Sly Cooper Thieves in Time: Episode 6 Paris Epilogue – Paris Sly Mask Locations – HTG
Location: Ep 6 Paris Epilogue
3 Sly Mask locations (Timeline Fast Forward links to all 3 Sly Mask Locations below)
**BONUS MAPS OF All Collectables For All Episodes**(link below)
(HTG) Brian shows you the 3 Sly Mask locations in Episode 6, All 3 Sly Masks in Paris Epilogue. Follow along as we show you all 3 Sly Mask Locations in Sly Cooper Thieves in Time for the Playstation 3 and PS Vita. We start Sly Cooper Thieves in Time Episode 6 sly mask hunt off by heading into the episode Jobs, and then we get the last one back in the hideout arcade. Follow along and grab all 3 masks for Paris Epilogue and if you have followed along with our Treasure video series, you will breeze right through all the masks. Click the links for easy access to each sly mask location maps. There is also a link to a map we created showing all collectable locations. Thanks for choosing HappyThumbsGaming for your Sly Cooper Thieves in Time needs. Hopefully this info helps you for Sly Cooper Thieves in Time for the PS3 and PS Vita.
DOWNLOAD LINK FOR ALL COLLECTABLES MAP: (search site for episode you need)
Timeline Fast Forward:
Sly Mask 1: 00:23
Sly Mask 2: 00:40
Sly Mask 3: 01:08
Trophies obtained in video:
Oh Look Its Shiny Trophy – Pickpocket 10 different items
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time Playlist:
Tweets by HappyThumbs
Sly Cooper Thieves in Time, Sly Cooper 4, SlyCooper, Theives in Time, Sly4, Sly SC4, SCTiT, Sly Cooper, Bentley, Murray, theifs, Prologue Level, all collectables, sly masks, treasure chests, safes bottles, secret, unlocks, trophy, platinum, trophies, HTG, (HTG) Brian, htg, happy, thumbs, gaming, happythumbsgaming, Walkthrough, Playthrough,Tutorial, ps3, Playstation3, PSVita, Vita ,PlayStation, Episode 6 Sly Mask Locations, Episode 6, SlyMasks, Mask Locations, ep6, epilogue, paris epilogue sly masks,