LEGO Ninjago Nindroids Trophy Guide – HTG
Thumby’s Road to Platinum:
Platinum Difficulty: 1/5
Hours to Platinum: 15 – 20 hours
Step 1: Play through Story Mode while completing Challenges
The game has 31 story levels so you’re going to want to get through all of them so you can move on to Free Play. While playing through Story Mode you should try to complete as many challenges as possible to avoid having to replay levels more than necessary later on. Also try to gather as many of the stud multiplier red bricks as possible so you can start collecting larger amounts of studs. Also try to complete as many of the combat trophies as possible as you will likely not complete many of the time attacks during this playthrough.
Step 2: Challenges
Now we can start completing the rest of the games 310 challenges. Luckily you can unlock around 50% or more of the challenges by completing story mode but you will still have to play each level 3+ times to complete the remaining challenges per level. Unfortunately in Free Play you are only allowed to choose one character to play as and the rest will be random so you could get lucky and play a level once or you will have to replay a level 3-4 times choosing different starting characters. Do your best to combine as many of the challenges as possible to avoid unnecessary replays. At the end of this step you should have everything but the Dojo challenges done.
Step 3: Dojo Challenges
The Dojo challenges are located in the Dojo in the bottom right corner of the HUB area. Overall the Dojo challenges are very easy and shouldn’t give you any trouble. I was able to complete the Easy and Medium in one try and I had to replay the Hard challenge once. Refer to their respective trophies for more information about each challenge with tips to complete them.
Step 4: Cleanup
By this time you should have completed everything that the game requires but in case you missed a combat trophy or haven’t played a level with each of the red bricks, then now is the time to do it. At the end of this step you should have your shiny new platinum. Congratulations!!!
Character Powers:
Gold Lego’s: Any gold character ex: Lloyd Gold Ninja
Silver Lego’s: Spaceman or General Cryptor
Green Gas: Any Serpentine character or Invincibility Red Brick
Electricity Barriers: Any Skeleton character
Small Characters: Min-droid or Snike
Red Wall Boxes: Nya
Giant Cracked Walls: Any Cole Variation
Force Powers: Sensei Wu or Sensei Garmadon
Dance: Dareth
Civilian: Postman
Ranged Attack: Any Zane Variation or the Postman
Ice Ability(Puts out Fire): Any Zane Variation
Fire Ability(Melts Ice): Any Kai Variation
Electric Ability(Charges Items): Any Jay Variation
Master of Ninjago! – Collect every other trophy (Platinum)
Once you have collected every other trophy you will have your shiny new Platinum. Congratulations!!!
Dedication – 100% the game (Gold)
To complete the game to 100% you must do the following:
1) Complete all 31 Story Levels
2) Complete all 310 Challenges
3) Purchase and unlock all 59 characters
4) Purchase all 15 Red bricks
5) Complete the Easy, Medium, and Hard Dojo Challenges
Black Belt – Complete all main story levels (Silver)
There are a total of 31 main story missions to complete, once you have completed them all this trophy is yours.
Half Way There – Complete Power Play (Bronze)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
A New Challenger – Complete all challenges in the game (Gold)
Each level has ten challenges that you must complete. When starting to complete the challenges I recommend doing the Time Attacks separate as it can be hard to do them at the same time as other challenges. Also a good way to eliminate challenges more efficiently is to combine the time attacks with challenges like, complete the level with a civilian, this way you don’t have to play the level an extra time. If you are having trouble with any of the Take no Damage or less than X number of hearts, or the Time Attacks, be sure to use the Invincibility Red Brick as it can help significantly and does not disable challenges. The challenges are as follows:
Going Up?
Characters Needed: Serpentine
1) Finish Line – Complete the Level (Reward: Kai Teacher)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 120 seconds
5) Squeegee – Collected 3 Squeegees
6) Staying Alive – Completed the level in 1 Life
7) Wishy Washy – Defeated 3 Cleaning Bots
8) Minigame – Completed the Minigame in a single try
9) Rusty – Get beaten 3 times during the level
10) Multi-Challenge – Break 34 objects in the level, Complete the level within 160 seconds, Complete the level as a serpentine character (Reward: Frakjaw)
A Clean Escape
Characters Needed: Skeleton, Nya, Spaceman
1) Finish Line – Complete the Level (Reward: Cole)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 130 seconds
5) Just a Scratch – Took less than 5 hearts of damage
6) Clowning Around – Tried on 3 costumes
7) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (Extra Heart)
8) Clear Enemies
9) Skeleton – Complete the Level as a Skeleton character
10) Multi-Challenge – Complete the level within 150 seconds, Complete the level in 1 life, Clear the level without using a Special Move (Reward: Spitta)
No Way Out
Characters Needed: Civilian, Nya
1) Finish Line – Complete the Level (Reward: Zane)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 140 seconds
5) Special Defeat – Defeat enemies with Special Moves
6) Civilian – Complete the level as a civilian
7) Just a Scratch – Took less than 5 hearts of damage
8) Keycard Collected 3 keycards
9) No Special – Clear the level without using a special
10) Multi-Challenge – Perform a x6 combo, Complete the level in 1 life, Complete the level within 150 seconds (Reward: Cowboy)
Characters Needed: None
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Jay)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Helicopter – Shoot down 20 helicopters
5) Turrets – Shoot down 4 turrets
6) Staying Alive – Completed the level in one life
7) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (Studs x2)
8) Sharpshooter – Get 70% accuracy during the level
9) Missiles – Shot down 15 missiles
10) Multi-Challenge – Shoot Down 4 Elevators, Get 50% accuracy during the level, Take less than 10 hearts of damage (Reward: Mummy)
Mad Machines
Characters Needed: Gold Character, Small Character, Skeleton, Ranged Attack
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Kai)
2) True Ninja – 28,000 studs
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 100 seconds
5) Machine Dodge – Dodged all machines
6) Flawless Win! – Complete the level without taking any damage
7) Gear Head – Collect 3 gear heads
8) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (Big Heads)
9) Child’s Play – Complete the level as a small character
10) Multi-Challenge – Complete the level as a skeleton character, Break 35 objects in the level, Complete the level within 180 seconds (Reward: Wyplash)
Characters Needed: Serpentine, Civilian
1) Finish Line – Complete the Level
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 160 seconds
5) Special Defeat – Defeat 3 enemies using Special Moves
6) No Special – No Special Moves used
7) Staying Alive – Complete the level in one life
8) Friendly Fire – Overlord defeated other enemies
9) Civilian – Complete the level as a civilian
10) Multi-Challenge – Defeat 6 enemies in the level, Complete the level as a serpentine character, Take less than 5 hearts of damage (Reward: Nya)
Street Sweeper
Characters Needed: Skeleton
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Studs)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 160 seconds
5) Utility Disaster – Destroyed 7 utility bots
6) Mailboxes – Destroyed 4 mailboxes
7) On My Back – Destroyed 3 Mech drones by jumping on their back
8) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (Studs x4)
9) Just a Scratch – Take less than 10 hearts of damage
10) Multi-Challenge – Defeat 6 enemies in the level, Complete the level as a skeleton character, Complete the level within 220 seconds (Reward: Mr. Noodles)
Robot Rumble
Characters Needed: None
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Cole Teacher)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 210 seconds
5) Clear Enemies – Defeat enemies
6) Cars – Destroy 8 cars
7) Security Cameras – Destroyed 3 security cameras
8) Just a Scratch – Take less than 10 hearts of damage
9) Lamp Post – Don’t destroy any lamp posts
10) Multi-Challenge – Complete the level within 350 seconds, Complete the level in one life, Rescue 7 civilians (Reward: Dareth)
Characters Needed: None
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Kai DX)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Helicopter – Shoot down 10 helicopters
5) Jets – Shoot down 5 jets
6) Rings – Fly through 10 rings
7) Red brick – Collect the Red Brick (Minikit Finder)
8) Sharpshooter – Get 70% accuracy during the level
9) Billboards – Shoot 12 billboards
10) Multi-Challenge – Get 60% accuracy during the level, Take less than 10 hearts of damage, Destroy 5 tanks (Reward: Elf)
Escape the Overlord
Characters Needed: Civilian, Lloyd Gold Ninja
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Rattla)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 70 seconds
5) Staying Alive! – Complete the level in one life
6) Air Con – Destroy 6 air conditioning units
7) Missile Dodge – Avoid all missile attacks
8) Civilian – Complete the level as a civilian
9) Helicopter – Took out the helicopter with the antenna tower
10) Multi-Challenge – Complete the level without taking any damage, Complete the level within 90 seconds, Complete the level with Lloyd Gold Ninja (Reward: Pharaoh)
Stop, Thief!
Characters Needed: Lloyd Gold Ninja, Civilian, Skeleton, Spaceman
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: P.I.X.A.L. Good)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 260 seconds
5) Ranged Attack – Used 4 projectiles to make P.I.X.A.L. drop the Techno Blades
6) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (Red Brick Finder)
7) Just a Scratch – Took less than 10 hearts of damage
8) Lost Kids – Find 3 lost kids
9) Golden Ninja – Complete the level with Lloyd (Gold Ninja)
10) Multi-Challenge – Complete the level within 400 seconds, Complete the level as a civilian, Complete the level in one life (Reward: Vampire)
Characters Needed: Skeleton, Sensei Wu, Spaceman, Water ability
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Snike)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 170 seconds
5) Attack Combo – Perform a Combo
6) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (X6 Studs)
7) Extinguish – Extinguished 12 objects on fire (ice ability)
8) Clear Enemies – Defeat 25 enemies in the level
9) Skeleton – Complete the level as a skeleton character
10) Multi-Challenge – Clear the level without using a special move, Complete the level within 190 seconds, Complete the level in one life (Reward: Zane Borg)
Sneaking In
Characters Needed: Skeleton, Cracked Wall, Nya
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Zane DX)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 150 seconds
5) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (Health Regeneration)
6) Clear Enemies – Defeat Enemies
7) Battery – Collect 3 Batteries
8) Skeleton – Complete the level as a skeleton character
9) Generators – Destroy 6 spotlight generators
10) Multi-Challenge – Defeat 7 enemies using Special Moves, Complete the level in one life, Complete the level within 230 seconds (Reward: Chopov)
Core Breach
Characters Needed: Civilian, Small Character
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Kai ZX)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 170 seconds
5) Civilian – Complete the level as a civilian
6) Staying Alive! – Complete the level in one life
7) Smash Master – Break 68 LEGO objects in the level
8) Clear Enemies – Defeat 12 enemies in the level
9) Attack Combo – Perform a combo
10) Multi-Challenge – Take less than 10 hearts of damage, Defeat 3 enemies using Special Moves, Complete the level within 220 seconds (Reward: Spartan Warrior)
Cake Walk
Characters Needed: Gold Character, Sensei Wu
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Cole ZX)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 150 seconds
5) Clear Enemies – Defeat 35 enemies in the level
6) Water Coolers – Destroy 3 water coolers
7) No Special – No Special Moves Used
8) Just a Scratch – Take less than 10 hearts of damage
9) Friendly Fire – Lure the enemy into defeating 10 enemies
10) Multi-Challenge – Perform a x12 combo, Complete the level within 180 seconds, Complete the level in one life (Reward: Snappa)
Power Play
Characters Needed: Skeleton, Small Character
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Zane ZX)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 180 seconds
5) Staying Alive! – Complete the level in one life
6) Tesla Coils – Avoid taking damage from the Tesla Coils
7) Watch Your Step – Avoid Stepping on the Electrified Floor
8) Clear Enemies – Defeat enemies
9) Attack Combo – Perform a combo
10) Multi-Challenge – Take less than 10 hearts of damage, Complete the level with a skeleton character, Complete the level within 220 seconds (Reward: General Cryptor)
Enter the MechDragon
Characters Needed: None
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Sensei Garmadon)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Swoop Dodge – Avoid all swoop attacks
5) Missile Dodge – Avoid all missile attacks
6) Time Attack – Complete the level within 220 seconds
7) No Swerve – Do not swerve (use L/ or R buttons)
8) Sharpshooter – Got 50% accuracy during the level
9) Staying Alive! – Complete the level in one life
10) Multi-Challenge – Complete the level within 240 second, Take less than 10 hearts of damage, Get 40% accuracy during the level (Reward: Caveman)
Meet Min-droid
Characters Needed: Gold character, Sensei Wu
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Nindroid Warrior)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 160 seconds
5) Friendly Fire – Lure the enemy into defeating 10 enemies
6) Just a Scratch – Take less than 10 hearts of damage
7) Computer Terminals – Destroy 7 computer terminals
8) Min-droid Dodge – Dodge Min-droid’s blasts
9) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (Party Time)
10) Multi-Challenge – Complete the level within 240 seconds, Complete the level in one life, Defeat 3 enemies using Special Moves (Reward: Studs)
Min-droid’s Return
Characters Needed: Ice Ability, Civilian, Spaceman
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Jay ZX)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 250 seconds
5) Staying Alive! – Complete the level in one life
6) Civilian – Complete the level as a civilian
7) Extinguish – Extinguish 6 objects on fire (ice ability)
8) Look Out – Avoid falling objects
9) Smash Master – Break 17 objects in the level
10) Multi-Challenge – Take less than 10 hearts of damage, Complete the level within 220 seconds, Defeat 10 enemies in the level (Reward: Min-droid)
Powered Up
Characters Needed: Sensei Wu, Fire Ability, Spaceman
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Zane Teacher)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 40 seconds
5) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (Block Breaker)
6) Clear Enemies – Defeat 18 enemies in the level
7) Battery – Collect 3 Batteries
8) Cars – Destroy 8 cars
9) Wu – Complete the level with Sensei Wu
10) Multi-Challenge – Complete the level without using a Special Move, Complete the level within 40 seconds, Complete the level in one life (Reward: Zombie)
Ninja Crush
Characters Needed: Lloyd Gold Ninja, Fire Ability
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Jay Teacher)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 130 seconds
5) Minigame – Complete the minigame in a single try
6) Just a Scratch – Took less than 10 hearts of damage
7) Thirsty? – Collected 3 soda cans
8) No Special – No special moves used
9) Smash Master – Broke 17 LEGO objects in the level
10) Multi-Challenge – Complete the level with Lloyd Gold Ninja, Complete the level within 160 seconds, Defeat 3 enemies using Special Moves (Reward: Krazi)
Face Off
Characters Needed: Civilian, Small character, Serpentine
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Robot)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 260 seconds
5) Staying Alive! – Complete the level in one life
6) Child’s Play – Complete the level as a small character
7) Bullseye – Capture Evil Wu with the magnet in one try
8) Special Defeat – Defeat 6 enemies using special moves
9) No Special – Don’t use any special moves
10) Multi-Challenge – Defeat 15 enemies in the level, Complete the level within 260 seconds, Complete the level as a civilian (Reward: Evil Wu)
The Golden Cycle
Characters Needed: None
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Kruncha)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within
5) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (x8 Studs)
6) Traps – Use 5 traps against the Nindroids
7) Mushrooms – Collect 10 Mushrooms
8) Just a Scratch – Take less than 10 hearts of damage
9) Logs – Smash into 10 logs
10) Multi-Challenge – Go off 4 jumps, Complete the level in one life, Avoid all missile attacks (Reward: Lloyd)
Characters Needed: Civilian, Dareth, Small character, Spaceman
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Savage Male A Blue)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 180 seconds
5) Clear Enemies – Defeat enemies
6) No Special – Don’t use any special moves
7) Dance – Dance for the savages
8) Civilian – Complete the level as a civilian
9) Mailboxes – Destroy 3 Mailboxes
10) Multi-Challenge – Collect 4 letters, Complete the level within 320 seconds, Defeat 8 enemies with Special Moves (Reward: Rufus)
Return to Sender
Characters Needed: None
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Savage Female)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within
5) Delivery – Successfully deliver 10 packages
6) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (Fast Build)
7) Package Hoarder – Collect 4 packages
8) Go Postal – Trip 10 times
9) Delivery Ace – Get 100% accuracy during the level
10) Multi-Challenge – Get 75% accuracy during the level, Complete the level within, Avoid all obstacles (Reward: The Postman)
Characters Needed: Small character, Serpentine, Nya
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Savage Male B)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 200 seconds
5) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (Today’s Special)
6) Office Smasher – Smash the office
7) Televisions – Destroy 3 Televisions
8) Lost Kids – Find 3 lost kids
9) VHS Tapes – Collect 3 VHS tapes
10) Multi-Challenge – Complete the level within 280 seconds, Complete the level as a small character, Defeat 3 cleaning bots (Reward: Cole Dx)
Characters Needed: Skeleton, Small Character, Electric Ability
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Zane Gold)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 180 seconds
5) No Special – Don’t use any Specials
6) Skeleton – Complete the level as a skeleton character
7) Clear Ranged – Defeat 3 ranged Nindroids
8) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (Studs x10)
9) Meet Wall – Defeat a Nindroid by throwing it at a wall
10) Multi-Challenge – Defeat 6 enemies using Special Moves, Complete the level within 200 seconds, Perform a x12 combo (Reward: Studs)
System Override
Characters Needed: None
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Jay Gold)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Just a Scratch – Take less than 10 hearts of damage
5) Helicopter – Shoot down 5 helicopters
6) Jets – Shoot down 3 jets
7) Sharp Shooter – Get 25% accuracy during the level
8) Turrets – Shoot down 3 turrets
9) Gaps – Avoid all electric gaps
10) Multi-Challenge – Shoot down 3 elevators, Defeat enemies, Destroy 12 AC units (Reward: Lord Garmadon)
Samurai X
Characters Needed: None
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Spaceman)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within 100 seconds
5) Just a Scratch – Complete the level without taking damage
6) Grenade Ninja – Successfully avoid all grenades
7) Red Brick – Collect the Red Brick (Invincibility)
8) Smash Master – Break 44 LEGO objects in the level
9) Clear Enemies – Defeat enemies
10) Multi-Challenge – Perform a x4 combo, Complete the level in one life, Complete the level within 180 seconds (Reward: Nya Samurai X)
Two Brothers
Characters Needed: Lloyd Gold Nina, Spaceman
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Cole Gold)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Time Attack – Complete the level within
5) Lightning Strike – Get hit by lightning 2 times
6) Look Out – Avoid all falling objects
7) Just a Scratch – Take less than 10 hearts of damage
8) Snake – Complete the level as a serpentine character
9) Special Defeat – Defeat 10 enemies using Special Moves
10) Multi-Challenge – Perform a x6 combo, Complete the level within 720 seconds, Complete the level with Gold Ninja Lloyd (Reward: Disguised Garmadon)
Overlord Rising
Characters Needed: Min-droid, Sensei Wu
1) Finish Line – Complete the level (Reward: Kai Gold)
2) True Ninja
3) Minikit
4) Special Defeat – Defeat 3 enemies using Special Moves
5) Hanging On – Don’t fall off the overlord
6) Tentacle Dodge – Dodge all the tentacle attacks
7) Staying Alive ! – Complete the level in one life
8) Friendly Fire – Lure the enemy into defeating 3 enemies
9) Min-droid – Complete the level with Min-droid
10) Multi-Challenge – Take less than 10 hearts of damage, Defeat enemies, Don’t use any special moves (Reward: Gold Ninja Lloyd)
Here is a text guide for all the collectibles that are related to challenges:
Level 1: Going Up?
Squeegee #1: After riding the elevator up jump to the right and its in the corner
Squeegee #2-3: Directly in your path as you progress through the level.
Minikit #1: After building LEGO’s for the first time you will climb up the little ledges, take the left path and ride the elevator up for the minikit.
Level 2: A Clean Escape
Minikit: After heading through the second glass door head straight up to the red box and activate the box to make the minikit appear.
For the three costumes, when you come to the part with the keycards just keep putting in different cards until you’ve worn three different costumes. The samurai costume opens the door.
Red Brick Extra Heart: Before crossing over the second yellow platforms, to the left will be a silver box, aim at it with the Spaceman to grab the Red Brick.
Level 3: No Way Out
Keycard #1: As soon as you start the level head to the left and it will be in the bottom corner.
Keycard #2: After opening up the first door, stay to the top and it will be hidden behind some pipes.
Minikit: Continue up the path and on the left will be some LEGO’s to build, build them then activate the panel with Nya to make the minikit appear.
Keycard #3: After crossing through the two lasers that flash in the bottom corner will be some crates to break, inside them is the last keycard.
Level 4: NinjaCopter!
Minikit: You will grab it automatically while Flying.
Turrets: There are 1 on each side of the building at the bottom, one on each side when you fly up top.
Elevators: You will be flying around the same building, you will see way more than 4, sometimes two will appear at once. You shoot them every chance you get and this will come easily.
Red Brick x2 Studs: Automatically gained during the level.
Level 5: Mad Machines
Red Brick Big Heads: At the very beginning of the level in the bottom left corner are three red circles to hit, throw something at all three and the red brick will appear.
Gear Head #1: At the start of the level head to the bottom right corner for the first gear head.
Gear Head #2: When you hop onto the first conveyor belt head all the way down to the end and through the black hole at the end, inside is the gear head.
Minikit: In the same room as the second gear there will be a golden water cooler, break it to find the minikit.
Gear Head #3: After riding the little platform and crossing the little small ledges, walk ahead and down the ramp, one level down on the right is the gear head.
Level 6: OverBorg
Minikit: At the top of the platform is a grapple point to pull down a little platform, jump across and you can use a robot to walk through the green smoke to grab the minikit.
Level 7: Street Sweep
Mailbox #1: At the start of the level head down and to the right and near the street you will see a mailbox on its side.
Mailbox #2: Down to the right across the street from the first one is the next mailbox.
Mailbox #3: Up the street to the left, on the right side is the next mailbox.
Mailbox #4: Just behind the school bus on the left side.
Red Brick X4 Stud: behind the school bus, bottom right corner, is a garbage dumpster, destroy it and grab the brick.
Minikit: On the left side of the level a little bit up the street will be a shielded Mech, to destroy it you will have to build a ladder and climb up. After destroying it there will be some rubble to jump on, on the left side will be a building with the minikit on top that you can jump to.
Level 8: Robot Rumble
Security Camera #1: When you get to the first wall of cars, on the building on the left is the camera right next to a civilian that needs to be rescued.
Security Camera #2: At the second intersection on the building on the right side, you can aim at it by holding CIRCLE.
Minikit: At the third intersection, the one blocked by the train cars, on the right side of the road is a car, destroy it to get reveal the minikit.
Security Camera #3: In the last area with a couple of mechs and car mechs, in the top front left of the area on the building just to the left of the car mech is that last camera.
Level 9: KaiFighter!
Red Brick: A little ways into the level the red brick will be floating on the left side of the level, a little hard to see but just stay to the left and you will get it.
Minikit: After flying through a giant circle it will be in the center of the level shortly after.
Level 10: Escape the Overlord
AC Unit #1: Just after meeting the helicopter, just below the antenna.
AC Unit #2: Cross over the bridge to the right and just before jumping over the gray boxes its hidden at the top.
AC Unit #3: Continue down the path and it will be right before the ladder.
Minikit: When the Helicopter starts chasing you again, head up the ramp in the middle and jump and grab it.
AC Unit #4: Just after the minikit on the left.
AC Unit #5: Continue along and you will jump across some rooftops, after this on the left is the unit.
AC Unit #6: After sliding down the rope head right and it will be up top on the next roof.
Level 11: Stop, Thief!
Minikit: At the start of the level take the first left and then the next left and destroy the big door, then use a skeleton to walk through the electricity to grab the minikit.
Lost Kid #1: At the start of the level head up the path and take the first left and then take the first right and at the end of the path is the first kid.
Lost Kid #2: Head back to the start and take the first right and cross the broken bridge, right in front of you will be the second kid.
Lost Kid #3: After knocking two techno blades from P.I.X.A.L. Good you will have to build a ladder to get to the third one, right at the top is the last kid.
Red Brick Finder: Continue up the road from the lost kid and you will see a silver statue, destroy it with the spaceman for the red brick.
Level 12: Surrounded
Red Brick: At the very beginning of the level off to the right on top of the water wheel will be a box that you will have to lift down, you can use Sensei Garmadon to get it down. Break open the box to find the x6 stud red brick.
Extinguish 12 fires: There are more than 12 in the middle area, left and right area.
Minikit: In the bottom right corner of the map is a silver box that you can use the Spaceman to destroy, inside is the minikit.
Level 13: Sneaking In
Red Brick Health Regeneration: Head on up to where the first Generator is and you will see a giant cracked wall, inside is the Red Brick.
Generator #1; Story Related
Battery #1: Just before the second spotlight, on the bottom of the screen is a plant, destroy it to find the battery.
Generators #2-3: Story Related
Battery #2: After crossing the ledges by the waterfall head to the left and destroy the plants for the second battery.
Generator #4: Behind the Tower after the waterfall
Generator #5: Across from the previous generator will be a red box you need Nya to open, inside is the generator.
Minikit: In the same room as the generator is the minikit.
Generator #6: After climbing the stairs take a left and jump up to it.
Battery #3: Get spotted by the two spotlights just above the generator and the battery will spawn in the corner.
Level 14: Core Breach
Minikit: After blowing up the fan head into the next room, in the far right corner is a hole you can throw through with a small character, it will take you up to the minikit.
Level 15: Cake Walk
Watercoolers #1-3: All three are in the break room that you enter right after the first area. Two you can break your first time through the last one is in the top right corner and needs to be destroyed by a gold character.
Minikit: In the breakroom on the left wall are three containers, the top one has the minikit inside, use Sensei Garmadon to get it down.
Level 16: Power Play
Minikit: After the Tesla Coils and the floor all breaks up, head to the top of the area and there will be a little door to crawl through, then head through the next one and grab the minikit.
Level 17: Enter the MechDragon
Minikit: Automatically gained through the level.
Level 18: Meet Min-droid
Computer Terminal #1: At the start of the level head left and its next to the lasers.
Computer Terminal #2: Just up the path from the last one and on the left.
Computer Terminal #3: Head around the outer ring to the right to find the next terminal.
Computer Terminal #4: Continue around the outer ring to find the next terminal.
Computer Terminal #5: Head into the inner ring to find the next terminal.
Computer Terminal #6: Continue around the inner ring to find the next terminal.
Computer Terminal #7: Head to the far right of the area and it will be down the path.
Red Brick Party Time: Just past the terminal, just behind the laser wall is a box that you can use Sensei Garmadon to pull over, break open the box to find the red brick.
Minikit: After pulling the switch and the overloading the system, in the left corner is a gold palette, break it and you will be able to grab the minikit.
Level 19: Min-droid’s Return
Fire #1: Right next to where you spawn
Fire #2 -3: After crossing the electricity field on the left.
Fire #4: After crossing the electricity field, on the right.
Fire #5: After jumping over the electricity bar it’s on the left.
Fire #6: Jump over the next bar and the fire is in the left corner.
Minikit: Right next to the last fire is a silver box, use the Spaceman to open it and grab the minikit.
Level 20: Powered Up
Battery #1: Right above where you start is the first battery.
Battery #2: In the bottom right corner hidden inside a car is the second battery.
Battery #3: In the center of the map are two cars with two rocks behind them, break the rocks to find
the battery.
Red Brick Block Breaker: In the bottom right of the map is an ice statue, burn the ice and then break the garbage can and grab the red brick.
Minikit: On the top left side of the map are two silver pillars, the right one hides the minikit.
Level 21: Ninja Crush
Soda Can #1: In the top left corner, inside a car is the soda can.
Soda Can #2: In the top right corner of the map is the second can.
Soda Can #3: In front of the giant crane is a blue vehicle, destroy it to find the last soda can.
Minikit: In the bottom left corner of the starting area is an ice sculpture, melt it to grab the minikit.
Level #22: Face Off
Minikit: After heading to the second area of the level, break the green containers on the right side and then use a snake to run across the green goo and grab the minikit.
Level #23: The Golden Cycle
Minikit: The minikit is in the center of the level towards the beginning of the level.
Red Brick x8: In the right side of the map towards the end of the level.
10 Mushrooms: It’s hard to give exact locations but they will be surrounded by a white circle and there are more than 10 in the level.
Level 24: Post-Apocalypse
Dance: Right before taking the zipline down there will be three savages dancing with a point for you to interact with, once you do you will start dancing, I used Dareth to complete this challenge.
Minikit: After riding the zipline down jump off the building and use the Spaceman to break open the silver dumpster and grab the minikit.
Mailbox #1: Right in front of the savages door.
Letter #1: Right after crossing over the wooden ramp on the left is the first letter.
Mailbox #2: Continue along the road and you will see the mailbox on the top of the road.
Letter #2: Just down the road on the right is the second letter.
Letter #3: Just before the costume shop there will be a little door you can crawl through, at the top of the second building is the third letter.
Letter #4: Head further across the building and the last letter is at the end.
Mailbox #3: After getting the savage costume head to the top left of the road and it will be in the corner before the ramp.
Level 25: Return to Sender!
Minikit: In the middle of the road inside a case, run into it and you can have it.
Red Brick Fast Build: In the middle of the road is a red box, destroy it for the red brick.
Level 26: Regenerated
Office Furniture: Break the furniture in the top left of the room for office smasher.
TV #1: In the room with the generator in the top right corner.
Lost kid #1: Right below the first VHS tape break all the objects to find the lost kid.
Lost Kid #2: After the second generator room follow the path up until it splits, head left and you will
find the next lost kid.
VHS Tape #1: Continue to the next generator and take the top path and you will see the big blue VHS tape.
Lost Kid #3: Head through the next door and take the right path to find the last kid.
VHS Tape #2: Right below the last kid is the second VHS tape.
VHS Tape #3: Head down the path and you will find the last tape on the right.
Minikit: In the same room is the minikit on the right, use a skeleton to grab it.
TV #2: Head down to the bottom left corner and you will find the second TV behind the cracked door.
TV #3: The last TV is in the bottom right corner of the map.
Red Brick Today’s Special: After riding the tube elevator up in the next room at the top of the room is a red box to activate, once you do the red brick will appear.
Level 27: GrabBIT!
Red Brick x10 Studs: Right before the large climbing wall there is a small crawl hole, head through and then at the end is the red brick.
Minikit: After climbing the large wall head into the next room and onto the electric pad, charge it and grab the minikit.
Level 28: System Override
Minikit: At the very end of the level stay to the far right and you will go up a little ramp, there will be an ac unit, break it and the minikit will be inside.
Level 29: Samurai X
Minikit: Right before climbing the ledge section destroy the LEGO’s on the left wall to find the minikit.
Red Brick Invincibility: Destroy the two turrets in the boss battle area and the red brick will appear.
Level 30: Two Brothers
Minikit: On the right side of the platform will be a silver box hanging from the sky, shoot it with the spaceman to get the minikit.
Level 31: Overlord Rising
Minikit: When you move on to the part of the battle where you have to tie down the tentacles on the far right is a bottle that you need to use force powers on. Once you do break open the bottle and grab the last minikit.
Multitalented – Complete all Multi-Part challenges (Silver)
Each level has one multi challenge that you must complete, a multi challenge is a challenge that is made up of three different challenges that must all be completed. See the A New Challenger Trophy for more information.
Enough to Build My Own Dojo! – Collect 100,000,000 studs (Gold)
This may seem like a large task but using the X2, x4, x6, x8, and x10 Red Bricks you should get this as you are trying to complete the challenges. Note that you must have 100,000,000 studs on you at one time, not a total of all the studs you have collected and spent.
Millionaire – Collect 1,000,000 studs (Silver)
You should get this way before finishing the story levels, once you obtain the x2 and x4 bricks make sure you buy and use them.
Spare Change – Collect 100,000 studs (Bronze)
If you’re breaking everything you see you should get this between levels 4 and 5. This is not a total of studs you collected but the number of studs you have on you at the time, so you must have 100,000 studs in the bank for the trophy to unlock.
Hoarder – Collect all minikits (Silver)
There are a total of 31 minikits to collect, one per level. For their locations see the A New Challenger Trophy.
Full House – Collect and purchase all Red Bricks (Silver)
There are 15 red bricks to be collected and purchased, the levels they can be found in and their cost can be found below.
1) A Clean Escape: Extra Heart – 100,000 studs
2) NinjaCopter!: x2 Red Brick – 100,000 studs
3) Mad Machines: Big Heads – 100,000 studs
4) OverBorg: x4 Red Brick – 300,000 studs
5) KaiFighter!: Minikit Finder – 200,000 studs
6) Stop, Thief!: Red Brick Finder – 200,000 studs
7) Surrounded: x6 Red Brick – 800,000 studs
8) Sneaking In: Health Regeneration – 200,000 studs
9) Meet Min-droid: Party Time – 100,000 studs
10) Powered Up: Block Breaker – 200,000 studs
11) The Golden Cycle: x8 Red Brick – 4,000,000 studs
12) Return to Sender!: Fast Build – 500,000 studs
13) Regenerated: Today’s Special – 300,000 studs
14) System Override: x10 Red Brick – 10,000,000 studs
15) Samurai X: Invincibility – 12,000,000 studs
Like Pebbles in a Pond – Unlock and purchase all the characters in the game (Silver)
There are 59 characters that you will have to either purchase or unlock. The non trophy specific characters are listed below with the rest in there respective trophies.
Sensei Garmadon – 125,000 studs
Lord Garmadon – 10,000,000 studs
P.I.X.A.L. Good – 50,000 studs
Sensei Wu – 125,000 studs
Nindroid Warrior – 35,000 studs
Robot – 250,000 studs
Spaceman – 350,000 studs
The Postman – 350,000 studs
Savage Male A Blue – 15,000 studs
Savage Male B – 35,000 studs
Savage Female – 25,000 studs
Cowboy – 25,000 studs
Mummy – 125,000 studs
Nya – 50,000 studs
Mr. Noodles – 50,000 studs
Dareth – 2,500,000 studs
Elf – 35,000 studs
Vampire – 125,000 studs
Spartan Warrior – 250,000 studs
General Cryptor – 10,000,000 studs
Caveman – 15,000 studs
Min-droid – 5,000,000 studs
Pharoah – 50,000 studs
Zombie – 350,000 studs
Evil Wu – 25,000,000 studs
Rufus – 125,000 studs
Nya Samurai X – 5,000,000 studs
Disguised Garmadon – 2,500,000 studs
Wild Fire – Unlock all Kai variations (Bronze)
There are 5 versions of Kai that you will have to unlock or purchase, they are as follows:
Kai – Auto
Kai Teacher – Auto
Kai DX – 50,000 studs
Kai ZX – 500,000 studs
Kai Gold – 30,000,000 studs
Lightning Strikes – Unlock all Jay variations (Bronze)
There are four versions of Jay that you must unlock, they are as follows:
Jay – Auto
Jay ZX – 500,000 studs
Jay Teacher – 25,000 studs
Jay Gold – 30,000,000 studs
Snow Storm – Unlock all Zane variations (Bronze)
There are 6 versions of Zane that you must unlock, they are as follows:
Zane – Auto
Zane DX – 50,000 studs
Zane ZX – 500,000 studs
Zane Teacher – 25,000 studs
Zane Gold – 30,000,000 studs
Zane Borg – 25,000,000 studs
Earthquake – Unlock all Cole variations (Bronze)
There are 5 versions of Cole that you must unlock, they are as follows:
Cole – Auto
Cole Teacher – 25,000 studs
Cole ZX – 500,000 studs
Cole Gold – 30,000,000 studs
Cole DX – 50,000 studs
Golden Touch – Unlock all Lloyd variations (Bronze)
There are only 2 versions of Lloyd that you must unlock, they are as follows:
Lloyd – 20,000,000 studs
Lloyd Gold Ninja – 60,000,000 studs
Skeleton Army – Unlock all Skeletons (Bronze)
There are 5 different skeletons that you must unlock, they are as follows:
Kruncha – 35,000 studs
Frakjaw – 50,000 studs
Whplash – 350,000 studs
Chopov – 35,000 studs
Krazi – 250,000 studs
Rise of the Snakes – Unlock all Snakes (Bronze)
There are 4 different snakes that you must unlock, they are as follows:
Rattla – 50,000 studs
Snike – 25,000 studs
Spitta 125,000 studs
Snappa – 250,000 studs
I Love Red Bricks – Use every red brick at least once to complete a level (Bronze)
There are a total of 15 red bricks but you can only use 3 per level so after unlocking them all just switch three out for some you haven’t used yet and you will have it done in less than 5 levels. A very short level is Escape the Overlord, each playthrough will take you between 30-40 seconds allowing you to grind this trophy out at the end of the game in a few short minutes.
Junked – Defeat 500 Nindroids (Silver)
This will more than likely unlock naturally while going through all the challenges as you will have to replay each level multiple times.
Undeterred – Defeat 50 nindroids holding shields (Bronze)
You will start to encounter the shield enemies after a few levels, you will recognize them because they will be holding blue shields. This should come naturally just by playing through the story levels. If for some reason you don’t, play through the dojo challenge missions and it will unlock in no time.
Laser Eyes – Defeat 25 Nindroids that shoots lasers (Bronze)
You will start to encounter the laser enemies a few levels into the game, you will recognize them because they will be shooting red lasers from their eyes. This should come naturally just by playing through the story levels. If for some reason you don’t, play through the dojo challenge missions and it will unlock in no time.
Master of Spinjitzu – Defeat 100 enemies using Special Moves (Bronze)
To use a special move you must first have the blue bar on the top left somewhat filled up, the more its filled up the longer the special move will last. When you want to activate it hit the Left Trigger and it will activate it.
Just Snuggling – Defeat 25 enemies using grab attacks (Bronze)
You will learn to Grab enemies as you play through the story, to defeat them with grab attacks press Circle and then tap Square repeatedly to defeat them. You will encounter a lot more than 25 enemies so you should unlock this fairly quickly.
Attack from Above – Defeat 10 enemies using jump slam attack (Bronze)
You will encounter 10 enemies fairly early on in the game, if you jump slam every enemy you see you will get this during level 3.
Toasty – Defeat 10 enemies with LEGO fire (Bronze)
The easiest way to do this is to grab an enemy and just throw them into the fire, you will have plenty of opportunities to do this throughout the 31 levels.
Piggyback – Defeat 20 Mechs by jumping on their backs (Bronze)
Mechs can be found in the HUB usually at the end of streets, simply go behind them and hit X to jump on their backs, then mash Circle to defeat them. There are also plenty of Mechs in Story levels starting with Level 6, there are 5 that you can defeat this way in that level alone so this should come fairly easily.
Tantrum – Stomp on 50 objects using Mechs (Bronze)
There are a few levels during the story where you control a Mech, when you do simply walk into 50 objects or enemies and the trophy will unlock. Not every object can be destroyed but most are, you may have to replay a level once or twice but the mech levels are fairly short so it shouldn’t take long to grind any remaining kills you may need.
9th Kyu – Complete easy difficulty in the Dojo (Bronze)
The Dojo is located in the bottom right corner of the HUB, after you enter you will only have the one opponent to start off with. His challenge is incredibly easy, all you have to do is defeat 50 enemies. The best strategy for this is to get all the enemies together and use your jump slam attack. Note that you only get one life to complete the challenge and you cannot use any Red Bricks.
5th Kyu – Complete medium difficulty in the Dojo (Silver)
The Medium Difficulty challenge is to defeat 100 enemies. The jump slam is still very effective but for the bomb throwing guys just get up close to them and hit them and use their bombs to clear out large groups. The last enemy is a mech so just get up behind him and jump on his back and he will go down quick. Note that you only get one life to complete the challenge and you cannot use any Red Bricks.
1st Dan – Complete hard difficulty in the Dojo (Gold)
The final difficulty in the Dojo, you will have 150 enemies to kill and they will be in larger groups. The jump slam is still a good strategy here but you should focus on the laser enemies and the bomb throwers. Also try to use the lasers and bombs to your advantage and use them to try clear out large groups quickly. You will also have three mechs that you will have to destroy so jump on their backs as soon as possible and get them out of the way. Note that you only get one life to complete the challenge and you cannot use any Red Bricks.
Hacker – Complete the hacking minigame 10 times (Bronze)
You’re introduced to the hacking mini game in the very first level. This will unlock naturally while replaying levels to unlock challenges.
Demolisher – Smash 500 objects (Bronze)
This will come naturally throughout the game. There are plenty of things to smash throughout each level and in the HUB, some levels even have challenges that require you to break x number of objects. Just keep smashing things and this will unlock very easily.
Cooling Off – Smash 25 fire hydrants (Bronze)
Fire hydrants can be found on the streets of the HUB right next to the curb. There are 8 located in the HUB each time you enter it and they will respawn if you enter a building and exit it so you can get this early on in the game if you wish to. There are also fire hydrants in some levels starting with Level 6. The trophy will not unlock until you either finish a level you are in or enter a building to leave the HUB.
Master Builder – Build 50 build-its (Bronze)
Build-its are just any time you have to build LEGO’s as part of the story objectives. This will unlock naturally as you are trying to complete all the challenges.
City Square – Unlock the HUB (Bronze)
Story Related Cannot Be Missed.
Golden Dragon – Build the Golden Dragon in the Hub (Gold) (Hidden)
To build the Golden Dragon you must first collect all 310 gold bricks, then head to the dragon circle in the HUB, in front of the Level Select shop to build it.
Here you go guys our LEGO Ninjago Nindroids Trophy Guide. If you have any questions or comments about this guide, the game in general, or anything in general, feel free to ask them on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, or in the comments below and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. While you’re on the above pages be sure to like us, follow us, and subscribe to us to stay up to date on the latest news and information that we have for you guys. Also be sure to follow us on Twitch so you will know when we livestream and on Instagram so you can see all our awesome pictures. We hope you find this guide useful and are enjoying the game!!!