PAX Prime 2013: Review – HTG
HappyThumbsGaming was in attendance of PAX Prime 2013. Pax Prime is held in Seattle Washington and this year it was a 4 day event. This video is to talk PAX Prime highlights and just kind of catch you up to speed on what our weekend was like. PAX is a highly attended event and I would imagine its in excess of 20,000 people per day! Let us share with you a couple of our monumental moments like REKOIL, Dying Light, Extraction, and Titanfall just to name a few games we had hands on at PAX PRIME 2013. Special thanks to 505 Games and their hospitality through out all 4 days of PAX.. we were treated like royalty by many publishers this weekend, but 505 Games was by far the best experience for us… and the games were awesome too! This was short and sweet and more videos and gameplay footage on the way! Thanks for watching our video and let us know what questions about Pax Prime 2013 you might have down below!
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PAX, Pax Prime, PAX PRIME, Pax 2013, Settle Washington, Dying Light, DyingLight, Rekoil, REKOIL, TakeDown, Take Down Red Sabre, Payday 2, Titanfall, Extraction, 505 Games, 505Games, Watchdogs, WATCHDOGS, Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag, HappyThumbsGaming, Happy Thumbs Gaming, HappyThumbs, (HTG), (HTG) Brian, (HTG) Doug, (HTG) Mark, HTG, htg, Pax Review,