Dead Island Riptide: Mystery Solved Trophy/Achievement (All of the Secret Files) – HTG
Trophy/Achievement: Mystery Solved (Bronze)/(15g) – Find All of the Secret Files (9)
Location: Palanai Island, Pinai Ferry Station, Henderson
(HTG)Brian shows you how to get all of the secret files to earn the “Mystery Solved” Trophy/Achievement for Dead Island Riptide on PS3, Xbox360 and PC. The Mystery Solved Trophy/Achievement for Dead Island Riptide requires you to find 9 of the Secret Files scattered through out the 3 areas, Palanai Island, Pinai Ferry Station and Henderson. Follow along with the Video and watch us find all 9 secret files and earn the mystery solved trophy. The Mystery Solved Trophy/Achievement for Dead Island Riptide is time consuming but knowing the locations of the secret files can sure help. Your opinion is important to us so if there are any videos you would like us to add let us know and we will try to get them up. Thank you for choosing Happy Thumbs Gaming for all of your gaming needs.
Fast Forward Quick Links:
Secret File 1: 00:22
Secret File 2: 01:03
Secret File 3: 01:27
Secret File 4: 01:47
Secret File 5: 02:29
Secret File 6: 02:47
Secret File 7: 03:14
Secret File 8: 03:40
Secret File 9: 04:05
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Dead Island, Dead Island Riptide, Riptide, DeadIslandRiptide, deadislandriptide, DI, DI Riptide, di, trophy, trophies, achievement, achievements, HappyThumbsGaming, HTG Brian, htg, happy, thumbs, gaming, happythumbsgaming, ps3, playstation, 3, xbox, 360, xbox360, PC, help, tutorial, walkthrough, platinum, Secret Files, secret files, 9 secret files, secret file locations, Pinal Ferry, Pinal Ferry Terminal, Henderson, henderson, Palanai Island, Station, mysterysolved, Mystery Solved, Mystery Solved Trophy, Mystery Solved Achievement,