DmC Devil May Cry: Mission 4 – All Collectibles Locations (Lost Souls, Keys, Secret Doors) – HTG
(HTG)Jeremy shows you how to get 122 total collectibles. This includes 80 Lost Souls, 21 Keys and the 21 Doors they go to in DmC: Devil May Cry. Collecting these collectibles is required to get multiple trophies and achievements for Devil May Cry. Certain collectibles require that you have certain abilities and weapons to reach them. Once you collect an item it is saved an you can exit the level.
***You cannot get all collectibles on your first playthrough because you will not have the abilities to acquire them. You will have to do at least to playthroughs to collect all of the collectibles for DmC: Devil May Cry***
Timeline Fast Forward:
Lost Soul #19 – 0:14
Lost Soul #20 – 0:23
Lost Soul #21 – 0:44
Key #5 – 1:00
Lost Soul #22 – 1:22
Lost Soul #23 – 1:34
Key #6 – 1:47
Lost Soul #24 – 2:08
Secret Door #5 – 2:18
Secret Door #6 – 2:47
Lost Soul #25 – 3:02
Lost Soul #26 – 3:18
Trophies / Achievements Earned:
-Dude, the show’s over!: You have found all 21 Keys
-Let’s welcome chaos!: You have opened all 21 Secret Doors
-And you are set free: You have found half of the Lost Souls
-Fill your dark soul with light: You have found all of the Lost Souls
Link to our DMC, Devil May Cry playlist:
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DMC,DmC,Devil,may,cry,devilmaycry, all, collectibles, locations, mission, 4, home truths, level, 4, four, under watch, found, lost, souls, keys, secret, doors, Dude, the show’s over! trophy, achievement, trophies, achievements, HTG, htg, happy, thumbs, gaming, happythumbsgaming,Walkthrough,Playthrough,Tutorial,ps3,Playstation3, Xbox360,PlayStation, xbox,360,PC,Trophy/Achievement,