Sniper Elite V2: Level 10 Walkthrough and Jungle Juice/Gold Rush Trophy/Achievements – HTG
(HTG) Brian walks you through level 10 after wiping out all of the baddies. Follow along and collect all 10 gold bars , and all 3 wine bottles to finally complete both the “Gold Rush” Trophy/Achievement as well as the “Jungle Juice” Trophy/Achievement for Sniper Elite V2. This also marks the end of the story mode of the game so watch out for spoiler scenes at the end of the video. This was a total blast going through on all of these walkthroughs, hopefully they were helpful and entertaining for you guys.. I know I made a few friends because of these videos .. so thanks for the support and feedback and look for more Sniper Elite V2 trophy/achievement videos to be added to the playlist for your viewing pleasure.
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