Home Collectibles LEGO Horizon Adventures Trophy/100% Guide
LEGO Horizon Adventures Trophy/100% Guide

LEGO Horizon Adventures Trophy/100% Guide


Welcome to the 2nd official LEGO game (LEGO 2k Drive) since the Skywalker Saga. The long awaited and much anticipated LEGO Horizon Adventures is finally here! The world of Horizon has been transformed and Aloy and her friends need our help to save the world from the machines. From exploring Cauldrons, to scaling Tallnecks, to fighting a deadly ThunderJaw, we look forward to providing you with everything you need to know get your shiny Platinum/100% completion.

***HTG DOUG DISCLAIMER!!!*** – I’ve actually played both games, I know things about the series. You’re welcome. Not the DLC’S for either though. Sorry.

Thumby’s Road Map

Total Number of Trophies: 24 (1 Platinum, 6 Gold, 8 Silver, 9 Bronze)
Estimated Difficulty: 1 out of 5
Estimated Time to Platinum/100%: 10 – 15 hours, closer to 10 if you skip custcenes

There are no difficulty related trophies so feel free to play on any difficulty. The game will default to the second hardest difficulty, Scout. Outside of one, maybe two encounters, you really shouldn’t have any issues at all.

As of the time of writing this, the first cauldron you complete does NOT seem to count for the completing your first cauldron trophy. However it should unlock upon completion of your second one in act 2.

Step 1: Complete the Prologue
The prologue will give you a good introduction to the game and the controls, and the wonderful humor. Once you complete the prologue you will have access to the Main Hub of the game, Mother’s Tree.

Step 2: Complete Story Mode/Collect Studs/Work on Community Jobs

Step 3: Complete Apex Mission Hunts

Step 4: Level all 4 Characters to Level 20

Step 5: Cleanup

Tips and Tricks

– In story mode Gold Studs will lead you to the story and Silver Studs will take you to secret locations.

– Every time you return to Mother’s Heart after completing a mission, you can go around to each yard decoration and collect studs. Small yard buildings give 200 studs, while large ones give 500.

– Once you have access to Mother’s Tree and upgrades, make sure to upgrade the XP upgrades first to save you time while maxing your characters.

– My personal recommendation for weapons would be the following, however it is playstyle dependent and you may find something you like better. Aloy: Any elemental bow, rapid fire bow (the one that lets you hold 8 or so at once, combined with frozen or ninja skills it does a lot of damage) Varl: The homing spear is rally good (Tracks and locks onto 3 enemies at once), any of the elementals; Teersa: Coming Soon; Erend: Coming Soon

– My personal favorite gadgets, again just my recommendations: Brick Separator (Up close and personal melee attack/does high damage/stun), Frost Wave (Freezes Enemies), Blast Jump (Fire Double Jump – Jump on top of enemies weakspots and use this for massive damage)


Every Last One – Collect all other trophies

This will unlock once you have collected all 23 other trophies. Thank you for using our guide! Congratulations on your New Platinum!

Too Early to Celebrate – Complete the Prologue

Story Related Cannot Be Missed. This will unlock upon completion of the Prologue.

Out of the Woods – Complete “Rescuing the Nora”

Story Related Cannot Be Missed. This will unlock upon completing the “Rescuing the Nora” mission.

Climb Every Mountain – Complete “Thunder in the Mountains”

Story Related Cannot Be Missed. This will unlock upon completing the “Thunder in the Mountains” mission.

Farewell to the Jungle – Complete “Desperately Seeking Sawtooths”

Story Related Cannot Be Missed. This will unlock upon completing the “Desperately Seeking Sawtooths” mission.

Dune and Dusted – Complete “Drawing Out Helis”

Story Related Cannot Be Missed. This will unlock upon completing the “Drawing out Helis” mission.

Light My Spire – Complete “The Buried Shadow”

Story Related Cannot Be Missed. This will unlock upon completing the “The Buried Shadow” mission.

Flathead – Find and complete first Tellneck

Story Related. You will come across a Tallneck in the first act as part of the story. As soon as you grab the Gold Brick from the top, the trophy should unlock.

Walking with Giants – Find and complete 3 different Tallnecks

You will come across your first Tallneck in story mode. After you find your first Tallneck, later story missions, will give you a choice of path to take. The narrator will make a remark about it and there will be a road sign that will have a tallneck image on it. Take these paths two more times and the trophy will be yours.

Factory Setting – Find and complete first Cauldron

Cauldrons are the areas of the game that you enter through the Giant triangle door with all the metal. You will come across a cauldron in the first act but it seems, at the time of writing, to not register for the trophy. The first cauldron you come across, that will actually count, will be in act 2 as part of the story.

Toil and Trouble – Find and complete 3 different Cauldrons

Cauldrons are the areas of the game that you enter through the Giant triangle door with all the metal. You will come across more than 3 cauldrons between story mode, apex missions, and grinding expeditions. Whenever you are given the option to choose a cauldron and you will have the trophy in no time.

Almost a Warrior – Unlock Varl

Once you have collected every other Trophy you will have unlocked your shiny new Platinum Trophy. Congratulations! Thank you for reading!

Together At Last – Unlock all Playable Characters

Story Related Cannot Be Missed. There area four playable characters for you to unlock, Aloy, Varl, Teersa, and Erend. After you have unlocked the last one the trophy will unlock.

Super Hero – Max Level A Character

The highest level a character can achieve is 20. It is highly unlikely that you will unlock this during story mode, especially if you switch characters, so you will have to grind this out in expedition mode after the story mode.

Super Team – Max Level All Characters

There are four different playable characters that you can level to 20. If you only use Aloy the entire time you should be about level 18 by the time you finish the story and Apex Missions. The best way to gain XP after those is to replay the Snowchant Mountains Expedition Mode over and over until each level is maxed out. This specific expedition has the most high xp enemies, saving you time in the long run. If you are given the option to choose between the cauldron or the mountain I recommend the Mountain as the cauldron takes longer but its a matter of preference. This is where the majority of your grind will come from so if you have a favorite area feel free to play that one instead.

Gonna Need a Bigger Wardrobe – Obtain 75 Outfits

Early on in Act 1 you will unlock the Tailor in Mother’s Heart. Here you will be able to buy outfits for various amounts of studs. As you progress through the game and attain milestones you will have access to more and more outfits. Buy any 75 outfits and the trophy will be yours. Start with the 250 cost ones and head up, or pick your favorites. By the end of maxing out your characters you should have plenty of studs to unlock enough outfits.

Master Builder – Obtain 20 Roofs or Yards

During Story Mode, as you complete levels, you will attain milestones that will unlock different yards and roofs. Some will be available for free while others you will have to buy for various amounts of studs. By the end of maxing out your characters you should have plenty of studs to unlock the first 20 or your favorites.

Just for Show – Obtain 75 Decorations

During Story Mode, as you complete levels, you will attain milestones that will unlock different decorations. Some will be available for free while others you will have to buy for various amounts of studs. Buy your 75 favorites and the trophy will unlock. I recommend starting with the 125 costs one and then head upwards from there.

Community Service – Complete 20 Community Jobs

During Act 1 you will unlock the Community Job board in the middle of Mother’s Heart. As you attain milestones you will unlock more community jobs.

Some examples of the community jobs are:
Complete a level with each character
Destroy machines/Destroy Machines with bombs
Complete missions with various outfits
Buy various yard decorations and interact with them.

There are a lot more than 20 community jobs so as long as you check on these after every few missions you should get these done long before you max out your characters.

There’s Gold in them Bricks – Collect first Gold Brick

Story Related Cannot Be Missed. You will obtain your first gold brick upon completion of the first level of Act 1.

Yellow Brick Hoard – Collect 50 Gold Bricks

As you complete each story level the game will reward you with a gold brick. The remaining 25 or so will come from completing Community Jobs. Some will come just while playing story mode, while others you will have to buy specific outfits or decorations for. Please refer to the Community Service Trophy for more information on Community Jobs. After finishing the 20 community jobs and the main story, you will have somewhere between 60 – 65 gold bricks, depending on which community challenges you completed.

A Rare Treat – Discover All Rare Weapons

You will most likely unlock this as you play through story mode. Throughout the levels there are a number of chests that you can find that have a chance to drop rare weapons. During each level you will also come across the traveling merchant that has three chests with some extra opportunities to find weapons. If you haven’t achieved this by the end of the story mode you will have plenty of opportunities while you are maxing out your characters in expedition mode.

All the Toys – Discover All Gadgets

You will most likely unlock this as you play through story mode. Throughout the levels there are a number of chests that you can find that have a chance to drop gadgets. During each level you will also come across the traveling merchant that has three chests with some extra opportunities to find gadgets. If you haven’t achieved this by the end of the story mode you will have plenty of opportunities while you are maxing out your characters in expedition mode.

Top Grade – Obtain 10 Upgrades

During the first act you will gain access to the Mother’s Tree in Mother’s Heart that will allow you to upgrade your characters. You can pick ones tailored to your playstyle but I recommend buying the XP ones first to save you time later on when maxing out your characters.


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