build the ladder and then use the force on the pipe to the left to create a bridge. Head across and use the force to open the door and grab the minikit to the left. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – After the Stormtrooper creates the bridge for you, you will have to climb the wall. Instead of climbing to the right head all the way to the top to find the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Regenerating Hearts Red Brick – After you and Rey split up for the second time, Rey will use an agility point and run along the wall and then have to climb along the wall to get up to the higher platform. The Stormtrooper will have to use a grapple point and at the top will be two Stormtroopers. In the little hallway to the right, where the Stormtrooper is, there will be a first order terminal to use. Use the terminal and then defeat 15 of the Stormtroopers that spawn, they will spawn in groups of three. Upon defeating the 15th one the Red Brick will appear. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – In the area where you have to place the four bombs, there are four little electrical pipe things you need to destroy. The first is on the bottom floor of the area on the left, in the middle of the fence, towards the screen, you will find it. (1/4) The second one is on the opposite side, the right side, in the same spot on the middle of the fence. (2/4) The third one is further down the fence on the right side. (3/4) The last one is in the area behind the laser field. To get it you must first unlock the sentry droid, next use the force on a little dome object sticking out of the ground in front of the laser field. Next use the sentry drone to unlock the door, just inside the door is the last one. (4/4) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – To get inside the laser field you must first unlock the sentry droid, next use the force on a little dome object sticking out of the ground in front of the laser field. Next use the sentry drone to unlock the door. Once inside shoot the gold lego pieces on the machine to unlock the pieces of a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – In the bottom left corner of the area there is a hatch by the stairs, go through it to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – In the bottom right side of the area where you have to place the bombs, in front of where you have to place the wheel is a MB, build it to the right to reveal the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #10 – In the top right section you will have to go through a laser field and then pull yourself up to the higher level using a grapple point. On this platform is a droid terminal, use it and then go through the toxic fumes and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Chapter 10: The Finale
Minikit #1 – At the beginning of the level there is a race in the middle of the chasm. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – When you’re doing the trench run you will have to shoot 5 of the green turrets, they can be a little annoying to hit but luckily there are way more than 5. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – After the intital trench run you will make a right and continue down the path. A little further down there is a minikit in the middle of a stud ring. Its in the middle of the area with the fan blades. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – When you have to destroy the interior, you will have to shoot three of the red first order symbols, there are more than three so if you miss some its ok. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #5 – During the battle with Kylo Ren, when you switch to Rey head to the left and destroy all the Lego objects, rebuild them into the droid. (1/3) Further along head past the MB and instead destroy the objects and build the snowman. (2/3) After you climb up the agility wall with Rey, after the planet collapses, the last snowman will be on the right. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – At the beginning of the battle with Kylo Ren switch to Finn and just ahead of him will be some ice you can melt that will reveal an aquatic pool. Jump in the aquatic pool to find the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – When you’re in the trench with Kylo Ren switch to Finn and use the grapple hook on the furthest left tree to reveal a minikit that Rey can grab. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – In the same area there will be a panel for Finn to interact with behind the middle tree, this will begin a little blaster battle. There will be six sentry droids that appear after you take cover, they take a little while to spawn the next one so be patient. Upon shooting the sixth one the minikit will be yours. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #9 – After the planet starts to implode switch to the bottom path and jump along the wall hangings until you get to the rock formations. Jump to the second to last one and instead of going straight go to the right and you will arrive on an island. Go through the toxic gas and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – After the planet starts to implode, get back to solid ground and head to the right. You will see a cracked wall for you to break with a minikit inside. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Collect Guide Studs Red Brick – When you get to the final battle with Kylo Ren, on the right side of the area just above the snowman you can build is a small snowball. Use the force to roll the snowball across the level, right under the red brick. Use an agile character to jump up and grab it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Luke’s Island
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level to the left is an aquatic pool, go in it to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – In the starting area there is a tree with a bird in it that you can destroy, it is down and to the right of the grapple point. (1/3) The second tree is right above where Chewie pulls out the second set of stairs. (2/3) When you get to the top of the island before going to talk to Luke, head to the right to find the last tree. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – At the start of the level you will see a little box with a grapple point just to the right of the ship, pull down the box to reveal the pieces of the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – At the start of the level just before the agility point there is a door that you can cut open with a lightsaber, inside is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – Head over the first agility point and go to the far right, you will see a prompt to jump to the right. Just above this little island is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – In the same area as the previous one, look out in the water on the right and you will see a box that you can use the force on. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – After you build a ramp to get up the rock formation, head to the top then turn around and use Rey to swing across to the platform and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
The Funk Awakens Red Brick – After you swing across all the poles and walk along the ledge you will be back on the other side of the rocks blocking your path. As soon as you get up there right in front of you will be a giant rock that you can use dark force powers on, doing this will reveal a hatch. Go through the hatch and you will grab the red brick. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – After both of your characters push the rock off of the ledge to create the bridge, on the other side in the left corner is a door that you can use force powers on. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – After you pull the second set of rock stairs, jump up and take the first left to find a gold door, inside the door is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – When you get to the top of the island don’t go talk to Luke yet, instead go right and you
will find a cracked wall with a minikit inside it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Poe to the Rescue – 10 Gold Bricks to unlock
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level get rid of the two creatures and then head to the middle area. In the water to the left, just above where the creature was, is a droid stuck upside down. Use the force to put him back on land, break him open for the pieces to a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – After you unreleased the wall and raise the bridge, head to the front left corner to find an aquatic pool, use Admiral Ackbar to go in there and get the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – After you leave the garbage dump you will be in a hallway, in the front left corner there grapple point for you to use. (1/3) The next one is in the large room after the laser field, over to the left inside the room with the disguise machine. (2/3) The last one is after the security scanner door on the right wall. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Infinite Torpedoes Red Brick – After leaving the trash compacter you will be in a hallway, a few steps forward and on the left will be some gas canisters blocking a hidden room. Inside the room use dark force powers to destroy all the objects and the red brick will appear. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – After you complete the Blaster Battle, just below and to the left of the turret are some silver lego bricks to destroy. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – In the room with the Blaster Battle in the back left corner is a hatch that you can go through, it is blocked by some boxes. Use BB8 to go through the hatch and then destroy the objects up top and use the BB8 point. The front box that falls has the minikit inside. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – In the same room head to the back right corner and use an agile character to jump up, above the thing you have to push. Use force powers to move the containers in the top right corner, just up and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – When you are riding the elevator down there will be two targets to shoot in the aerobics room, I found it easier not to aim at them, one on the left and one on the right. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – At the beginning of the flying section there will be a minikit inside a ring of studs, the fifth one. It’s the one where you fly through the center of the asteroid. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #9 – During the flying section, when you enter the asteroid there will be 7 green crystal rocks for you to hit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #10 – When you enter the large area with the pink crystal rocks, defeat the initial TIE Fighter challenge to make the ones with the proton torpedoes spawn. Use the proton torpedoes on the small pink crystal rocks, there are three scattered in the area. After you have broken all three the minikit is yours. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Lor San Tekka’s Return – 20 Gold Bricks to unlock
Minikit #1 – In the starting area, in the bottom left corner there will be a little sandworm that pops its head out of the ground, destroy it. (1/4) The second one is in the middle of the area by the ship. (2/4) The third one is just above the ship, in the top right corner. (3/4) The last one is in the top right corner of the area. After you destroy it you will have to build the minikit. (4/4) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – At the start of the level right in front of you you will see an electricity panel, use it to reveal the pieces of a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – As you hit the downward slope you will see a box with a target on it, shoot it and the droid will race over to the right, where it stops is the pieces to a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – Head to the bottom right corner of the area, just to the left of the handle that you need is a fan that you need to cut with a lightsaber. Behind the fan is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – After you get the gate open head up the path and you will see a droid terminal that you can use, a BB8 one, behind the door that opens is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – In the same area as the last one, walk forward to find an aquatic pool, inside the pool are the pieces of a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
X10 Red Brick – In the same area jump down, towards your screen, to find a boxing ring. Use the electricity panel to the right of it to activate the fighters, then pick a color and keep hitting the piece in front. You have to get a score of 3 to get the red brick to appear. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – After you raise Athgar up on the pole, just to the right will be some silver blocks he can break, do so and double jump up and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – Just to the left of the previous one are some more silver lego pieces to break. (1/4) Right above the floating minikit by the bridge is the second one, high up on the wall, just past the ship. (2/4) When you see the leader of the Teeko’s? alien things, head to the far right and the third one will be on the wall. (3/4) The last silver piece is after you defeat the last of the enemies and climb to the top, it will be just to the left of the exit. (4/4) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #9 – After you blow open part of the ship creating the points for Lor San Tekka to jump across on, at the beginning of the bridge you will see a minikit floating in the background. You can simply double jump with the jet pack to get it. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #10 – After you break the second cracked wall, head up top and go to the left. You will see a fence with two silver lego pieces holding it up, destroy them and head into the next area. Shoot the target in the middle of the fan and after it spins it will drop the minikit pieces. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Rathtar Hunting – 30 Gold Bricks to Unlock
Minikit #1 – At the beginning of the level instead of heading into the tunnel, jump up on the rocks on the left and use Varond Jelik to throw his staff into the slot and swing across. Next build the ladder for Han Solo and use the grapple point to reveal the pieces of a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – At the start of the level turn around and head to the front right corner, use the dark force to move the rocks and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – As you are wading through the cavern there will be five orange flowers that you will have to use GOOD force powers on. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – When you come to the MB build it to the right to create an agility wall, climb up then on the right will be a hidden hatch to go through. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Fast Force Red Brick – After you use Chewie to pull the strength handles, jump up top and on the left will be a little hidden cave to go through. Follow the path up to the top to grab the red brick. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #5 – When you come to the MB with the spider creatures, build to the right and climb up and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – At the top of the waterfall will be an aquatic pool on the left with a minikit in it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – When you come to the Blaster Battle don’t start it yet, instead head to the left and use the force on the flower holding the minikit. If you start the Blaster Battle you will not be able to get this minikit, you would have to restart from the loading bay section. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – Just to the left of the previous one, high up on the left are some gold bricks for you to break, once you do the minikit is yours. . If you start the Blaster Battle you will not be able to get this minikit, you would have to restart from the loading bay section. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – During the Blaster Battle, down in the center will be 5 blue exploding light bulb looking things, destroy all 5 for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #10 – After you complete the Blaster Battle you will be down in the center, on the left side, to the left of the cage, you will see a grappling hook, pull it for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
The Crimson Corsair – 40 Gold Bricks to Unlock
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level turn around and on the side of the ship is a grapple point, pull it and the minikit will appear. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – In the front left corner of the starting area, to the left of the ship is a gold rock, use Quiggold to break the rock and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – Behind the ship, back right corner, is a little creature to destroy. (1/3) The second one is to the right of the electrified stairs. (2/3) After you go through the hatch with Pru, head towards the screen to find the last creature. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – Use the force on the right engine of the ship to reveal the pieces of a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – When you get to the first MB build it to the left to get the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – After you disable the generator and the electrified stairs, head up the stairs and use the first order terminal to the left to reveal the pieces to the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – Continue down the path and you will see a walkway that leads to a fan, there will be a few Stormtroopers in front of it. Use dark force powers on the fan to destroy it and run in and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – After you use the droid to grapple up to the higher walkway, head to the far left and pull the grapple point to find another minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Imperial Inaccuracy Red Brick – After you grapple across the gap and use the agility point you will drop down behind the group of Stormtroopers, defeat them then destroy the box to find a MB. Build the MB to the right to open the door and grab the red brick. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #9 – You will come to an area where you will have to defeat 12 Stormtroopers, head to the front right corner of the area and you will see a ledge you can jump down to. Follow the ledge all the way to the end to find the minikit sitting there. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #10 – Eventually one of the platforms carrying the Stormtroopers will crash allowing you to jump up to the next level. On the left there will be a platform floating in the distance that you can use force powers on, the minikit is on the platform. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Trouble over Taul – 50 Gold Bricks to Unlock
Minikit #1 – As soon as you finish the Blaster Battle to your left will be a silver door, destroy it and out will pop some boxes. Inside the left box are the pieces to the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – After the Blaster Battle head around the corner and you will see a droid you can destroy. (1/4) After you search the ships terminal for the information, in the hallway that opens up is the second droid. (2/4) After the second Blaster Battle you will be in a hallway that has no ceiling, the droid is up in the air on the right. (3/4) The last droid is in the Bridge room on the right side. (4/4) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – When you get into the next room on the left will be a resistance terminal, use it to reveal a ladder to a new location. In the new area to the left of where you spawn will be a wall that you can use dark force powers on. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – In the same area head to the left until you see a vending machine, use force powers on it to reveal the minikit pieces. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Regenerating Combat Bar Red Brick – In the same area head further to the left and use a cold resistant character to walk through and grab the red brick. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – Now head back up the ladder to the previous area, then continue climbing the ladder up to another area. On the far right will be a minikit trapped in ice. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – In the same area there is a chair you can sit in that starts a mini-game. Shoot any five meteors to obtain another minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – After the Blaster Battle head into the next room and take a right, immediately on the left will be a Droid terminal, inside the room is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – During the second Blaster Battle, at the beginning all the way in the back you will see a large gold LEGO object, destroy it. If the game doesn’t give you the minikit right away, defeat the guys so the area rotates and youll get it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – After the second Blaster Battle, don’t go through the doorway yet. Instead turn around and at the beginning of the hallway is a cracked wall, inside is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #10 – Immediately after this head through the door and you will be in an open hallway. High up on the left side will be a minikit that you will need to use the force on to get down, the spot is kinda tricky to find, its near the door you came in through. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Ottegan Assault – 60 Gold Bricks to Unlock
Minikit #1 – At the beginning of the level shoot down three transport ships for a minikit. There are at least four so it shouldn’t be to much of a problem. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – When you’re in the ship at the beginning of the assault you will eventually fly around to the side of the planet, inside one of the rings of studs is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – In the second flying section there is a race in the middle of the planet to complete for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Super Disco Blasters Red Brick – When you land on the planet head to the back left corner, in the alleyway will be a cracked wall, inside is the red brick. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – In the same back alleyway as the red brick there is a flying ship to destroy. (1/3) After you destroy the wall with the gold barrel, in the next area on the right is the second flying ship. (2/3) The last ship is off to the right when you see the Ottegan leader. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #5 – As soon as you land on the planet look to your left to see a Resistance Terminal, inside the door that opens is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – When you land on the planet there will be a TIE fighter in the back of the area. Walk up to it and use Force powers on it to grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #7 – Before proceeding through the gate, to the left will be an aquatic pool with the pieces to a minikit in it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – Destroy the second sentry drone with its own missile for a minikit. If the ship doesn’t break the silver lego rocks then you will have to come back and get it in Free Play. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #9 – When you come to the first MB, build it to the right to get a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #10 – When you get to the final battle with the Ottegan leader, head to the right and walk through the toxic gas and around to the left to find the last minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
HUB Collectibles
Milllenium Falcon
Starkiller Base
DLC Trophy/Achievement Guides
The Phantom Limb
We are in Quite a Predicament – Complete the Phantom Limb (Bronze)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. This trophy/achievement will unlock during the score screen.
I Retrieved the Information… – Collect all Minikits within the Phantom Limb (Bronze)
There are a total of 10 minikits to collect throughout the level, most must be collected in Free Play but a few can be collected in Story Mode to save time later. The locations of all minikits are as follows:
1) At the start of the level head to the top and use any character that jump and jump across the rocks to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Also at the start of the level, in the middle of the area is a water pool that admiral ackbar can use. Go through the water and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) After you distract the big spider with the ship and the music, head into the new area and in the top left corner is a cracked wall. Once you destroy the cracked wall using C0-34, rebuild the pieces into the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
4) After you encounter the first Multi-Build you will have to release some mines to clear the way for bridge. Up by the terminal where you release the mines in the water to the right will be a platform that you can use force powers on, do so to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) In the same area head towards the waterfall, out in the water, towards the bottom of the screen, you will see a little area with a minikit on it. All you have to do is double jump over to it and grab it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) After the cutscene with the bridge you will be in a new area, at the bottom of the area there will be a silver rock to destroy. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) After you use the little droid to charge the electrical panel for the second time, a spider will carry it off and reveal a new Multi-Build. Build it to the right and it will create a fan that you can use to jump up and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
8) After you drain the water, on the left will be a gold rock hiding a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) After the medical droid gets carried away there will be another Multi-Build. Build it to the left and then use O-MR1 to access the First Order terminal and reveal the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
10) In the area where you use the little droids to create a giant umbrella, in the back left corner will be a hatch to go through that leads to a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
After you have collected the last minikit in Free Play you can save and exit the level and the trophy will still unlock.
…But at a Terrible Cost – Achieve True Jedi in the Phantom Limb (Bronze)
If you are playing this after having finished the base game then you should have all the red bricks activated, meaning you will unlock True Jedi status within seconds of starting the level. The trophy will not unlock however until you have finished the level.
What He Was Programmed to Do – Defeat all the Taul Swarmers as PZ-99 in Story (Bronze)
PZ-99 is automatically unlocked by completing the level, Taul Swarmers are the spider looking things that spawn shortly after you start the level. Despite the trophy/achievement description stating that this is done in Story, it didn’t unlock for me when I tried it in Story Mode. Instead attempt this trophy in Free Play, at the very start of the level 4-5 swarmers will spawn. Defeat them all with PZ-99 and the trophy will unlock shortly after.
Thought We’d Never Find You – Play in a Free Play party with Poe Dameron (Flight Suit) and BB-8 (Bronze)
After you complete the level in Story Mode start Free Play and have both of the characters in your party as Poe Dameron, be sure its the Flight Suit Poe Dameron, and BB-8. Once you have switched to both the trophy/achievement will unlock.
Poe’s Quest for Survival
Kinda Like to Get Back to Work – Complete Poe’s Quest for Survival (Bronze/10G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. This trophy/achievement will unlock during the score screen.
A Use for Scrap… – Collect all Minikits within Poe’s Quest for Survival (Bronze/10G)
*Glitched – Despite collecting all 10 minikits and trying various ways to finish the level etc. the Trophy did not unlock for me, as of right now there is no solution.
There are a total of 10 minikits to collect in Poe’s Quest for Survival, most will need to be obtained in Free Play but a few are obtainable in Story Mode. The locations of the minikits are as follows:
1) At the beginning of the level while on the vehicle there will be four gold rocks to destroy, dont worry there are way more than four to shoot. Upon destroying your fourth one you will get the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
2) Still on the speeder bike when you come to the section with the sinking sands stay to the left and you will see a minikit in a ring of studs. *Attainable in Story Mode*
3) After the Blaster Battle head to the left side and use Ackbar to go through the water pool, on the other side use the MB to get up to the top left and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) In the same area you travel to through the water pool, in the area is a statute you can use dark force powers on. (1/3) The second statue is just to the right of the door to the bar. (2/3) The final statue is in the bar in the bottom right corner. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) In the top left corner of the area you will see a sense point, use it to reveal a silver block. Destroy the block then take the handle to the water pipe, turn the handle and the minikit will be revealed for you to build. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) After the Blaster Battle you will see a giant cracked wall in the back middle of the area, destroy the wall and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) In the top right corner of the area, climb the wall with an agile character and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) Inside the bar, use force powers on the machine behind the bar to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) Still in the bar, on the left side is a bunch of stuff you can break, do so to reveal a pole point that you can build and use. Turn the pole point to move the painting and go in and grab the minikit. After you enter the bar head up to the roof and the minikit will be right in front of you. *Attainable in Story Mode*
10) After you enter the bar head up to the roof and the minikit will be right in front of you. *Attainable in Story Mode*
After you have collected the last minikit in Free Play you can save and exit the level and the trophy will still unlock.
Who’s Gonna Pick that Stuff Up? – Achive True Jedi in Poe’s Quest for Survival (Bronze/10G)
If you are playing this after having finished the base game then you should have all the red bricks activated, meaning you will unlock True Jedi status within seconds of starting the level. The trophy/achievement will not unlock however until you have finished the level.
Quite the Marksman! – Dispatch the Strus Clan using the smelliest means necessary (Bronze/10G)
This trophy/achievement seems to be a little glitchy so hopefully my method will work for you. At the beginning of the Blaster Battle walk to the far left, as far as you can go, and in front of you will be a little red explosive barrel that you can shoot. Make sure you shoot and the red barrel and not just the overall general area, as soon as you blow it up a dumpster should fall on a few enemies and unlock the trophy/achievement.
Greatest Pilot I’ve Ever Met – Avoid all of the Strus Clan Speeder Traps (Bronze/10G)
At the beginning of the level you will be on a speeder bike, after you get past the first section they will introduce you to the speed traps, brown electrified walls. All you have to do is avoid hitting any of them and the trophy is yours. They are pretty easy to avoid, simply first swerve back and forth and when the two pop up on either side simply drive through the middle. The trophy/achievement will unlock when you get to the cutscene.
First Order Siege of Takodana
We Must Have the Girl – Complete the “First Order Siege of Takodana” (Bronze/10G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy/achievement will unlock during the score screen upon completion of the level.
On Your Wing, Epsilon Six – Collect all of the Minikits within the First Order Siege of Takodana (Bronze/10G)
There are a total of 10 minikits to collect in First Order Siege of Takodana, most will need to be obtained in Free Play but a few are obtainable in Story Mode. The locations of the minikits are as follows:
1) In the first section there will be a bunch of turrets to destroy, you must destroy 5 to unlock the minikits. There are way more than 5 so if you miss a few don’t worry. *Attainable in Story Mode*
2) In the first section there are large black ships that will fly in your field of view sometimes that you can shoot down. You must shoot down three of these ships to unlock the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
3) When you get to the second section there will be three flags for you to shoot down. *Attainable in Story Mode*
4) When you first gain control of Kylo Ren on the left there will be a large black and red part of a ship that you can use Dark Magic on, do so and build the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
5) In the section with Kylo Ren in the top right corner there is a strength handle to pull, it will open a gate to the right with the minikit in it. *Attainable in Story Mode*
6) After you break open the cracked wall there will be a water pool in the bottom right corner of the new area, use Admiral Ackbar to jump into it, rebuild the minikit to unlock it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) After you break open the cracked wall, in the new area on the left there will be some bars that you can jump on to jump up to a ledge, do so and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
8) After you break open the cracked wall in the next section will be a safe that you can use a lightsaber to cut open, do so and then build the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
9) After you destroy the red door, in the new section in the bottom left corner of the area there is a silver rock to destroy, this will reveal the pieces of a minikit for you to rebuild. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) After you use the troops to move the ship, use Kylo Rens’s Dark Force powers on the statues head, out will pop the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
After you have collected the last minikit in Free Play you can save and exit the level and the trophy will still unlock.
I’ll Remedy that Immediately Sir! – Achieve “True Jedi” in “First Order Siege of Takodana” (Bronze/10G)
If you are playing this after having finished the base game then you should have all the red bricks activated, meaning you will unlock True Jedi status within seconds of starting the level. The trophy/achievement will not unlock however until you have finished the level.
Those Beasts! – Destroy Takodana Castle (Bronze/10G)
After the intial flying section you will be tasked with destroying Takodana castle by shooting/destroying parts of the castle. When you hit 100% destroyed the trophy will unlock. I’m pretty sure this trophy/achievement is unmissable but if for some reason it doesnt unlock destroy all the other pieces that don’t count for the 100% total, little towers etc., and the trophy/achievement should unlock.
I Shall Deal With Her on My Own – Capture Rey while deflecting all of her Blaster Bolts (Bronze/10G)
At the end of the level you will encounter Rey, who will shoot at you. The first couple of shots that she shoots will automatically miss but then you will have to mash a button that will cause Kylo to deflect her shots. You will need to do this three times without letting a shot hit you to unlock the trophy/achievement.
Escape From Starkiller Base
Hey! That’s Not Yours! – Complete Escape From Starkiller Base (Bronze/10G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The trophy/achievement will unlock during the score screen upon completion of the level.
I Loosened the Lid – Collect all Minikits within Escape from Starkiller Base (Bronze/10G)
There are a total of 10 minikits to collect in First Order Siege of Takodana, most will need to be obtained in Free Play but a few are obtainable in Story Mode. The locations of the minikits are as follows:
1) Just to the right of where you start the level is a rock you can cut with a lightsaber, the minikit is just behind it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) Head to the top left corner of the starting area and you will find some pieces you can use force powers on, do so and then hop up and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) To the far left is a minikit behind a fog of cold air, use a snowtrooper to walk through it and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Still in the starting area, head to the bottom left corner and you will find a path heading downwards. The minikit is at the bottom of this path. *Attainable in Story Mode*
5) After you use the robot to destroy the wall, in the next section to the left is a wall that C’ai can climb, at the top is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
6) After the Blaster Battle look to the right to see a hatch you can crawl through and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Just past the previous one there will be a strength handle to pull, do so and then use Admiral Ackbar to jump in the pool and build the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) During the driving section there will be TIE fighters that you can shoot down, you must shoot down three of them. *Attainable in Free Play*
9) After you get in the vehicle continue following the path around and towards the end of the first section you will make a slow motion jump through a wall. Stick to the left at the beginning of the jump to get the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
10) During the second section of the driving part there will be an ice crystal to shoot that will give you the minikit. *Attainable in Free Play.
After you have collected the last minikit in Free Play you can save and exit the level and the trophy will still unlock.
Time to Earn Your Passage R3 – Achieve True Jedi in Escape From Starkiller Base (Bronze/10G)
If you are playing this after having finished the base game then you should have all the red bricks activated, meaning you will unlock True Jedi status within seconds of starting the level. The trophy/achievement will not unlock however until you have finished the level.
Another Textbook Landing – Make a leap of faith to escape the First Order (Bronze/10G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. You will unlock this upon jumping over the gap in the vehicle and crashing through the wall.
Crush the First Order – During the Blaster Battle, crush the First Order by any means necessary (Bronze/10G)
During the Blaster Battle up to the left and the right will be targets to shoot, shoot either one and a rock will come down crushing an enemy and unlocking the trophy/achievement.
There you go guys… our LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trophy/Achievement Guide. If you have any questions or comments about this guide, the game in general, or anything in general, feel free to ask them on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, or in the comments below and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. While you’re on the above pages be sure to like us, follow us, and subscribe to us to stay up to date on the latest news and information that we have for you guys. Also be sure to follow us on Twitch so you will know when we livestream and on Instagram so you can see all our awesome pictures. We hope you find this LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens guide useful and are enjoying the game!!!