Sly Cooper Thieves in Time: Prologue Museum Heist – All Collectables – HTG
Location: Prologue Level
2 Sly Mask locations (Timeline Fast Forward links below)
(HTG) Brian re-introduces you to Sly Cooper and the gang in the Sly Cooper Thieves in Time prologue Museum Heist for the Playstation 3. We start the Sly Cooper Thieves in Time Prologue off by watching a cut scene which catches us up on what the Sly gang has been up to. We quickly get into some Sly Cooper action and make our way into a museum using Sly Cooper, Bentley and Murray each with their own attacks and talents. Along the series you will need to find all Treasures, Bottles, Safes and Sly Masks. In the prologue Museum Heist, there are only 2 Sly Masks which can quickly be found by clicking the Timeline Fast Forward links below. We are fans of Sly Cooper and the gang, but we didnt realize how much we missed them till we put the disc in. There is a ton of more game play ahead, so let us know if you want us to keep putting out videos for Sly Cooper Thieves in Time. That is pretty much it for Museum Heist which is the prologue for Sly Cooper Thieves in Time for the PS3.
Timeline Fast Forward:
Skip Into Cutscene: 5:46
Sly Mask 1: 10:30
Sly Mask 2: 12:57
Trophies obtained in video:
Cooper Calling Card Trophy – Find your first hidden Sly Mask
Tweets by HappyThumbs
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time, Sly Cooper 4, SlyCooper, Theives in Time, Sly4, Sly SC4, SCTiT, Sly Cooper, Bentley, Murray, theifs, Prologue Level, all collectables, sly masks, treasure chests, safes bottles, secret, unlocks, trophy, platinum, trophies, HTG, (HTG) Brian, htg, happy, thumbs, gaming, happythumbsgaming, Walkthrough, Playthrough,Tutorial, ps3, Playstation3, PSVita, Vita ,PlayStation, Museum Heist, musem,