PAX Prime 2013: Sonic Lost World Footage Part 2 – HTG
A Sonic Developer from SEGA plays Sonic Lost World on Silent Forest Zone 1 at PAX Prime 2013 on the Nintendo Wii U. We had some hands on time with Sonic Lost World and actually got a lot of questions answered by a Sonic Lost Worlds Developer. Special thanks to SEGA for bumping us up in the line, answering our questions and letting us play a couple of the new levels in Sonic Lost World coming Oct 22 to Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. The Sonic Lost Worlds Dev plays a bit harder level too and answers all the questions we can toss at him during the demo. Make sure to check part 1 of Sonic Lost Worlds out to see Silent Hill Zone level too! This was short and sweet and more videos and gameplay footage on the way! Thanks for watching our video and let us know what questions about Sonic and/or Pax Prime 2013 you might have down below!
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PAX, Pax Prime, PAX PRIME, Pax 2013, Settle Washington, Sonic, Sonic Footage, Sonic Lost World game play, Sega, Sonic the Hedgehog, SonicLostWorld, HappyThumbsGaming, Happy Thumbs Gaming, HappyThumbs, (HTG), (HTG) Brian, (HTG) Doug, (HTG) Mark, HTG, htg, Pax Prime Sonic Lost Worlds, Silent Forest, SilentForest,