The Wolf Among Us Review – Episode 4 “In Sheep’s Clothing” – HTG
This review of The Wolf Among Us will pertain to Episode 4 of the 5 part series. I will once again be making this mostly spoiler free. There may be slight reference to a previous episodes – but nothing that will spoil the best parts of the story-line. If you want to continue on and read on do not worry about receiving the plot or character’s actions. I will leave all the juicy stuff for you to find out yourself.
Episode 4 Review
First Impressions – Battered and beaten Bigby once again rises again and on the hunt for whatever you choose, it could be blood or it could be for the pursuit of justice… the choice again is yours for the making. I have tried from the beginning to remain the good guy but it has become extremely difficult in all the decisions I am given.
My Thoughts – This episode felt much shorter than the rest, not in content but in actual length of time played. In content this was easily my favorite episode. Throughout the entire episode there is a lot of meaningful dialog that fills up a lot of the story. Those that we saw as sidekicks or advisers in my opinion are becoming to power hungry for their own good. Those that we respected we can’t stand and those we disliked at the beginning are starting to grow on me. The development of every single character has come a long way since the beginning of the game and it makes it remain interesting and catchy each and every scene.
Storyline – Throughout the social dialog of this episode you learn about the struggles of Fabletown and the reasoning for turning to the ‘black market’. Those that are troubled with the lack of currency have nowhere to turn besides that ‘grey’ area that is looked down upon from the government of Fabletown. Once again this makes you question who the real villain is; the oppressing government type, or the ones providing for the black market dealings. This episode really had no plot twists compared to the other episodes that made your jaw drop in surprise. Everything in this episode was really cut and dry on unfolding the story.
Future Episodes – The cliffhanger that episode four ends on sets up for a wonderful finale. My only fear looking ahead to the final episode is the length of
time allowed to tie up the story and have an ending plot for every character. Other than that I once again highly anticipate the final episode in the Wolf Among Us from Telltale Games.
Our Review Score – As previously stated this was easily my favorite episode. The character development, the protagonists and antagonists have played at least some of their cards. The plot has reached an all-time peak and is unfolding to be one of the most enjoyable story-lines I have played. That being said this particular episode is receiving a perfect 5.0 score for just nailing everything that you would want from a game like this.
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