Sniper Elite V2: Make Every Bullet Count Trophy/Achievement – HTG
(HTG) Brian drags along scca_ziptie aka Donald to aid in some serious snipage to protect me after shooting and hitting 1 bullet giving me 100% hit precentage for the “Make Every Bullet Count” Trophy/Achievement for Sniper Elite V2. Key point to focus on is to NOT SHOOT after you successfully kill 1 person. It can be done shooting more people but the more shots you take the easier it is to miss and that requires a restart. I also recommend using the binoculars to Tag each enemy.. this way you can help by labeling the enemies as well as keeping your trigger finger busy. Follow along as we take down level 2 with me only shooting 2 shots! Thanks again to my protector Donald and hopefully we helped you obtain the Make Every Bullet Count trophy/achievement for Sniper Elite V2.
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