Resident Evil 6: Jake Campaign – All 20 Serpent Emblems – HTG
(HTG) Brian shows you the locations of all 20 Serpent Emblems for Jake Muller’s campaign in Resident Evil 6, which all 80 serpent emblems must be found to earn the “Heirloom” Trophy/Achievement. Each Chapter in Jake’s campaign has 4 Serpent Emblems hidden with in. Our goal here is to show you where all 20 for Jake are. This campaign will require you to play as both characters in the story to get them all, we show you the 2 which require Sherry and get all 20 serpent emblems. Follow along as we grab all 20 Serpent Emblems and get 1/4 of the emblems needed to get that heirloom trophy/achievement for Resident Evil 6.
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Resident Evil ResidentEvil RE ResidentEvil6 residentevil Xbox 360 Ps3 Playstation3 Training Walkthrough Video Footage HTG HappyThumbsGaming Happy Thumbs Gaming happythumbsgaming (HTG)Brian Walkthrough Playthrough Zombies t-virus campaign Jake Muller JakeMuller jakemuller jake Sherry Birkin SherryBirkin sherrybirkin Heirloom heirloom hierloom Hierloom serpent emblems serpentemblems SerpentEmblems Serpent Emblems Serpant Trophy/Achievement locations hidden items