Max Payne 3: Just Another Day at the Office Walkthrough – HTG
(HTG) Brian shows you around Level 3, Just Another Day at the Office, and shows you where to find the 2 Golden Guns for the “A License to Kill” Trophy/Achievement as well as the 4 Clues to work towards the “An Echo of the Past” Trophy/Achievement for Max Payne 3. We also get the opportunity to earn the “One Eyed Man is King” Trophy/Achievement too which earned by Killing all 14 thugs without missing while in the snipers nest protecting Passos towards the end of the level. This may take a few trys but you can Chapter Select from the Main Menu, choose Chapter 3 and Checkpoint 12. After this we speed things up and quickly grab all 6 golden gun pieces, to complete both golden guns for this level, as well as all 4 clues. Follow along and get caught up on those A License to Kill and An Echo to the Past trophy/achievements as well as grab that One Eyed Man is King trophy/achievement for Max Payne 3.
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“Max Payne 3” MaxPayne3 MAXPAYNE3 maxpayne3 max payne HappyThumbsGaming HappyThumbs HTG htg Happy Thumbs Gaming Walkthrough Playthrough Walk Play Through Ps3 PS3 Playstation3 PlayStation3 Xbox360 XBOX360 xbox360 xbox 360 Rockstar Games RockStarGames Rock Star Game Footage Gamefootage Gameplay Trophy Achievement trophy achievement trophy/achievement Trophy/Achievement AnEchoOfThePast An Echo Of The Past ALicenseToKill A License To Kill Just Another Day at the Office JustAnotherDayattheOffice