Lego Pirates of the Caribbean: Level 4 Smugglers Den – Story Walkthrough – HTG
(HTG) Brian walks you through Level 4, Smugglers Den, for Lego Pirates of the Caribbean where we actually get some bonus trophy/achievements “Wind in your sails! Trophy/Achievement”, “The Green Flash Trophy/Achievement”, “A Weather eye on the horizon Trophy/Achievement”, “What do you want more Trophy/Achievement”, “Try wearing a corset Trophy/Achievement” too! We focus on beating the level in our Story mode walkthroughs for Lego Pirates of the Caribbean, and we save the Minikits/Ships in a bottle and compass points/items for our Lego Pirates of the Caribbean FREE PLAY videos. Our Lego Pirates of the Caribbean FREE PLAY videos will have time line quick links for each of the collectibles along the way too. Lego Pirates was our first viewer requested series and we are happy to finally share it with you guys. Later in this series we show you where all the Red Hats are including the Minikits finder and Stud Multipiers to obtain the TRUE PIRATE status on all levels. Follow along with (HTG) Brian as we complete Lego Pirates of the Caribbean to 100% completion and grab all the Trophy/Achievements along the way. If you have any Lego Pirate questions, please leave them down below or head over to our HTG Facebook page.
Link to artist who created our HTG Lego figures:
Our Lego Pirates of the Caribbean Playlist:
Tweets by HappyThumbs
Lego Pirates Trophy/Achievements in this video:
Wind in your sails! Trophy/Achievement
The Green Flash Trophy/Achievement
A Weather eye on the horizon Trophy/Achievement
What do you want more Trophy/Achievement
Try wearing a corset Trophy/Achievement
LegoPiratesoftheCaribbean, Lego Pirates, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pirates, pirates, Playthrough, Tutorial, HappyThumbsGaming, Happy Thumbs Gaming, HappyThumbs, happythumbsgaming, (HTG), HTG Brian, (HTG)Brian, Playstation3, Xbox360, PlayStation, xbox 360 PC Trophy/Achievement, Trophy, Achievement, Help, Studs, studs, Minikits, Ship in a bottle, Level, Level 4, Smugglers Den, SmugglersDen, smugglers den, Wind in your sails! Trophy/Achievement, The Green Flash Trophy/Achievement, A Weather eye on the horizon Trophy/Achievement, What do you want more Trophy/Achievement, Try wearing a corset Trophy/Achievement
Wind in your sails! Trophy/Achievement
The Green Flash Trophy/Achievement
A Weather eye on the horizon Trophy/Achievement
What do you want more Trophy/Achievement
Try wearing a corset Trophy/Achievement