Lollipop Chainsaw: Sisters Are The Worst Trophy/Achievement – HTG
(HTG) Brian walks you through “Sisters Are The Worst” Trophy/Achievement during Stage 5, The Cathedral, in Lollipop Chainsaw. The Sisters are the worst trophy/achievement requires you to not get hit by Rosalind’s wrecking ball. This can be done by always watching the wrecking ball and avoiding it. We also suggest grabbing the star and using your special power as quick as possible during the first phase of the wrecking ball scene. Continue to stay away from the ball as the second phase kicks in and do your best to shoot all the flying zombies off of your sister. Once you complete this area you will earn the Sisters Are The Worst Trophy/Achievement. Thanks for watching and hopefully this helps you earn the Sisters are the worst trophy/achievement for Lollipop Chainsaw.
LollipopChainsawCathedral LollipopChainsaw lollipopchainsaw Lollipop Chainsaw Kodokawa games Juliet Starling HappyThumbsGaming Happy Thumbs Gaming HTG (HTG)Brian (HTG) htg HD Playstation PlayStation PS3 Xbox360 xbox 360 Addict gameplay walkthrough Trophy/Achievement Trophy Achievement guide video game zombies SistersAreTheWorst Sisters Are The Worst sisersaretheworst Cathdral Cathedral Kathedral Stage 5 Stage5 Level5