Home Tag "Sniper Elite"

Sniper Elite 3 Trophy/Achievement Guide – HTG

Thumby’s Essential Information Platinum Difficulty: 4/5 Number of Hours to Platinum: 20-25+ hours Step 1: Complete game on Cadet Difficulty collecting all collectibles, optional objectives and going for each mission specific trophy/achievement. Step 2: Complete game on Authentic Difficulty in Co-op Step 3: Collect any remaining Miscellaneous Trophies Step 4: Multiplayer Step 5: Challenges *Note […]

LEGO Horizon Adventures Trophy/100% Guide

Sniper Elite V2: Make Every Bullet Count Trophy/Achievement – HTG

(HTG) Brian drags along scca_ziptie aka Donald to aid in some serious snipage to protect me after shooting and hitting 1 bullet giving me 100% hit precentage for the “Make Every Bullet Count” Trophy/Achievement for Sniper Elite V2. Key point to focus on is to NOT SHOOT after you successfully kill 1 person. It can […]

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Trophy/Achievement Guide

Sniper Elite V2: Level 10 Walkthrough and Jungle Juice/Gold Rush Trophy/Achievements – HTG

(HTG) Brian walks you through level 10 after wiping out all of the baddies. Follow along and collect all 10 gold bars , and all 3 wine bottles to finally complete both the “Gold Rush” Trophy/Achievement as well as the “Jungle Juice” Trophy/Achievement for Sniper Elite V2. This also marks the end of the story […]

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Trophy/Achievement Guide

Sniper Elite V2: DoubleDose (CookingOff and Silent But Deadly) Trophy/Achievement – HTG

(HTG) Brian quickly shows you a great spot for the “Double Dose” Trophy/Achievement and managed to grab the “Silent But Deadly” and “Cooking Off” Trophy(s)/Achievement(s) in Sniper Elite V2. The recommended place is on level 3, Kaiser-Friedrich Museum, and its on the street right after grabbing your new rifle. Watch the video for details and […]

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Trophy/Achievement Guide