DmC Devil May Cry: It’s Only the Rain (Trophy/Achievement) -HTG
-Trophy/Achievement: It’s only the rain (Bronze/10G): You Killed 10 enemies by pushing them into the Hurricane ride.
-Location: Mission 1(Found): Shortly after the start you will coming up to a spinning ride that will say kill below it in a cut scene.
(HTG)Jeremy shows you how to earn “It’s only the rain” trophy/achievement for Devil May Cry. The goal for the It’s only the rain trophy/achievement is to kill 10 enemies by hitting them up into the hurricane ride. To do this you need to hit O(PS3)/B(XBOX) to shoot them up into the hurricane ride. I recommend tapping it and not holding it so you do not go up and get hit as well. Just be patient and keep your back to the ride and you will earn It’s only the rain trophy/achievement for Devil May Cry. Follow along and soon you too will have the “It’s only the rain” trophy/achievement. Thanks for tuning in and let us know what videos you want for Devil May Cry.
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DMC,DmC,Devil,may,cry,devilmaycry, it’sonlytherain, it’s only the rain, it’s, only, the, rain, its, trophy, achievement, trophies, achievements, HTG, htg, happy, thumbs, gaming, happythumbsgaming,Walkthrough,Playthrough,Tutorial,ps3,Playstation3, Xbox360,PlayStation, xbox,360,PC,Trophy/Achievement,
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