Lego Lord of the Rings: RED BRICK Locations for Stud Multipliers – HTG
(HTG) Brian shows you all you need to know to grab all 5 RED BRICK stud multipliers to help earn the “Delved too greedily…” Trophy/Achievement for Lego Lord of the Rings. We walk you through showing you the locations of all Blacksmith designs are, then tell you how many Mithril bricks it will cost you to forge the item(s). Then where to go to the quest locations with it and how many studs you need to buy the Red Bricks. So its a complete walkthrough on all 5 Red Bricks needed for the x3840 stud multiplier! Which will help tremendously in getting the “Delved too greedily…” trophy/achievement. Thanks for tuning in and let us know if this video was helpful in finding these Red Bricks for Lego Lord of the Rings.
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LegoLordoftheRings,Lego,Lord,Of,The,RingsLotR,Frodo,Bilbo,Shire,Gandolf,Walkthrough,Playthrough,Tutorial,HappyThumbsGaming,Happy,Thumbs,Gaming,HappyThumbs,happythumbsgaming,(HTG),HTG,Brian, (HTG)Brian, Playstation3, Xbox360, PlayStation, xbox, 360, PC, Trophy/Achievement, Trophy, Achievement , Help, Studs, Mithril, Bricks,Red,True Adventurer,Mini Kits,Blacksmith Design,Treasure Items,FREE PLAY,Level 11, Level 14, Level 16, Amon Hen, Helms Deep, Cirith Ungol, delvedtoogreedily, Delved Too Greedily, DelvedTooGreedily…, ReBricks, redbricks, Red Bricks, RedBrickLocations
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