Fortnite Battle Royale: Wrapping up Week 5 Challenges! (6/1/18) – HTGtv
FORTNITE Battle Royale Battle Pass Season 4 is here and we are wrapping up Week 5 Challenges and looking for some MORE sweet shopping cart action! So today we plan on tooling around in some shopping carts and of course chasing those Dub-a-yuhs! 🙂 We hope to finish off Battle Pass Season 4 Week 5 challenges but we will see!! The Fortnite Battle Royale game mode is FREE (We play on PS4 but PC and Xbox are also FREE!) so we definitely recommend checking it out if you have time! If you have any requests/suggestions please let us know below in the comments or LIVE in that CHAT if you are here for it! Don’t forget to hit that LIKE button and share to help spread that HTG Guder’erness! #HTG #BooYaKaShouw
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If there are other sounds, memes or something else you would like to see in our streams, please leave a comment behind or take part in our LIVE CHAT to let us know your ideas/requests. If you enjoy Fortnite Battle Royale and would like to play some Fortnite games with us please let us know. We are considering a new Patreon.com addition that could reserve days and some spots so you guys can stream with us! Let us know if you would be interested! If you read this far, you are helping out our channel more than you know! Thanks for your support!
– (HTG) Brian