Home Games Max Payne 3: Nothing But the Second Best Walkthrough – HTG
Max Payne 3: Nothing But the Second Best Walkthrough – HTG

Max Payne 3: Nothing But the Second Best Walkthrough – HTG


(HTG) Brian shows you around Level 2, Nothing But the Second Best, and shows you where to find the 2 Golden Guns for the “A License to Kill” Trophy/Achievement as well as the 6 Clues to work towards the “An Echo of the Past” Trophy/Achievement for Max Payne 3. RIght off the bat we also show you how to obtain the “Out The Window” Trophy/Achievement too which earned by Killing all 6 thugs before hitting the ground when jumping out the VIP room window. The level starts out with you jumping through the window, most important thing here is to make sure FREE AIM is set on your controller settings. This can be changed in game or at the main menu, which ever is more convenient for you. After this we speed things up and quickly grab all 6 golden gun pieces, to complete both golden guns for this level, as well as all 6 clues. Follow along and get caught up on those A License to Kill and An Echo to the Past trophy/achievements as well as grab that Out the Window trophy/achievement for Max Payne 3.

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(HTG) Brian Dad, gamer, husband, and sometimes.. a noob.


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