Lollipop Chainsaw: Prologue Walkthrough – HTG
(HTG) Brian walks you through the first area or Prologue on Lollipop Chainsaw. While running through the Lollipop Chainsaw Prologue, we find 4 of the Lollipop wrappers needed for the Lollipop Addict Trophy/Achievement. This video is really just to show you gamers out there who are wanting to see it in action and or curious about the game itself, that this game could truly be worth your money. Its for sure a hack and slash game starring a teenage cheerleader named Juliet. Juliet and her chainsaw love taking on zombies of all sort. Let us know what you think and if you would like a full walkthrough, currently we have a list of trophies/achievements we are shooting for, including the locations of all 40 wrappers for the Lollipop Addict trophy/achievement. We also briefly show you how to earn the Zombie Hunter Apprentice trophy/achievement as well which requires you to Buy a combo at Chop2Shop.Zom and use it.
LollipopChainsaw lollipopchainsaw Lollipop Chainsaw Kodokawa games Grasshopper Manufacture Juliet Starling HappyThumbsGaming Happy Thumbs Gaming HTG (HTG)Brian (HTG) htg HD LollipopAddict Addict gameplay walkthrough Trophy/Achievement Trophy Achievement guide video game zombies Zombie Hunter Apprentice ZombieHunterApprentice Prologue
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