Sleeping Dogs: Health Shrines Central 15/15 – HTG
(HTG) Brian shows you where the Central 15 Health Shrines to go towards the “Spiritual Healing” trophy/achievement in Sleeping Dogs .There are total of 50 Health Shrines in Sleeping Dogs and we start by knocking out the second group of 15 in the Central area. Hopefully this helps you grab the first 15 Health Shrines around the Central area and gets you closer to that Spiritual Healing trophy/achievement for Sleeping Dogs.
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Sleeping Dogs SleepingDogs sleepingdogs walkthrough guide happythumbsgaming HTG HappyThumbsGaming Happy Thumbs Gaming (HTG) htg (HTG)Brian First Look Game footage Square-Enix Square Enix United Front Game PS3 Xbox360 Trophies Achievements trophies achievements game Playstation3 PlayStation 3 Health Shrines HealthShrines Central central healthshrinesSpiritual Healing SpiritualHealing