Lego Lord of the Rings: Pointy Eared Elvish Princeling Trophy/Achievement – HTG
(HTG) Brian shows you how to earn the “Pointy Eared Elvish Princeling” Trophy/Achievement for Lego Lord of the Rings. Pointy eared elvish princeling trophy/achievement for Lego LotR requires you to kill 42 Uruk-Hai with Legolas. You could kill these during the couple of missions that have Uruk-Hai or you can do it after obtaining Uruk-Hai from Helms Deep and shoot him as many times as you need to earn the Pointy Eared Elvish Princeling… BOOYAKASHAOW! Hopefully this helps you easily earn the pointy eared elvish princeling trophy/achievement for Lego Lord of the Rings.
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