Lollipop Chainsaw: Third Eye Trophy/Achievement – HTG
(HTG) Brian shows you how to beat Mariska the Dirty Hippie and earn the “Third Eye” Trophy/Achievement for Lollipop Chainsaw. This takes place on the 3rd stage, The Obanan Farm, and the goal is to defeat her without being trapped by a bubble. Third eye trophy/achievement might take you a few tries, but it shouldn’t take you long. Strafe to the left and/or right at all times while shooting at the dirty hippie Mariska. There are 3 stages to the battle and you should be able to reach the ending without being trapped in the bubble and earn that Third Eye trophy/achievement. Follow along in the video and watch us earn both the dirty hippie, and third eye trophy/achievements in Lollipop Chainsaw.
LollipopChainsawObananFarm LollipopChainsaw lollipopchainsaw Lollipop Chainsaw Kodokawa games Juliet Starling HappyThumbsGaming Happy Thumbs Gaming HTG (HTG)Brian (HTG) htg HD Playstation PlayStation PS3 Xbox360 xbox 360 Addict gameplay walkthrough Trophy/Achievement Trophy Achievement guide video game zombies Obanan Farm obananfarm ThirdEye thirdeye Third Eye Dirty Hippy DirtyHippy Combine
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