Payday 2: Trophy/Achievement Guide – HTG
The long awaited sequel to the fantastic PSN game Payday: The Heist, Payday 2 puts you back in the shoes of the 4 bank robbers from the first game but this time you’re in D.C. This time around you’ll have more abilities and the choice to choose a skill tree that best suits your play style. Although the game does have a few issues that it will need to fix, overall the game is a ton of fun, especially when you’re playing with friends.
Step 1: Get a Good Crew
I know it may sound stupid or even obvious but this game is a lot more fun and a lot easier to play if you have a good crew of 3-4 guys or girls. A number of trophies in this game cannot be obtained without 4 human players and the rest can become quite difficult due to lacking or inconsistent AI. So get a good crew and go rob some stuff.
Step 2: Play through the missions and get to know them.
The better you know the layout and the ins and outs of the jobs, the easier these trophies will be for you. Another good thing to do is to get a few good “perks” like Dominator under the Mastermind tree and having a silenced gun is also very helpful to have.
Step 3: Go for all the mission related trophies.
Now that you have a good idea of what the jobs entail and have gotten used to the game a little bit you can go ahead and start going for the mission specific trophies. Some of them will come fairly easily on your first try and others will take more than a few tries.
Step 4: Work your way to Level 100.
Now that you’ve gotten most if not all of the mission specific trophies you should be well on your way to Level 100. This can be sped up a little by completing the Ukranian job over and over again in very little time using C4.
Step 5: Cleanup/Miscellaneous
By this time you should have all if not most of the trophies, if you haven’t gotten the Man of Iron trophy or the I’m a Healer-Tank-Damage-Dealer, then now is the time to do so. By the end of this you should have your new Platinum Trophy. Congratulations!!!4
Trophy Guide

Completely Overkill (Platinum) – Complete Everything. OVERKILL Salutes You.
Unlock every other trophy to unlock a shiny new Platinum.

Coming in Hot (Bronze) – On day 1 of the Watchdogs job, don’t let the cops shoot and destroy the escape vehicle.
On day 1 of the Watchdogs job towards the end of the day a van will show up to get you. Make sure everybody gets in the van before the cops destroy it and the trophy will pop.

Fish A.I. (Bronze) – On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, throw a loot bag into the sea, hoping fish move away as it gets near.
On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, all you have to do is throw one of the loot bags into the water and the trophy will pop for you. It doesn’t matter what are of the water you throw it into.

Guessing Game (Gold) – On day 2 of the Firestarter job complete the heist in stealth without hacking the computer.
You need the dominator perk and possible ECM jammers to block the cameras and quick open doors. Equip silent weapons if you can and don’t use armor so you can move faster and lower your visibility.
You need to disable the guards preferably by the dominator perk. They will not alert the guards in the handcuffed position. If you have cuffed more than four they will start resisting so melee them down and answer their pager. If there body is discovered they will sound the alarm.
You have to cut two of the security boxes without setting off the alarm. The two boxes are random ever level(aka its call guessing game) this is the hardest part of the trophy because it is luck based. So be prepared to get frustrated.
After you lucky cut the two wires in the security boxes you can open the door to the server room. It helps if you have an upgraded jammer since you can quick open the second door. If you do not have the upgraded jammers you will have to drill the door. I have done it with the stock drill no problem. Never use the saw or C4 to open the door because it will let everyone in the building know you are there.
Once you have the server sneak out the way you came back into the van. This part has to be done in stealth. Check out the video below for a walkthrough.

The First Line (Silver) – On day 3 of the Firestarter job, find the rare hockey poster of the OVERKILL hockey team.
Day 3 of the Firestarter job is almost the exact same job as the Bank Heist. After you get the safe open, in one of the safety deposit boxes will be a poster of the hockey team, which box has it is random so having a saw makes this trophy a lot easier. As soon as you find it the trophy will pop.

F in Chemistry (Bronze) – On day 1 of the Rat job, blow up the lab.
At the beginning of the Rat job you will have to cook some bags of meth, Bain will come over the radio and tell you which ingredients to put in. All you have to do is out in the wrong ingredient and the lab will blow up and the trophy will pop.

Caribbean Pirate (Silver) – On day 2 of the Rat job, bring additional meth bags to the trade but steal your payment instead.
On day 1 of the Rat job you will have to cook up some bags of meth, the number will change but you will have to make more than you are supposed to. So if you have to make 3 then to unlock this trophy you have to make at least 4. This can be rather difficult to do so try to do this on an easier difficulty. When you get to day 2 you will have to throw the bags in the back of the pickup truck then head up stairs, on the table will be a pile of money. You have to take the money of the table and then take all of the meth bags and throw them in the van as well. There is a possibility that the cops show up to ruin the deal which makes things a lot harder, so the easier the difficulty the better, if they do you can always die and try again and hopefully get a better outcome. The trophy will pop at the end of the job. Check out the video below for a full walkthrough.

Short Fuse (Bronze) – On day 3 of the Rat job, get away with 7 loot bags without defusing any bombs.
This is a tricky trophy to get, you need to have 4 people to do this. On day 3 you will have to kill some enemies on a bus, on the bus are a bunch of cases with money in them. If you grab the money then c4 will start to go off and blow up the bus. What you have to do is open the cases but DON’T grab the money just yet. Open all of them first and bust the windows out on the bus. Then make sure everyone grabs money and tosses it out the window at the same time, then grab a second bag and run out of the bus, you have to get 7 off the bus before it blows up. After that a helicopter will show up to get the bags, make sure you don’t miss the helicopter or it will fall into the ocean. Check out the video below for a full walkthrough.

Painting Yourself into a Corner (Silver) – On day 1 of the Framing job, steal all the sold paintings without being seen.
For this trophy its very good to have one, preferably two members with the Dominator “perk”. It is also very good, if not required, to have a silenced gun to shoot the cameras out. For this job it is also good to have the host buy the camera access so you can mark guys for the members with the Dominator “perk”. All you have to do is go through and shoot all the cameras, and Dominate all of the guards. Once that’s done you can collect all of the paintings and then toss them in the van for the trophy. On a side note it seems at this time that only the host gets the trophy, so you will have to do it each time for every member in your party.

Big Deal (Bronze) – On day 2 of the Framing job, trade 9 paintings.
On day 1 of the Framing job there are 9 or 10 paintings that you can steal, steal at least 9 and complete the day with them. On day 2 you have to trade all 9 for money, as soon as you trade the 9th one the trophy will pop.

I Wasn’t Even There (Gold) – On day 3 of the Framing job, send the gold by zip-line without ever tripping the alarm.
This is going to be very similar to day 1 of this job, use the cameras to mark people, dominate who you can and shoot all the cameras. While doing this job you will find the electronic devices that are scattered around the apartment. Once you collect all 5 of the devices you will have to build them on the roof, you will then have to find the hidden vault. It is behind one of the bookcases scattered throughout the level. Once you find the vault you will have to go and grab the coke from the roof and then throw it in the vault. After doing so you are given the option to leave, DON’T, instead head back to the senators desktop and open the vault. BECAREFUL OF THE LASERS!!! You will have to use the desktop again to turn off the lasers, becareful though because the lasers come back in a few seconds, you will have to turn them off a few times before you will get them all out of the vault. Once you get them all out and onto the roof the trophy will pop when you complete the job. Check out the video below for a full walkthrough.

Smooth Criminal (Bronze) – Reach Reputation Level 25.
Please refer to the Most Wanted trophy for more information.

Career Criminal (Bronze) – Reach Reputation Level 75.
Please refer to the Most Wanted trophy for more information.

I got it, I got it! (Silver) – Catch a bag mid-air.
This trophy is actually easier than it could be thanks to a little trick. All you have to do is throw the bag straight up in the air and then catch it again. You can spam the button or just wait until the icon pops up, it may take you a few tries but it is fairly easy to do. Please refer to the video below for more information. Check out the video below for a full walkthrough.

I Knew What I Did was Wrong (Bronze) – On day 1 of the Big Oil job, enter the basement, open the ATM machines and take the loot.
On Day 1 of the Big Oil job, at the beginning you will enter a house, just to the right of the garage is a door that you can pick. Inside are a bunch of ATM machines that you can saw open, so yes you will need the Saw for this trophy. Once you open all of them and grab the loot the trophy will pop. Refer to the trophy below for a full walkthrough. Check out the video below for a full walkthrough.

Doctor Fantastic (Silver) – On day 2 of the Big Oil job, complete the heist with the first engine being correct.
Once you have the basement lab open go down and find a spiral note book and it will tell you what gas to look for.
After that find the white board that shows what gas goes in what colored tank. The color tank is the smaller tank on the engine.
Then find the clip board the shows how many hoses it has (example;: 2H = 2 hoses) The hose are counted off of the large tank.
Then find the computer where it shows the PSI >5280 = 400MB or higher With all of the factors find the engine out of the 10 options I would start with the tank color then go to hoses then the pressure.
After you pick the engine and it’s picked up by the helicopter, once its confirmed to be the right one the trophy will pop. Check out the video below for a full walkthrough.

Diamond are Forever (Bronze) – In the Jewelry store job, steal and secure 4 bags, without the escape car leaving the first time.
In the Jewelry store job you will have to basically run in to the store and grab four bags of jewelry and run back to the van as fast as possible. Make sure when you do this you have lighter armor on and a higher mobility so you can run faster. The bags of jewelry are the ones that look like the black boxes that hold watches or bracelets. Once you throw the bags in the back of the van and escape the trophy will pop. Check out the video below for a full walkthrough.

Let’s Do Th… (Gold) – In the Ukranian job, complete the heist within 35 seconds.
This trophy is actually a pretty easy one but you will need C4 to complete this. All you have to do is run in, run straight to the back, and put c4 on one of the safes. There is a safe in both the back left and back right room. If only one person has C4 then you will have to take a guess but if two people do then you’re guaranteed to get it. Make it back to the van in under 35 seconds and the trophy will pop. Note though that only the host will unlock this trophy so if someone else wants to get this trophy then they will have to find a Ukranian job and host the room. Check out the video below for a full walkthrough.

Yeah he’s a Gold Digger (Bronze) – In the Four Stores job, find a gold bar in a safe.
In the job Four Stores there will be, yep you guessed it, four stores that could potentially have a gold bar in them. The chances of you finding one are random but they are fairly common, open all the safes and you’ll have a good chance of finding one.

I’m Going All In! (Bronze) – In the Nightclub job, put a bag filled with money on the poker table.
During the Nightclub job you will have to open a safe filled with money. Grab a bag of money and downstairs on the main floor, by the kitchen, is a poker table. Throw the money on the poker table and this trophy will pop. Check out the video below for a full walkthrough.

Shoot the Glass! (Bronze) – In the Mallcrasher job, destroy all the windows in the mall.
During the job Mallcrasher you will be inside, you guessed it, a mall with A LOT of breakable glass. You will have to go through and break every piece of glass in the mall, this means every door panel, window, glass case, roof, panels, EVERYTHING you can find. It can get a little difficult and hectic by yourself so a full crew is preferable. Start on the lower level and work your way up to the top until all the glass is broken, once you get the last one the trophy will pop. Try to use your melee as much as possible to save ammo.

Lord of War (Bronze) – On day 1 of the Firestarter job, steal all the weapons from the hangar.
In CrimeNet see if you can find a low star, or all white star Firestarter job to make this a lot easier on yourselves. In one of the hangars there will be two trucks that you need to saw open and a bunch of black gun cases that you can open and loot. Open and grab the loot from every one and return it to the van to unlock this trophy. Having four crew members will make this easier but it isn’t necessary. Refer to the video below for a walkthrough on how to do this. Check out the video below for a full walkthrough.

King of the Hill (Bronze) – In the park escape, ensure that no law enforcement enter the park before the escape van arrives.
During jobs with multiple days you will sometimes have escape sequences in between days that you will have to complete. Right underneath where it says escape it will say which escape you are about to do. You will have the option to change your loadout to better help you complete the mission. Cover the entrances to the park and just make sure that no one enters the park and this trophy is yours. Trying to get this escape to pop on a lesser difficulty will make this trophy a lot easier.

You Shall not Pass! (Silver) – In the Overpass escape, don’t let the cops set foot on the bridge before you can escape.
During jobs with multiple days you will sometimes have escape sequences in between days that you will have to complete. Right underneath where it says escape it will say which escape you are about to do. You will have the option to change your loadout to better help you complete the mission. When you start this mission you will be close to a bridge, have two members of your team defend one side of the bridge and two defend the other. The cops will only come from two ways on either side so defend both ways and you should be fine. The trophy will pop shortly after the helicopter arrives.

Cappuccino to Go Please (Silver) – In the Café escape, secure all loot and escape within 30 seconds of the escape van arriving.
During jobs with multiple days you will sometimes have escape sequences in between days that you will have to complete. Right underneath where it says escape it will say which escape you are about to do. You will have the option to change your loadout to better help you complete the mission.

Bullet Dodger (Bronze) – In the Street Escape, complete the escape without killing any enemy snipers.
During jobs with multiple days you will sometimes have escape sequences in between days that you will have to complete. Right underneath where it says escape it will say which escape you are about to do. You will have the option to change your loadout to better help you complete the mission. For this escape hideout inside the Café until the helicopter arrives then run to the extraction zone without shooting any enemy snipers. It seems that if the AI kills a sniper it voids this trophy so try completing this with 4 crew members.

They See Me Baggin’, They Hatin’ (Gold) – On the garage escape, get away with 8 bags.
During jobs with multiple days you will sometimes have escape sequences in between days that you will have to complete. Right underneath where it says escape it will say which escape you are about to do. You will have the option to change your loadout to better help you complete the mission. For the garage escape it is very useful to have 3 or 4 members in your party but with the right “perks” it may be possible to complete this with two people. After you start the escape there will be a staircase around the corner that you can climb up and then another staircase at the end of the path that you will need to pick the lock or saw open. Having a Saw will make this a lot easier but it is still doable without one. Have one person pick the two locks while the rest are moving the bags, throw all 8 in the van before time runs out and the trophy is yours. The hardest part of this trophy is having 8 bags when the garage escape pops up. Which escape you get is random so find a mission you like that you know you can get 8 bags in early on and keep playing it until the garage escape pops up.

Tip the Scales (Bronze) – In the Safe House, find the hidden basement.
When you load up the game and arrive at the main menu there will be an option called Safe House. Start the mission and follow the instructions and this trophy will pop upon normal progression of the mission.

I’m a Healer-Tank-Damage-Dealer (Bronze) – Spend 10 skill points in each tree.
Another simple trophy, spend 10 skill points in each of the four skill trees and this trophy will unlock. On the road to Level 100 you will be able to use 120 skill points so you will have more than enough. If you forgot for some reason, you can always respec one of your trees and redo your points.

Man of Iron (Bronze) – Equip the Improved Combined Tactical Vest.
This trophy requires you to make your way through the Enforcer skill tree, the top middle “perk” gives you access to the Improved Combined Tactical Vest. Once you can access to the “perk”, buy it, equip it, and the trophy is yours.

Going Places (Bronze) – Gain $1,000,000 in total spendable cash.
As you Level up and gain reputation higher paying jobs will appear, on some jobs you will gain a few hundred thousand or more. Complete a few high paying jobs, save some money and this trophy will come through normal progression.

No Turning Back (Bronze) – Complete your first job.
Upon successfully completing your very first job this trophy will unlock.

Spend Money to Make Money (Bronze) – Spend $1,000,000 in total cash.
You will get this on your quest to reach Level 100. Perks in Payday 2 are crazy expensive the further up the skill tree you go, you will most likely spend a million alone on one perk. Buy a few guns, purchase some perks and this will unlock in no time.

Gotta Start Somewhere (Bronze) – Reach Reputation Level 5.
Refer to the Most Wanted trophy for more information.

Guilty of Crime (Bronze) – Reach Reputation Level 10.
Refer to the Most Wanted trophy for more information.

Armed and Dangerous (Bronze) – Reach Reputation Level 50.
Refer to the Most Wanted trophy for more information.

Most Wanted (Bronze) – Reach Reputation Level 100.
You will have to get to level 100 for this trophy to pop. You will need to have gained a little over 23 million experience points to reach level 100. There is a “perk” in the Mastermind class that you can buy that gives you more experience so you may want to consider investing in it early If you are only playing to platinum this game as fast as possible. A very quick and easy way to get money is to play in offline CrimeNet and to find a Rats job on Overkill. Get to day 3 then complete the Day as fast as possible, run to the bus, kill the guys, and escape. After choosing your card, press start and restart game, this will take you back to Day 3 of the Rats job. You can do this over and over again to farm XP, money, and rewards. Check out the video below for a tutorial on how to do this.

Fully Loaded (Bronze) – Own 9 weapons.
Buy 9 weapons and this trophy will unlock. As you level up you will gain access to different weapons. Pick 9 of your favorite ones and upon purchasing it the trophy will pop. You do not have to buy 9 different weapons, you can buy 9 of the same cheap gun if you so desire.

Weapon Collector (Bronze) – Own 18 weapons.
Simply buy 18 weapons to obtain this trophy, between primary and secondary ones there are more than 18. Buy 18 of your favorites and this trophy will unlock. You can buy 18 of the same gun if you want to.

No One Cared Who I Was… (Bronze) – Until I put on the mask.
This will more than likely be the very first trophy you get, as soon as you start your first job, put on your mask and the trophy will pop. You will not get this trophy if you are detected and put on the mask automatically. You must put the mask on yourself for this trophy.

Masked Villain (Bronze) – Modify a mask for the first time.
At the end of a job you will pick a job that will unlock items for you to use, sometimes you will unlock new masks. To modify a mask you will also have to have a color scheme, pattern or material in addition to an actual mask.
If you have the Lootbag DLC you are given a mask and a pattern that you can use.

Armed to the Teeth (Bronze) – Modify a weapon for the first time.
At the end of a job you will pick a card which will unlock items for you to use, sometimes you will unlock weapon mods. When you get one for a gun you have unlocked equip it and the trophy will pop.
If you have the Lootbag DLC you are given a sight that you can use for only $12,500.

Would You Like a Receipt? (Bronze) – Buy a weapon for the first time.
You will unlock access to weapons fairly early on in the game, buy any weapon and this trophy will unlock. The Mark10 submachine gun is a great secondary weapon to have early on in levels.

How do you like me Now? (Bronze) – Equip an armor for the first time.
You will gain access to armor on level 11. After it unlocks head to your inventory and head to the armor tab and equip it for the trophy.
There you have it guys, how to platinum Payday 2. If you have any questions, comments, etc… leave us a comment on facebook, twitter, youtube or on our website and we will get back to you. Also be sure to like us on facebook, follow us on twitter, and subscribe to us on youtube to help us out.