Lego Marvel’s Avengers Trophy/Achievement Guide – HTG
Thumby’s Essential Information
Platinum/100% Difficulty: 1/5
Estimated Time to Platinum/100%: 25+ hours
Step 1: Complete all of the levels in Story Mode
As with any Lego game you’re going to want to complete all of the Story Levels before doing almost anything else. Along the way be sure to pick up as many studs as possible to make buying the Red Brick multipliers easier and pick up any collectibles you can find along the way to save some time in Free Play.
Step 2: Prepare for Free Play
There are two abilities that you will not already have by completing Story Mode, the dig ability and the ability to manipulate cosmic bricks. Thankfully both are relatively easy to get quickly, but it won’t exactly be cheap. Ultimate Ultron is the easiest character to get that can manipulate cosmic bricks, his token is automatically unlocked when you beat the story but you will have to purchase him for 500,000 studs. As for the dig spots I recommend getting Reptil, his token is given to you by completing Ms. Marvel’s mission in the north east corner of Central Park in Manhattan. He will cost you another 40,000 studs but that’s nothing at this point. Once you have both abilities you can start Free Play. I would also recommend buying the Attract Studs Red Brick to make collecting a little easier but it is entirely up to you and how many studs you have.
**If you have the PS exclusive Civil War character pack you can actually use Black Panther (Civil War) as a character that digs and it will save you the 40,000 studs.**
Step 3: Complete all levels in Free Play while collecting all Minikits, Character Tokens, Red Bricks, and Stan Lee in Perils
Now it is time to collect the rest of the collectibles in Free Play, if you’ve been collecting throughout Story Mode as well you might have a decent amount already. There are a total of 15 collectibles per level, 10 Minikits, 3 Character Tokens, 1 Red Brick, and 1 Stan Lee in Peril. I recommend buying each of the Multiplier Red Bricks as you unlock them so you will have enough studs to purchase the insane amount of characters by the end of Free Play. You can purchase the other Red Bricks as you go as well but other than the attract studs one they aren’t 100% necessary, just a little more helpful.
For the locations of all of the collectibles please refer to the collectible guide found below.
Step 4: Collect all Gold Bricks, Character Tokens, and Stan Lee in Perils in the HUB areas
This is where you will be spending a large amount of your time. There are 8 HUB’s that you will have to clear of collectibles, 7 of them are on the smaller side and should only take 30 – 60 minutes, but Manhattan is quite large and will take upwards of 6 hours. Here you will be collecting all Gold Bricks, rescuing all Stan Lee in Perils, completing all character quests, and completing all races.
Step 5: Purchase all Vehicles and Characters
You may have been doing this as you went but if you haven’t you will want to now purchase any characters and vehicles that you haven’t yet. When you’re buying the characters be sure that you check to see if there are multiple versions by hitting R1 and L1 or you could end up missing one and being off by .1% at the end of the game. There are also three different vehicle spawn points that you will need to buy vehicles from, refer to the I’ll Do it Myself Trophy for more information on that.
Step 6: Witness the 100% Stud Fountain in Avengers Tower
Once you have achieved 100% in the game you can now go visit Avengers Tower in Manhattan. Head down the elevator into the building and pull the switch on the fountain to reap your reward.
Step 7: Cleanup
Now is the time to cleanup any miscellaneous trophies you may have missed or skipped. Complete all of the use so and so characters in one session and play as these two characters at the same time if you haven’t already done these. Once you have completed this step you will have your shiny new Platinum Trophy. Congratulations!!!
Peace in Our Time – Collect all other Trophies (Platinum)
Once you have unlocked all other Trophies you will have your shiny new Platinum Trophy. Congratulations!!!
Struck Off the List – Complete Struck Off the List (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Struck Off the List Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
A Loki Entrance – Complete a Loki Entrance (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The A Loki Entrance Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Rail Hydra – Complete Rail Hydra (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Rail Hydra Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Shakespeare in the Park – Complete Shakespeare in the Park (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Shakespeare in the Park Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Helicarrier Havoc – Complete Helicarrier Havoc (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Hellicarrier Havoc Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Avengers Assemble – Complete Avengers Assemble (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Avengers Assemble Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Earth’s Mightiest – Complete Earth’s Mightiest (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Earth’s Mightiest Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Lack of Insight – Complete Lack of Insight (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Lack of Insight Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Ready, A.I.M., Fire – Complete Ready, A.I.M., Fire (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Ready, A.I.M., Fire Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Lost in the Aether – Complete Lost in the Aether (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Lost in the Aether Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
No Strings on Me – Complete No Strings on Me (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The No Strings on Me Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Anger Management – Complete Anger Management (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Anger Management Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Korea Prospects – Complete Korea Prospects (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Korea Prospects Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Rise of Ultron – Complete Rise of Ultron (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Rise of Ultron Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Ultron Undone – Complete Ultron Undone (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. The Ultron Undone Trophy/Achievement will unlock upon completing the level in Story Mode, at the score screen.
Always Angry – Transform from Banner to Hulk (Bronze/20G)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. You will unlock this trophy during the Avengers Assemble Story Mission. Towards the end of the mission you will have to transform into the Hulk from Banner to destroy an enemy, the trophy/achievement will unlock soon after.
True Avenger – Achieve True Avenger in any level (Bronze/20G)
Similar to other Lego games, in each level there will be an amount of studs that you must collect, doing so will unlock the True Avenger status. In order to achieve 100% in the game you must achieve True Avenger in all 15 levels in either Story Mode or Free Play. The stud requirements for each of the levels are as follows:
Struck Off the List – 150,000 studs
A Loki Entrance – 105,000 studs
Rail Hydra – 200,000 studs
Shakespeare in the Park – 150,000 studs
Hellicarrier Havoc – 140,000 studs
Avengers Assemble – 160,000 studs
Earth’s Mightiest – 150,000 studs
Lack of Insight – 80,000 studs
Ready, A.I.M., Fire – 100,000 studs
Lost in the Aether – 360,000 studs
No Strings on Me – 170,000 studs
Anger Management – 80,000 studs
Korea Prospects – 140,000 studs
Rise of Ultron – 120,000 studs
Ultron Undone – 260,000 studs
Once you have achieved True Avenger status in any level the trophy/achievement will unlock.
You asked for it – Stop 10 random crimes in Manhattan during a single session (Gold/50G)
Manhattan is one of the numerous HUB areas in the game where you can run around and collect gold bricks and other collectibles, except in Manhattan there are also random crimes that occur. They are pretty simple and usually involve simply beating up a few enemies, chasing down an enemy and beating him up, or destroying a truck. You will know when a crime is in progress nearby as there will be a little SHIELD icon on your minimap, you will also usually hear someone shouting. All you have to do is complete 10 of these in one session and the trophy will unlock, you will know you have completed one when you get a bunch of studs, including a few blues. While you have to stop 10 in one session that doesn’t mean you can’t leave Manhattan, as long as you don’t exit out of the game, back to the main menu, you can return and still get the trophy. For example you can stop 5 crimes, go complete a free play level, then return to Manhattan and stop another 5 and the trophy/achievement will still unlock.
I’ll Do it Myself – Witness the 100% Stud Fountain inside Avengers Tower (Gold/70G)
You will unlock the stud fountain after you have achieved 100% completion in the game, meaning you will have to do almost everything the game has to offer. The requirements to unlock the 100% stud fountain are as follows:
– Complete all Story Levels and HUB sections.
– Achieve True Avenger status in all levels
– Collect all 150 Minikits
– Rescue all 35 Stan Lee in Perils
– Collect and Purchase all 18 Red Bricks
– Unlock and Purchase all 196 Characters
– Unlock and Purchase all Vehicles
– Collect and Unlock all 250 Gold Bricks
Once you have achieved 100% head to the Avengers Tower in Manhattan and enter the building. Inside you will be in Iron man’s Penthouse, the one from Story Mode, head towards your screen, up one little tiny level, and you will see a switch you can pull that will activate the fountain.
There are actually three different vehicle spawn points, where you can buy vehicles. The first is the vehicle station in the 7 different HUB’s, not Manhattan, that sell vehicles only specifically to those HUB’s. The second is the blue spawn locations in the Manhattan HUB that sell ground vehicles, and the third are the red spawn locations in Manhattan that sell flying vehicles.
The blue spawn ones are pretty common but the red ones are a little rarer, the one I used was on the dock below the Brooklyn Bridge.
On Your Left – Play as any version of Falcon and as any version of Cap, while in Washington D.C. (Bronze/20G)
By completing the story you will automatically have a version of Cap and Falcon available to you. All you have to do is head to space and then travel to Washington D.C., once there switch both characters to Cap and Falcon and the trophy/achievement will unlock.
Warriors Three – Play as Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg in one sitting (Bronze/20G)
By completing the Lost in the Aether story mission you will have Fandral and Volstagg unlocked. Hogun’s character token must be found and purchased before you can use him. Hogun’s character token can be found in the Lost in the Aether Mission in Story or Free Play. The location is as follows:
– After you break open the gate and head into the palace immediately on your left will be some fire surrounding the token. Use Lady Sif to put out the fire and grab the token.
Once you have collected the token you can purchase him from the character select menu for studs. After he is unlocked head to any HUB, or level, and switch between the three characters. Upon using the last character the trophy/achievement will unlock.
A Startling Metamorphosis – Transform from Lou Ferrigno to Hulk (Lou Ferrigno) (Bronze/20G)
To unlock Lou Ferrigno you must first complete his four missions scattered around Manhattan. His First mission is on the Lower East side, his second is Central Park, his third is just south of Times Square, and his fourth is in Central Park by the lake. Once you complete his fourth mission you will unlock his character token. You will then need to purchase him for 10,000 studs and switch to him, once you are playing as him HOLD TRIANGLE and he will transform to Lou Ferrigno Hulk and the trophy/achievement will unlock.
Born Yesterday – Play as Vision – Both Playable Characters (Bronze/20G)
Upon completion of the story levels you will access to play as Vision, simply head to any HUB or start any level and switch both characters to Vision. The trophy/achievement will unlock as soon as you’ve switched the second character to Vision.
House Party Protocal – Play as every Iron Man variant in one session (Silver/30G)
There are quite a few variants of Iron Man scattered throughout the game, 14 in total, that you must unlock and play as. The names and locations of the 14 that are required for the trophy/achievement are as follows:
– Iron Man MK1 is found in the Malibu Hub in the basement of the house. Cost = 10,000 studs
– Iron Man MK5 is found in the Malibu HUB in the garage. Cost = 50,000 studs
– Iron Man MK6 is given to you upon completion of Shakespeare in the Park in Story Mode. Cost = NA
– Iron Man MK7 is given to you upon completion of Avengers Assemble in Story Mode. Cost =NA
– Iron Man MK16 is found in No Strings on Me in Free Play. Cost = 16,000 studs
– Iron Man MK17 Heartbreaker is found in the Malibu Hub. Cost = 17,000 studs
– Iron Man MK 25 is found in the Laboratory of the Shield Hellicarrier in Manhattan. Cost = 25,000 studs
– Iron Man MK33 Silver Centurion is found by completing Agent Coulson’s second mission, the one in Central Park. Cost = 33,000 studs
– Iron Man MK40 is found by completing Agent Coulson’s first mission. Cost =40,000 studs
– Iron Man MK42 is given to you upon completion of Ready, A.I.M., Fire in Story Mode. Cost = NA
– Iron Man MK43 is given to you upon completion of Struck Off the List in Story Mode. Cost = NA
– Iron Man MK45 is given to you upon completion of Ultron Undone in Story Mode. Cost = NA
– Hulkbuster is given to you upon completion of Anger Management in Story Mode. Cost = NA
– Superior Iron Man is found next to the Avengers Facility in Manhattan. Cost = 50,000 studs
Note that Iron Man MK38 Igor and Iron Legion do NOT count towards this trophy.
Once you have all on the Iron Man variants unlocked switch to all 14 of them and the trophy/achievement will unlock shortly after.
A single session simply means without turning off the game or going back to the main menu, you can switch Hubs or do story/free play levels then switch to more of them to get the trophy/achievement to unlock.
A Funny Thing Happened – Drive Lola as Agent Coulson (Bronze/20G)
By completing Story Mode you will already have Agent Coulson unlocked. Lola is unlocked by completing the corresponding race in Manhattan, you will then need to purchase her. The easier way to get this is to start Agent Coulson’s quest in Manhattan, he will ask you to gas up Lola for his trip. Switch to Agent Coulson and hop in the car and the trophy/achievement will unlock. If you forget to do it during the mission then you can simply wait until you unlock Lola and summon her from one of the vehicle spawn points scattered around Manhattan. The blue vehicle spawn points don’t seem to allow you to spawn her so you will have to do it from a red one, the most convenient one is located on the dock underneath the Brooklyn Bridge.
Young Avengers – Play as Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Hulkling, Wiccan, America Chavez and Speed in the same session (Silver/30G)
All five characters must be found and purchased throughout Free Play and the Hub’s, their locations and costs are as follows:
– America Chavez is found in Avengers Assemble in Free Play. Cost = 70,000 studs
– Hawkeye (Kate Bishop) token is found in the Barton’s Farm Hub on top of the house. Cost = 75,000 studs
– Hulkling is found in the Sokovia Hub by completing his mission. Cost 75,000 studs
– Speed is found by completing Lou Ferrigno’s third mission. Cost = 12,000 studs
– Wiccan is found by completing his mission just south of the Avengers Facility. Cost = 150,000 studs
Once you unlocked and purchased all 5 switch to all of them and the trophy/achievement will unlock.
A single session simply means without turning off the game or going back to the main menu, you can switch Hubs or do story/free play levels then switch to more of them to get the trophy/achievement to unlock.
Beyond – Playing as Aldrich Killian: die and respawn (Bronze/20G)
Aldrich Killian is unlocked by finding his character token in Free Play in the Ready, A.I.M., Fire level. The location of his token is as follows: After you knock over the giant bunny, shoot the picture of Iron Man and then use the Tech Panel to get the token.
Once you have unlocked the token you can then buy Aldrich Killian for 85,000 studs. Once you have him unlocked switch to him and have him die in either a HUB or story/free play level, and the trophy/achievement will unlock. It is actually quite hard to die as him since his health respawns, if you’re having trouble then I recommend loading up the Ready, A.I.M., Fire mission and walking into the fire that separates the two areas. You will have to be quick but it will kill him after about 6 hits.
Globe Trotter – Visit all HUB locations (Bronze/20G)
There are a total of 8 HUB locations that you must visit OUTSIDE of the story mode. After you have completed the story head to space and then go to all 8 locations. The trophy/achievement will unlock as soon as you arrive at the 8th one. The 8 HUB locations that you must visit are:
1) Manhattan
2) Malibu
3) Asgard
4) Barton’s Farm
5) Sokovia
6) South Africa
7) Washington D.C.
8) S.H.I.E.L.D. Base
Create a Super Hero – Create a custom Character (Silver/30G)
To create a custom character you will first have to travel to the Shield Hellicarrier. To get there you will first have to travel to Manhattan, then fly all the way up to the Shield Hellicarrier. Once you get there use the switch in the center to head down into the interior of the ship. Once down there head up the stairs to the left and through the door. Next head all the way down the path and through the door at the end. Next take a right into the medical bay and the create a character station will be in the right corner. To get the trophy all you have to do is change one part of the character and then back out to get the trophy/achievement to unlock.
Giant-Sized MARVEL – Grow Ant-Man, Black Goliath, and Fin Fang Foom in one sitting (Bronze/20G)
All three characters are located in various Hubs in the game, their locations and costs are as follows:
– Ant Man Classic is found by completing Lou Ferrigno’s second mission in Manhattan. Cost = 250,000 studs
– Black Goliath is found by destroying the 12 silver statues in the South Africa Hub. Cost = 175,000 studs
– Fin Fang Foom is found by completing his mission just south of Times Square in Manhattan. Cost = 250,000 studs
Once you have unlocked and purchased all three, switch to all of them and the trophy/achievement will unlock.
A single session/sitting simply means without turning off the game or going back to the main menu, you can switch Hubs or do story/free play levels then switch to more of them to get the trophy/achievement to unlock.
We’re Connected – Play as Harley Keener and Tony Stark in any level other than Level 9 (Bronze/20G)
You’ll unlock Harley Keener and Tony Stark by playing through Story Mode, Harley Keener will be the last one you unlock after you complete Level 9, Ready, A.I.M., Fire. After you have unlocked both characters load up any Free Play level and select both characters, the trophy/achievement will unlock soon after.
Fast and the Fury Us – Team-up Nick Fury and Quicksilver (Bronze/20G)
You will have Nick Fury and Quicksilver already unlocked upon completion of Story Mode. Head to any HUB area or start any level and switch both characters to Nick Fury and Quicksilver, once you have them both in your party the trophy/achievement will unlock.
I am Iron Stan – Transform in Stan Lee (Hulkbuster) (Gold/50G)
To unlock Stan Lee you must save him all 35 times throughout the game, the breakdown is as follows:
– 15 are found throughout Story/Free Play, 1 per level.
– 13 are found in the Manhattan Hub area.
– 7 are found in the other Hubs, 1 per area.
Once you have saved the final Stan Lee in Peril you will unlock his token, you can then purchase him for 50,000 studs. Purchase him and switch to him, hold TRIANGLE and it will pull up a menu similar to Iron Man’s. To unlock the trophy/achievement you must select Stanbuster, top left corner, once Stan is inside Stanbuster the trophy/achievement will unlock.
A Magical Place – Playing as Coulson: die and respawn (Bronze/20G)
You will unlock Coulson by playing through the Story, once you do start any level and switch to Coulson. All you have to do is just die while you are playing as him. You can either fall or a ledge, run into some fire, or let an enemy kill you, upon respawning the trophy/achievement will unlock.
Stiff Upper Lip – Play as Captain Britain, Union Jack, Spitfire, Agent Carter, and Mandarin (Trevor Slattery) (Bronze/20G)
To unlock this trophy you must first unlock or purchase all 5 characters, their locations and costs are as follows:
– Agent Carter is given to you upon completion of Anger Management in Story Mode. Cost = NA
– Captain Britain is found by completing his mission in Washington D.C. Cost = 250,000
– Mandarin (Trevor Slattery) is found by completing his mission on the beach of the Malibu Hub.
Cost = 3,000 studs
– Spitfire token in found in the Sokovia Hub. Cost = 30,000 studs
– Union Jack token is found in the Shield Base. Cost = 75,000 studs
Once you have unlocked and purchase all 5 characters, switch to all of them and the trophy/achievement will unlock.
Over the Moon – Play as Moon Knight, Moondragon, and Moon Boy in one session (Bronze/20G)
To unlock this trophy you must first unlock and purchase all three characters, their locations and costs are as follows:
– Moon Knight is found by completing his mission in East Harlem in Manhattan. Cost = 75,000 studs
– Moondragon token is found in the South Africa Hub. Cost = 80,000 studs
– Moon Boy is found by completing his mission in the Barton’s Farm Hub, the one with the giant dinosaur. Cost = 5,000 studs
Once you have unlocked and purchased all three characters, switch to all three of them and the trophy/achievement will unlock.
A single session simply means without turning off the game or going back to the main menu, you can switch Hubs or do story/free play levels then switch to more of them to get the trophy/achievement to unlock.
Defenders – Play as Iron Fist, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage (Bronze/20G)
To unlock this trophy you must first unlock and purchase all four characters, their locations and costs are as follows:
– Daredevil is found by completing his mission in the Dockyard in Manhattan. Cost = 250,000 studs
– Iron Fist is found by completing his mission south east of Central Park in Manhattan. Cost = 75,000 studs
– Jewel (Jessica Jones) is found by completing her mission in the Upper East side of Manhattan.
Cost = 40,000 studs
– Luke Cage is found by completing his mission East Harlem. Cost = 55,000 studs
Once you have unlocked and purchased all four, switch to all four of them and the trophy/achievement will unlock.
Perfect Pannapictagraphist – Unlock and view all 15 Minikit Comic Pages (Silver/40G)
To unlock a Minikit Comic Page you must collect all ten minikits in a level, meaning you must collect all 150 minikits before you can view all 15. You can view the minikit comic pages in the Collectors room aboard the Shield Hellicarrier, once in there use the right terminal and view each page, upon viewing the last one the trophy/achievement will unlock. For the locations of all the minikits please refer to the collectible guide below.
Going Nowhere – Turn on all the Red Brick Extras at the same time (Silver/30G)
There are a total of 18 Red Bricks that you must unlock to unlock this trophy. 3 of the red bricks are available to purchase immediately, the other 15 you must first find in each of the 15 levels. Once you have all of them unlocked you must purchase all of them from the Collector’s room aboard the Shield Hellicarrier. For the locations of all the red bricks please refer to the collectible guide below.
Attract Studs – 100,000 studs
Disguises – 200,000 studs
Target 2nd Player – 1,000,000 studs
X2 Red Brick – 1,000,000 studs
X4 Red Brick – 2,000,000 studs
X6 Red Brick – 4,000,000 studs
X8 Red Brick – 6,000,000 studs
X10 Red Brick – 8,000,000 studs
Fast Fix – 600,000 studs
Character Token Detector – 500,000 studs
Gold Brick Detector – 1,000,000 studs
Minikit Detector – 500,000 studs
Stan Lee in Peril Detector – 250,000 studs
Quest Detector – 300,000 studs
Fast Build – 1,000,000 studs
Fast Dig – 500,000 studs
Collect Ghost Studs – 250,000 studs
Unlimited Avengers Team-Up Moves – 500,000 studs
Once you have all 18 unlocked and purchased, head to the pause menu and go to extras. Once you have activated the eighteenth one the trophy/achievement will unlock.
Be Worthy – Create and play as a Custom Character equipped with Mjolnir (Gold/50G)
To create a custom character you will first have to travel to the Shield Hellicarrier. To get there you will first have to travel to Manhattan, then fly all the way up to the Shield Hellicarrier. Once you get there use the switch in the center to head down into the interior of the ship. Once down there head up the stairs to the left and through the door. Next head all the way down the path and through the door at the end, next take a right into the medical bay and the create a character station will be in the right corner. To get the trophy/achievement all you have to do is change the weapon of your custom character to Thor’s Hammer. By completing the story you should already have Thor’s Hammer unlocked.
Collectible Guide
Character Ability List
Gold Lego Bricks – Iron Man, Hawkeye
Silver Lego Bricks – Iron Man, Hawkeye
Mind Control – Scarlet Witch
Water Puddles/Freezing – Loki
Blue Repairs – Iron Man
Cosmic Bricks – Ultimate Ultron
Avengers Sense Point – Black Widow
Blue/White Treadmill Fast Run Points – Quicksilver
Dig Spots – Reptil, *Black Panther*
Cracked Walls – Hulk, Thor
Green Handles – Hulk
Put out Fires – Captain America, Lady Sif
Electricity Panels – Thor, Black Widow A.o.U.
Stealth – Nick Fury, Black Widow
Hydra Panels – Baron Strucker
Shield Panels – Captain America, Black Widow
Blue/White Climbing Walls – Black Widow
Grates – Vision
Telekinesis – Scarlet Witch
*Notes* – Reptil and Ultimate Ultron must be purchased before starting Free Play as both are needed in the first free Play level.
Reptil’s token is found by completing Ms. Marvel’s first mission in the top right corner of Central Park in the Manhattan Hub, you can then purchase the token for 40,000 studs. If you are playing on Playstation you can actually download the Free PS exclusive Civil War pack which includes Black Panther automatically unlocked, he has the ability to dig, and you can save 40,000 studs.
Ultimate Ultron is given to you upon completion of the Ultron Undone level in Story Mode, you will then have to purchase him for 500,000 studs.
Struck Off the List
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level look into the river below and you will see a minikit in the ice, use Iron Man to melt it. If you miss the ice it will come back around. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – After crossing over the river at the beginning of the level, you will see five little red shining lights on the ground just past the turret. Shoot all of them for a minikit. Four of them are out in the open with the last one being underneath the truck. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – When you begin the Iron Man/Hulk section a little way up the path on the left will be a grapple point. Use Hawkeye to open it and then use Ultimate Ultron to move the cosmic Bricks. Next use Scarlet Witch to move the mine cart and get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – After crossing over the electrified bridge, use the Avengers point to the right for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #1 – Before using Hulk to disable the shield, in the top right destroy the Hydra box on the wall to reveal and electricity panel. Use the panel and grab the token inside. (sentry) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – When you switch over to the Thor/Cap section cross over the gap and you will see a silver wall, break it and then use the Shield access panel to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – After using the Drill to get through the wall head to the back by the turret and disable it with the switch. Then use Scarlet Witch’s mind control to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #2 – In the same area as the previous minikit, use the three dig spots to find the character Token. (Crossbones Classic) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – When flying around with Iron Man there will be a silver missile tracking you, destroy it for the minikit. Chances are you will get this accidentally while killing everything else. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Character Token #3 – While flying around with Iron Man after killing the 10 enemies keep flying around with him and shooting the ships for the character token. (Captain Universe) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – When you switch back down to the ground level character use Vision to access the grate on the left, then use him to destroy the gold lego hyrda symbol above. Build the bricks back together and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – In the same lower area head to the far right and destroy the checkpoint and rebuild it into a speed point. Use it and it will grab you a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
X2 Red Brick – In the same lower area, use the Tech panel to open the garage door, the code is the one in green. Destroy everything in the garage and in the back right corner will be the monocle to turn into the Collector. The Collector is located in the top right corner of the castle, fly up there and talk to him to get the red brick. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – Back where you first spawned in the castle is an avengers sense point, use it and complete the mini game to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee in Peril – During the Cap/Iron Man section you will have to destroy three guns. Before destroying the third gun, the one on the far right, behind and to the right of it you will see some fire. Put out the fire with Cap and destroy the boxes to save Stan Lee. *Attainable in Story Mode*
A Loki Entrance
Minikit #1 – As soon as you start the level jump off of the railing behind you. There will be a red box with two green handles on it, open it for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #1 – Down in the same area, off to the left is a captain America point, throw his shield in there to unlock the character token. (Absorbing Man) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – At the start of the level head to the left wall and you will see a ladder to go up top. To the far left is an electricity point, charge it up and the minikit will appear in the middle of the walkway. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – At the start of the level head to the left wall and you will see a ladder to go up top. Still up top, head to the far right, on the right side you will see a target to shoot, do so and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
X4 Red Brick – Right next to the minikit you just got is a person you can mind control, do so and grab the rocket. Bring the rocket to the collector, he’s down where you got the first minikit on the left side. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – Back on the main level in the right corner is a yellow stand with a cosmic brick in the middle. Use Ultimate Ultron to destroy the brick and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – After you destroy the box above Loki’s head and he moves, head up the left path and you will see a machine to repair, do so for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #2 – During the battle with Loki’s clones in the back right corner of the room will be a Speed point, use Quicksilver to run up there and grab the token. (Leader) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – In the next area head to the top left corner and use Cap’s shield to open the door. Next use Vision to move the key and open the door for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – In the top right corner of the area is a grate that Vision can go through, head through and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #3 – In the middle of the right wall is a red box with a glass window, shoot the glass with Hawkeye and grab the minikit. (Shield Scientist) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee in Peril – In the bottom middle/right side of the area is Stan Lee trapped in a car. Use Ultron or Thor to bust open the wall and save Stan. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – Next shoot the target next to the door Loki left through, use a shield character to access the terminal. Then switch to Ultron and use the terminal again for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – Next build the truck, then use the newly opened security panel. Inside the garage is a gold wall, open it up and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – During the driving section there will be a minikit in front of you, just keep following it until it slows down enough for you to grab it. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Rail Hydra
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level scattered around the gym are five Captain America posters. Shoot or smash each one for the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Character Token #1 – In the top right corner of the area is a Shield Access Terminal, use it to open the door to the right and grab the token. (Dum Dum Duggan) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – Use the terminal again this time with a Hydra character, then use the floor cleaner and clean up the five messes around the gym. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – In the top right corner will be a basketball, use Scarlet Witch to pick up the basketball and put it in the hoop for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee in Peril – Complete the training exercises until Stan Lee’s treadmill blows up, after it does an Avengers sense point will appear in the top left corner. Use the point to make a vending machine appear, next use Ultron to remove a soda from the machine, then use Scarlet Witch to give it to Stan Lee. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – When you are in the new area and tasked with destroying the three turrets, fly up on level and on the left above the elevator you will see a floating minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #2 – Fly up to the left of the elevator and you will see a black and red crate, to the right of it are some boxes. Destroy all of the boxes to reveal a grate, go through it and grab the token. (Red Skull) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
X6 Red Brick – Right above where the second turret you destroyed was is the collector, talk to him and it will reveal a security panel right below him. Use the panel then mind controller the soldier to pull the switch. Just to the left of the collector a cosmic box will appear, use Ultron to open it and grab the mask. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – To the right of the Collector is a gold crate, destroy it, then build the speed pad. Use Quicksilver to run on it and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit # 6– After you ride the elevator up and Red Skull runs away, leave the room and towards the screen is a little dead end with some Lego bricks. Destroy the bricks and then climb across to the other walkway, head to the left to grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #7 – After you ride the elevator up, they will run away, head on through the tunnel into the next area. Just to your right will be a minikit that you must stealth to get. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – When you get on the train head to the back of it and jump onto the ledges off the back of the train. Drop down to the bottom to grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Character Token #3 – Just past the first electricity barrier there is a little antenna that can be telekinetically controlled, use Vision to move in and grab the token. (Arnim Zola) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – Just past the second electricity barrier are two gold covers, shoot both of them and then build the pieces into a glider. Use an agile character like Cap to jump on it and hang on until you grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – Continue on until the roof of the car gets blown up, put out the fire then use the Avengers sense point by the door to reveal a target. Shoot the target and the minikit will appear. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Shakespeare in the Park
Minikit #1 – At the beginning of the level you will start on the flight deck, in the back middle of the deck is a security terminal. Use Black Widow to access the security terminal and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – Fly up to the top part of the ship and you will see a minikit sitting on a little ledge. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee in Peril – Fly up to the top left part of the ship and you will see a silver satellite dish, destroy it and then build the speed ramp. Use Quicksilver to run up the ramp, next use the Avengers sense point to rescue Stan Lee. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – When you begin the battle with Loki in the park head to the front left corner and you will see some bikes chained up by silver, use Iron Man to break the chains and hop on the bike. Follow the stud trail and at the end you will have the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – Head to the top left corner and there will be some stuff to break in front of the gazebo looking area. Rebuild the pieces into the grate and go through it and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – In the middle of the back building fly up to find a clock that you can move telekinetically, use Scarlet Witch to do so and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #1 – At the base of the back building is a shield access panel, use it and then use it again as Ultron to access the character token. (Loki Suit) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – Head to the far right side of the road and you will see a minikit inside a car, use Ultron to manipulate the cosmic bricks and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
X8 Red Brick – In the top left corner of the area is the collector, talk to him and then head to the bottom right corner. Manipulate the hot dog guy and grab the one he makes, return it to the Collector for the brick. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – When you begin the fight with Thor you will be out in the woods, right above where you spawn is a spider web, shoot it. (1/5) After you send Thor crashing through the tree, turn around and it will be on the right. (2/5) In the section where Thor is raining down lightning from the sky, in the far back middle is the spider. (3/5) The next spider is just after you send Thor flying again, when you land its on the right. (4/5) The last one is just up the path the little bit up on the top left. (5/5) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Character Token #2 – After you send Thor smashing through the tree, turn around and head back to where you just were. In the back right corner is a mushroom, jump on it three times, then repeat the process for the next three mushrooms until you get the token. (Ares) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – Head back to where the second spider was and go down the path, destroy all the tree stumps and you will see a dig spot. Dig up the vehicle and drive it to the right to find the start of a race, complete the race for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – In the back middle of the area where Thor is raining down lightning is a flower that you can pull out of the ground telekinetically, do so for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – Just to the left of the last one is a cracked wall you can break, inside is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #3 – In the bottom right corner of the area is a tree trunk with the token in it. Just above the tree trunk is a dig spot, go through it to get the token. (Viper) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Hellicarrier Havoc
Minikit #1 – At the very start of the level in the back right corner, jump over the box to grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Character Token #1 – After you run away from the Hulk the first time, in the room on the right side will be a Captain America shield point. Use the point to get the character token to come out. (Red Hulk) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – As you are running away from Hulk you will come to a room with a forklift on the right. Use your Avengers sense and then jump on the handle to grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – In the same room as the last one, on the right is an electricity point. Use the point then switch to Nick Fury and go into stealth mode to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – Right after the last minikit you will run down the path again and you will see two blue/white walls that Black Widow can climb on. At the top of the second wall is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #5 – When you begin the boss battle with Hawkeye, fly up to the top left and you will see a glass window you can break, inside is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – In the same area are five silver terminals you can break. Destroy all five for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #2 – On the right side of the area on the upper ledge is a box with a grapple hook point on it. Use Hawkeye to pull open the box and grab the token. (Hawkeye Classic) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – Use both of the terminal that give you access to the matchmaking game, then use them both again as a Hydra character and each one will unfurl half of a Hydra banner. When you have the banner complete the minikit will appear in the center. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – After you have complete both matchmaking puzzles head to the back of the room and use Scarlet Witch to rebuild the Shield Logo. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – When you start the third section, fixing the ship, turn around from where you start and you will see an Avengers sense point. Use the point then use the electricity point to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
X10 Red Brick – The collector will be right in front of you when you start the last section, talk to him and then some cosmic bricks will appear right above him. Use Ultron to clear the cosmic bricks and then grab the card and give it to the collector. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee – On the next platform after the collector will be a grate, go through it and shoo the silver lego bricks to save Stan Lee. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – A little further up the path you will have to destroy a gold fan and build it into a bridge. There will be a worker in the middle of the bridge that you can mind control, do so and then break the servers in the room and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #3 – Above the elevator is a cracked wall that you can break, land on the little ledge and break the wall to get the character token. (Skaar) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Avengers Assemble
Minikit #1 – There is a minikit floating high above avengers tower that you can grab with the ship. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – When you have to destroy the 20 ships switch back to Thor and head up to the top left of the area and you will see an electricity panel that you can use. Charge the panel and then grab the minikit that spawns nearby. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – When you have to rescue the civilians there will be three silver fire hydrants to destroy. The first is at end of the street, towards your screen, on the left. (1/3) The second is on the right side of the right street. (2/3) The last hydrant is located after you save the citizens trapped under the car on the left, inside the next area in the back left corner is the last hydrant. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – On the left side of the left street, when your saving the citizens, is a building with some fire in front of it, put out the fire, build the grapple and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #5 – On the left side of the street will be a blue car with a fire next to it, put out the fire and destroy the car to reveal a grate. Go through the grate and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #1 – On the middle right side of the street you will see a cracked wall in the middle of some debris. Destroy the cracked wall, then destroy the debris to reveal the character token. (Detroit Steel) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – At the end of the road, towards the screen, is a police car that needs to be repaired, do so and follow the stud trail to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – Fly up on top of the left building and you will see a Roxxon truck with a cosmic brick back door, open the door and break the box for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Unlimited Avenger Team-Up Moves Red Brick – Talk to the collector on top of the left building, then head to the bottom right corner and you will see some debris that you can telekinetically move. Move the debris then head into the shop and go right, you will see the green wig in the corner, return the wig to the collector for the red brick. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – When you spawn on the bridge, destroy the green car to reveal a grate, go through the grate and use Ultron to remove the cosmic bricks on the right. Next dig up all three spots and then use Scarlet Witch to put the statues back in their correct spots. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – As you head along the bridge you will see three planters that you can use Telekinesis on, do so for all three for the minikit. The third planter is below the bridge. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #2 – When you use the fire truck to put out the fire be sure to shoot the window of the truck with Hawkeye to get the character token. (America Chavez) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – When Cap teams up with Iron Man to shoot the Chitauri ships, keep shooting the ships that come out of the crack in the building and you will get a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Stan Lee in Peril – When you head down below the bridge there will be an Avengers sense point on the right, use it and the pull the handle with Hawkeye to save Stan Lee. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #3 – Underneath the bridge head to the bottom left corner of the area and there will be some debris that Scarlet Witch can move, after she flips it over grab the token. (Abomination) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Earth’s Mightiest
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level you will be on top on the large Chitauri monster. All along the top of the monster are little purple lego bricks but there will also be 6 blue ones as well. To get the minikit you will have to destroy all 6 of the glowing lego bricks. They look extremely similar to the purple ones so just destroy all of them and you should get it. They are all on the back of the monster so if you do the team up and don’t have the minikit then you missed one. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Character Token #1 – At the start of the level just in front of the save station there will be some spikes that are facing you, just between them to the outer ledge and head to the right to grab the token. (Chitauri Tourist) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – When you come to the second door, the one with the green handles, to the left of it you will see an Avengers sense point. Use it to reveal a piece that you can rip up telekinetically, underneath it is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – At the very end of the ship you will see a minikit hanging inside a silver cage, shoot it down and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – As soon as you start in the street head to the left to see a giant cracked wall, inside is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – Open up the elevator shaft and then fly up to the top and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #2 – When you get to the section with Cap and Hawkeye, in the bottom right corner destroy the Lego bricks around the mail box and you will be able to build a grapple point on it. Inside the mailbox is the character token. (Captain America Bucky) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – When you enter the building to rescue the civilians follow the path around. After you put out the second set of fire blocking the doorway you will see a glass pane you can break. Go into the newly opened room and the minikit is on the right. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – When you start the battle with Loki in the tower inside the penthouse is a tech panel, use it and match the pattern to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee in Peril – When you come to the section with Black Widow and Hulk switch to Black Widow and go invisible. Climb up the ladder on the right and then jump off the back side of the tower. Down there you will see three Chitauri trying to get at Stan Lee, kill them to rescue him. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – On the same roof there is a gold vent shaft, destroy it and throw Cap’s shield in the point to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #3 – After you end up on the outside ledge with Hulk, on the left side is a shield access point, use it and enter the penthouse to get the character token. (Quasar) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – Use the same access panel again as a Hydra character to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Fast Fix Red Brick – Head back into the penthouse and head to the right to the elevator. Use Ultron to destroy the cosmic bricks and grab the memory unit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – When you get to the top of the tower, where the machine is, on the left side of the building you will see ledges you can climb down. At the bottom of the ledges is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Lack of Insight
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level by the ladder you climb up is a puddle you can freeze with Loki, use the diving board for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – Above the helipad at the start are some blue and white pipes, break them down and build the speed point. Use the point with Quicksilver to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – After you send the life boats into the water, use telekinetic powers to put all three people in the water into the boat for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – Above the shipping container section is a bridge with a door that you must mind control the worker to open. Open the door and head down the path, put out the fire and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token Detector Red Brick – Just next to the door that you mind controlled open is the Collector, the item he wants is up top by the end of the area. At the end of the level you will use a Shield access point to open a door and Batroc will be standing there, DO NOT GO IN THE ROOM. Use the terminal again as a Hydra character and grab the glasses to the right. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – Down in the middle of the ship with all the shipping containers, BEFORE raising them up destroy the cosmic bricks in the bottom right corner. Hop into the vehicle and follow the stud trail for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #1 – On the far right side of the ship you will see a winch that you can repair, do so and jump down and grab the character token. (Batroc) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – When you first see Winter Soldier head over to the right side, in the park, and destroy all of the benches and bee hives. Rebuild them all into a giant acorn, then break it for the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #7 – After the guy with the machine gun drops down onto the police car, you will have to make the truck on the right drop the statue and everything else onto the ground. After you build the cap station use the shield to reflect the bullets towards the statue, before blowing up the car, for the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – When you get in the chopper shoot the four silver items, the two construction barricades below the bridge, and the two on the bridge, before shooting the four silver latches on the bridge. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Character Token #2 – On the left side of the street you will see a glass window pane, destroy it and jump in to grab the token. (Winter Soldier) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee In Peril – On the left side of the street are some green handles to pull, do so and build the pieces into a rocket to save Stan Lee. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – During the final battle with the Winter soldier, on the left middle side of the tower you will see a grate, use it and destroy the gold bricks above you. Rebuild the bricks back into a minikit and grab it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #3- In the lower area during the boss battle with Winter Soldier, jump up to the fan in the center and use your telekinetic powers twice to get the token. (Falcon Classic) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – On the left side of the area is an Avengers sense point, use it to reveal some debris with a minikit inside of it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Ready, A.I.M., Fire
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level there will be three tv screens to destroy. The first is on Peppers side while she has the armor on. (1/3) The other two are on Tony’s side after he gets the armor, 1 on the left and 1 on the right. (2/3) (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – At the start of the level switch characters, to the one outside on the balcony, on the left is a glass pane to destroy. Use Hawkeye to destroy the glass then use him to pull the grapple point and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – After Tony gets his armor back head back outside and to the left will be a grill with two gold propane tanks below them, shoot them for the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Character Token #1 – After you knock over the giant bunny, shoot the picture of Iron Man and then use the Tech Panel to get the token. (Aldrich Killian) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – At the start of the Tennessee area head down the street to the right and you will see a blue garage door. Behind the white fence to the right of the blue door, destroy the boxes and walk back there to grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Stan Lee in Peril – On the far left of the area there will be a white car that is shaking, clear the snow around it and you will find a crowbar that you can move Telekinetically, do so to save Stan Lee. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – To the left of the second transformer is a silver crate, destroy it then build and charge the electricity panel to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – After destroying both transformers, destroy the cars blocking the road to reveal a cosmic crate. Use Ultron to open the crate and build the speed pad, use the speed pad and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #2 – After you clear the path of the cars, the shop of the right will be blocked by some gold barriers. Destroy the barriers and enter the shop, head to the left to find the token. (Ellen Brandt) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – Behind Ellen Brandt are some green handles, pull the handles then go through the grate to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #3 – When you spawn in the third section, the dock location, walk around the wheel in front of you and grab the token. (Maya Hansen) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – After you walk across the blue shipping containers at the start of the area, destroy the glass box in the top left corner and then build and pull the grapple hook. Jump inside the newly opened shipping container and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – When you are fighting alongside Iron Patriot you will come across a HulkBuster armor that knocks over a yellow tank. Just to the left of where he was standing is a gold gate, open it up then fly up to the top to grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #10 – The water tank that the Hulkbuster knocks over has a crack in it, break through it and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Gold Brick Detector Red Brick – The collector is located up the elevator you turn up, underneath the gold Roxxon sign. The item he wants is right above where he is standing, stealth past the camera, destroy the silver lego bricks, build and pull the handle, walk through the newly opened door, destroy the gold crate, put out the fire, and grab the helmet. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Lost in the Aether
Stan Lee in Peril – As soon as you spawn destroy the gold steps on the right and head through the grate, defeat the enemies then destroy the silver thing in the center. Put the lego pieces back together and step on the button to rescue Stan Lee. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #1 – Immediately to the left when you spawn in, mind control the guy in the cell and have him step on the switch. Step on the newly opened switch to open the cell, destroy the silver toilet to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – After you open the first gate head up to the first landing, destroy the debris on the left and right to reveal two silver swords. Destroy the two swords then build and use the speed ramp, build the minikit to obtain it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – At the start of the level head up the path until you come to the room where the ceiling collapses and blocks the stairs in front of you, forcing you to use Thor’s Hammer to break it. Before doing that use Thor and fly up to the top left corner of the room for the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – When you first meet Sif there will be an avengers sense point in front of you, use it to reveal a cap shield deflect point. Use the deflect point and shoot the bullets back at the ship, after you destroy it the minikit will be in the middle of the area. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #1 – After you break open the gate and head into the palace immediately on your left will be some fire surrounding the token. Use Lady Sif to put out the fire and grab the token. (Hogun) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #5 – When you enter the room where you have to build the battering ram, in the back of the room will be a crashed Dark Elf ship. Underneath the ship will be an avengers sense point, use it then use the Shield access terminal to reveal the pieces of the minikit. Build the minikit to obtain it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – When you spawn in the new area in front of you will be some cosmic bricks at the far end of the area, use Ultron to destroy them and reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – In the middle right side of the area is an Avengers sense point, it will reveal a dig spot for you to use, dig up the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #2 – In the bottom right corner of the area is a ship will a glass cockpit that you can break open with Hawkeye, inside is the character token. (Kurse) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – On the left where Kurse is first standing is a gold rock, destroy it to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – When you get to London in the back right corner will be some silver debris, destroy the silver debris then use your telekinetic powers to move the giant fist and give you a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – On the far left side will be a red telephone booth, pull the grapple on it and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit Detector Red Brick – The Collector can be found at the bottom of the area, towards your screen, the item he wants is in the trunk of the car just to the right of him. Use telekinetic powers to open the trunk of the car and grab the tea. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #3 – When you arrive in London you will be tasked with putting out the fire on the chopper. After you do three flowers will pop up around it, destroy them for the character token. (Malekith) *Attainable in Story Mode*
No Strings on Me
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level head to the right and shoot the air duct above the machine that gives you the piece for the story. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – In the back middle of the room destroy the lego bricks around the room to find the pieces of a shield access terminal. Build the terminal and then use it twice, first as a shield person, second as a hydra person, to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #1 – When you gain control of the crane machine instead of opening the safe on the right, head up the stairs to the left and open the safe at the top. (1/3) The second suit is in the back middle room that you open up, use your telekinetic powers to flip around the bookcase. Next destroy the outline in the gold wall. (2/3) In the back right room there is a potted plant that is covering up a dig spot, the last suit is in the dig spot. To get in the room use Ultron to move the bricks above the door, then build the pieces and use Cap’s shield to get into the room. (3/3) (Iron Legion) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – In the same room that Hawkeye is being treated in, top right, there are two glass panes to break. Break both of the glass panes to reveal a grate, go through it and use you kinetic abilities on the machines in the center to build the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – In the middle of the party room is a little red button to jump on, do so three times. (1/3) In the front right corner of the room is the second button. (2/3) On the second floor in the top left corner is the last button. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #5 – On the left side of the room, behind the bar are three targets. Shoot the three targets then build and use the speed ramp to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #2 – On the second floor of the Party Room there will be an Avengers Sense area, use Tony Stark to reveal the repairable object and grab the character token. (Ultron MK1) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – Up on the second floor on the left side you will see some green handles, pull them and charge up the electricity panel to reveal a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee in Peril – *Make sure the milkshake objective is not your last one* On the right side of the area you will have to destroy the wall behind the bar, then you will have to melt the gold wall. Build the pieces into the milkshake machine and pull the handle, melt the ice statute that appears then use telekinetic powers on the bucket. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee in Peril Detector Red Brick – The collector can be found on the walkway above the milkshake machine, the item he wants is in the turn table on the second floor. Destroy the turn table using Ultron and grab the record. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #3 – After Ultron attacks you will have to rescue Captain America, after you do in the back left corner of the first floor is some fire that is hiding the character token. (Iron Man MK43) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #7 – On the second floor on the left side there is a gigantic silver stereo, shoot it and inside is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #8 – On the first floor of the room on the left side, not the level Ultrons on but one higher, on the left side is some glass that Hawkeye can break. Break the glass then use Iron Man to repair the bot for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #9 – Near where you spawned into the area is a chair that you can manipulate telekinetically, above the chair is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – On the right side of the area, first floor, destroy the bar stools and build the pieces to reveal a grate. Go through the grate and head right to see a dig spot, use it to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Anger Management
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level in the top right you will see a glass pane you can break, shoot it out then fly up there and use your telekinetic powers to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – In the bottom middle of the area you will see a forklift you can repair, once repaired hop in it and use the forklift to lift up the box, revealing the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Quest Detector Red Brick – The Collector can be found in the front left corner of the first floor, not the lower level. The Vibranium is behind the silver door on the right, just to the left of where the twins spawn at the start of the level. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3- After you stun Quicksilver the first time you will have to repair the elevator. After you do it will raise up revealing a gold wall, destroy the gold wall to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – After you stun Quicksilver the second time by hitting the box, hit the box again and build the speed ramp out of the pieces. Use the speed ramp and the minikit is down at the end of the walkway. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #1 – After you defeat Quicksilver Scarlet Witch will fly out of a room up top right, fly in there and use the Shield access terminal. Next use the terminal again but as a Hydra character, this will lower a hydra symbol into the right corner of the room. Destroy the emblem to receive the character token. (Hulk-Killer) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #2 – During the Black Widow sequence, DO NOT DESTROY THE THREE TARGETS UNTIL YOU GET THE CHARACTER TOKEN AND THE NEXT MINIKIT, in the front left corner on the back of the pillar is an electricity panel, charge it and enter the door. In the next room in the right corner is a flower pot that you can move telekinetically, do so and then freeze the puddle of water that appears to get the token. (Count Nefaria) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – Back in the main room of Black Widow’s sequence, DO NOT DESTROY THE THREE TARGETS UNTIL YOU GET THE MINIKIT, in the top right corner destroy the furniture to reveal a grate, head through it. On the other side telekinetically move the piano and the minikit will behind the dancers. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – In Cap’s sequence DO NOT WALK FORWARD TO THE SECOND CHARACTER UNTIL YOU HAVE GOTTEN ALL COLLECTIBLES, in the front right corner there is a cosmic black box, destroy the box then build the giant camera and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee in Peril – In Cap’s sequence in the back right corner is a green handle you can pull, do so to save Stan Lee. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – Head up and onto the stage, mind control the drummer for a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #3 – In the same spot as the last one, pull the grapple hook above you to reveal the character token. (Ravage) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – In Thor’s sequence DO NOT walk towards Heimdall or it will end the sequence, instead smash the table to the left and destroy the cracked floor to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – When you are supposed to put the HulkBuster armor on, DON’T, instead select the warn citizens option and target the three groups on civilians watching. (1-3) In the second area instead of repairing the arm, warn another three groups of citizens for the minikit. (4-6) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – When you start playing as HulkBuster on the left side of the street will be a silver traffic light, shoot it for the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Korea Prospects
Minikit #1 – At the start of the level you will be riding Black Widow’s motorcycle, switch to Cap and drop down into the truck for a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Character Token #1 – As soon as you get on the train to your left will be some silver debris to destroy, in the rubble is the token. (Ultron Prime) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #2 – After you grab the character token from above, build the pieces of the debris into a speed ramp and use it. In the next car head down the path and you will grab a minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #3 – Continue down to the end of the car and you will see a glass door you can break, inside the room is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – Right next to minikit #3 there is a suitcase you can move telekinetically. (1/5) As soon as you get on the train, in front of use is a red suitcase that Wanda can use her powers on. (2/5) In the next car there is a yellow suitcase in the middle. (3/5) In the third car there is a blue suitcase. (4/5) In the fourth car there is a red suitcase, in the same spot as where you put the floor back together. (5/5) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #2 – In the second car when the side gets destroyed you will see an Avengers sense point, use it and then destroy all the luggage to find the token. (Komodo)*Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 – After you use Mind Control on the passenger in the train, go into the door that opens with Cap and put out the fire, then build the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – On the left side on the street in the alley, you will eventually have to open the garage door. Once you do head inside of it to find a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #7 – Fly up to the top left and you will see a cracked wall, open it and build the pieces into a grate, go through it for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – Fly up top right, above the burger cart and there will be a minikit on the ledge. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – On the left side of the street you will see a blue/white awning, jump on top if it until all the pieces come out, then build the into an electricity point. Charge up the point and then repair the vehicle that comes out, get in the vehicle and then run over the three man hole covers in the area. One is in the center, one is in the front right, and the last is in the alley on the left. Once you’ve run over all three the minikit will be in the last hole. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Fast Build Red Brick – The Collector is on the left side of the street by the alley, the item he wants is over by the burger stand across the street. Use the avengers sense point, then bounce on the top of the stand to get the fish off of it, next dig up the dig spot at the base to get the fish. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #3 – In the bottom left corner of the area is an avengers sense point, use it and then melt the gold symbol to grab the character token. (Mandarin Classic) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee in Peril – After you use the Quicksilver point and lower the ladder, head up the ladder with Cap and jump onto the right building. In the back corner will be Stan Lee surrounded by fire, put it out to rescue him. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #10 – On the same platform as Stan Lee, a bunch of enemies will fly out of a window above you, head in there and destroy all the stuff to find the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Rise of Ultron
Minikit #1 – As soon as you gain control of the Hulk, climb the wall and above you will be a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – Up near the top of the train jump over the train onto the other platform and there will be an Avengers sense point. Use the sense point and then shoot the target to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #1 – After you knock the train down you will be on a platform, destroy the car in the corner surrounded by fire and grab the token. (Klaue Henchman) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – As soon as you spawn in the square you will see an Avengers sense point, use it and it will reveal gold and silver bricks on the statue in the middle, shoot both and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #4 – Behind the statue in the middle is a silver stand, destroy it and build the pieces into a speed ramp, use the ramp to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #5 -In the section with Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch on the right side of the area there will be a Hydra graffiti symbol on the floor, use Scarlet Witch to paint over it. (1/5) After you open the door with the jackhammer climb across to the other side, the second one is behind the dumpsters. (2/5) When you enter the building where Iron Man carries off the tub, destroy the bookcase on the right wall to find the third graffiti point. (3/5) After you destroy the gold wall, its in the next room. (4/5) The last one is in the area where you find Quicksilver again, head down the ramp and walk towards your screen to find it. (5/5) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Character Token #2 – When you enter the building and watch Iron Man carry off the tub, enter the small little room in the left corner to find the character token. (Ultron Sentry) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #6 – In the same room you will see a cracked wall on the right, destroy it then charge the electricity point to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – After you get out of the building head to the far right and you will see a citizen you can mind control, do so and pull the switch. Head through the grate and the minikit will be up top. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – In the back left corner of the area is a truck with a green handle on it, pull the handle to release the birds. There will be five birds that you have to destroy in the area, one is up on the middle building, the second is down on the right by the stand, the third is up on the building on the right, the fourth is up the ramp to go into the building on the left, and the last one is on the far left of the building on the second floor. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #9 – As soon as you start the section with Cap and Thor, head left and put out all the fire, then use Thor to break the floor and grab the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Character Token #3 – Use the Avengers sense point on the left side of the train, then pull the grapple hook to get the token. (Thunderstrike) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee in Peril – On the right car of the train is a glass door, break it to save Stan. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Fast Dig Red Brick – Talk to the Collector in the back left corner, this will reveal an Avengers sense point which will reveal a green handle to pull. Pulling the green handle will allow you to build a speed ramp, which will then reveal the flag. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – Head to the far right of the area and there will be a truck next to an Avengers sense point. Use the sense point to reveal a gold wall on the truck, destroy the wall then move the boxes telekinetically. Build the pieces into the minikit for the last one of the level. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Ultron Undone
Minikit #1 – High up in the air is a minikit surrounded by some studs. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #2 – While flying around there will be three gold ships to shoot for a minikit, chances are you’ll get this one by accident. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #3 – After you save the first set of double life boats a silver canister will appear being held up by balloons, shoot it for the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Character Token #1 – When you are fighting Ultron, underneath one of the arches, when you are able to run around, not when you’re spinning in a circle, is a gold bee hive looking Lego. Shoot it with Vision and grab the token. (Ultron Sentry Officer) *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #4 – Above the arch with the cosmic bricks is a minikit, fly up to get it. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #5 – Right below that one, use Ultron to destroy the black cosmic bricks and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #6 – Head to the left and you will see an alcove with some green handles you can pull, do so and build the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #7 – Head around to the right side and you will see a dig spot, go through it and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #2 – After you break the cracked wall, on the right will be a red grapple hook, use it to grab the character token. (Thanos) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #8 – When you are fighting with Black Widow, Hawkeye and Quicksilver, towards the outside there will be an Avengers Sense point. Use the point then use Hawkeye for the grapple point, the minikit will appear after. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Minikit #9 – In the same area there will be a dig spot to the left, destroy the little chest you dig up. (1/3) In the second area use the dig spot in the back left corner and destroy the little chest. (2/3) In the third area the final dig spot is below a big crate on the right. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Minikit #10 – In the second area during the final battle, in the back right corner will be a dig spot, go through it and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Collect Ghost Studs Red Brick – The collector can be found in the same area as the last minikit. To get the item he wants put out the fire to the left of him and build the crowbar. Telekinetically use the crowbar to open up the coffin and build the skeleton. Destroy the skeleton to get just the head he wants. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Stan Lee in Peril – In the third are on the left will be some glass debris surrounded by fire. Put out the fire and then shoot the glass to save Stan. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Character Token #3 – In the same area on the right you will see a speed wall, destroy the wall then build the pieces into a speed ramp, use it to grab the token. (Wasp Classic) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Free Roam/HUB Areas
S.H.I.E.L.D. Base
South Africa
Barton’s Farm
Washington D.C.
Manhattan HUB Peggy Carter Missions
Manhattan HUB Lou Ferrigno Missions
Manhattan HUB Stan Lee in Peril Locations
Manhattan HUB Industrial District
Manhattan HUB Slums
Manhattan HUB Forest
Manhattan HUB Residential District
Manhattan HUB China Town
Manhattan HUB Financial District
Manhattan HUB Times Square
Manhattan HUB Central Park
Manhattan HUB S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier
Classic Captain Marvel DLC
The Enemy Within – Complete the Classic Captain Marvel Level (Bronze)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. You will unlock this trophy/achievement upon completion of the story level, at the score screen.
Earth’s Mightiest Heroes – Complete the Classic Captain Marvel Level with all minikits unlocked(Bronze)
There are 10 minikits to find and collect throughout the level, their locations are as follows:
1) On the left side of the starting area there will be a dig spot, use it to reveal a lawnmower you can repair. Repair the lawnmower and the minikit will appear to the left. *Only attainable in Free Play*
2) In the front left corner there is a mole creature that will stick its head up out of some dirt, back away from it and shoot it. (1/5) Further up by the swing is the second one. (2/5) The third one is in the back left corner behind the tree. (3/5) The fourth one is in the top right corner behind the tree. (4/5) The last one is on the right side, just behind and to the right of the gold box. (5/5) *Attainable in Story Mode*
3) On the left side of the area there will be a swing you can hop on, do so and wait for the minikit to spawn. *Attainable in Story Mode*
4) On either side of the arch will be a flag, destroy them then build the pieces to reveal a Quicksilver point, use it to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) On the far right side of the area is a planter that you can use Telekinetic Powers on, do so to reveal the minikit. **Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Just to the left of the last one is some black bricks, use Ultimate Ultron to reveal a charge panel. Use the charge panel and the minikit will appear to the left. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) In the next area walk along the ledge to the right and destroy the gold satellite dish. (1/3) After you ride Cap’s bike, the satellite dish is on the ledge in the top left corner. (2/3) The last dish is on the third roof on the right side. (3/3) *Attainable in Story Mode*
8) At the start off the second area head up the stairs and jump over the vents to find a minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
9) On top of the first roof, in the top right corner is a glass wall you can break, do so and head in to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) On the second roof head to the back middle and use the tech panel to reveal the minikit above you. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Upon collecting the final minikit, finish the level and the trophy will unlock during the score screen.
Carol Corps Candidate – Complete the Classic Captain Marvel Level after achieving True Avenger Status (Bronze)
If you are playing this with all of the red bricks turned on, then you will achieve True Avenger status before even gaining control of the character. Once you unlock True Avenger status, finish the level and the trophy will unlock during the score screen.
Tic Team-Up – Set both Free Play characters as Tic and Hawkeye (Classic) (Bronze)
Once you download the Captain Marvel Pack Tic will already be unlocked, and you should have Hawkeye (Classic) unlocked on your way to the Platinum. Simply start the level in free play and switch both characters to Hawkeye (Classic) and Tic and the trophy will unlock shortly after.
Skycycle Style – Fly the Captain Marvel Skycycle as Captain Marvel in the Manhattan HUB (Bronze)
You can find the Captain Marvel Skycycle in one of the red terminals found around Manhattan, theres one beneath the Brooklyn Bridge. Simply get on it as Captain Marvel and the trophy will unlock.
Classic Black Panther
Who is the Black Panther? – Complete the Classic Black Panther Level (Bronze)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed. You will unlock this trophy/achievement upon completion of the story level, at the score screen.
The Most Dangerous Man Alive – Complete the Classic Black Panther level with all Minikits unlocked (Bronze)
There are 10 minikits to find and collect throughout the level, their locations are as follows:
1) At the start of the level head to the center of the area and go to the left, destroy all the items in the area and you will be able to build an electricity panel. Use Shuri to charge it and grab the mnikit. *attainable in Story Mode*
2) In the starting area to the left of the staircase you will see a black column, use Ultimate Ultron to dismantle it. (1/3) The area with the turbines holds the second column. (2/3) The last column is just below the wheel you have to turn to stop the water. (3/3) *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) After you access the tech panel under the Black Panther statue, line up the three yellow symbols in the middle line and it will unlock the minikit at the bottom of the stairs to the left. *Attainable in Story Mode*
4) Above the Black Panther statue in the middle of the area, fly up and get it. *Only Attainable in Free Play *
5) In the area after the turbines, on the left side of the area is a gold statue blocking a dig spot, destroy the statue and then dig up and build the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) In the same area in the top left corner, high up on the side of the building is a flower you can mind control, do so and grab the minikit. *Only attainable in Free Play*
7) After you turn the wheel and release the water, use the Avengers sense point that appears and then use Hawkeye’s sonar arrows to destroy the tank and grab the minikit. *Only attainable in Free Play*
8) When you get to the boss battle with the Black Knight, to the right of the silver column there are some trees and other things to break, do so and rebuild the pieces into the flag. (1/5) The next two are on the right and left side of the path heading towards the barrier. (2-3/5) The last two are during the battle with Klaw, on the left and right side of the area are boxes you can destroy, you will find the flag pieces underneath. (4-5/5) *Attainable in Story Mode*
9) On the left side of the area during the battle with the Black Knight will be a bunch of fire, put it out and then use a strong character to break open the wall and grab the minikit. *Only attainable in Free Play*
10) The last minikit is found during the Klaw boss battle, on either side of him there is a Black Panther statue that you can use Telekinesis on, do so and then have each character stand on a switch to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Upon collecting the final minikit, finish the level and the trophy will unlock during the score screen.
King of Wakanda – Complete the Classic Black Panther level after achieving True Avenger status (Bronze)
If you are playing this with all of the red bricks turned on, then you will achieve True Avenger status before even gaining control of the character. Once you unlock True Avenger status, finish the level and the trophy will unlock during the score screen.
Quick as a Cat – Complete any race in the HUB using the Black Panther Skycycle (Bronze)
The Black Panther Skycycle is unlocked by simply downloading the pack, head to Manhattan or any of the Hubs and use on the the red terminals to access the Skycylce. Then simply complete and HUB race and the trophy/achievement will unlock.
Panther’s Rage – Defeat 20 enemies as Killmonger in the Classic Black Panther level during Free Play (Bronze)
Killmonger is automatically unlocked just by downloading the level pack, once you have beaten story mode go back and play through the level in Free Play. If you defeat every enemy you see with Killmonger you will unlock the trophy/achievement during the Black Knight battle. If not there are plenty of other enemies left in the level to defeat, well over 40.
Pick on Someone Your Own Size – Complete the Ant-Man Level (Bronze)
Story Related and Cannot Be Missed. You will unlock this trophy/achievement upon completion of the level, during the score screen.
I Know A Guy… – Complete the Ant-Man level with all Minikits unlocked (Bronze)
There are a total of 10 minikits to collect throughout the level, their locations are as follows:
1) At the start of the level in the left corner will be a terminal looking thing with a small yellowjacket statue on it, destroy it. (1/5) The second one is after you disable the lasers, it will be right in front of you after heading through them. (2/5) After you see Cross and head through the next grate, it will be in the back left of the room. (3/5) After shooting the target with Luis and climbing the ladder, the next one will be right in front of you at the top. (4/5) After riding the elevator to the top, in the back right corner is the last statue. (5/5) *Attainable in Story Mode*
2) Right above where you start will be a silver box you can shoot, do so and the minikit will appear on the ground. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) After passing through the two laser doors there will be a small set of stairs leading to a black door, use Ultimate Ultron to open it, then head all the way down to the left and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Head up to the platform that Cross first appears on, after he leaves a minikit will appear up there. Fly up there then use Black Widow to go stealth and access the panel and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) In the area where you have to turn off the air to run down the pipe, at the far end of the pipe is the minikit. Run all the way to the end, past the exit, and you will grab it. *Attainable in Story Mode*
6) After you shoot the target and head up into the next room, in front of you you will see a guy that you can mind control, do so and pull the switch. Once inside melt the gold wall and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) Right in front of the elevator fly all the way up to the top and grab the minikit just floating there. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) On the far right side of the same area you will see a glass door that you can use sonar arrows on, do so and then throw Cap’s shield into the top to access the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) After riding the elevator up to the next room, on the right side you will see an electricity panel, use it and then use Ant-Man to head through the grate and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) After you disable the lasers to head into the final room, an avengers sense point will appear to the left of the door. Use it and the minikit will appear above you. Ant-Man doesn’t seem to want to grab it if you use the vents so just fly up and grab it. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Upon unlocking the 10th minikit finish the level and the trophy will unlock during the score screen.
Heroes Don’t Get Any Bigger – Complete the Ant-Man level after achieving True Avenger status (Bronze)
If you are playing this with all of the red bricks turned on, then you will achieve True Avenger status before even gaining control of the character. Once you unlock True Avenger status, finish the level and the trophy will unlock during the score screen.
Tales to Astonish – Set Both Free Play characters as Ant-Man (Hank Pym) and The Wasp (Janet Van Dyne) (Bronze)
Both Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne will be unlocked just by downloading the level pack, once in Free Play set both of your characters to them and the trophy/achievement will unlock.
Please Don’t Drop Me This Time! – Ride Ant-Thony as Ant-Man (Scott Lang) (Bronze)
Both Ant-Thony and Ant-Man (Scott Lang) will be unlocked just by downloading the level pack. Simply head to any HUB, switch both characters to them and then have Ant-Man ride Ant-Thony. The trophy/achievement will unlock soon after.
Masters of Evil
A Sticky Situation – Complete the Masters of Evil Level (Bronze)
Story Related and Cannot Be Missed. You will unlock this trophy/achievement upon completion of the level, during the score screen.
Meet the Masters of Evil – Complete the Masters of Evil level with all Minikits unlocked. (Bronze)
There are a total of 10 minikits to unlock, their locations are as follows:
1) At the start of the level slightly to the left and towards the screen you will see a black and yellow barricade to destroy. (1/5) The second one is in the top left corner of the area. (2/5) The third one is down the street on the left side, at the end of the street it is just to the left of the green dumpster. (3/5) The fourth one is just to the left of the yellow scaffolding in the middle of the area. (4/5) The last one is in the top right corner of the area. (5/5) *Attainable in Story Mode*
2) In the middle of the street on the left side of the area is a dig point that will reveal pieces of a grate. Put the pieces back together and go through the grate to find the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) At the end of the street on the left side is an ice cream truck, destroy the ice cream topper and build the grapple hook point. Use the Black Knight on the grapple point and the minikit will appear. *Attainable in Story Mode*
4) To the right of the previous one is a green dumpster that you can use telekinetic powers on, do so to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) Just to the left of the yellow scaffolding in the middle of the area you will see an electricity panel, charge it up and then mind control the citizen to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) In the bottom ride side of the area you will see a gold captain America statue, melt it down with the Melter to reveal the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
7) In the bottom right corner of the area is a glass telephone booth that you can use sonar arrows to destroy, inside the booth is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) On top of the right roof is a green handle you can pull, inside it is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) After you shoot Iron Man with the cannon, it will also shoot a telephone booth and reveal an Avengers sense point. Use Baron Zemo to activate the point, then use him again to access the Shield terminal, then use him one more time to access the Hydra terminal and reveal the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
10) On the top of the left roof top, you will have to go up there as part of the story, you will destroy a large sign that says CAFÉ. Around the corner from there in the corner will be an electricity charge panel, charge it up with Radioactive man to reveal the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
Worthy of a True Zemo – Complete the Masters of Evil level after achieving True Avenger status (Bronze)
If you are playing this with all of the red bricks turned on, then you will achieve True Avenger status before even gaining control of the character. Once you unlock True Avenger status, finish the level and the trophy will unlock during the score screen.
Didn’t Odin Banish You Two? – Set both Free Play characters as the Enchantress and Executioner in the Asgard HUB area (Bronze)
The Enchantress and Executioner will automatically be unlocked upon downloading the level pack. Once downloaded head to the Asgard Hub and change both characters to them and the trophy/achievement will unlock soon after.
The Black Knight Lives Again! – Defeat 20 enemies as the Black Knight (Dane Whitman) during Free Play (Bronze)
The Black Knight will automatically be unlocked upon downloading the level pack. Next start Free Play and defeat any 20 enemies and the trophy/achievement will unlock soon after.
Doctor Strange
Strange Tales – Complete the All-New All-Different Doctor Strange Level (Bronze)
Story Related and Cannot Be Missed. You will unlock this trophy/achievement upon completion of the level, during the score screen.
Master of the Mystic Arts – Complete the All-New All-Different Doctor Strange level with all Minikits unlocked (Bronze)
There are a total of 10 minikits to collect throughout the level, their locations are as follows:
1) At the start of the level on the stairs you will see a tilted painting, use your telekinetic powers to fix it. (1/4) After everything is vacuumed out of the second room, switch back to Doctor Strange and the painting is on the right wall. (2/4) After everything gets sucked out of the bathroom, fly up into the ceiling and you will see the third painting. (3/4) The last painting is up in the attic on the left wall. *Attainable in Free Play*
2) On the left side of the starting area use the Avengers sense point, then charge the electricity panel for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) In the other dimension, at the start turn around and you will see a dig spot. Use the dig spot to reveal a Quicksilver point, use that to grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
4) Just ahead of the previous one you will see some green plants? Blocking a cracked wall, inside is the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) In the room to the right destroy the silver case on the left and then play the piano for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) In the other dimension continue along the path and you will run straight into a minikit being held by black lego plants. Destroy the black lego bricks and grab the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) In the bathroom pull the grapple hook to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) In the bathroom fly up through the ceiling and then destroy the glass hourglass with sonar arrows to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) In the attic destroy the chest on the right side and build the grate. Head through and repair the saw to get the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
10) Up in the attic jump on the bed until the minikit appears. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
Upon unlocking the 10th minikit you must finish the level, then the trophy/achievement will unlock at during the score screen. You CANNOT QUIT THE LEVEL AFTER COLLECTING THE LAST MINIKIT.
Sorcerer Supreme – Complete the All-New All-Different Doctor Strange level after achieving True Avenger status (Bronze)
If you are playing this with all of the red bricks turned on, then you will achieve True Avenger status before even gaining control of the character. Once you unlock True Avenger status, finish the level and the trophy will unlock during the score screen.
Danger From the Dark Dimension – Set both Free Play Characters as Baron Mordo and Dormammu (Bronze)
Both characters will automatically be unlocked upon downloading the level pack, simply start the level in Free Play and set both characters to Baron Mordo and Dormammu and the trophy will unlock soon after.
Voodoo Chilled – Find a way to freeze Doctor Voodoo during Free Play in any area of the game (Bronze)
Simply head to any HUB area and switch both characters to Doctor Voodoo and any character that freezes, like Laufey. Use the freeze ability on Doctor Voodoo and the trophy/achievement will unlock.
Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD
Afterlife Ambush – Complete the Marvel’s Agents of Shield level (Bronze)
Story Related and Cannot Be Missed. You will unlock this trophy/achievement upon completion of the level, during the score screen.
A Part of Something Bigger – Complete the Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD level with all minikits unlocked (Bronze)
There are a total of 10 minikits to collect throughout the level, their locations are as follows:
1) At the beginning of the level on the right below the ship are some dig spots, dig them up and you will reveal the pieces of a minikit for you to build. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
2) After you free the Agent under the rock by using the Shield terminal, use the Hydra terminal to reveal the pieces of a minikit for you to build. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
3) After you get the first door open, go through it and immediately up and to the right you will see a target on the building. (1/5) After the ladder gets shot down, climb up and to the left you will see a target, jump around and shoot it. (2/5) After you free the third agent, head into the next area. In the last building on the right there will be a target hanging on the wall. (3/5) The third one is down in the middle of the area above the door to the left of the gazebo. (4/5) The last target is behind the door that closes when you get close to it, it has the HYDRA symbol on it, its in the top left corner. (5/5) *Attainable in Story Mode*
4) After you get past the electricity and get into the next area, the last building on the right has a telekinesis point in it. Use it to reveal the minikit in the corner. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
5) In the same room you will see a bunch of silver Lego pieces, destroy them all and rebuild the pieces to reveal a speed point. Use the point to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
6) Down in the middle by the gazebo will be a shield terminal for you to use, do so and then use it again as a Hydra agent. It will open up a grate in the middle of the gazebo, head through it. Up in the room destroy the gold box in the left corner and you will be able to build a chimney sweeper. The pieces of the minikit will come out of the chimney, build them for the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
7) In the shield Hellicarrier, up and to the left from where you spawn is a grapple point, pull the handle to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
8) On the right wall, in the middle of the area, you will see a gold frame. Cut out the frame using Heat powers and use telekinetic powers to control the hammer to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
9) After Coulson turns off the power, enter the room and in the left corner is the minikit. *Attainable in Story Mode*
10) The last minikit is in Cal’s cell, once he breaks it open either fly past or walk through the toxic goop and then use Telekinetic powers on the box to reveal the minikit. *Only Attainable in Free Play*
We are Not Agents of Nothing – Complete the Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD level after achieving True Avenger status (Bronze)
If you are playing this with all of the red bricks turned on, then you will achieve True Avenger status before even gaining control of the character. Once you unlock True Avenger status, finish the level and the trophy will unlock during the score screen.
I’m Engineering, She’s Bio-Chem – Set both Free Play Characters as Agent Leo Fitz and Agent Jemma Simmons (Bronze)
Both Fitz and Simmons will automatically be unlocked upon downloading the dlc, once you do head to any HUB and switch both characters to them, the trophy/achievement will unlock soon after.
Just need you to drive the Bus – Fly The Bus as Agent Melinda May (Bronze)
The Bus will be unlocked by downloading the DLC pack, once you do head to a red terminal in the Manhattan HUB to access flying vehicles, I use the one underneath the Brooklyn Bridge. Once there summon the Bus and switch your character to Agent Melinda May. Hop in the Bus with her and the trophy/achievement will unlock soon after.
There you go guys… our LEGO Marvel’s Avengers Trophy/Achievement Guide. If you have any questions or comments about this guide, the game in general, or anything in general, feel free to ask them on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, or in the comments below and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. While you’re on the above pages be sure to like us, follow us, and subscribe to us to stay up to date on the latest news and information that we have for you guys. Also be sure to follow us on Twitch so you will know when we livestream and on Instagram so you can see all our awesome pictures. We hope you find this LEGO Marvel’s Avengers guide useful and are enjoying the game!!!