Location: Mission 3 The Root of All Evil – After you destroy the dam
Trophy/Achievement: Bang for your Buck (Kill a deer with explosive arrows)
(HTG) Brian shows you in mission 3, The Root of All Evil, how to earn the “Bang for your Buck” trophy/achievement for Crysis 3 on the Playstation 3 Xbox360 and PC. We show you in mission 3 the root of all evil, right after you blow the dam and the river is flowing through the town, down stream a ways you will come across some deer running along the shore. Once you find one, simply select your predator box, and choose heavy draw and explosive tip. Simply shoot the deer and watch it explode to earn the bang for your buck trophy/achievement. Its that simple, just shoot the deer with an explosive tip arrow and you will earn the bang for your buck trophy/achievement found in Mission 3 The Root of All Evil for Crysis 3. Follow along to earn the bang for your buck trophy/achievement and thanks for choosing HappyThumbsGaming for your Crysis 3 needs.
Trophies/Achievements obtained in video:
Bang for your Buck Trophy/Achievement – Kill a deer with an explosive arrows
Crysis 3 Playlist:
Tweets by HappyThumbs
Crysis3, Crysis 3, Cry3, C3, Crysis, trophy,platinum,trophies,HTG,(HTG) Brian,htg,happy,thumbs,gaming,happythumbsgaming,Walkthrough,ps3,Playstation3,PSVita,Vita,PlayStation, Collectables, Intel, Datapads, Propaganda Posters, Black Boxes, Nanosuit Upgrade Modules, Nano Modules, Nanosuit, Intel Locations, CELL Intel, Cellintel, BangForYourBuck, Bang for your buck, Bang for your Buck Trophy, Bang for your Buck Achievement, Mission3, Mission 3, Chap3, Chapter 3, The Root of All Evil, TheRootOfAllEvil,