Home Games Watch Dogs: “Free Radical” Trophy/Achievement (Tips to avoid police detection) – HTG
Watch Dogs: “Free Radical” Trophy/Achievement (Tips to avoid police detection) – HTG

Watch Dogs: “Free Radical” Trophy/Achievement (Tips to avoid police detection) – HTG


Trophy/Achievement: “Free Radical” (Silver)(30G) — Escape a level 5 police chase
Location: Anywhere/Random, we suggest Act 4 Mission 2/In Plain Sight due to it starting you with level 4.5 star rating.

(HTG) Brian shows you how to ring off the Free Radical trophy/achievement for Watch Dogs from UbiSoft. The Free Radical Trophy/Achievement for Watch Dogs requires you to Escape a level 5 police chase. We found the easiest way to do this is to attempt this during Act 4 Mission 2, In Plain Sight. During this mission, you start with a level 4 star rating and it is quick and easy to reach a level 5 police rating. Once the Level 5 star rating is reached, pedestrians will start to call the cops and the scanning will begin. At this time run into a covered area like a parking garage or tunnel that you can hide in. DON’T BE SEEN BY THE POLICE WHEN THEY ARRIVE, if you go unseen and stay hidden it will not take long to escape and watch the free radical trophy/achievement for Watch Dogs ring off as a result. The video has some other great tips to avoid police detection and earn that Free Radical Trophy/Achievement. We have plans to do a handful more Trophy/Achievement videos for Watch dogs and are open for requests too if you need or want to see something. Thank you for choosing HappyThumbsGaming for your Watch Dogs needs and let us know how we can help!! BooYaKaShouw!

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(HTG) Brian Dad, gamer, husband, and sometimes.. a noob.


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