God of War Ascension: Collectibles Locations Part 1 (Artifacts, Eyes, Feathers, Chests) -HTG
Location: Chapters 1-6
(HTG)Jeremy shows you how to get all the collectibles (Gorgon eyes, Phoenix Feathers, Artifacts, Decayed Chests) for God of War Ascension. There are 20 Gorgon eyes, 15 Phoenix Feathers, 10 Artifacts and 7 Decayed Chests. When you collect all of the collectibles you will earn 4 trophies for God of War Ascension. Follow along to get all the collectibles (Gorgon eyes, Phoenix Feathers, Artifacts, Decayed Chests) for God of War Ascension. Your opinion is important to us so if there are any videos you would like us to add let us know and we will try to get them up. Thank you for choosing Happy Thumbs Gaming for all of your gaming walkthrough needs.
Fast Forward Time line:
Chapter 2: The Sewers:
-Artifact #1: 0:14
Chapter 5: The Village of Kirra:
-Phoenix Feather #1 0:52
-Gorgon Eye #1 1:05
-Artifact #2: 1:18
-Phoenix Feather #2 1:45
-Gorgon Eye #2 1:55
-Gorgon Eye #3 2:26
-Gorgon Eye #4 2:50
-Gorgon Eye #5 3:07
-Phoenix Feather #3 4:26
Chapter 6: The Cistern
-Gorgon Eye #6 4:42
-Gorgon Eye #7 5:05
Trophies Earned:
Trophy: No Drake. You can’t have these. (Gold) – Collect all Artifacts in the game
Trophy: If it ain’t broke…(Gold) – Reconstruct all of the Decayed Chests
Trophy: The Eyes have it (Silver) – Collect all of the Gorgon Eyes
Trophy: Light as a Feather (Silver) – Collect all of the Phoenix Feathers
Link to our God of War Ascension playlist:
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God of War Ascension, God, of, war, ascension, gow, Gorgon, eye, Phoenix, Feather, artifacts, Decayed, Chest, Loctions, map, hidden, collectibles, collectables, part 1, part1, The Eyes have it, Light as a Feather, No Drake. You can’t have these, If it ain’t broke…, trophy, trophies, htg, happy, thumbs, gaming, happythumbsgaming, ps3, playstation, 3, xbox, 360, xbox360, PC, help, tutorial, walkthrough, platinum,