Sleeping Dogs: Mission 1 – Show Some Muscle – HTG
(HTG) Brian shows you the first Mission or Level 1 of Sleeping Dogs and we also find our first Health Shrine towards the “Spiritual Healing” trophy/achievement as well as 2 Lock boxes working towards trophy/achievement “North Point Scavenger”. There are tons of collectables and there are lots of missions and side missions. We plan on doing them ALL! So make sure you comment and like the Sleeping Dogs videos so we know your watching them! Let us know if you have any specifics you would like to see videos for. Now sit back and enjoy Sleeping Dogs Show Some Muscle First Look.
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Sleeping Dogs SleepingDogs sleepingdogs walkthrough guide happythumbsgaming HTG HappyThumbsGaming Happy Thumbs Gaming (HTG) htg (HTG)Brian First Look Game footage Square-Enix Square Enix United Front Game PS3 Xbox360 Trophies Achievements trophies achievements game Playstation3 PlayStation 3 Mission 1 Mission1 Level1 Level Lvl1 Lvl Show Some Muscle ShowSomeMuscle showsomemuscle Lock box LockBox HealthShrine Health Shrine North Point Scavenger Spiritual Healing