Trophy/Achievement Guide Contest *Updated* – HTG
Hey everyone, we have a very special contest for you today. We here at HTG are looking for someone to help us write Trophy/Achievement Guides for our website, either by yourself or in conjunction with either HTG Doug or HTG Brian. The best way to do this we feel is by having some of you folks submit guides to us so that we can see your dedication, quality of work, knowledge, etc. that could possibly turn into steady work for you here at HappyThumbsGaming. Now this is a contest so there will be prizes given out of course. Anyone that submits a guide will automatically win two stickers, with the winner winning a $25 gift card to a place of their choosing, some stickers and maybe a poster or two that we have lying around. You are free to write a guide for any game you want on any platform but we would prefer if you wrote a guide for either a multiplatform game or a Playstation game as it is easier for us to test. For example I have never played Far Cry 3 so it would be very easy for me to play through Far Cry 3 using your guide to be able to see the quality of it. We ask though that you do not write a guide for a game that we have already written a guide for, this means that you should NOT write a guide for Sly Cooper Thieves in Time, Metro Last Light, LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, LEGO the Movie, LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean, or The Last of Us.
We will give you about 4 weeks to submit your guide but we ask that you send us a message within one week of this being up stating what game you will be writing a guide for, what platform you will be playing the game on, and approximately how long it will take you to write the guide. You can email that information to guidecontest@happythumbsgaming.com.
Please do not write one trophy or achievement description and call it a guide, also please do not plagiarize someone else’s guide, we are looking for your quality work not someone else’s.
When you have finished your guide you can submit it to guidecontest@happythumbsgaming.com and we will look it over as soon as possible.
Check out the video below for any questions you may have, if we don’t answer the question in the video then feel free to message us on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, or right here on our website in the comments below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
If you would prefer you can message us on PSN as well.
HTG Doug’s PSN = Dougiefresh613
HTG Brian’s PSN = inadub
We are not requiring or asking you to add videos to the guide, if you would like to though then go right ahead.
Here is an update video answering some more of your questions and what guides we have been told are being done.
If you have any questions or comments about this or anything in general, feel free to ask them on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, in the comments below and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. While you’re on the above pages be sure to like us, follow us, and subscribe to us to stay up to date on the latest news and information that we have for you guys. We hope you find the guide useful and are enjoying the game!!!