Lego Marvel Super Heroes: HUB 5 Feeling Fisky – FREE PLAY – HTG
(HTG) Brian walks you through HUB Level 5, Feeling Fisk FREE PLAY for Lego Marvel Super Heroes. In our Lego Marvel Super Heroes hub level 5 feeling fisk FREE PLAY walkthrough we focus on grabbing all of the Character Tokens, Deadpool bricks, and all of the Stan in Perils in this Lego Marvel Super Heroes HUB FREE PLAY series, so if your looking for Deadpool Bricks, Character Tokens or Stan in Perils, make sure you check out our HUB FREE PLAY series as well. By the end of this Lego Marvel Super Heroes HUB FREE PLAY video, you will have all the locations for the collectibles in the hub level 5 feeling fisky for Lego Marvel Super Heroes. Hopefully you find our Lego Marvel hub STORY mode and Hub FREE PLAY series for Lego Marvel Super Heroes for PS3/PS4, Xbox360/ONE and PC. Thank you for choosing HappyThumbsGaming for your Lego Marvel Super Heroes needs, feel free to leave requests or suggestion on our social pages found below.
Link to artist who created our HTG Lego figures:
Lego Marvel Super Heroes Timeline Quick Links:
Deadpool Brick: 01:00 (6x Stud Multiplier)
Stan In Peril: 02:08 (Free Stan Lee)
Character Token: 02:41 (Kingpin Goon)
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LegoMarvelSuperHeroes, Lego Marvel, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, Marvel, Walkthrough, Playthrough, Tutorial, HappyThumbsGaming, Happy Thumbs, Gaming, HappyThumbs, happythumbsgaming, (HTG), HTG Brian, (HTG)Brian, Playstation3, Xbox360, PlayStation, PS3, xbox, 360, PC, Trophy/Achievement, Trophy, Achievement, Help, Studs, studs, Level, stan in peril locations, stan in peril, Stan In Peril, stan, Hub Level 5, HUB Lvl 5, Feeling Fisky, feeling fisky, Feeling Fisky FREE PLAY, 10 minikits, minikits, free play feeling fisky, feeling fisky free play, FEELINGFISKY, Doctor Doom, Jean Grey, Agent Coulson, Iron Man, Thor, Spider Man, The Thing, Invisible Woman, Mister Fantastic, Daredevil, Nick Fury, Statue of Liberty, Magneto, FREE, PLAY,