Lego DC Super-Villains Trophy/Achievement Guide
Thumby’s Essential Information
Platinum/100% Difficulty 1.5/5
Estimated time to Platinum/100%: 30+ Hours
Step 1: Complete the Story
During this step you will want to focus on completing all 20 story levels.
Step 2: Complete FREE PLAY
After completing the story you will have everything you need to collect everything in the FREE PLAY. Free play can accessed by opening the map and pressing R1. Each level tells you what collectibles are in what section of the level. For the full FREE PLAY guide, please refer to the collectibles text guide at the bottom of the page.
Step 3: Collect all Characters, Gold Bricks and complete all races in the Hub World (FREE ROAM)
At this point you will want to save your studs so you can buy the red bricks you earned from Free Play and then you will be able to purchase everything at the end of collecting everything. All activities can be found after using the Johnny DC terminal in each location. To see your progression on Earth and Apokolips, open the map and go to the last tab.
Step 4: Complete all the Challenges
All the challenges can be viewed by opening the map and going two tabs to the right. Once you’ve completed step 3, you should have a good idea of where a lot of things are located within the hub world. After completing this step you will have 100% completed FREE ROAM.
Step 5: Clean up
During this step you will go back and collect any trophies you may have missed along the way.
Step 6: DLC
After completing the game if you decide to pick up the DLC all the info for each trophy can be found after the collectibles guide.
Game Glitches
Lego games have a History of minor and major glitches that may set you back. Glitches that can be fixed with a simple restart or major glitches that will make you restart the game. Below is a list of glitches we found as we played.
- As you complete quests in the hub world, the game will sometimes leave a marker over a character who you’ve already completed a quest for. A simple restart of the game will remove this.
- During quests the game will ask you to follow characters, sometimes they will just stop and not do anything. Restart the game to restart the quest.
- Randomly during the hub world after or during a quest your map will open.
- While traveling to certain markers, they will disappear but remain marked on the map. Unmark them and remark them to reset the marker.
- During a mission the camera angle may change to show you something, but the camera won’t move back and you won’t able to move. Restart the game to fix this.
- During level 15 on FREE PLAY, near the end of the level after collecting the final collectible. If you wish to play the level out be sure to take motion blur off as the game can crash during the transition from the second to third platform.
- At the end of level 17 during the cutscene/comic, the game can crash. A possible solution for this is to have motion blur turned off as well as turning off all active red bricks.
*If you encounter any glitches not listed here, please let us know so we can add them*
Here’s to Mischief – Collect all the trophies
Collect all the trophies to earn the Platinum.
We’re Here to Help – Complete “New Kid On The Block”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Out of the Cobblepot, into the fire – Complete “It’s Good To Be Bad”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Treadmill Turbulence – Complete “S.T.A.R.S. In Your Eyes”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Eco Unfriendly – Complete “The Harley And The Ivy”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Man or Monster? – Complete “Arkham Barely Believe It”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Kneel before Grodd – Complete “Con-Grodd-ulations”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Show Them Fear – Complete “Oa No!”
Story related, cannot be missed.
You say Shazam, I say Mazahs – Complete “Fight at the Museum”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Under the Sea-king – Complete “Sea-king Trouble”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Cooking up a Deathstorm – Complete “Gridlocked”
Story related, cannot be missed.
An Explosive Entrance – Complete”Apokolips, Wow!”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Kalibak To Basics – Complete “The One With The T. rex Mech”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Syndicate Slayed – Complete “The Think It’s Owl Over”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Monorail Mayhem – Complete “Steppenwolf Surprise”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Deceiving Darkseid – Complete “Darkseid Of The Moon”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Granny Loves You – Complete “Granny Knows Best”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Superman Unchained – Complete “Man to Mantis”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Stomping Stompa – Complete “These Boots Are Made For Stompa”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Cannons at the Ready – Complete “Arma-Ghetto Superstar”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Sing-a-long Showdown – Complete “You Kanto-uch This”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Anti-Life Finds a Way… – Complete the story
Story related, cannot be missed.
Crime Does Pay – Max out your stud bar in every level
For all the stud requirements for each level, please refer to the collectibles guide at the bottom of the page.
Read All About It – Unlock and view all Minikit Newspaper covers
Please refer to the collectibles guide at the bottom of the page for the minikit locations. After collecting ALL minikits, head over to the Daily Planet which can be fast traveled to. Once inside there will be a station where you can look at all the newspaper covers. Once you’ve looked at all of them the trophy will pop.
Do you like Gold bricks, Batman? – Collect all Gold Bricks
There are a total of 200 Gold Bricks in game. Many of the Gold Bricks require you to solve puzzles in the hub world, some are easy and straight forward while some can be a little tricky. The best advice is to always look around the area and and smash thing. The solution will always be close by. They can be broken down as follows:
- 15 from Challenges
- 105 from the Hub world
All Together Now – Collect all characters
There are a total of a 146 characters that can be unlocked in the game. While a portion of them will be unlocked naturally by playing the story. There are a total of 50 character tokens, 20 via the story and 30 via the hub world. The remaining characters can be unlocked by completing their quests in the hub world. After purchasing every character the trophy will pop. For FREE PLAY character token locations please refer to the Collectibles Guide at the bottom of the page. For the hub world character tokens refer to “Con you solve it before we do?”. For info regarding quests, refer to “Helping Hand”.
Helping Hand – Complete all quests in the hub
While exploring you’ll want to activate all the Johnny DC terminals on Earth and Apokolips. Quests will now appear as speech bubble icons on your map. While many quests will be available after using the terminal, many will not. To unlock these quests you’ll need to collect gold bricks as well as complete races. The only quest that may not appear after completing all the other ones is the one for Lobo. Refer to “The Main Man’s a-comin” trophy for Lobo.
Smile! – Graffiti all Picture Perfect posters
There are a total of 30 posters you will need to graffiti. 20 can be found during FREE PLAY, please refer to the collectibles guide at the bottom of the page for their locations. The remaining 10 can be found in the hub world. Refer to “Con you solve it before we do?” trophy and look for the challenge “Poster Painter” for this posters.
A little bit extra – Achieve 100% completion
In order to achieve 100% completion you will need to collect the following:
- 100 Minikits (For all their locations visit the Collectibles section at the bottom of the guide)
- 196 Character/Vehicle tokens
- 20 Red Bricks – (These do not need to be purchased for 100%)
- 200 Gold Bricks
- 30 Posters Graffiti-ed
- 9 Monuments vandalized (requires 90 gold bricks)
- 20 True Villains (stud requirements)
Below are all FREE ROAM Collectibles
Fastest man alive – Complete all races in the hub
Races can be found by activating the Johnny DC terminals throughout Earth and Apokolips. After using the terminal a large number of races will appear on your map but some won’t. To get these races to appear you’ll need to complete quests and collect gold bricks in the area. Most races will either provide a vehicle you need to use in the area while the odd one here and there you’ll need to spawn in by going to the character select menu and changing the tab. There are a couple races that require you to glide. If you have trouble with these we found it easier to swap to a character that has the ability to fly as this won’t void the race.
The Main Man’s a-comin’ – Purchase Lobo
In order to purchase Lobo you’ll need to complete his quest. His quest can be found in Apokolips. You’ll need to head into Darkseid’s throne room and decorate the throne. Leave the area and the quest will become available. After completing his quest he can be purchased for 150,000 studs.
When they’re in a Cutscene… – Create your own Custom Character
Story related, cannot me missed.
A Court of Owls – Have Owlman and Talon together in a party
After completing the story, Owlman can be purchased for 150,000 studs. Talon can be found in the hub world in Gotham. You’ll need to complete a couple quests/collect gold bricks in order for this quest line to appear on the map. Once it appears, complete it and you can then purchase him for 250,000 studs. From there switch both characters to Owlman and Talon for the trophy to pop.
Battering Ram – Perform a grab on an enemy and charge into 5 others
While there are different locations you can do this, it is possible to do it during level 2 at the very beginning. After going through the vent, change your character to someone like Cheetah. From there try and group cops together and grab one cop by pressing circle. From there she will start to claw the enemy but not kill, meaning you can run and ram other cops over. Ram 5 cops and the trophy will pop. You will have to be quick on this as you can only grab enemies for a short amount of time.
That top hat with those trousers? – Change your custom character’s body piece 5 times
This can be completed as soon as you have the ability to customize your character. Just swap the characters body piece 5 times before leaving the custom creator and the trophy will pop while customizing.
Try Not to Scratch it – Collect all vehicles
There are a total of 50 vehicles in the game. Some of them will be unlocked already while most won’t be. To be able to purchase all the vehicles you will need to complete each race in the game. Races can be found after using the Johnny DC terminal in each location. Some races will not appear right away as you will need to collect some gold bricks and complete quests in the area for these races to appear. There is 1 vehicle that doesn’t unlock from races, this vehicle can only be unlocked after completing EVERY challenge in the game and then heading over to the Hall of Doom. For help on the challenges, refer to “Con you solve it before we do?” trophy.
Hit the Jackpot – Get the x10 combat multiplier
This can be completed as early as the first level. Find a group of enemies and keep defeating them while making sure your multiplier doesn’t go down. As you keep defeating enemies your multiplier will continue to go up as long as there isn’t a long gap of time between each enemy and be sure not to die as this will also reset your multiplier. You’ll know what your multiplier is as it will appear as a little coin with a number next to it on the left side of the screen while you fight enemies. Hit the x10 and the trophy will pop.
Most Wanted – Achieve the highest wanted level in the hub
This will most likely come naturally as you play in the hub world. There are a number of crimes you can commit in order to get a wanted level. Please refer to “Con you solve it before we do?” trophy and look at the “Modest Misdemeanors”. There is also a gold brick mission that requires you to rob a bank. This will most likely give you the trophy too.
Man of Steel – Complete a level without dying
This one may be a little tricky but it may also come naturally. This game doesn’t have an invincibility red brick but there are some characters that do have invincibility like Superman. It is suggested to play one of the last 5 levels as they are fairly short compared to the others. Play carefully and this will pop.
Thrill Rider – Ride all the fairground rides at the Amusement Mile in the hub
Amusement Mile can be found to the left of Gotham. Are 5 rides in this area you will need to ride in order to get the trophy. In order to be able to ride some of them you’ll need to collect some gold bricks within the area in which you need to actually fix the ride. The rides are listed below.
- Bumper cars
- Roller-coaster
- Ferris Wheel
- Merry Go Round
- Giant Spiral Slide
Ticket to Glide – Glide for 60 seconds as Batman in the hub
The easiest way to get this trophy is to switch to a character who can fly and fly as high as you can while in the hub world. Once you hit the max height, switch to Batman and glide down for 60 seconds. There is more than enough time to do this making this simple.
Trick or Treat – Have Riddler & Two-Face together in a party inside the Batcave
Both characters will be obtained during the story so don’t worry about having to purchase them. On the bottom most island in the hub is where the Batcave can be found. Once inside, switch both characters to the Riddler and Two-Face and the trophy will pop.
Egg on your Face – Take a selfie with Chang Tzu as any character whilist having both in the same the same party
After using the Johnny DC terminal in the swamp a quest will become available in the area. Complete the quest for Chang Tzu and you will be able to purchase him for 500,000 studs. Set one character to Chang Tzu and the other to any character you want. Using the character you want, take a selfie with Chang Tzu by pressing L1.
Con you solve it before we do? – Complete all the challenges in the hub
There are a total of 15 challenges within the game, each challenge will reward you with a gold brick after completion. Each challenge is listed below. All challenges can be viewed by opening the map and moving two tabs over.
Bothersome Bats (all bats can be found on Wayne island)
- in the tree to the left of the manor.
- above the back door to the manor.
- above the doorway in the green house to the right of the manor.
- on the giant hedge of a man in front of the manor.
- behind the Johnny DC terminal is a gate, under the gate is a bat.
- on the roof of the Batcave tunnel.
- on the left side in the Batcave are 2 empty display cases. To the left is the bat.
- behind the dinosaur in the Batcave is a metal pillar with the bat on it.
- on the beach against the rock wall.
- against the fence at the end of the hedge maze.
Poster Painter (all posters can be found in Gotham)
- Gotham bottom left corner against the blue roof building next to a gate.
- to the left of the Gotham central monorail underneath the tracks.
- bottom right corner of Gotham on the underground road.
- inside the Gotham cable car station.
- the building to the right of Wayne tech, up the left set of stairs.
- underneath the Gotham cable car station is a road, next to the road is a room you can go in with the poster.
- to the right of Gotham’s Chinatown, by the road up some stairs.
- on one of the higher floors on the building to the right of Gotham’s Chinatown.
- bottom right corner of Gotham inside the police station parking lot.
- two building to the right of Wayne tech is an ice cream factor. On the right side of the building are some stairs. Go down the stairs and walk a bit to find this poster.
Peeping Penguins (all penguin cameras can all be found on the east Gotham island)
- at the chemical plant, looking down at the parking lot.
- on the left side of the island is the chemical loading area, inside one of the loading docks.
- at the bottom of the road going up to the chemical plant.
- on one of the fences by the Iceberg Lounge.
- on top of the Iceberg Lounge.
- at the monorail station by the ticket booths.
- across the street from the Monarch Theater on the corner of a roof.
- along the billboard that’s above the cave going to the swamp.
- at the end of the street of the Monarch Theater going right, on the corner of a building.
- to the left of the Johnny DC terminal along the road is a bus spot. On top of the bus spot.
Irritating Incisors (all of these can be found at the amusement park)
- right beside the roller-coaster.
- middle of the floor between several booths close to the roller-coaster.
- to the right of the bumper cars.
- behind the Ferris wheel.
- along the monorail walkway.
- to the left of the merry go round by an ice cream hut.
- to the right of the giant spiral slide is a giant shark head in the water, inside it’s mouth is where it is.
- to the left of the giant spiral slide on the floor.
- before entering the Joker’s fun house, to the left of the head on his shoulder.
- behind the balloon mini game by the roller-coaster.
Runaway Roundup (all can be found by Arkham Asylum)
- the top left part of the area is a windmill, they can be found to the bottom left in a stone cage.
- to the left of the Arkham manor next to the billboard.
- going up thee Arkam Asylum driveway to the left is a wooden cage.
- towards the bottom of the area is a cabin, to right of the cabin.
- on the south side of the graveyard which is located in the middle of the area.
- can be found just behind the start of the riding out of the dark motorcycle race.
Potent plants (all can be found in the swamp)
- one right out side of the villain base.
- underneath the prison parking lot.
- across the water from the alligator hut.
- across from the Johnny DC terminal.
- to the left behind the hall of doom on a hill.
- on the roof of the Belle Reve building are some vents, inside one of the vents is a plant.
- along the north side of the swamp is a path that goes up, along the path is where it is.
- along the bridge in the swamp.
- under the bridge near the tunnel leaving the swamp.
- on the north side of the swamp are temple ruins, outside of the temple to the right is the plant.
Telephone Terror (all phone booths can be found in Metropolis)
- to the left of the S.T.A.R.S labs.
- outside of the Daily Planet.
- across the street from the Daily Planet is a museum. Out side of the museum is the booth.
- on the left roadside corner from Lex Corp.
- to the left of the front of the Lex Corp building behind a statue of Lex.
- across the street from Lex Corp is Cain Theater, outside the theater is the booth.
- in front of the building second from the top left of Metropolis.
- on the left side of the park close to some stairs.
- at the bottom of the left set of stairs at the Hall of Justice.
- on the left side of the custom character creator building.
Sunflower smasher (all can be found in Smallville)
- one can be found near the chicken coup by the barn.
- at the end of the runway by the airport.
- by the fuel tanks at the airport
- along the dirt road going to the Krytonite mines.
- along the road that goes into Smallville, on the left will be a creek. The flower will be along that creek.
- when you enter Smallville via the road, take a right turn and it will be along the road.
- behind the barn
- on the left side of the town hall building
- from where you enter Smallville, if you take a left turn you’ll be near all the repair shops. In the grass near the road will be a sunflower.
- at the Krytonite mines near a ramp at the top of the hill.
Hug Hunter (there are buttons in Apokolips you need to collect)
- inside the mouth of a statue facing the coliseum which is on the right side of the area.
- the power plant can be found on the left of the area, underneath the large head is a secret path with the button inside.
- to the right of a Johnny DC terminal is a building in the shape of a skull. Inside the nose of the skull is the button.
- at the coliseum there is a giant molten stone giant hovering over the coliseum. On its fist is the button.
- on the south side of the area where you can teleport to Metropolis, there are two banners hanging on the outside of the building. Behind the left one is the button.
- close to the bottom of the building to the south, if you look on the map it will be on the right side of the building near the lava. There is a small doorway with the button inside.
- at the top right of the power plant on a lower level is a small pathway with a small room that has the button.
- on the south side building, down low is a billboard. Behind the billboard is the button.
- inside Darkseid’s throne room down the long lava hallway you see when you enter.
- there are four lava slides coming down from the south side building. When facing the building, at the top of the first slide is the button. It can be tough to see.
Bowtie Bandit (there are bowties scattered throughout earth)
- by the cable car that goes from Gotham to Metropolis.
- on one of the hedges behind Wayne Manor.
- on the side of Lex Corp is a statue of Lex with a bowtie.
- to the left of Chinatown near the water is a giant sphinx.
- bottom right corner of Gotham on the statue.
- the Metropolis hotel is the middle right building in Metropolis, you can see it across the street on the statue.
- the top left of Gotham has a church, on the front of the church is the bowtie.
- on the bottom left corner of Metropolis is a restaurant with a statue on top of it.
- on the south side of Gotham facing the water, one of the buildings has a statue on it with robes on.
- the top left building in Metropolis is the library, on the corner of the building there is a statue.
Filer Finder – There are 30 Briefcases scattered throughout the game. Each case contains 1 character token. To find them all easily you’ll want to purchase and equip the character token locator. 24 character tokens can be found in the open world and the remaining 6 won’t appear on the map. You’ll have to head into the following locations to find the remaining briefcases.
- Darkseid’s Throne Room
- The Watch Tower
- The Daily Planet
- Wayne Tech
- Belle Reve
- Stryker’s Island
Modest Misdemeanors (there are 5 separate crimes you can do to get a wanted level, these can be done in various locations but here are some)
- at the Arkham manor, around the house are 3 recycling bins you need to smash.
- throughout earth are police vehicles with silver or gold back doors. Destroy them.
- in Gotham there is a church. Go inside and you’ll find a safe with a charge panel next to it. Charge it up.
- at the top of the hill in Arkham Asylum by the old Windmill are some guys looking for a getaway driver. Drive them to their destination.
- you need to literally steal candy from a baby. One location where you can find this is along the road going down from Arkham Asylum. There will be a baby in a stroller holding a large lollipop.
Transit Tycoon
- one of these is story related.
- ride the monorail station in the amusement park.
- ride of the monorail in Metropolis.
Game Guru – This will be completed while collecting all hub world gold bricks.
Golden Graffiti (these monuments can be found everywhere throughout the hub, this challenge requires you to have at least 90 gold bricks)
- Darkseid’s throne in his throne room.
- at the bottom of the giant spiral slide at the amusement park.
- on top of the Arkham Asylum roof to the right.
- in the park at the north side of Metropolis.
- to the left of Wayne manor.
- in front of the Gotham police station.
- in Smallville at the end of the road to the left of town hall.
- on the roof to the left of the Ace Chemical parking lot.
- to the left behind the hall of doom on a hill.
The Enemy Within – Take a selfie with Batman whilst playing as the Joker
After unlocking Batman and the Joker via the story, either in the hub world or during Free Play Switch one character to Batman and the other to the Joker. From there press L1 as the Joker and make sure Batman is in the shot when you take a selfie.
Bad Guy Boogie – Activate dance mode and make 5 characters dance
To earn this trophy you’ll need to unlock a character all “Music Meister”. After unlocking him find a ground of 5 people and hold circle down to start making people dance. Once 5 people start dancing the trophy will pop.
Collectibles Guide
To access FREE PLAY, open the map in the hub world and press R1 to change tabs.
Level 1 – New Kid on the Block
Stud requirement 200,000
Area 1 – Stryker’s Island
Minikit 1 – On the bottom floor to the left you’ll see a laser grid. Use someone who can create portals to shoot a portal through the grid and hit the mirror. Now head to the top floor and you’ll see a room on the left with some gold boxes. Smash those and create a mirror. Now shoot the mirror and jump through to grab the minikit.
Character token (Cheshire) – On the top floor to the left will be a large glass box that can be shattered. Inside will be the token.
Poster – On the top floor to the right will be a room with the poster.
Area 2 – Metallo’s Cell
Minikit 2 – There are 5 loud speakers in this area, each one can actually be heard if you listen closely. The first can be found on the left side above the door. The next two can be found to the left and right of the middle window high up. The next two are after you go down the elevator. Both can be found on the left and right sides of the room above doors.
Minikit 3 – After going down the elevator on the far left side of the room will be a spot where you can use a remote control object to go through the door. Follow the trail and land on the button to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 4 – On the right side of the room behind the turret is a door with a lock on it. Use telekinesis on it and then charge the shock panel to reveal a minikit.
Area 3 – Gotham Clock Tower
Red Brick (Helium mode) – Along the story path you’ll come across a golden gargoyle with a red brick in its mouth. Melt the statue to get the brick.
Minikit 5 – At the top of the clock tower there will be an arch way with a grapple plug on it. If its not there use Batman’s ability to reveal hidden objects. Grapple the plug and inside will be a minikit.
Level 2 – It’s Good to be Bad
Stud requirement – 105,000
Area 1 – G.C.P.D.
Minikit 1 – To the left of where you start you’ll notice some fire. Put it out to reveal a minikit.
Poster – In the first area of the level you’ll notice the two staircases going to the left and right. At the top of each set it a group of cops. After using the vent to go to the right side and after defeating the cops there will be a poster of the Riddler. Use the Riddler to graffiti the poster.
Minikit 2 – On the left set of stairs you’ll see a plant on a table. Use telekinesis on it and then dig up the dirt to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 3 – At the top of the right stairs are a set of elevators door. Between the doors is something you can smash and rebuild into a lever. Pull the lever and wait a bit as a minikit will appear in on the left elevator door.
Character token (Commissioner Gordon) – In the next room you’ll eventually smash into a room with 2 vending machines inside. On the right side of the room is a small person mini game. Complete it to gain access to the character token.
Area 2 – The Iceberg Louge
Minikit 4 – From where you start head up the stairs to your right and smash the wall on the trailer to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 5 – At the bottom of the stairs from the previous minikit you’ll see a fountain with an ice sculpture in it. Melt the ice to reveal a minikit.
Red Brick (Paint splat footprints) – On the top right balcony you’ll come across a fish tank. The glass can be shattered. After doing so use telekinesis and the fish will puke out bricks that can be build into the red brick.
Level 3 – S.T.A.R.S. in your Eyes
Stud requirement – 110,000
Area 1 – The Cosmic Treadmill
Red Brick (Big Head Mode) – On the left side of the room you’ll notice some strong handles. Rip the door out and use a character that can create light go inside. Pull the lever that’s inside and it will reveal 5 targets you need to hit. You are timed on this and it is recommended to take a different path what the cut scene suggests as it’s quicker take the bottom middle one 3rd rather than last.
Minikit 1 – Towards to front right corner of the screen you’ll come across a glass case that can be shattered using a character that can shatter glass. Shatter it and you’ll find a minikit inside.
Minikit 2 – On the right side of the room you’ll notice a small plant on a table. Grow the plant using your ability and then climb the plant to gain access to the mini game. After the mini game you’ll reveal a minikit.
Minikit 3 – On the right side of the room you’ll see a laser grid and a room inside. To the right of the laser grid there a minikit tucked away sitting there. You can barely see the edge of it.
Minikit 4 – On the top left walkway will be a spot where Batman will be needed. Use his tracking sense ability to reveal a batterang pad. Use the batterang on it to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 5 – If you look at the ceiling of the room you’ll see a gold circle. Melt it to reveal a minikit.
Area 2 – Beast Boy and Raven
Poster – After your fight with Beast Boy head to the left side of the room and you’ll see the poster.
Character token (The Flash Wally West) – You’ll need to progress in the story a little bit as you are not aloud to fly in this room. Once you get to the part where you can shoot the mirrors to create portals, make sure the left portal is on the bottom floor and the right portal is on the top floor. Jump through the electricity and into the portal. You will now appear on the top right floor. You will come across a giant gold wall that can be melted. Melt it and switch to someone who can make portals again. Shoot the first mirror and then press the button so the mirrors switch sides. Now shoot the second one and hop through to grab the token.
Level 4 – The Harley and the Ivy
Stud requirement – 120,000
Area 1 – The Botanical Gardens
Minikit 1 – There are 5 flowers you can grapple. The first can be found to the left of Ivy in the water. In the next room over on the left will be a golden pillar you can melt after hurting Ivy. Behind the pillar is the next flower. In the same room towards the front left side you’ll see the third flower. In the final room you can find the next one towards to front left side. After that the final one will be towards the right by the water.
Minikit 2 – In the final room on the right will be a gate with someone who can be mind controlled on the other side. Take control of him and get a minikit.
Area 2 – Galaxy Communications Tower
Minikit 3 – After going through the camera gate, on the top right of the roof you’ll see a clue icon. Use someone like the Riddler here and activate the terminal to reveal a minikit.
Poster – In the room where you need to collect the 3 flowers to progress the story, on the floor above the UFO that you smash you’ll see the poster sitting on the left.
Minikit 4 – To the right of the poster will be a box with a glass window. Shatter it to reveal bricks that can be built into a minikit.
Character token (Jinx) – Once you arrive to the party at the top of the tower, there will be a table on the left with some dishes. Use telekinesis on them to reveal the token.
Minikit 5 – On the left side of the party will be a potted plant against the small. Smash it and dig up the dirt to reveal a minikit.
Red Brick (Collect Guide Studs) – If you fly above the room onto the roof you’ll find a silver statue that can be blown up. Head down and then build the Green Lantern pad and use him to reveal the red brick.
Level 5 – Arkham Barely Believe it
Stud requirement – 250,000
Area 1 – Arkham Breakout
Minikit 1 – On the far right side of the area will be a door with a camera you need to hide from. Go invisible and go through the door so you can play the mini game. After that another will open and you need to spin a lever. Then a giant plant will pop up and spit out a ton of studs along with a minikit.
Minikit 2 – At the end of the area you’ll need to make a bridge of henchmen, after crossing the bridge if you head left there will be a wall of ice that can be melted. First you’ll need to spot the icy air coming from the pipe with Batman’s batterang and then you can melt the ice that has a minikit hiding behind it.
Area 2 – Waking up Grundy
Minikit 3 – There are 5 silver animals that need to be blown up. If you head towards the front left of the screen you’ll see a vent in the floor. Go through and you’ll find your first silver animal. Once you are on the second floor there are 2 of them sitting right next to each other. After creating the ice bridge via the story you’ll find one on the ice bridge to the left. The final animal is sitting on a ceiling fan above the ice bridge. You’ll need to use someone like Lex Luther here to blow it up as Batman and Jokers explosives bounce off the ceiling fan.
Character token (Firefly) – On the right side of the area you’ll see a wooden window with a person behind it that can be mind controlled. Take control of the person and step on the buttons to create the patterns that are on the chalk boards. Each chalk board has part of the solution. Once completed you can then grab the token.
Poster – If you fly up to the second floor and go left. There will be a large blue machine with a handle you can hold on to. Pull it down and it will reveal a vent you can go through. Once you go through you’ll find the poster in the room.
Minikit 4 – In the same room as the poster will be the minikit.
Poster – Right next to the previous minikit you’ll find this graffiti spot.
Area 3 – Monster Man
Minikit 5 – You’ll notice in the bottom right corner there is a mini map of the area. Head to the far left of the mini map and you’ll come across a pump that can be jumped on. Keep jumping on it and a minikit will pop up.
Red Brick (Minikit Detector) – At about 10’o clock on the minimap in this area you’ll find a gold grate that can be melted. This will reveal a vent you can then go through. Go through and in this new room head left. Using someone strong rip out the wall and press the button. From there you’ll need to fly up and play the newly revealed mini game. Complete it and it will lower a cage of henchmen. Recruit the henchmen and head left. Now using them pull all the grapple plugs on the wall to reveal the red brick.
Level 6 – Con-Grodd-ulations
Stud requirement – 120,000
Area 1 – Gorilla City
Red Brick (Attract Studs) – As soon as you start to the left above you is a spot for the batterang. Hit it and it will shoot out a blue beam of light. Now head over to where the beam is shooting and you’ll find a plant you can grow. Grow it to deflect the beam to the left. Now head up the stairs to the left and you’ll see a dig spot against the left wall. Dig it up to reveal another deflecting flower. Now the angle is a little weird but you’ll need to keep adjusting both flowers until the beam of light hits the blue orb above the large hallway that comes a little later. Once it hits the orb the red brick will drop out and you can pick it up later on in the level or just fly over and grab it.
Minikit 1 – There are 5 giant gongs that can be found. The first can be found to the right of where you start near the edge. The next one can be found after getting through the stone wall but before using the rope swing. Just above you will be the second gong. The third gong can be seen in a mini cutscene where a gorilla hits it. The forth gong can be found at the top of the large staircase where the boulder rolls down. The final gong can be found after using the rope swings to get to the higher ground. On the right near the ledge will be the final gong.
Character token (Ultra Humanite) – After walking past the 3 moving walls you’ll see a gear against the wall. Use Batman’s sense ability and to reveal a grapple plug. Pull it and reveal the token.
Minikit 2 – After fighting a group of gorillas by the 3rd gong from minikit 1, there will be walkway in which you can jump to that’s to the right. Get onto the walkway and you’ll come across a glass wall that can be shattered. Shatter it to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 3 – Once you get to the hallway with the boulders you’ll see there are 2 walls you can hide behind to avoid getting hit. On the right wall is a well hidden grapple plug that will lower the cage. Wait for the boulder to smash the cage so you can grab the minikit.
Poster – After going up the stair case you create and before the hallway there will be a ledge to the right of the hallway with a smashable wall. Smash it to reveal the poster.
Minikit 4 – At the top of the boulder hallway and to the left you’ll see one of the gongs. Smash it and the box behind it to reveal bricks that can be built into a Green Lantern pad. Use Green Lantern and you will reveal a minikit.
Area 2 – Solovar’s Throne
Minikit 5 – In back left corner will be something that can be smashed only by the boss. When the boss does his attack where he goes to the middle and makes a mad dash at you, make sure to stand in front of it so the boss can smash it. Than rebuild the bricks into a minikit.
Level 7 – Oa No!
Stud requirement 120,000
Area 1 – Oa
Red Brick (Combat Confetti) – From where you start you’ll see the clue icon appear towards the front of the screen. Use Batman’s sense ability to reveal a grapple plug. Pull it and a ship will fly in with a silver box on it. Blow it up to reveal the red brick.
Minikit 1 – There are 4 hovering Green lantern signs in this area. The first can be found to the right of where the ship that fell of the edge was. After using the vent to go across to the next platform, to the right will be a bridge and behind the bridge will be the second sign. The third sign can be found just before taking control of the guy behind the window. The sign will be above the window. The final sign will be to the right of the flying platform that comes in that has enemies on it.
Minikit 2 – After moving the bridge back go inside the room to find a silver panel. Blow it up to reveal a mini game, complete it to gain access to a minikit.
Poster – After going up the elevator, smash around behind the elevator and reveal a poster of the Green Lantern.
Minikit 3 – After going up the elevator you’ll come across a digging spot. Dig and then follow the platforms to reveal a minikit.
Character token (Simon Baz) – You’ll come to a point where you’ll need to take control of a guy behind a window to progress the story. Before doing the color pad section, flip the lever on the left and this will than create a laser beam. Head over to where the laser beam ends and reflect the laser towards the green box to reveal the token.
At the end of the area to the right of the giant door you’ll find a clue icon. Follow the trail and you’ll end up at on the left next to a giant Green Lantern logo. Put the pieces in the correct spots and it will reveal a minikit.
Area 2 – Power Ring
Minikit 5 – As soon as you get into the fight you’ll notice 2 silver boxes on both sides of the fight platform. Blow them up to reveal buttons. You’ll to press both fairly quickly after one another as they will raise sets of bars. From there you will need someone like Harley Quinn to grab onto and swing across all the bars so they turn from red to green. Once they are all green the minikit will appear in the middle. If you aren’t quick enough the bars will lower and you’ll need to try again.
Level 8 – Fight at the Museum
Stud requirement – 100,000
Minikit 1 – There are 6 green computers located within this area. The first can be found to the right of the strongman handles. The next can be found to the right of the hammer pad. The third can be found in the middle to the left next to the skull. After going through the long hallway you’ll come into a large room. In front of the statue in the middle of the room you’ll find the forth one. The fifth one will be in the same room but on the left side of the room on the second floor. The final one can be found behind the statue of the Pharaoh that’s at the back of room.
Minikit 2 – In the first room on the left you’ll find yourself in a gift shop. Smash around and you can use telekinesis to return a number of pieces to the ceiling ornament above you. Once they are all in place a minikit will appear.
Minikit 3 – If you fly to the top right side of the room you’ll find a plane with someone gold in front of it hanging from the ceiling. Melt it to reveal pieces that can be built into a minikit.
Minikit 4 – Once you open the large gate, on the left in the hallway will be some ice you can melt. Melt it and then place the baby mammoth where the ice was. Now refreeze that section to reunite the baby and mother. This will drop pieces that can be built into a minikit.
Poster – Towards the back of the room you’ll find the poster against the wall, it’s hard to miss.
Minikit 5 – Between the poster are 2 golden objects you can melt. Melt them to you can build a minikit using the pieces are appear.
Red Brick (x2 mulitplier) – To the right of the previous minikit are some stairs. Go up and you’ll come across a glass window. Shatter it and use the Mirror Master to shoot a portal. Than head to the right side of the area and shoot the other mirror. Next pull the lever and head back to the first mirror you shot and jump through to grab the red brick.
Character token (Felix Faust) – On the left side of the room you’ll find some dirt. Grow a plant and then smack the object that appears in front of you to get the token.
Level 9 – Sea-king Trouble
Stud requirement – 50,000
Minikit 1 – From where you start head left. On the left will be a glass pillar that can be shatter. Shatter it to find some dirt that can be grown into a plant. This will reveal a minikit.
Minikit 2 – On the right side of where you start you’ll see a giant octopus arm. Using telekinesis you can take control of a sword. Cut the 2 ropes and it will drop a box with a silver lock. Blow up the lock to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 3 – There are 5 sea shells that need to be smacked. As soon as you are underwater, before smashing the wall there are 2 sea shells in the small room. They are hard to miss. After smashing the wall you can find the third shell on the left on the path. The forth can be found to the right of the boss at the end. The final is on the left of the platform where you fight the boss.
Minikit 4 – As soon you are underwater before smashing the wall, to the left will be some tubes and minikit inside a box. Pull the grapple plug to stop the propeller and then use someone that can go small. Go inside the tube and grab the minikit.
Minikit 5 – From the previous minikit towards the front of the screen you can see a minikit covered in an electric plant. Use someone like Black Adam to smash the plant since regular characters will get shocked. This will give you the minikit.
Character token (Aqualad) – After smashing the wall, along the path you’ll walk across a Green Lantern pad. Use him to reveal the token.
Red Brick (Fast Interactions) – On the right side of the final fight there will be some glass you can shatter. Shatter it and the game will want you to memorize some notes. Hit the flowers in the right order to reveal the red brick.
Poster – On the left side of the final fight will be a spot where you can use telekinesis. Use it to reveal a spot for someone who has a hammer. Smack it and it will reveal the poster.
Level 10 – Gridlocked
Stud requirement – 50,000
Area 1 – Lexcorp
Minikit 1 – There are 3 water coolers that need to be fixed. The first can be found on the right side of the room. You’ll need someone with telekinesis. The other two can be found the floor above you, one will be on the left side and the other on the right.
Minikit 2 – On the first floor there is a room covered in glass. Shatter the glass and then blow up the silver claws to release the minikit.
Minikit 3 – To the right of the previous minikit you’ll see a fire in the next room. Put it out and pull the lever. You can now build a grapple plug. Pull it to release some dirt. You can now dig up the minikit.
Minikit 4 – On the second floor to the left will be a camera you need to hide from. Once you get through pull the lever so your other character can go through. Now hang on the two handles on either side of the minikit to gain access to it.
Red Brick (Pew Pew Mode) – After going up to the next floor using the levitating elevator, on the right side of the room will be a lock that can be opened by using the code on the wall next to the lock and telekinesis.
Minikit 5 – On the left of the room will be a fish tank. There will be a spot where you can use a batterang over it. Use it to reveal a minikit.
Area 2 – Rooftop Ruckus
Character token (Metallo) – During the first boss fight towards the right side of the stage there is a spot for a remote control object to go through. Go through and you’ll get the token.
Poster – During the second boss fight towards the left will be a mini game for a small person. Play it to reveal the poster.
Level 11 – Apokolips, Wow!
Stud requirement – 250,000
Area 1 – Apokolips
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start look left to see a deflector pad. Deflect a boomerang around and you will reveal a minikit.
Minikit 2 – There are 5 golden horse shoes that can be melted. The first can be found on the right side next to some fire that’s coming through the wall. The next can be found above the giant door. The third can be found on the second floor to the left once inside the building. The forth one can be found after opening the second door. You’ll see it as you walk across the curved walkway against the back wall. The final one can be found in the room with the giant force field blocking your path. Above it will be the final one.
Minikit 3 – As SOON as you walk through the first door look left and you’ll see some glass that can be shattered. Shatter it to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 4 – Once you get through the first door on bottom floor to the right is some stuff in front of a small person mini game. Smash around and play the mini game to open a door. Once the door opens use the vacuum cleaner to clean up the green goo and a minikit will appear.
Poster – On the left side of the room on the bottom floor will be a poster with some stuff in front of it. Smash it and you can then take a picture.
Character token (Eradicator) – On the second floor to the right will be a terminal you can use. Use it to release the character token on the bottom floor.
Red Brick (Gold Brick Detector) – As you open the second door you’ll find yourself on a catwalk. On the right wall will be a spot where someone who has telekinesis can be used. Use them to reveal a guy dancing behind a glass wall. Use mind control on him and then press the button to reveal the minikit.
Minikit 5 – In the final room a bit to the left of the giant force field will be a Green Lantern pad. Use him to reveal a minikit.
Area 2 – Palace Approach
This Area contains no collectibles.
Level 12 – The One With The T. rex Mech
Stud requirement – 180,000
Area 1 – Themyscira
Minikit 1 – From where you start make your way to the front of the screen and you’ll come across a stream. Along the stream is a silver grate that can be blown up. This will release some ships that will get destroyed and leave pieces behind. Now build these pieces into a horn and it will reveal a minikit.
Minikit 2 – After crossing the gap and before going up the stairs you’ll come across a tracking spot. Using a tracker follow the trail to find a minikit at the end.
Red Brick (DC Captions) – Once you get to the hallway with the barrels that have gold weapons inside head left and you’ll come to a broken bridge. Fly over and you’ll find some bells hanging. Go in the middle of the bells and hit the bells in the right order to release the red brick. The order is on the platform you stand on.
Poster- Near the end once you get to a coliseum, fly above the middle section and you’ll see the poster.
Minikit 3 – After the poster drop down and go left. At the end will be a vent, go through and you’ll appear on top of the minikit.
Area 2 – Granny’s Coliseum
This area has no collectibles.
Area 3 – Nanda Parbat
Minikit 4 – After going up the elevator, against the back wall there will be a glass window. Shatter it and then use telekinesis to slide open a door with a minikit inside.
Minikit 5 – There are 4 lanterns in this area that need to be destroyed. The first one can be found above the wall you need to spray paint. The second can be found after going down the shaft safely and will be high up before going across the bridge. After going across the first bridge you can find the next one on the top of structure. The forth one can be found to the right of the catwalk by the bat plane.
Area 4 – Dinosaur Island
Character token (Wonder Girl) – As you walk around the edges of the fighting area you’ll come across some dirt in the ground. Grow the plant and it will reveal the token.
Level 13 – The Think It’s Owl Over
Stud requirement – 105,000
Area 1 – Speedster Chase
Minikit 1 – There are 5 red road blocks you’ll need to run into. Make sure not to hit any speed boosts during this section before collecting all 5. You will be running in a circle the entire time until you catch the bad guy. The road blocks come really quickly and you can miss them but you will have time to grab them again on another lap. There are only a certain number of laps you can do before you eventually catch up to him so try and pay attention to each road block.
Character token (Hawkman) – Make sure to stay in the left lane during the chase and you will NOT miss this token.
Area 2 – The Hall of Justice
Minikit 2 – Once you have access to the sliding puzzle you’ll see the first of 5 gold sticks. The next one is right next to Batman and Owlman where they fight. After that if you end to the far right side of the area you’ll see it sitting there. The next one will be behind a locked glass doorway. To open it you’ll need to switch to Poison Ivy and smash around EVERYWHERE, high and low. You’ll find 3 plants that she can use to make a potion. Then head to the vent and the door will open. The forth one will be above the glass room where you found one of the flowers, but for this one you’ll need to smash a glass cabinet if you haven’t already to find it.
Poster – You’ll find this poster on the far right section behind a last door. Refer to “Minikit 2” on how to open the door.
Minikit 3 – You can find this minikit inside the glass room on the far right section. To open the glass door refer to “Minikit 2”.
Minikit 4 – On the far right side section, to the left you’ll see something silver against the wall. Blow it up to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 5 – Head back to the middle of the area and go to the front of the screen to find a glass crystal. Shatter it to reveal a minikit.
Red Brick (Character token Detector) – Once on the middle section of the area, below where Batman is fighting there will be a wall you can spray paint. Once the wall is blown up you will find a treadmill. Now use someone with super speed like the Flash and collect the 10 parts. This will create a case with the red brick inside. Smash it to get the brick.
Level 14 – Steppenwolf Surprise
Stud requirement – 210,000
Area 1 – Wayne Tower
Minikit 1 – On the left side of the lowered elevator will be a booth with a guy inside. Using a good guy like Superman, go to the booth and the guy will reveal a remote control object door. On the other side will be a minikit.
Poster – Once you fix the elevator and get onto the floor, head left and you’ll see strong man handles. Rip of the wall off to reveal the poster.
Minikit 2 – As soon as you enter the large room with the car, go down the left set of stairs and fly to the left. You find a small room with a gold and silver box. Destroy both and then use the sense ability to reveal a knob. Turn it to reveal pieces that can be built into a minikit.
Minikit 3 – In the room with the car in the middle there will be a plant on the left side of the room that can be manipulated. If you manipulate it to the left it will create a jump pad. Jump on it and keep collecting the studs until the minikit appears.
Character token (Batwoman) – At the top of the escalators will be a fire. Put it out and go into the room. On the left will be a glass case that can be destroyed. Destroy it to get the token.
Red Brick (Demolition Mode) – Similar to minikit 3, on the right side this time will be some Mirrors you can turn into portals. Jump through them and you’ll find a cabinet that’s locked. Smash it to get the red brick.
Area 2 – Gotham Monorail
Minikit 4 – This minikit may be a little tricky and you may miss it on your first try. Along the monorail you’ll encounter a trail of studs and as you keep walking through the trail studs will start to appear making the trail longer. At the end of this trail of studs will be a minikit.
Minikit 5 – As soon as you gain control of Batman’s vehicle, DO NOT shoot the boss. Instead shoot the sides of the train. There are 3 doors you can blow off. The one on the right is little tricky to see but it is there.
Level 15 – Darkseid Of The Moon
Stud requirement – 105,000
Area 1 – Darkseid’s Palace
Minikit 1 – From where you start you’ll see a giant gold gate in the background. Above it is a shock panel. Charge and the gate will lower. Now fly inside and grab the minikit.
Minikit 2 – After launching the rocket from the middle it will hit the statue on the left destroying part it. You can get rid of the rest of it by then shooting it. From there use a strong character to smash the floor and find a minikit.
Minikit 3 – There are 4 fires that need to get put out. The first 2 can be found on the platform to the left after going up the first set of stairs. The last 2 can be found on the other side of the room after going up the stair case to the right that you create.
Minikit 4 – On the right side you’ll see a button and a machine to the left of it. You’ll need to press the button 3 times at the right time. Wait until the yellow square appears in the box to press the button. Once all 3 squares are yellow the minikit will be released.
Poster – Behind the cage your custom character is trapped in will be a computer, smash the computer to reveal the poster. If you are having trouble getting to this section as Darkseid may shoot you, you can fly up and over to get to it. If you still can’t do it try destroying the left generator and then flying up and over.
Red Brick (x4 mulitplier) – On both sides of the area you’ll need to destroy the generators to progress the story. Next to each computer that you need to destroy that are in those small rooms will have small person mini game. Complete both of them and DO NOT Destroy the right generator or you’ll have to replay the level. Once the second mini game is done a force field will be lifted and the camera will show you where. Now fly up to the thrown and pick a character like Livewire who can within electricity. Now sit on the throne by pressing triangle and the chair will begin to get shocked. Now mash square when it tells you to and the red brick will appear above you.
Area 2 – Darkseid Finale
Character token (Brainiac) – On the first platform if you look to the right, off the edge is a hanging tube with a grapple plug. Pull it to reveal the token.
Minikit 5 – On the second platform where you see the strong man handle, on the right side is a spot where telekinisis can be used. Use it to reveal a vent. Go through the vent to get the minikit.
*Important Note* After collecting the final minikit for the level be sure to SAVE and QUIT as game can crash after the treadmill section as it transitions to the third platform. To avoid the crash be sure to take motion blur off in the settings.
Level 16 – Granny Knows Best
Stud requirement – 80,000
Red Brick (x6 multiplier) – As soon as you start the level to your right there will be a wall that can be spray painted. Once on the other side smash around and you will build a batterang pad. Use Batman on it and this will reveal the brick.
Minikit 1 – To the right of where you start, on the wall will be a gold horse shoe that can be melted. Melt it and step on the pump you created to reveal a minikit.
Poster – To the left of where you start there will be a fireplace that is on fire. Put it out to reveal the poster.
Minikit 2 – There are 5 pictures of Darkseid throughout the level. The first can be found on top of the cabinet to the left of the large picture of granny. The next will be on the second floor to the left of the bed. After that the next one will be to the left of locked cabinet. The forth can be found in the final room on the left side high up above the sink. The final one can be found towards the front left of the area.
Minikit 3 – Once on the second floor you’ll see some strong man handles in the middle of the room. Use someone strong on them and you will reveal a minikit.
Character token (Creeper) – On the second floor there will be a dog in a glass case. Shatter it and this will reveal a spot a tracker can be used. Follow the trail and you’ll fine a bone. The dog will take the bone and reward you with the character token.
Minikit 4 – Just above the previous minikit will be a shock panel. Charge it to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 5 – In the final room towards the front of the screen you’ll see two bad guys making soup. Using telekinesis drop the food that’s on the left and right sides of them into the right side pot and a minikit will pop out.
Level 17 – Man to Mantis
Stud requirement – 65,000
Red Brick (Super Slap) – From where you start using a fly character to the upper left on the left. You’ll see a batterang pad. Use the batterang on it to reveal the brick.
Minikit 1 – From the red brick make your way left and you’ll see a minikit sitting in the corner.
Minikit 2 – There are 3 silver horse shoes that need to be blown up. The first will be on the left side of the room on the upper left. The next can be found on the right side of the room just above the golden gears that need to be melted. The final one can be found on the floor above the small person mini game. There will be a circle door. Walk up to the door and it will open and close.
Minikit 3 – On the right side of the room tucked away on the ledge will be a box sitting on the Green Lantern pad. Smash the box and use Green Lantern to reveal a minikit.
Character token (Anti-Monitor) – On the left side of the room will be a small person mini game. Complete the mini game to reveal the character token.
Minikit 4 – On the far right side of the room will be a shock panel high up against the wall. Charge it and it will reveal a mini game. Hit the target at the right time to reveal a minikit.
Poster – To the left of where you need to hide from the camera will be a glass case. Shatter it to reveal the poster.
Minikit 5 – In the front middle of your screen smash around to reveal a vent on the floor. Using telekinesis flip the vent to find a minikit.
Level 18 – These Boots are made for Stompa
Stud requirement – 25,000
Minikit 1 – There are 6 silver flags that need to be blown up around the fighting stage. All 6 can be found at the bottom of stands around the area. 3 on each side.
Character token (O.M.A.C. Operative) – If you fly over to the stands on the left and keep walking left you’ll find a mini game. Complete the mini game to get the token.
Red Brick (x8 stud multiplier) – During the big fight on the circle platform, on the back left of the platform there will be a spot that needs to be watered. Water it and the plant will spit out a red brick will be spit out.
Minikit 2 – From the middle platform, to bit the left will be a statue with some gold underneath. Melt it and a laser will appear to be shooting over a newly revealed pad. Deflect the beam upwards and hit the button. This will reveal a minikit.
Poster – The poster can be found above Wonder Woman behind some objects.
Minikit 3 – On the far right stands you’ll find a gold box. Melt it and build. This will reveal a minikit.
Minikit 4 – To the right of the previous minikit will be a spot a tracker can be used. Follow the trail to reveal bricks that can be built into a minikit.
Minikti 5 – After blowing up the statue on the right jump over to the pillar where the statue was. Step on the button to reveal 4 targets. Shoot each target to get the minikit.
Level 19 – Arma-Ghetto Superstar
Stud requirement 55,000
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start you’ll be standing on some dirt that can be dug up. Dig it up to reveal a Green Lantern pad. Use him to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 2 – There are 4 gold dog bowls that need to be melted. The first can be found towards the front of the screen from where you start. The next can be found towards the back left of the area sitting next to a silver grate. The third can be found on the upper right side at underneath some objects that need to be smashed. It will be sitting right next to the small object door. The final one can be found under some crates on the left side of the area where you can use spray paint to the blow open the wall.
Poster – This poster can be found on the left side of the area behind some crates in the room with the wall that can be blown open with spray paint.
Red Brick (Party Hat Mode) – Blow up the wall using spray paint to reveal the red brick.
Character token (Psimon) – On the left side of the area you’ll find a silver grate that can be blown up. Blow it up to reveal a character token.
Minikit 3 – On the right side of the area will be a glass door that can be shattered. Shatter it and use someone like the Joker to walk through the green gas and grab the minikit.
Minikit 4 – On the right side of the area will be some dirt that can be dug up. Dig it up to reveal a pump. Pump up the rocket to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 5 – On the upper right side behind some objects you’ll find a doorway a remote control object can go through. Use someone like the Joker here and go through. Blow up the silver box and smash around in the newly open room. Now using telekinies place each piece in the correct place to reveal a minikit.
Level 20 – You Kanto-uch This!
Stud requirement – 60,000
Minikit 1 – As soon as you start the level you’ll notice a number of things around you with silver chains around them. Blow them but and make the build. From there you will reveal a minikit.
Minikit 2 – There are 3 gold musical notes that can be melted. The first can be found on the left side of the area to the left. The final 2 can be found in the hallway to the right. One at the beginning of the hallway and the other at the end.
Poster – On the left side of the area you’ll see the poster with some silver weapons inside of it. Blow them up and you’ll be free to spray paint it.
Character token (Enchantress) – To the right of the poster will be some pipes that can be smashed. Smash them and build them into a horn. Now use telekinesis to reveal the token.
Red Brick (x10 multiplier) – At the end of the hallway to the left you’ll notice a vent in the floor. Use someone to go through it and you’ll pop into a room with a mini game. Complete the mini game to reveal the brick.
Minikit 3 – In the hallway to the left there will be a doorway with fire that you need to put out to continue the level. On the ceiling of that room will be a minikit.
Minikit 4 – Once you release the dog from its cage, dig up the dog food to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 5 – Once you have built the color pad, around the frame of the large image of Kanto are colors. Hit the colors in the order of the frame, not the image and you will reveal a minikit.
Aquaman Movie Part 1 (DLC)
A son of the land… – Complete “Ring of Fire”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Your mother always knew you were special – Complete “Ring of Fire” with all Minikits Unlocked
Minikit 1 – As soon as you gain control of your character, switch to your other character. This character will be is another area. From there make your way to the front of the screen and there will be some smashable object towards the front left corner. Smash them to reveal a Green Lantern pad. Use it and then build some speakers. Now do the exact same thing on the front right side. After building 2 sets of speakers the minikit will be given to you.
Poster – As you make your way down the hallway you’ll come across the poster on the right side.
Minikit 2 – Make your way down the hallway and against the back wall a bit to the right will be a target. Shoot the target to reveal bricks that can be built into a minikit.
Minikit 3 – In the backroom there will be 5 statues along the back wall. Under each statue will be a grapple plug that needs to be pulled. Some are easy to access as they will already be there or you’ll just need to smash an object that is blocking it. You’ll need to smash the chair in the middle of the room to also access one of them. In the hallway where the poster is, to the left of it will be a tracking spot. Using a tracker follow the trail to reveal a Green Lantern pad and then use him to reveal one of the grapple plugs. Once each plug has been pulled the minikit will appear.
Minikit 4 – Throughout the level are what appear to be 3 silver diving suits that can be blown up. The first can be found in the room with all the statues from minikit 3 towards the left. Now switch back to the character that is fighting Orm and you’ll see the next one along the edge of the fighting area. It’s easier to get this one when targets appear around Orm. The last one can be found at the end of the level on the final fighting area where the statue in the middle needs to be destroyed.
Minikit 5 – At the point where Orm will be floating next to the rocks with targets on him, keep hitting them until Orm leaves. At this point there should be 1 rock on the right that you can target. There will be a geyser that will spit out a minikit. You’ll need to shoot the minikit in order to collect it.
To unlock this trophy you’ll need to fully complete the level in Free Play as the save and quit option won’t unlock the trophy.
The power of Atlantis – Complete “Ring of Fire” after achieving True Villain status
To achieve True Villain you will need to collect 155,000 studs.
To unlock this trophy you’ll need to fully complete the level in Free Play as the save and quit option won’t unlock the trophy.
I hear you can talk to fish – Set both Free Play characters as Aquaman and Aquaman (Gladiator)
You should already have Aquaman unlocked after completing the base game. Aquaman (Gladiator) can be unlocked after completing the level for the first time. Simply switch both characters to Aquaman and Aquaman (Gladiator) and the trophy will pop.
True heir – In Free Play, sit on the throne as Orm in “Ring of Fire”
As soon as you start the level switch characters and head down the hallway to the back room. You’ll see a throne in the middle of the room. DO NOT smash the throne as you’ll need to do so for a minikit. Switch to Orm (Gladiator) and press “O” to sit.
Aquaman Movie Part 2 (DLC)
…A son of the seas – Complete “The Final Battle”
Story related, cannot be missed.
Show-off – “Complete “The Final Battle” with all Minikits Unlocked
Minikit 1 – There are 5 statues that need to be destroyed. The first can be found directly behind you from where you start. The next one is a tad to the left next to the 2 guys under the rubble. After defeating the Trench enemies you’ll need to restore power. Head to the left of the room and go into the room that is higher up. In the middle of this room will the next statue. Now head into the final room where you restore the power. As soon as you enter you’ll see the next one on the left. The final one can be found on the far right side of the room. There will be a doorway with rubble blocking it. Smash it and then you’ll need someone to can go into dark rooms. Inside the room will be the statue.
Poster – The poster can be found on the left side in the starting room. You’ll need to swim up in order to graffiti it.
Minikit 2 – After fights the wave of Trench enemies you’ll need to restore power. You can have to head into one of the rooms of the left side. There will be 2 doors, one on top of the other. Swim to the one that is higher up. Once in the room smash around the front left side of the area and you’ll reveal bricks that can be built into a pad. Using someone like Deadshot shoot the target on the left so it will bounce around and reveal a minikit.
Minikit 3 – Towards the left side of this room you’ll find a plant that can be grown. Grow it and it reveals a minikit.
Minikit 4 – A bit to the right of the middle of the room is a small person minigame. Complete it to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 5 – On the far right side of this room will the a small door for Jokers remote control teeth. Head inside and follow the studs to find the minikit sitting there.
The beast has awakened – Complete “The Final Battle” after achieving True Villains status
To achieve True Villain you will need to collect 105,000 studs.
What could be greater than a King Shark? – Fight Orm with King Shark in Free Play during “The Final Battle”
King Shark can be unlocked through the Vanilla version of the game via the story. During the final fight at the end of the level switch a character to King Shark. You do not need to complete the fight using King Shark, you’ll just need to smack Orm a couple times until the trophy pops.
Redheads, you gotta love ’em – Defeat 10 Trench enemies as Mera
*Glitched/Buggy* – While there is no concrete solution to this we did narrow down some factors that may result in the trophy popping for those who had it glitch on them. Below are 3 methods to try. If none of them work please let us know or if you found another solution we will add it to our guide.
- When in the FREE PLAY level do not open the character select menu, rather swap between characters using the R1 button.
- When selecting a character for FREE PLAY, DO NOT select a DLC character.
- Disconnect your console from the internet and attempt the trophy.
This can be earned either during the story or Free Play. After freeing the 2 guys under the rubble switch to Mera, you will now be forced to fight a couple waves of Trench enemies. There are more than 10 so this should come easily. The trophy should pop sometime during the fight.
Batman: The Animated Series (DLC)
This madness ends now! – Complete “Mask of the Phantasm”
Story related, cannot be missed.
You just don’t know when to quit, do you? – Complete “Mast of the Phantasm” with all Minikits Unlocked
Minikit 1 – There are a total of 5 statues that need to be smashed. The first can be found a tad to the left of where you start. The next one will be on the far left side of the room. Aftter that you’ll find the next one in the second area to the right along the rides wall. The next one will be to the left toward towards the screen. The last one can be found in the back left corner beside the poster.
Minikit 2 – On the left side of the room you’ll find a gold panel, melt it to reveal a minikit.
Minikit 3 – After going through the grate there will be a glass case that can be shattered. Inside will be a minikit.
Minikit 4 – To the left of the previous minikit will be an oven. Use someone that can use telekinesis and a turkey will come out. Smash the turkey to get the minikit.
Minikit 5 – On the right side of the season area you’ll find a high striker minigame you’d see at a carnival. Play the game and the minikit will appear.
Poster – The poster can be found in the second area along the left side of the room.
Become that which you fought against – Complete “Mask of the Phantasm” after achieving True Villain status
To achieve True Villain you will need to collect 60,000 studs.
Costume’s a bit theatrical… – Set both Free Play chracters as The Joker and The Joker Animated
After completing the level for the first time you will unlocked Joker B:TAS. Once you enter FREE PLAY set both characters to the Joker and the Joker B:TAS and the trophy will pop.
So, you figured it out – Complete the Pachinko machine in one go
There will be a point in the level where you have to play “Plinko” from The Price is Right. You’ll need to get the ball into the middle on the first go. Try to aim for the middle and pray it goes where it needs to go. If you miss simply restart the level and try again.
Shazam Movie Part 1 (DLC)
Billy Batson, I chose you as champion – Complete ”Sivana Escape”
Story related, cannot be missed.
I can take care of myself – Complete ”Sivana Escape” with all Minikits Unlocked
Minikit 1 – There are a total of 4 sets of Magic 8 Balls that need to be smashed. The first group of Magic 8 Balls are to the right of where you start. The second set of Magic 8 Balls are after jumping down from hanging from the poles they are on the shelve to your left. You’ll find the remaining 2 in the second section. The third group of Magic 8 Balls are on the left side of the giant piano on the left shelve. The final group of Magic 8 Balls are behind the Super-Man statue on the right side of the room. After smashing all 4 sets. You should have the minikit.
Poster – The poster is found to the right after dropping the giant ornament onto Sivana
Minikit 2 – After getting to the second area with the giant piano, behind you is a fuse box, pick someone who can shrink and go inside it, after completing the mini-game. You should have the minikit.
Minikit 3 – After getting to the second area and opening the gate go behind the Super-Man Statue there is a mirror, use someone with Mirror Portal abilities, shoot the mirror behind Super-Man then shoot the mirror behind Shazam and Sivana fighting, after exiting the mirror go left, use someone with Chlorokinesis abilities, such as Poison Ivy and grow the plant. You should have your third minikit.
Minikit 4 – Behind you after getting minikit 3 is a silver wall, use someone with explosives ability and blow it up, smash the presents and put together the minikit. You should have your fourth minikit.
Minikit 5 – Go further right after getting minikit 4, you will see a giant ice cube, melt it down with someone with the heat ability. You should have your fifth and final minikit.
Oh, you’re like a bad guy, right? – Complete ”Sivana Escape” after achieving True Villain status
To achieve True Villain you will need to collect 105,000 studs.
Inner Demons – Play the ”Sivana Escape” level as Pride and Gluttony
After completing the level for the first time, you will unlock Pride and Gluttony, Once you enter Free Play set both of your characters to Pride and Gluttony. The trophy should unlock.
Say my name! – Transform into Shazam (Movie) in Free Play
After completing the level for the first time, you will unlock Billy Batson. Once you enter Free Play set your character to Billy Batson and hold the Triangle button to turn into Shazam. The trophy should unlock.