Volunteering starts here – HTG
So you have decided you want to help out HappyThumbsGaming, and we appreciate that tremendously, so lets get this process started! As we mentioned we do not have any specific age requirement, but we do have a targeted level of quality and an expected time frame for our projects, which is why we have created this fun and easy process to get you started. This allows us to help guide you to what we need, while at the same time us getting a feel for your writing skills and motivation. If you have some work to show off please attach an example below and fill out the additional info. We will get back to you shortly with a response. Also be sure to include any info you feel would be beneficial when sharing your work/application. If you need some advice or a topic to cover, mention this as well and we will see what we can do. The goal of this process is to bring more content to our audience, while freeing up some time for Brian and Doug as well. We understand though there will be a learning curve and plenty of questions so please don’t hesitate to ask them! #BooYaKaShouw
Did you end up here randomly and have no clue what is going on? If so, this page should sort things out!
[w2_contact_form id=”1″]