Want to volunteer? Great because we are looking to add a few new team members! I know often you guys reach out and ask how you can help, well now might be your chance. We are looking to add a few volunteer writers as well as a few volunteer guide writers. These would be $0 pay positions, and will come with some expectations, so please only respond IF you have time and the drive to help out. Look below for more details on what we are looking for each of the available positions.
Website Article Writers (WAW) wanted – 3-4 Volunteers needed to help take emails and press releases, as well as current events/news happenings and post it on our main website.
– Expected responsibilities would be to take industry related emails (which are sent to us daily) and other current events situations/ideas mostly provided by us (suggestions are of course welcomed), and turn them into short SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly written articles to go on our main website ‘happythumbsgaming.com’ . All articles should have a header image with our logo and the name of the article writer, and at least 2 supporting images (we can help with sizing and textual overlays if needed) and be ended with our wrap-up that includes all of our social links and info. Some of these will be more or less written in “ready to go press releases” while others will take some actual writing to make happen. The turn around time should be no more then 48-72 hours on most of these projects, with exception on larger or time based events. These positions will be strictly volunteer and will be $0 pay positions. In some cases there will be a game code provided and a review would be expected by the PR or Developer we received it from. These will have similar expectation for time frame, but of course will vary depending on length/style of the game in question. In some cases video gameplay could be helpful too (but not a requirement).
Guide Writers (GW) wanted – 2-3 Volunteers needed to help write guides of future and past games. Ideally on multiple systems (Mac/PC/PS3/PS4/Xbox360/XboxOne/WiiU/Mobile)
– Expected responsibilities would be to take on new and in some cases older games and turn them into textual guides for our main website (Here is an example of a trophy/achievement guide). The goal of these guides would be to provide SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly information for our viewers to help them reach 100% of the Trophy/Achievements as well as provide any glitch/cheat code/road map info that we are aware of. All guides should have a header image with our logo and name of guide writer (we can help with sizing and textual overlays if needed), roadmap info (expected road to 100%), our recommended process order, each trophy/achievement name/image/explanation/solution, videos IF available and end with our wrap-up that includes all of our social links and info. Turn around time on guides will vary from game to game, however the Work In Progress (WIP) guide should begin on or before the games release date if newer and should reach at least 50% of the info updated to our website within the first 7 days. We understand some games are incredibly large and will take much longer, and in these cases we will do what we can and possibly even team up more than 1 person to help write.
We currently do not have a specific age requirement, however in some cases it may require some extra questions/attention. These positions are $0 pay, volunteer roles within HappyThumbsGaming, but do come with some small perks. In some cases the reviews will come with game codes that can be used and kept by the player/writer. The larger the audience is on our website, the easier it will be to get larger more main stream type games for multiple platforms. Currently we are getting all sorts of independent PC games as well as lots of mobile games, and often get some for PS3/PS4 and Xbox360/XboxOne too. We occasionally get products sent to us to review as well. In most cases these are sent to us FREE of charge and are ours to keep after the review is complete. We don’t really reach out currently for products, but if we had people to review things, we would certainly do what we could to make it happen. At some point there may also be a chance to attend an event with HappyThumbsGaming as one of our media representatives. If this sounds like something you would like to be involved with, please send us an example of your work and if you have one, a resume. If you are wanting to write a guide for us contact Doug to get our “initiation process” started. This process for both, website article writers as well as the trophy/achievement guide writers, will be in what we consider an “open” status until we can fill these spots. We will announce when we are done accepting new volunteers and appreciate all of your comments and feedback regardless if you are selected to help long term or not. If you guys have any questions at all please let us know by using our contact form. Below is a bit more info regarding our intended process for acquiring new helpers and our “initiation process”. We also included what we would expect from future Video Guide Producers as well, however, we are not currently shopping for any new VGPs. All articles and guides written by you and submitted to HappyThumbsGaming, will become, and remain property of HappyThumbsGaming.
Initiation Process for Website Article Writers (WAW)
– Must write an article of the users choice (preferably a current or recent topic/email that we have not covered that could be added to our website if accepted)
– If writer can complete an article in expected time he/she can then be on our list of next available press releases or can create custom approved content/ideas
– If writer completes the appointed tasks within expected time and is still hungry for more we will announce the addition of a new HTG Website Article Writer
– If writer is completing guides on time and shows desire to do videos, see Initiation Process for “Video Guide Producers”
Initiation Process for Guide Writers (GW)
– Must write a rogue guide of the users choice (preferably a current or recent game that we have not covered that could be added to our website archive of guides)
– If writer can complete a guide in expected time he/she can then be on our list of next available guides list (which we need to create still)
– If writer completes the appointed guide within expected time and is still hungry for more we will announce the addition of a new HTG Guide Writer
– If writer is completing guides on time and shows desire to do videos, see Initiation Process for “Video Guide Producers”
Initiation Process for Video Guide Producers (VGP)
– Must pass Guide Writers Initiation OR have current YouTube channel or equivalent showing experience
– ESRB MUST BE FOLLOWED. In most cases just keeping the commentary PG-13 is going to be the best case scenario for us
– First Game should be something we have not covered and would/could be added to our YouTube channel and website. All videos will be uploaded and set to unlisted
– If videos all check out and are completed within expected time frame based on size/type of game they should be set to public and added to our channel
– Once videos go public, the person will be announced and welcomed as an official HTG VGP
– If more then one Video Guide is produced, compensation will be discussed and a contract will be created/signed
Thanks to all who consider volunteering for us. We look forward to hearing/reading some of your articles and guides! Be sure to let us know if you have any questions. Easiest way to be sure would be to use our contact form on our Contact page. #BooYaKaShouw