The Last of Us Trophy/Collectible Guide (+Left Bhehind) – HTG
This is the first of many trophy/collectible guides to come for us here at happythumbsgaming with the first one being for the most highly anticipated game of the year, The Last of Us. The Last of Us guide will show you how to get every trophy and collectible throughout the vast experience that is this game. We will provide you with a text guide as well as videos to ensure that you get every collectible/trophy in the game including: Look for the Light, It was All Just Lying There, Endure and Survive, I Got This, I Want to Talk About it, Master of Unlocking, That’s All I Got, and Scavenger, and many more. This trophy/collectible guide is still a work in progress so we will be adding a ton of new information over the course of the next few days.
*Please Note that at the time of publishing this a number of the trophies are glitched, as a result you may have some trouble getting them to pop. The trophies that are potentially glitched are:
Look for the Light, Endure and Survive, It was all Just Lying There, Scavenger, Master of Unlocking, and All of the Difficulty trophies. Also please note that Knowing the Basics and Populace may be delayed, meaning they may not unlock immediately after completing the requirements but a few games later. This will be removed when a patch or solution is found.*
*If you have any questions or comments, about the guide or the game in general, feel free to contact us on facebook, twitter, youtube or by hitting the contact us button at the very top of this page and we will be sure to respond as fast as we can.*
The fastest way to platinum this game is to complete the steps below, you can complete six before five if you so choose. The Last of Us will take you around 50+ hours, most likely closer to 75 hours, to platinum depending on skill.
Step 1: Complete the game on Easy, collect as many collectibles as you can along the way, and Enjoy the Game!!!
Step 2: Playthrough Easy+, collecting any collectibles you may have missed and fully upgrading Joel and all the weapons. After you’ve upgraded the weapons and Joel you can move on to your survivor play through and continue to get any collectibles you may have missed.
Step 3: Complete the game on Survival, collect any missing collectables. Stealth is your friend, always try to get through an area stealthily rather than going in guns blazing as you will most likely not get very far.
Step 4: Complete New Game on Survivor+. If for some reason you are still missing some collectibles you can pick them up in this play through. The same tactics that apply to Survivor apply here, stealth is your friend.
Step 5: Multiplayer, you will spend a great deal of time here considering you have to play at least 96 games as each faction.
Step 6: Cleanup/Miscellaneous using chapter select. At the end of this step you should have a new Platinum, assuming it actually pops. 🙂
Trophy Guide
It can’t be for nothing: Platinum Trophy
Unlock every other trophy to unlock the Platinum.
Look for the Light: Collect all Firefly Pendants
There are 30 pendants you must collect for the trophy. Please note that picking up a collectible does not save the game, so if you die after collecting one you may have to pick it up again for it to count. They are as follows:
Quarantine Zone
1) After using the ladder to get into the building instead of heading left and down the stairs head to the back room and it’s on a desk to the left. (David Michael Vigil)
2) After getting the plank and leaving the building, continue along the path, vault over a pipe and crouch through an area, as soon as you head through the crouch area the firefly pendant will be hanging from a tree directly in front of you. (Ben Glueck)
3) After meeting Ellie for the first time, its on a dead body directly in front of you. (Phillip Liu)
The Outskirts
4) After seeing the gigantic hole in the ground, head to the right and then instead of going into the building in front of you, head all the way down to the right, the pendant is in a tree. (Joseph Lenz)
5) After finding the first workbench you’ll come to a room where you have to walk up floorboards in the center of the room, instead of climbing to the right climb up to the left, it’s in the case at the end. (Michael Kiper)
6) Across from the steps of the capitol building, in the green water, you will see some pillars to your left, inside the pillars on the right side submerged in water is the pendant.(Melinda Davidson)
7) From the Smugglers Note artifact, dive down the hallway and into the underground office, the pendant is on the bookcase on the wall. (Shiyao Jiang)
Bill’s Town
8) Outside of the record store on top of the RV, climb onto the police car to get to the top.
9) On the way to the armory safe house you will fight a few runners and clickers, next to the ambulance way up high is a streetlight, the pendant is hanging from it, shoot it down. (Alex Raymond Vincent)
10) After leaving the church grounds you’ll see two runners in front of you past them and to the left is a blue ish house, inside house on top of the washing machine in the laundry room. (Peter Mrozik)
11) In the military zone, head to the back right corner of the area, down at the end of the alley behind the container is the pendant. (Kazden Risk)
12) After heading up the ladder in the restaurant continue along the path and you’ll jump down some stairs, enter the second door on the left and it’ll be on the floor in a stall. (Colby Reed)
13) After you fight some guys with Henry and Sam you’ll enter a building, take the first door on the left and its on the toilet in the stall. (Lucas Rios)
The Suburbs
14) After you wash ashore head to the wrecked boat, on the front of the boat is a whole with some wire fence hanging down, the pendant is behind the fence. (Josh Scheffler)
15) Shortly after entering the sewers you will see an opening on the right with water spilling out, climb on through and to your left in between two pillars is the pendant. (Robert Rigetti)
16) In the Sewers when the road forks take the left path until you come to a flooded room, to the left is a car with a tree growing out of it, the pendant is by the hood of the car underwater.
17) In the side yard of the three story building with all the collectibles in it, its just above the swing set, shoot it or throw a brick at it. Its kinda hard to see so stand up against the house and look up above the swing set. (Matthew White)
Tommy’s Dam
18) You and Tommy will walk across the water and talk about the plant, he will then take you into a building, head down the stairs to the bottom floor and enter the room on the right, it’s on the bottom shelf of a locker.
(Ryan Oliverio)
19) After you find Ellie’s horse head into the house and it’s on a desk in the back right corner. (Brent Pino)
The University
20) From the garage where the workbench is get back on the horse and go up a flight of stairs, head right and it’s in a yellow colored tree, shoot it down. (Hope Pino)
21) After turning on the power and exiting the building, head up the stairs to the left but before jumping over the barricade, climb on the blue dumpster to the right and it’s on a desk. (Alex Rohner)
22) In the dorms you’ll have to jump down into a spore infested area, when you kill the bloater down there he will drop it. (Joe Warren)
23) When you enter an area with a bunch of white tents, it’s in the tent in the far back left corner, on the desk. (Erik Griggs)
24) In the room with the infected monkeys, in the back right corner on a shelf. (Sadie Pearl Hickman)
Lakeside Resort
25) After the guy boosts you up to the catwalks follow them around until a clicker comes out of a doorway, inside the room he came from on a crate. (Travis Kristoff)
26) After taking off on your horse, you’ll end up in a cabin, to the right of the cabin is a gazebo, it’s on the bench inside. (Paul D Braun)
The Bus Depot
27) Take the off ramp, at the bottom walk around the car to the left and it will be on the ground in the corner. (Katerina Perich)
28) After leaving the bus depot you will see a large white tent, to the right of it is a smaller green one, in front of it is a light, the pendant is hanging from it. (Nicole Hoo)
29) After heading through the bus you will see another bus to your left, head down to the left and around the bus, its in the corner. (Natalie Hoo)
The Firefly Lab
30) Inside Shiv Door #13. (Bryon Sterwart-Seume)
Endure and Survive: Collect all Comics
There are a total of 14 comics you need to find. Please note that picking up a collectible does not save the game, so if you die after collecting one you may have to pick it up again for it to count. They are as follows:
1) Story Related Cannot Be Missed, you will receive this at the end of chapter 4 during the cutscene. (Force Carrier)
2) After dropping into the road in Pittsburgh you will see a bus, head to the back of the bus and it’s on the ground.
(Termination Shock)
3) After leaving the restaurant by climbing a ladder leave the room and head left, walk around the ledge and it’s on an end table to the left. (Accretion)
4) In Shiv Door #8 in the boys bedroom on the chair. (Deep Phase)
The Suburbs
5) After you wash up on shore, head to the wrecked boat, open the door and it’s on the counter in front of you. (Antiparticles)
6) In the second house on the left from the workbench, on the second floor on top of the toilet. (Messenger Particle)
Tommy’s Dam
7) At the start of chapter 7 you’ll be following the river, before going under the bridge, head to the right and it’s by an upside down car. (Foreign Element)
8) After you find Ellie’s horse, head up to the second floor, it’s in the bedroom on the left on the windowsill.
(Zero Point)
The University
9) At the very start of the chapter 8, the University, turn around and ride up to the end of the road, it’s on the hood of a jeep. (Free Radicals)
Lakeside Resort
10) During your hunt you will come across a wooden barn structure, inside in a drawer is the comic. (Uncertainty)
11) After you get to the nature track you will have to crouch through a red pipe, when you come out head around and behind you up some stairs, it’s on a bench. (Negentropy)
Bus Depot
12) After the cutscene where they decide to go on, head down the stairs and on the right wall will be a door to the bathroom, it’s in front of one of the stalls. (Precipitate)
13) You’ll come to a point where you have to swim under a bus and climb up the other side to drop a ladder for Ellie, before doing so climb along the duct to your right, it’s at the end. (Catalysis)
14) After you gain control of Ellie, climb through the fence, head straight ahead and slightly to your right and you’ll see a pickup, it’s on the front seat. (Singularity)
It was all just Lying there: Find all artifacts
There are 85 Artifacts that you will need to find. Please note that picking up a collectible does not save the game, so if you die after collecting one you may have to pick it up again for it to count. They are as follows:
Quarantine Zone
1) Story Related Cannot Be Missed. (Military Pamphlet)
2) Story Related Cannot Be Missed. (Boston Q.Z. Map)
3) After making your way past the three infected head up to the second floor, before leaving the building it’s through a door to your left. (Note to Brother)
4) When you arrive at the camp you will have to walk through a bus to get to the other side, instead of heading to the right, head straight and the artifact will be on the ground in front of you. (Drafting Notice)
5) From the previous one head further to the back, towards the fence where two people are standing, and it’s on the wall. (Wanted Poster)
6) After jumping down into an area with more of Roberts men, it will drop from one of the men. (Warehouse key)
7) After you see Robert for the first time it’s on the ground to your right a little ways in front of you, by the railing overlooking the sunken boat. (Shipping Manifest)
8) After seeing Robert for the first time, take the path to the right and take a right, it’s on the ground behind a metal container by the raised ship. (Dock Notes)
The Outskirts
9) After the cutscene with Ellie, Joel and Tess, turn around and it’s on the desk by the lamp. (Tess’ List)
10) After taking the lift down it’s to the right on the ground. (Patrol Route Maps)
11) After climbing up onto the highway, in front and slightly to the right of you is a traffic light, it’s at the base. (Evacuation Leaflet)
12) After entering the building, head up to the second floor, at the top of the first staircase is a dead body, the artifact is next to him. ( Field Ops Log)
13) After gaining the Molotovs, at the back of the room is a small set of stairs with a dead body on the right, it’s right next to him. (Firefly Map)
14) After crouching under the rocks and finding more clickers, it’s in the room to the left in a desk behind the counter. (Note to Derek)
15) After using the object to climb over the truck, turn around and enter it, it’s on the ground to the left.
(Medical Pamphlet)
16) After the cutscene with the view of the capitol building head down both flights of stairs and around to the right, it’s on the dead body. (Firefly Orders)
17) You’ll learn to submerge and surface again in the water, follow the path till you see a path on the left with a dead body, the note is on the ground. (Smugglers Note)
Bill’s Town
18) After using the plank to walk across and then jumping down to the next section there will be a gate straight ahead of you that you have to boost over, to the right of it is a building, inside the building to the left, the note is on the floor behind the desk. (Pills Note)
19) All the way down at the end of the street attached to barbed wire. (Note to Bob)
20) On a desk at the back of the record store. (Perimeter Note)
21) After climbing across a couple of rooftops and getting back to ground level, head all the way to the left and into the door, on the second floor, on the table in the kitchen. (Note to Rachel)
22) After the cutscene with Bill behind you on the table. (Bills Map)
23) After the cutscene with Bill in the back room on the coffee table. (Fence’s Note)
24) After heading up the stairs, head to the right and it’s on the table. (Hunter’s Note)
25) After the cutscene in the armory head up to the second floor and into the room in the back right corner, to the right of the podium. It’s on the desk. (Bombs Note)
26) When you get to the house with the pool in the backyard, head up to the second floor, head into the room with the bunk beds and its on the windowsill. (Boy’s Diary)
27) When you have to push the truck, head into the back room and on the desk is the note. (Frank’s Note)
28) After handing the note to Bill, pick it up again. (Franks Note)
29) Given at the end of the Chapter. (Siphon Hose)
30) After opening the garage door, it’s on the right side of the room. (Tourist Manifest)
31) After getting the training manual, head down to the end of the hallway and open the door, it’s on the wall to the right. (Ambush Map)
32) After climbing over the bus you will be at a checkpoint, it’s on the right underneath the counter.
(Lost Hill Note)
33) After the first checkpoint you’ll be inside the military zone, in the center of the map is a large tent, if you’re standing just in front of the tent facing it, it’s behind and to the right of you on the wall. (Traitor’s Flyer)
34) Enter the bookstore on your right as you enter the military zone, its under the stairs. (Applicant Checklist)
35) In the bookstore, in the back right corner of the first floor are two offices, in the first one on the desk. (Abandon Zone Note)
36) On the second floor of the bookstore inside the shiv door. (Lost Areas Map)
37) Inside Shiv Door #6, on a chair just through the door. (Mother’s Letter)
38) When you get to the part where you have to bring the platform over to Ellie, swim into the building on the left and head up to the second floor, it’s around on the other side on the dresser. (Stash Note)
39) After entering the hotel use the ladder to get up to the second floor, head to the right until you reach the elevators with an open suitcase in front of them, it’s in there. (Note to Staff)
40) After turning on the generator, if you head to the hallway to the left and head up, there is a security room directly behind you, it’s on the desk. (Hotel Keycard)
41) When you leave the hotel you will be in a courtyard with a group of guys, to the right is a sandwich shop, the artifact is on the floor of the freezer in the back of the shop. (Fireflies Note)
42) After watching the cutscene of the guys killing the civilians, head up the stairs and down the hallway, there will be a door straight ahead, the artifact is on the floor by the open window. (Final Attack Note)
43) You will head down a street until it turns sharply to the left and there will be some guys on the second floor of the building, head upstairs and to the other side, it’s behind the counter on the floor. (Mob Attack Note)
44) At the end of the road on the right side of the street will be a ration depot, it’s on the table in the center of the room. (Truck Note)
45) After you fight some guys with Henry and Sam you’ll enter a building, take the first door on the right and go down to the end to another room with a conference table in it, it’s in the corner to the right. (Trial Note)
The Suburbs
46) After you wash up on shore, head to the wrecked boat, open the door and it’s on the counter in front of you.
(Boat Note)
47) Shortly after entering the sewers the path will fork, take the right path and have Ellie crawl through the grate to open the door, on the table. (Sewer’s Note)
48) You’ll come to a point where Henry will raise a gate for you to swim under, in the next room there is a ladder, climb it and head into the door on the right, it’s in the back of the room by the mattress. (Trading Note)
49) After you get attacked by a few runners and a clicker, head up the stairs to the right and it’s in the back of the room on a counter. (Rain Catcher Note)
50) After you get attacked by a few runners and a clicker, head up the stairs in front of you and there will be a door on your left, inside next to two dead bodies. (Cornered Note)
51) After getting split up from the others you will come to what looks like a classroom, it’s on a big shelf to the right. (Kid’s Drawing)
52) After escaping the sewers and seeing the radio tower, head down the street to the left, enter the second house on the right, on the second floor, in the bedroom at the top of the stairs on the table with the lamp. (Looting Note)
53) In the house right next to the open garage, where the workbench is, it’s on the second floor in the bedroom, on a dresser. (Father’s Note)
54) In the second house on the left from the workbench, on the second floor on the computer desk. (Survivor’s Note)
55) In the same house as above on the third floor, on the desk as soon as you get up there. (Matchbook)
Tommy’s Dam
56) After crossing the water and heading up top you will have to crouch under a log, straight ahead will be a tiny building, on the wall is a map. (Power Plant Map)
57) During the firefight work your way up to where you came in, the plans are in the middle table. (Plant Schematics)
The University
58) After entering the university you will have to head further in through a gate, as soon as you do turn right and there will be a garage, inside the garage turn right and head up two floors, out on the balcony in the corner. (Sniper’s Nest Log)
59) After the horse gets spooked and you close the gate, head to the gate on the right and it’s on the wall next to the wall panel. (Wall Panel Note)
60) You will have to enter a building by ducking under some furniture, directly in front of you on the counter.
(UEC Campus Map)
61) In the same building head up to floor #2 and enter the second dorm on the left (202) it’s in the desk drawer. (Student Journal)
62) After killing the bloater head up to the next floor and turn right, it’s in the first room on the right. (Newspaper Clipping)
63) After getting to the third floor of the science building, take the first door on the left and then the first door on your left again, it’s on the desk in front of you. (Office Recorder)
64) After walking through the yellow tents, on the desk to the left. (Fungal X-Rays)
65) In the room with the infected monkeys, on the desk in the center. (Lab Recorder)
66) Story Related Cannot Be Missed. (Firefly’s Recorder)
Lakeside Resort
67) At the start of chapter 9 open your backpack and flip through all 9 of the artifacts, read and flip through them if possible. They are No Pun Intended, No Pun Intended Vol. 2, To Get to the Other Side, Riley’s Pendant, Sam’s Robot, Walkman, Note from Mom, Switchblade, and Joel and Sarah Photo.
68) At the start of chapter 9 open your backpack and flip through all 9 of the artifacts, read and flip through them if possible. They are No Pun Intended, No Pun Intended Vol. 2, To Get to the Other Side, Riley’s Pendant, Sam’s Robot, Walkman, Note from Mom, Switchblade, and Joel and Sarah Photo.
69) At the start of chapter 9 open your backpack and flip through all 9 of the artifacts, read and flip through them if possible. They are No Pun Intended, No Pun Intended Vol. 2, To Get to the Other Side, Riley’s Pendant, Sam’s Robot, Walkman, Note from Mom, Switchblade, and Joel and Sarah Photo.
70) At the start of chapter 9 open your backpack and flip through all 9 of the artifacts, read and flip through them if possible. They are No Pun Intended, No Pun Intended Vol. 2, To Get to the Other Side, Riley’s Pendant, Sam’s Robot, Walkman, Note from Mom, Switchblade, and Joel and Sarah Photo.
71) At the start of chapter 9 open your backpack and flip through all 9 of the artifacts, read and flip through them if possible. They are No Pun Intended, No Pun Intended Vol. 2, To Get to the Other Side, Riley’s Pendant, Sam’s Robot, Walkman, Note from Mom, Switchblade, and Joel and Sarah Photo.
72) At the start of chapter 9 open your backpack and flip through all 9 of the artifacts, read and flip through them if possible. They are No Pun Intended, No Pun Intended Vol. 2, To Get to the Other Side, Riley’s Pendant, Sam’s Robot, Walkman, Note from Mom, Switchblade, and Joel and Sarah Photo.
73) At the start of chapter 9 open your backpack and flip through all 9 of the artifacts, read and flip through them if possible. They are No Pun Intended, No Pun Intended Vol. 2, To Get to the Other Side, Riley’s Pendant, Sam’s Robot, Walkman, Note from Mom, Switchblade, and Joel and Sarah Photo.
74) At the start of chapter 9 open your backpack and flip through all 9 of the artifacts, read and flip through them if possible. They are No Pun Intended, No Pun Intended Vol. 2, To Get to the Other Side, Riley’s Pendant, Sam’s Robot, Walkman, Note from Mom, Switchblade, and Joel and Sarah Photo.
75) At the start of chapter 9 open your backpack and flip through all 9 of the artifacts, read and flip through them if possible. They are No Pun Intended, No Pun Intended Vol. 2, To Get to the Other Side, Riley’s Pendant, Sam’s Robot, Walkman, Note from Mom, Switchblade, and Joel and Sarah Photo.
76) Story Related Cannot Be Missed. (Lake Resort Map)
77) Story Related Cannot Be Missed. (Ellie’s Backpack)
78) Just to the right of the Backpack on the desk. (Meat Ledger)
The Bus Depot
79) At the beginning of the chapter head up the highway a little bit and there will be an RV you can enter, it’s inside. (Family Photograph)
80) After climbing over the bus and looking at the hospital, enter the bus depot and take the stairs to the left, it’s at the bottom in a piece of luggage. (Note to Wife)
81) After leaving the Bus Depot if you follow the right wall to the back you’ll see a small white tent, inside on the table. (Salt Lake Q.Z. Map)
Firefly Lab
82) As soon as you get to the 6th floor it’s on the desk right in front of you. (Surgeons Recorder)
83) As soon as you enter the 6th floor turn right and head into the first room on the right, it’s on a desk. (Marlene’s Recorder)
84) On the 6th floor there will be a yellowish tent in the center of the floor, at the back of the tent, on the desk. (Marlene’s Journal)
85) After making it through the room full of guys, and you barricade the door with the blue bin, head into the first door on the right and its on the table. (Marlene’s Recorder 2)
I got this: Find all training manuals
There are a total of 12 training manuals to find. Please note that picking up a collectible does not save the game, so if you die after collecting one you may have to pick it up again for it to count. They are as follows:
Bill’s Town
1) After the cutscene where you meet Bill it’s at the end of the bar. (Shiv Sharpening)
2) After opening the garage door, head up to the second floor and into the room on the right, it’s on the bottom shelf of the left wall. (Health: Splinting)
3) After getting the Note to Staff artifact head back down to the first floor, on the far right behind the counter in a little room will be a safe, the manual is inside. (Melee: Techniques)
4) After heading up the ladder in the restaurant continue along the path and you’ll jump down some stairs, it’ll be a little ways down the hallway on a table. (Melee: Knots)
5) In the apartment where you meet Henry and Sam, it’s on the kitchen counter. (Molotov: Construction)
The Suburbs
6) After setting off the noise trap in the sewers, a little further down on a shelf to your left. (Bomb: Containment)
7) In the house right next to the open garage, where the workbench is, on the second floor there is a string you can pull to get into the attic, Ellie will bring it to you. (Melee: Techniques)
Tommy’s Dam
8) You and Tommy will walk across the water and talk about the plant, he will then take you into a building, it’s on a console to the right. (Smoke: Chemistry)
The University
9) You’ll jump into a large area with a fountain in the middle and some monkeys running by, head to the right building and you’ll see some windows you can jump through, head up one floor and jump onto the roof, head left and you’ll see another window you can climb through, on a desk between the windows. (Health Kit Sterilization)
10) Inside Shiv Door #10 on the desk. (Molotov: Deployment)
Lakeside Resort
11) Inside Shiv Door #11, on the counter. (Smoke Shaping)
The Bus Depot
12) As you head down the tunnels you’ll come to a point where you see two Bloaters together, close by will be a white truck, the manual is on top of it. (Bombs: Shrapnel)
Scavenger: Found all Collectibles
To unlock this trophy you must find all 141 of the Artifacts, Comics, Training Manuals, and Firefly Pendants. The Shiv Doors do NOT count towards this trophy.Please note that picking up a collectible does not save the game, so if you die after collecting one you may have to pick it up again for it to count.
Lets Gear Up: Craft every item
Simply craft one of each item. They are: Shiv, Medkit, Melee Weapon Upgrade, Smoke Bomb, Molotov, and Nail Bomb. You should be able to unlock this at the beginning of the Pittsburgh chapter.
Master of Unlocking: Unlock all shiv doors
There are 13 Shiv Doors that you will have to unlock to get this trophy.
It is recommended that you get these on either easy or normal as items are harder to come by in higher difficulties and you’ll need all the supplies you can get. The locations are as follows:
The Outskirts
1) After getting attacked by the clicker head into the door to your right and then exit the room to the left, the door will be right in front of you.
2) After getting split up with Ellie and Tess, there will be a café on the left side of the hall, the shiv door is on the right.
Bill’s Town
3) After using the plank to walk across and then jumping down to the next section there will be a gate straight ahead of you that you have to boost over, to the left is the door.
4) After boosting Ellie over the fence, halfway down the street on the left you’ll see a record store, head down the alley to the left of it and around back is the door.
5) On the second floor of the bookstore, in the back right corner next to the café.
6) After a cutscene where you see the bridge again, and a few guys are moving a plank, head to your left, it’s the door with the red X on it.
7) In the back of the ration depot building.
8) After you meet Henry and Sam you’ll head down some stairs, the door will be right in front of you before going down the next flight.
Tommy’s Dam
9) As soon as you get to the hydroelectric plant you’ll walk up a small flight of stairs, the door is just to the right.
The University
10) After you use the dumpster and the truck to enter the building, head to the back of the floor, its room 104.
Lakeside Resort
11) After gaining control of Joel in the blizzard head across the street from the gas station, there is a building there you can enter, head to the back and climb out the window, to your left is the door.
The Bus Depot
12) After boosting Ellie through the door, head into the next room, you’re supposed to head left down the hall, instead head right and its right in front of you.
Firefly Lab
13) As soon as you get to the 6th floor hop over the counter in front of you and it’s the door to the left.
Everything we’ve been through: Fully Upgrade Joel with Supplements
You will not be able to unlock this in a single play through on any difficulty, you will have to finish upgrading on New Game+ for this trophy. I would recommend completing this trophy on either easy or normal as supplements are much more common than on higher difficulty levels.
*Note*: For players with the season pass, make sure you download your bonuses as it will prevent you from having to use supplements for certain upgrades.
A list of all the supplements that I found on EASY are as follows:
The Outskirts
1) After leaving the tunnels and watching the cutscene you will have to climb up onto the highway, instead crouch underneath the highway and you will see some flowers on the ground.
2) After seeing the clicker body, head through the door, on the right wall will be a bookcase, they’re on the shelf.
3) Inside the first shiv door on a shelf.
4) Towards the bottom of the building there will be a dead body on a ledge that you have to climb onto, there is some alcohol right next to him continue along and you’ll have the choice to go up or down, head up the path and the supplement is to the right.
5) At the bottom of the building Tess will say Joel over here as you jump down, as soon as you jump down to the left by the telephones.
6) In the room with the first workbench, in the back of the truck.
7) Inside the second shiv door on the shelf.
8) On the second floor of the capitol building on the podium by the hole in the wall.
9) After jumping to the other building and getting the hunting rifle, it’s on a desk in the office at the end of the hall on the left.
10) After you go down into the subway and into the spores, head to the right and down towards the cars to the right, behind a pillar is the supplements.
11) Where the Smugglers Note artifact is, dive down the hallway and up the other side, they’re on the ledge to climb up to.
Bill’s Town
12) Right after the cutscene showing where Bill’s town is there will be a path to the right, there are some flowers on the ground to the left.
13) After using the plank to walk across and then jumping down to the next section there will be a gate straight ahead of you that you have to boost over, to the right of it is a building, inside the building straight ahead on a chair.
14) Inside Shiv door #3 in Bills Town chapter.
15) After boosting Ellie over the wall, head to the left and back into a garden, the flower is on the right on a bench.
16) Inside Shiv Door #4, there are two bottles.
17) After climbing across a couple of rooftops and getting back to ground level, head all the way to the left and into the door, on the second floor, in the bathroom on the counter.
18) After the cutscene where you meet Bill head up the stairs and to the right, they’re on the stove. *Collect everything in the bar first.*
19) After the cutscene in the armory, head up to the second floor and into the back right room, it’s on the end table.
20) After exiting the church, you’ll move through some courtyards until you see one that has a fountain in the center and some statues, the flower is to the left right at the bottom of the stairs.
21) After jumping down from the tree house, head to the left, flowers are on the ground.
22) When you get to the house with the pool in the backyard, head up to the second floor, in the room with the crib on the dresser.
23) When you have to push the truck, head back into the house, on the counter are the pills.
24) After opening the garage door, head up to the second floor and into the room on the right, it’s in an open suitcase on the floor.
25) After dropping into the road right in front of you is a plant.
26) Inside Shiv Door #5.
27) After climbing up some stairs and dropping onto a blue truck, turn around and it’s on the ground.
28) Inside Shiv Door #6.
29) As soon as you enter the hotel, on the counter to the right.
30) In the hotel after being attacked by a large group of guys, head up one floor, it’s in one of the rooms in a drawer in a bathroom.
31) After falling down the elevator you’ll eventually come to a room with a generator to turn on, head upstairs and in the laundry on a shelf are the pills.
32) After using the keycard and heading upstairs, second door on the right, on the desk.
33) After using the cart to climb to the next section, on the table to the left.
34) In Shiv Door #7.
35) After being shot at by the turret and walking along the ledge enter the apartment, inside the bathroom on the sink.
36) In Shiv Door #8.
The Suburbs
37) Shortly after entering the sewers the path will fork, take the right path and have Ellie crawl through the grate to open the door, on the shelf on the right wall.
38) In the Sewers after riding the platform across, head down the path until you see a door on the left, it’s on shelf to the left.
39) After setting off the noise trap, Sam and Ellie will play soccer for a moment, they’re in the lockers just to the left of there.
40) After you get attacked by a few runners and a clicker, head up the stairs in front of you and there will be a door on your left, in the corner by two dead bodies.
41) After getting split up, in the next room on the right side there will be a little room you can climb into, it’s on the shelf.
42) After escaping the sewers and seeing the radio tower, head down the street to the left, enter the second house on the right, on the first floor, in a drawer in the kitchen.
43) Inside the first floor of the second house on the left from the workbench, underneath the tv.
44) After getting the Matchbook Artifact, head down the stairs and into the room on the right, inside the safe.
Tommy’s Dam
45) After you go with Tommy to check out the turbine, head up to the second floor in the back room.
46) You and Tommy will walk across the water and talk about the plant, he will then take you into a building, on the middle table.
47) You and Tommy will walk across the water and talk about the plant, he will then take you into a building, head down the stairs to the bottom floor and enter the room on the right, its on the desk.
The University
48) At the start of the chapter head all the way down to the end of the road and into the last archway, make a left and there is a flower in the corner.
49) After entering the university you will have to head further in through a gate, as soon as you do turn right and there will be a garage, inside the garage.
50) After the horse gets spooked and you close the gate, head up the stairs to your left and it will be on a chair.
51) After turning on the power and exiting the building, head up the stairs to the left but before jumping over the barricade, climb on the blue dumpster to the right and it’s on a desk.
52) You’ll jump into a large area with a fountain in the middle and some monkeys running by, head to the right building and you’ll see some windows you can jump through, head up one floor and jump onto the roof, head left and you’ll see another window you can climb through, all over this room.
53) You will have to enter a building by ducking under some furniture, it’s on the table to your left.
54) In the same building head up to floor #2 and enter the second dorm on the left (202) it’s in the desk drawer.
55) In the same room as the Newspaper Clipping Artifact, in the cabinet.
56) Inside Shiv Door #10 on the desk.
57) In the room adjacent to the Office Recorder Artifact, in a desk drawer.
58) In the room to the left of the yellow tents, where the exit sign is, in a desk drawer.
Lakeside Resort
59) Inside Shiv Door #11.
The Bus Depot
60) At the beginning of the chapter head up the highway a little bit and there will be an RV you can enter, it’s inside.
61) After entering the Bus Depot take the stairs on the right, at the bottom there will be some cabinets, inside one of them.
62) After leaving the bus depot, there will be a large white tent, in the back right corner on a cart.
63) Inside Shiv Door #12.
Firefly Lab
64) Directly across from the room you start in in the hospital, on the table.
65) Inside Shiv Door #13.
For Emergencies only: Fully Upgrade all Weapons
To unlock this trophy you must upgrade every weapon to the max. To do this you must collect the little parts that look like gears. To upgrade certain weapon parts you will also need to collect the level tools, there are five different levels. To upgrade weapons you must find and you a workbench.
*NOTE* -You cannot get this in one play through, you will have to go into new game+ to unlock this, I recommend playing on either easy or normal as parts are more plentiful than in the harder difficulties.
The weapon locations are as follows:
Pistol: Given to you during the Quarantine Zone chapter.
Revolver: Shortly after you move the drawers that block the way of the stairway path, and after you walk the narrow beams outside climb into the broken window that leads into a stairwell. Inside that room is where you will find the REVOLVER.
Hunting Rifle: This will be given to you during the Outskirts chapter.
Shotgun: Given to you by Bill during the Bill’s Town chapter.
El Diablo: During the chapter Tommy’s Dam, at the very start of the chapter head up the road and you will see a car, it’s near the dead body leaning against the car.
Hunting Bow: During the chapter Bill’s Town you will come across a trap that a clicker sets off, after this you will use a ladder to climb up onto a truck, the bow is at the top of the truck.
Shorty: During the Suburbs chapter, in the sewers you will set off a noise trap, a little further you will find the gun on a desk to the left.
Flamethrower: Towards the beginning of the University chapter after entering the first gate you will have to enter another smaller one, at the top of the ramp to the right will be a garage with a workbench in it, the flamethrower is leaning against a car at the opening of the garage.
Assault Rifle: You will get this in the Firefly Labs chapter towards the beginning.
The workbench locations are as follows:
The Outskirts
1) After the cutscene with the arm on your shoe the bench is in the back left corner of the room.
Bill’s Town
2) In the armory with Bill up against the back wall.
3) After receiving the Med kit manual, open the door at the end of the hall, it’s to the right.
4) After using the keycard and heading upstairs, second door on the right, on the wall to the right.
5) After using the cart to climb to the next area, it’s on the right wall.
The Suburbs
6) After escaping the sewers and seeing the radio tower, head down the street to the left and
follow it around, on your left you will see an open garage, its right inside.
Tommy’s Dam
7) You and Tommy will walk across the water and talk about the plant, he will then take you into a building, in the room on the left up against the wall.
The University
8) After entering the university you will have to head further in through a gate, as soon as you do turn right and there will be a garage, inside the garage.
9) After you use the dumpster and the truck to enter the building head left into the next room.
The Bus Depot
10) After leaving the Bus Depot if you follow the right wall to the back you’ll see a small white tent, inside on the right.
11) After boosting Ellie through the gate, it’s on the right wall.
The tool locations are as follows:
Bill’s Town
1) The level 1 tools are to the left of the workbench in the side room of the armory.
2) After crashing the truck in Pittsburgh and opening the garage door, they are immediately to the left of the door.
The Suburbs
3) In the Sewers after riding the platform across, head down the path until you see a door on the left, it’s on the floor to the left.
The University
4) Inside Shiv Door #10 on the desk.
The Bus Depot
5) After leaving the bus Depot you’ll see a large white tent, inside on the right, on a table.
All the upgrade parts that I found on my EASY play through are as follows:
Quarantine Zone
1) After using the ladder to get into the building to the right inside a drawer.
2) When you first meet the Queen Firefly, instead of following her up the stairs, check the table to the right of them.
3) When following the Firefly, you’ll jump into a building from a rooftop, they’re on the table directly in front of you.
The Outskirts
4) After you hear the soldiers say to break off pursuit you will have to continue and head to the right, instead head into the room to your right and you’ll find some upgrade parts on the right desk and some crafting items in the locker to your left.
5) After you hear the screeching sound instead of heading up the path, head into the opening on the left and its to the left.
6) After seeing the dead body on the ground where the optional conversation is, enter the door ahead and the items are on the desk to the right.
7) Inside the first Shiv Door, on the shelves.
8) At the bottom of the building Tess will say Joel over here as you jump down, as soon as you jump down to the right on the bench.
9) In the dark room with a handful of clickers, at the far back of the room is a safe, inside the safe is 50 parts.
10) Inside the second shiv door on the shelf.
11) From the Smugglers Note artifact, dive down the hallway and underwater to the office, the parts are on a desk.
Bill’s Town
12) After using the plank to walk across and then jumping down to the next section there will be a gate straight ahead of you that you have to boost over, to the right of it is a building, inside the building straight ahead on some chairs and in the room to the left at the back of the room.
13) After boosting Ellie over the gate head straight ahead and up the wooden stairs, they’re at the top of the stairs.
14) From number 12 behind the wooden stairs in the corner by the blue dumpster.
15) Inside Shiv Door #4.
16) At the back of the record store on the floor of the bathroom.
17) After the cutscene with Bill in the back room on the desk.
18) After heading up the stairs and through the house, go across the walkway, they are behind the desk on the floor.
19) When you walk up the stairs to the church, head to the left and they’re on the ground.
20) After you pick up the nail bomb, go into the room directly behind the bench, they’re in the back left corner.
21) After leaving the church grounds you’ll see two runners in front of you past them and to the left is a blue ish house, inside the far left of the house on a shelf.
22) After leaving the church grounds you’ll see two runners in front of you, head to the left and down at the end you’ll see a garage, they are on a shelf in the garage.
23) From the first garage straight out of the side door, ahead of you is another garage, they are on the shelf.
24) You’ll enter a backyard/house with a few clickers in it, just before leaving the house it’s on a shelf.
25) When you get to the house with the pool in the backyard, head up to the second floor, on the floor of the closet.
26) Inside the room where the Bloater came from.
27) When you have to push the truck, head into the back room on the floor.
28) After crashing the truck, head across the street into the building on the left, they are in the drawers.
29) As soon as you open the garage door, it’s in the cabinet on the right.
30) After getting the training manual, head down to the end of the hallway and open the door, they’re on the shelf.
31) After dropping down into the road, right to your left are the parts.
32) After dropping into the road in the back left corner.
33) After climbing over the bus you will be at a checkpoint, it’s on the right on a desk.
34) In the bookstore in the military zone, in the cabinet under the counter at the front of the store.
35) In the bookstore, the back right corner inside a cabinet on the first floor.
36) Inside Shiv door #5.
37) Inside Shiv Door #6.
38) After getting the Note to Staff artifact head back down to the first floor, on the far right behind the counter in a little room will be a safe, the parts are inside.
39) After you get attacked by a large group of guys, head up one floor, two rooms have parts in them. After falling down the elevator, swim down the stairs and up into the next room to the right, the parts are in the room on the far right.
40) Right above the generator in a cabinet.
41) After using the keycard and heading up a floor, it’s the first door on the left in a box.
42) You’ll enter a kitchen a see a guy shoot a runner, first door on the left on a shelf.
43) In the restaurant on the back right table.
44) After climbing the ladder leave the room and head left, walk around the ledge and it’s on a coffee table to the left.
45) When you enter the room with the piano on the stage, to the right on the ground.
46) After you climb up using the piano, head all the way around to the other side, it on the ground.
47) At the back of the courtyard on a table.
48) After opening the door, on the shelf to the right.
49) In Shiv Door #7.
50) After being shot at by the turret and walking along the ledge enter the apartment, they are on the dresser.
51) In Shiv Door #8.
The Suburbs
52) At the start of chapter 6 after the cutscene follow Henry through the room and there will be a maintenance closet on your left, there In a locker.
53) After you and Henry take out the two guys jump over the counter to your right, on the ground.
54) Shortly after entering the sewers you will see an opening on the right with water spilling out, climb on through and to your left in between two pillars are the parts.
55) Shortly after entering the sewers the path will fork, take the right path and have Ellie crawl through the grate to open the door, on the table.
56) You’ll come to a point where Henry will raise a gate for you to swim under, in the next room there is a ladder, climb it and head into the door on the right, it’s in the back of the room on a shelf.
57) After you get attacked by a few runners and a clicker, head up the stairs in front of you and there will be a door on your left, head up the stairs and it’ll be at the top to the left.
58) After the safety gate closes on you just inside the door to the right, by the barrel.
59) After getting split up, head straight to the left, inside this room on a shelf.
60) After escaping the sewers, inside the van in front of you.
61) After escaping the sewers and seeing the radio tower, head down the street to the left, enter the second house on the right, on the first and second floors.
62) In the house right next to the open garage, where the workbench is, in the kitchen on the counter.
63) In the second house on the left from the workbench, on the kitchen table on the first floor.
64) In the house to the right of the sniper, head around back and into the house, it’s on the counter.
65) When trying to avoid the sniper, it’s the last house on the street on the right, first floor on the counter.
Tommy’s Dam
66) After crossing the water and heading up top you will have to crouch under a log, straight ahead will be a tiny building, on the floor below the map.
67) After you go with Tommy to check out the turbine, head up to the second floor in the back room.
68) You and Tommy will walk across the water and talk about the plant, he will then take you into a building, head down the stairs to the bottom floor and enter the room on the right, it’s on the shelf.
The University
69) After entering the university you will have to head further in through a gate, as soon as you do turn right and there will be a garage, inside the garage.
70) After turning on the power and exiting the building, head up the stairs to the left but before jumping over the barricade, climb on the blue dumpster to the right and it’s on a desk.
71) You’ll jump into a large area with a fountain in the middle and some monkeys running by, head to the right building and you’ll see some windows you can jump through, head up one floor and jump onto the roof, head left and you’ll see another window you can climb through, all over this room.
72) You’ll have to enter a building by ducking under some furniture, on the shelves to your left.
73) In dorm room 203 in the desk drawer.
74) In dorm room 208 in the desk drawer.
75) When you enter an area with a bunch of white tents, it’s the third tent on the left side of the path, at the end and in the tent in the back left corner. After you use the dumpster and the truck to enter the building head to the left and in the next room in the corner will be a cabinet, inside.
76) Inside Shiv Door #10 on the desk.
77) Across the hall from Shiv Door #10, inside a cabinet.
78) On the third floor of the science building head towards the yellow tent exit sign, it’s in the hallway, in a desk cabinet.
79) Last room on the left before the yellow tents, in a desk drawer.
80) In the room after the infected monkeys, in a cabinet.
Lakeside Resort
81) After you gain control of Joel, exit the house and stick to the left side, you will come across a house you can enter, on the counter.
82) Inside Shiv Door #11.
The Bus Depot
83) At the beginning of the chapter head up the highway a little bit and there will be an RV you can enter, it’s inside.
84) After climbing over the bus and looking at the hospital, behind the car on the right.
85) After leaving the Bus Depot if you follow the right wall to the back you’ll see a small white tent, inside on the table.
86) As you’re heading down the tunnel there will be a door on your left, in the corner.
87) Continue up the stairs to the next room and there will be some on the shelf.
Firefly Lab
88) Inside Shiv Door #12.
I Want to talk about it: Engage in all Optional Conversations
There are a total of 37 optional conversations that you must engage in, these will be indicated by an ear symbol with the triangle button next to it when one is available. Please note that listening to a conversation does not save the game, so if you die after listening to one you may have to do it up again for it to count. They are as follows:
Quarantine Zone
1) As you’re following Tess, instead of heading left into the checkpoint, head right and you will see two people by the newspaper stands, talk to them.
2) After you come out of the tunnel you’ll be in a shop, follow Tess and talk to her.
The Outskirts
3) After getting to Joel’s apartment, while Tess is looking out the window, talk to her.
4) After seeing the gigantic hole continue along the path and enter the building, you will see a dead body on the ground, hit triangle to initiate it.
5) After fighting some runners in the top floor of the museum Tess will be by an open window, talk to her.
6) After fighting some runners in the top floor of the museum Ellie will be by an open window, talk to her.
Bill’s Town
7) After boosting Ellie over the wall head straight ahead into the building, Ellie will see an arcade machine, talk with her about it.
8) After the cutscene where you meet Bill, at one of the booths is a chess set, hit it.
9) Where you find the artifact Boy’s Diary, wait in the room for a few seconds and she will come up to talk.
10) After getting the artifact Franks Note, talk to Bill.
11) When you have to push the truck, before you begin to push the truck, talk to Ellie.
12) After opening the garage door in Pittsburgh talk to Ellie.
13) After dropping into the road, a little ways down Ellie will see a dead body, talk to her.
14) After climbing over the bus, Ellie will read some writing on the wall to the right, talk to her.
15) After exiting the bookstore you will head down the alley towards a flooded street, turn right and on the wall to the right will be a skinny model advertisement, talk to Ellie.
16) After you enter the hotel, head to the far left and interact with the coffee machine behind the counter.
17) After using the furniture to get to the third floor in the hotel in the second bathroom will be a couple, talk to Ellie.
18) After exiting the hotel’s restaurant you will be in a ballroom, talk to Ellie about the photo scene.
19) After leaving the hotel and watching the cutscene with all the guys in the plaza, clear out the location and talk to Ellie about the hunter hanging near the bank.
20) After you and Ellie pull down a red ladder jump down onto the truck and on the right will be a military school, talk to Ellie about it.
21) After you and Ellie pull down a red ladder jump down onto the truck and head to the back left corner, there is a dawn of the wolf poster there, talk to Ellie about it.
The Suburbs
22) After leaving the sewers head down the road to the left, at the bend in the road there will be some graffiti that says will shoot on sight, Joel and Henry will talk about it.
23) At the bend in the road approach the ice cream truck, talk about it with Ellie and Sam.
24) At the end of the street there will be a house you have to go through to get to the backyard, watch the kids play darts.
*Note: You have to throw one for this to count.*
Tommy’s Dam
25) After crossing over the water, head to the left and there will be a log you can climb over, a grave is on the other side, talk to Ellie.
26) Talk to Ellie while she’s petting the horse. Be quick or you’ll miss it.
27) When you’re following Tommy in the dam in the upper side of the dam will be a woman with a sniper rifle, talk to her.
The University
28) When you get to the University you’ll pass by a banner, as you’re passing by the garage on your right its up and to the left of you.
29) You’ll jump into a large area with a fountain in the middle and some monkeys running by, head to the back of the building in front of you, there is another building there with a firefly logo on it, interact with it.
30) Inside the science building you will cross an atrium, Joel and Ellie will talk about the Fireflies luggage.
Lakeside Resort
31) After you cross a bridge with David to the right at the back of the room will be dead bodies, talk to David.
The Bus Depot
32) As you head down the freeway Joel will ask Ellie if she would like to learn to play guitar, talk to Ellie about it.
33) As you’re walking down the highway Ellie will stop to look at a Flight advertisement, talk to her.
34) As you get into the bus depot Ellie will sit down on a bench, talk to her before hitting the triangle for the ladder.
35) When the giraffe starts eating some leaves in the building, pet the giraffe.
36) You will make it to the roof of the bus depot, press triangle to initiate the conversation.
37) After you leave the bus depot, head towards the bus and Ellie will want to talk.
No Matter What – Easy: Complete the Game on Easy
Complete the game on easy to unlock this trophy. The difficulty levels do stack so beating the game on a higher difficulty level will also unlock this trophy.
No Matter What – Normal: Complete the Game on Normal
Complete the game on Normal to unlock this trophy. The difficulty levels do stack so beating the game on a higher difficulty level will also unlock this trophy.
No Matter What – Hard: Complete the Game on Hard
Complete the game on Hard to unlock this trophy. The difficulty levels do stack so beating the game on a higher difficulty level will also unlock this trophy.
No Matter What – Survival: Complete the Game on Survival
Complete the game on Survival to unlock the trophy. Stealth is your friend, supplies are limited as well as ammo so try not to go in guns blazing, if you can avoid a fight try to do so.
The Last of Us – Easy+: Complete the Game on Easy+
Complete the game on Easy+ to unlock this trophy. The difficulty trophies do stack so beating the game on a higher difficulty new game+ will also unlock this trophy.
The Last of Us – Normal+: Complete the Game on Normal+
Complete the game on Normal+ to unlock this trophy. The difficulty trophies do stack so beating the game on a higher difficulty new game+ will also unlock this trophy.
The Last of Us – Hard+: Complete the Game on Hard+
Complete the game on Hard+ to unlock this trophy. The difficulty trophies do stack so beating the game on a higher difficulty new game+ will also unlock this trophy.
The Last of Us – Survivor+: Complete the Game on Survivor+
Complete the game on Survivor+ to unlock this trophy. Stealth is your friend, supplies are limited as well as ammo so try not to go in guns blazing, if you can avoid a fight try to do so.
Knowing the Basics: Win a game of Supply Raid and Survivors in Find Match
Simply click find match, play and win a match of both Supply Raid and Survivors to unlock this trophy.
*Note* – At this time the trophies seem to be delayed, meaning you may achieve this but it may not unlock, so either keep playing or come back at a later time and play a match and it could unlock.
Populace: Build your clan to 40 people in Factions
When you start playing multiplayer you will have to choose a side, either Firefly or Hunter. You’ll start off with 5 survivors, you must get this number to 40 or more survivors for this trophy to unlock. Play which ever game mode you feel more comfortable in and just do your best, you should be able to achieve this in 7-15 games depending on skill.
*Note* – At this time the trophies seem to be delayed, meaning you may achieve this but it may not unlock, so either keep playing or come back at a later time and play a match and it could unlock.
Firefly: Complete the Firefly Journey
After you click on factions in the main menu you will be asked to pick a side, Firefly or Hunter, and then you will start a 12 week journey. Each game you play counts as a day, so 12 weeks, 7 days in a week, you will have to play 96 games to complete the journey. This also means that you must keep at least one survivor alive at the end of the 12 weeks. About once or twice a week you will have missions that you will have to complete, sometimes these will be a % increase in survivors and other times it will be a decrease in %. At the beginning of these missions you will have a list of different challenges to complete, try to save the easier ones for the later weeks that way you don’t end up losing 100% of your survivors. I would suggest saving the easy ones for the ones where you could lose 100% of your survivors, especially in the later weeks, like the down one or executions.
Hunter: Complete the Hunter Journey
After you click on factions in the main menu you will be asked to pick a side, Firefly or Hunter, and then you will start a 12 week journey. Each game you play counts as a day, so 12 weeks, 7 days in a week, you will have to play 96 games to complete the journey. This also means that you must keep at least one survivor alive at the end of the 12 weeks. About once or twice a week you will have missions that you will have to complete, sometimes these will be a % increase in survivors and other times it will be a decrease in %. At the beginning of these missions you will have a list of different challenges to complete, try to save the easier ones for the later weeks that way you don’t end up losing 100% of your survivors. I would suggest saving the easy ones for the ones where you could lose 100% of your survivors, especially in the later weeks, like the down one or executions.
That’s all I Got – Survive all of Ellie’s jokes (Hidden)
There are five places where Ellie will tell jokes, 4 times in the Pittsburgh chapter and 1 in the Suburb chapter. Please note that listening to a conversation does not save the game, so if you die after listening to one you may have to do it up again for it to count.The locations are as follows:
1) You will come to an area where three guys will jump over a bus and start walking around, you will eventually have to climb over this bus. After you clear the area, wait for about 15-30 seconds by the bus and Ellie will pull out the joke book.
2) At the top floor of the bookstore there will be a makeshift campsite, Ellie will pull out the book by the campsite after you’ve cleared out the entire bookstore.
3) After exiting the book store you’ll come to a flooded street with a cutscene of some men moving a plank, turn around and head down the street towards the modeling advertisement and start the optional conversation, wait till she pulls out the joke book.
4) When you first enter the hotel you’ll have to use a ladder to get to the second floor, head to the right to get the Note to Staff Artifact, then head back down to the first floor and open the safe on the right side of the floor. When you climb back up the ladder Ellie will be waiting with some jokes.
1) There are four conversations that must be triggered before Ellie will take out the joke book.
-After exiting the sewers head down the street and you will see a shoot on sight sign, the group will talk about it.
-Across the street will be a hole in the wall, Henry will talk about barbecues.
-Approach the ice cream truck and talk about it with the kids.
-Head down the street till it dead ends and talk about the Firefly logo.
Wait at the end of the road and Ellie will pull out the joke book.
The Last of Us: Left Behind DLC
Left Behind is the first and only Single Player DLC for The Last of Us. Left Behind is included in the Season Pass but if you don’t have the season pass, Left Behind is available as a standalone purchase for $14.99. Left Behind is a prologue to the single player campaign of the Last of Us, this time focusing on Ellie and her friend Riley, specifically when they were both bitten. Left Behind has 10 Trophies, 1 Silver and 9 Bronzes that can roughly be obtained in 2-4 hours depending on skill.
To accomplish the 100% in the Left Behind DLC in the fastest possible time I recommend the following path:
1) Comlplete the game on Survivor while collecting all artifacts and optional conversations.
2) Clean up any of the hidden miscellaneous trophies that you may have missed. Check each description below for how to obtain them.