Welcome to the 2nd official LEGO game (LEGO 2k Drive) since the Skywalker Saga. The long awaited and much anticipated LEGO Horizon Adventures is finally here! The world of Horizon has been transformed and Aloy and her friends need our help to save the world from the machines. From exploring Cauldrons, to scaling Tallnecks, to […]
FUNKO FUSION Trophy/Achievement Guide
– WORK IN PROGRESS – Thumby’s Essential Information 100% Difficulty 0+/10 (Skill Dependent)Estimated time to 100%: 00+ hours Roadmap ***HUGE DISCLAIMER*** I, Doug, have seen maybe one of these properties, therefore I know very few names of Dinosaurs, and characters and places etc. I will do my best but this will trigger a lot of […]
LEGO Movie 2: The Video Game Trophy/Achievement Guide
Thumby’s Essential Information Platinum/100% Difficulty 1/5 Estimated time to Platinum/100%: 12-15 Hours Roadmap Step 1: Complete the Story After completing the story you’ll have everything you need to collect the majority of the Master Pieces. During this step you’ll want to collect as many relics as you can as well as collect as many Master […]