Lego Lord of the Rings: Level8/The Dead Marshes – Soft and quick as shadows Trophy/Achievement – HTG
(HTG) Brian walks you through Level 8, The Dead Marshes – “Soft and quick as shadows” Trophy/Achievement for Lego Lord of the Rings. We grab 1 of the 10 Mini kits and we grab all of the studs required for True Adventurer status which is 66,000 studs. Hopefully this helped you through The Dead Marshes and earned Soft and quick as shadows… trophy/achievement for Lego LotR. Thanks for tuning in and let us know if you want more walkthrough videos for Lego Lord of the Rings.
Tweets by HappyThumbs
LegoLordoftheRings, Lego, Lord, Of, The, Rings, LotR, Frodo, Bilbo, Shire, Gandolf, Walkthrough, Playthrough, Tutorial, HappyThumbsGaming, Happy, Thumbs, Gaming, HappyThumbs, happythumbsgaming, (HTG), HTG, Brian, (HTG)Brian, Playstation3, Xbox360, PlayStation, xbox,360, PC,Trophy/Achievement, Trophy, Achievement, Help, Studs, studs, Mithril, Bricks, MithrilBricks, Red, Bricks, RedBricks, The Dead Marshes, TheDeadMarshes, Level, Level8, Soft and quick as shadows…, SoftAndQuickAsShadows, thedeadmarshes
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