Dynasty Warriors 8: King of the Combos (Trophy/Achievement) – HTG
Trophy/Achievement: King of the Combos (Bronze)/(10G) – Achieve a 1,000 hit combo.
Location – Xu Province
(HTG) Jeremy shows you how to get the “King of the Combos” Trophy/Achievement for Dynasty Warriors 8 on PS3 and Xbox360. This Dynasty Warriors 8 video is to show you how to rack up a 1000 hit combo and earn the King of the Combos trophy/achievement. The King of the Combos trophy/achievement takes place on Battle of Xu Province level can be replayed from the main menu at any time, Follow along with the Video and us the skills recommended by us you will earn the King of the Combos trophy/achievement for Dynasty Warriors 8. Your opinion is important to us so if there are any videos you would like us to add let us know and we will try to get them up. Thank you for choosing Happy Thumbs Gaming for all of your gaming needs.
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